Forbidden Chapter Ten- Demon, Dragon, and an Angel
Two days after meeting King Onyxe and learning about the dangers facing Asira. Xiaoyu along with Apollyn, Nara, and Angelina were tasked with finding and eliminating the remaining Children Of Ruin members on Asira. Only a day ago, the gang had encountered and slain the demon Agetos. Currently traveling within the state of Greenland. Xiaoyu and company are searching for the demon name Plamen. In order to stop from finding and killing his target. However less than two days of traveling. Nara has become restless with all the hero work
Nara: Man this demon hunting stuff is so BORING! I wish I had competed in the qualification instead
Xiaoyu: Still talking about that crap? It's been two fucking days already. Seriously shut up!
Nara: Don't tell me to shut up asshole! I can say whatever I fucking feel like saying. Onyxe totally fucking blackmailed me and am pissed!
At that very moment Xiaoyu turns around and punches Nara. Nara falls to the ground only to get back up. Nara retaliates by pushing Xiaoyu, knocking her to the ground. Upon being knock to the ground. Xiaoyu;s hands begin glowing intensely. Xiaoyu then rises from the ground, staring back at Nara with malice in her eyes. Nara ready himself for any incoming attack from her.
Xiaoyu: Bitch! How dare you put your hands on me? It's about time I kicked your ass
Nara: Are you fucking serious? I had with you treating me like your punching bag. Don't be mad at me because your boyfriend isn't around
Xiaoyu: Oh that fucking does it you smug son of a bitch!
As Xiaoyu goes to strike Nara. Apollyn grabs Xiaoyu from behind, holding her in her arms. Angelina goes over to Nara, placing her soft hands on Nara's bare chest. Xiaoyu tries to free herself of Apollyn's iron grip, but to no avail. Xiaoyu then begins to demand Apollyn to let her go
Xiaoyu: Apollyn! Let go of me now!
Apollyn: So Xiao, but Apollyn cannot do. Apollyn don't like seeing her friends fight on another
Xiaoyu: That sonabitch is no friend of mine! Now please let go of me Apollyn!
Angelina: Don't let go of her just yet Lynn. Nara as the male of the group. I need you to act more civilized
Nara: Angie are you blind? Am not the one starting fights amongst the group. As much as I hate going through this crap. I rather enjoy my time around Lynn and you. It's that cunt Xiaoyu I can't stand. Ever since Okubi went to the Underworld. She's became more of a bitch! It isn't my fault the King ordered Okubi to travel to the Underworld in search of some Hellin chick. I bet the real reason Xiaoyu's made is because Okubi's is going to find a new lady friend.
Xiaoyu: Oh you asshole!
Angelina: Nara!
Nara: Okay okay Angie, I'll stop. However if Xiaoyu puts her hands on me again. The shit is on
Angelina: Xiaoyu do you promise to stop attacking Nara?
Xiaoyu: Are you serious right now succubus?
Apollyn: Xiao please?
Xiaoyu: Alright! Am only doing this for you Apollyn As for the two of you, don't test me!
Angelina: Not a problem. I'm no fan of conflict. Especially among allies. I simply wish to find our targets and destroy as fast as possible.
Xiaoyu: No am sorry Angelina. Despite our past encounters. Back when you were still a psycho bitch. However since King Onyxe healed your mind. You haven't done anything to earn my scorn. I'm just angry about Okubi. I know I shouldn't feel this way, but I can't help it. As guilty as I feel about thinking it. A part of me feels as if Okubi has abandon us. Course in reality, Okubi is only doing what needs to be done. He didn't go to the Underworld to get away from us. He went to find this Hellin woman. In order to give us a fighting chance should Mastema be release from Forbidden. I just wish Okubi was fighting alongside the rest of us. I genuinely miss my friend.
Angelina: Do believe Okubi feels the same way about Lynn and you. Despite his devious poker face. I felt Okubi's true emotions about returning to the Underworld. How he truly felt about leaving both Apollyn and you. It caused him great sadness. Until now, Okubi never had any other friends than Eligos. Even back then Okubi viewed Eligos simply as a servant. The only friends he ever made since his existence. The fear of knowing he may never seen either one of you ever again. It hurts him more than you will ever understand. Unfortunately the well being of Asira is at stake. If Okubi doesn't find Hellin in a timely manner. Not only will Mastema be unleashed upon Asira. This time around, that bastard will succeed in destroying all life on this planet. So the next time you fell Okubi has abandon you. Think about the literal hell Okubi is going through. Having to face great dangers alone. In order that Asira and the very lives on it. May have a chance of survival
Xiaoyu: I never thought of it that way. I only thought about how I felt. Not taking Okubi's feelings into consideration. It just how fast he left. He didn't even say goodbye. I just wish he had cared enough to say "goodbye". That one word would had made a difference for me
Angelina: Would Okubi telling you "goodbye" matter if he doesn't return? In order deal with returning to the Underworld. Okubi had to remove himself from feeling any emotions of weakness. The greatest weakness being one's love for their friends and family. If Okubi didn't leave the way he did. He would probably not be able to handle being back to the Underworld. Despite our short acquaintance. I too worry about Okubi. Regardless we have to have faith in Okubi. Faith that he will return to us. If not for ourselves for him. In the meantime we need to get going. We still haven't located Plamen yet. Hopefully we find him before he finds a descendant. The last thing we want is for a descendant to die. Due to our personal issues.
Xiaoyu: You're absolutely right Angelina. As leader of this group. I need to start acting like one. Instead of some girl who lost her best friend. Even with Okubi not by our side right now. We will succeed in defeating the Children of Ruin. Plamen being the next of our many targets. For once the remaining members of the Children Of Ruin are dealt with. Along with the return of Okubi and Hellin. We may have a fighting chance against Mastema. Should he somehow be released from Forbidden
Nara: Not for nothing. It was your leadership yesterday night that helped us defeat Agetos.
Xiaoyu: That's very kind coming from you Nara. Besides I shouldn't worry so much about Okubi. That man is more capable than the four of us. Well at least Nara and I. The Underworld should be more worried about Okubi if they know what I know. Anyways enough meaningless chit chat. Let's get moving folks. Apollyn... please put me down! I can't believe you were still holding me all this time
Apollyn: Whoopsie! Xiaoyou is so light, Apollyn forgot she was holding her
Upon being released from Apollyn's grip. Xiaoyu begins walking towards Nara
Angelina: Oh not again!
Apollyn: Xiaoyu you promised!
Nara: So much for my compliment. I guess it's "Go Time!"
Xiaoyu: Everyone calm down! I not coming over to fight you Nara, but to apologize
Now standing in front of Nara. Xiaoyu extends her left hand out to him. Xiaoyu then begins to speak
Xiaoyu: Ever since we meet. I have been nothing, but a bitch towards you. While I don't agree with many of your opinions about demons. I can tell you're a good person. I have disrespected you on multiple occasions Yet you hardly reacted until today. In spite of our differences. We share a common goal. Both of us want to protect Asira at all cost. That's why I can't continue antagonizing you. In order to stand a fighting chance. We have to work together. So I extend my hand out to you. Hoping you can find it in your heart to forgive me? I'm genuinely sorry for my past treatment towards you. I promise I will be a better leader, a better friend.
Nara stares nervously at Xiaoyu, holding her hand out. After a few seconds pass. Instead of shaking Xiaoyu's hand. Nara moves in on Xiaoyu and hugs her. The unexpected reaction by Nara, takes Xiaoyu by surprise. Her face turns red as she feels her breast against Nara's chest. Nara holds onto Xiaoyu for a few seconds then releases her. Upon being freed from Nara's friendly grip. Xiaoyu quickly catches her composure. Nara smiles back at her with a newfound respect for her
Xiaoyu: So do you forgive me?
Nara: Totally! Even at your worst, I always felt goodness in you. I know I can be an asshole sometimes. For that I too am sorry. Hopefully for now on we can be best of friends?
Xiaoyu: Oh absolutely. Wouldn't want it any other way
Apollyn: Hooray! Everyone is friends again
Angelina: Please let it remain this way
Apollyn: As for Okubi, who knows. Maybe he won't be so alone in the Underworld. Perhaps Okubi will find an unexpected ally. Apollyn sure hopes so anyways
Continuing down Greenland, Xiaoyu and the other soon reaches Maple Road. Immediately Xiaoyu detects the presence of a descendant close by. Apollyn and Angelina too sense powerful presence nearby. One of that of a demon and an angel?
Nara: Ladies are you alright?
Xiaoyu: A descendant is nearby. We have to hurry!
Apollyn: I sense a demon nearby too
Angelina: Along with an angel
Nara: An angel? You can't be serious Angie
Apollyn: No Angie is very serious. Apollyn can feel it too
Xiaoyu: Hey I sense something too! I guess because of my Light nature magic. I'm able to sense a Holy presence nearby
Nara: Then what are we waiting for? Lets roll girls
Xiaoyu, Apollyn, Angelina, and Nara start running towards their desired destination. As the move pass multiple trees, getting closer to their destination. As they are about to reach their destination. A invisible force field blocks their path
Nara: Okay what's going on here? Why can't we get past here?
Xiaoyu: I hope you're not asking me? I have absolutely no ideal. Some sought of force field?
Apollyn: Force field? Apollyn hates force fields
Angelina: A force field? Why am I not surprised
Xiaoyu: Angelina! Do you know what's causing this?
Angelina: Based on what I know about angels. They can create force field within their surrounding area. Angels usually create force fields to keep civilians out. Meaning they are currently in battle with a demon or demons. While that maybe the case. I find it rather hard to believe. Mainly because angels haven't come to Asira for over multiple centuries. Not since the people of Asira first discovered magic. Once God Asira and his angels realized the beings of his planets can protect themselves. Angels have ceased coming to Asira to battle demons. Leaving it's citizens to battle the demons themselves. Course I won't denied this may be a rare case here. After all we did sense the presence of one. It just ever since Asira ordered his angels to stop coming to this planet. Sages, warriors, and beast people had became burden with the task of defending their world. Against the very monsters they once feared. Ever since the angels stop protecting the Asirian citizens. So many tragedies have taken place. So many precious lives lost. Only because the Asirians were deemed able to protect themselves.
Xiaoyu: What utter bullshit! I may not be overly into religion, but I sure as hell hold anger towards the beings of Heaven. So many tragedies have befallen this world throughout the years. Yet Asira and his angels just watch while we fight for our lives. Because we have the powers to combat these great and many evils. Doesn't mean we should have to fight them day in and day out. The level of unfairness is almost suffocating. So many innocent lives lost by the evil that constantly plagues us. Only for more lives to be lost down the line. What is the point of having a God watching over us if he doesn't intervene when we need him most?
Angelina: Not that I disagree with you. However Asira and his angels work in mysterious way. Ways that no common being could ever hope to understand. Even as a demon with my knowledge. I will never understand how a God thinks. Back to our current situation. The barrier is beginning to become visible. We'll be able to see what's going on from the other side. This should prove to be interesting
On the other side of the force field. The gang spots a man wearing a ragged reddish black thawb with a bisht of the same color and condition. His head hidden in a black mask, only exposing his demonic eyes. The man's muscular arms exposed. Holding a scythe sword in each hand. Across from the cloaked demon is a young and slender woman. Short and shiny orange hair. The woman wearing a ivory shirt with cerulean cuffs, cerulean mini skirt, and cerulean boots. Holding in her hand a glowing peach colored sword. The woman stares down the demon as they prepare for combat
Plamen: Unsightly woman. Leave at once or I will unleashed an evil upon you like no other. I only want the boy
Lisa: My name is Lisa Brown and who are you calling ugly shit face? As Asira's toughest angel. I came down here to end your evil deeds demon. I will not allow you to harm this man
Plamen: Then so be it! I shall kill you first!
Xiaoyu: This Lisa Brown chick is nothing I expected an angel to be
Apollyn: So spunky
Nara: So fucking hot!
Angelina: More like unusual
Xiaoyu: What do you say that Angelina? Shouldn't we be happy Asira has finally sent down some angels to help us out? I mean she's the only we encounter thus far, but am certain more are down here... I hope
Angelina: Don't bet on it. There's some odd about this one. Asira, the planet has dealt with bigger evil than the Children Of Ruin. Yet not one single angel has ever intervene in past crisis. Why is this angel here, I wish to find out
Nara: Why is it such a big fuss about an angel being here? We should be grateful of such a sexy... I mean divine help. Now be quiet while this hot angel beats the shit out of Plamen
Lisa: Okay Peacemaker get ready to cut this asshole into bits
Apollyn: An angel that curses? That feels so wrong
Angelina: This girl is raising my suspicions the more I see her in action
Nara: OMG! Watching this sexy angel in action is totally awesome!
Xiaoyu: I'm starting to regret making peace with you. I just hope this angel is more capable than she looks
Apollyn: While angels are the opposite of demons. They are just as stronger. That what Apollyn's mommy said anyways
Plamen: Heaven is about to lose one of their angels. I will make sure you die with waves of regret. Only a fool will challenge me and expect to survive
Lisa: BLAH BLAH BLAH! Shut the fuck up and fight already
Plamen: Insolent worm! Let's see you handle my DOOM PORTALS
Raising his right hand high. Plamen summons multiple ebony portals to surround Lisa. Holding her blade, Peacemaker firmly. Lisa ready herself for any attack thrown her way
Plamen: Let's see you guard against this... FLAMES OF RAPTURE!
As Plamen commands, the Doom Portals unleash blazing bronze colored flames onto Lisa. Nowhere to run, the flames swallow Lisa whole
Nara: Dammit NO!
Apollyn: Poor pretty angel. Those flames swallowed her like I swallow a marshmallow
Xiaoyu: This is so wrong. Not even angels are spared from death
Angelina: Settle down everyone. Don't be fooled by the girl's appearance. This fight is far from over
Looking on with devious satisfaction. Plamen watches as his flames continue to burn away at Lisa. However a bright baby pink light begin to shine within the flames. A light only a living angel can produce. Plamen satisfaction immediately disappears. Swiftly replaced by anguish. The beautiful baby pink light continues to shine, causing the bronze colored flames to vanish. Emerging unscathed, Lisa is surrounded in a orb of baby pink energy
Lisa: Ha ha ha bitch! Did you really think such a shitty attack would be the doom of me? Get serious!
Plamen: Damn you wrench! I'll just take you out head on
Gripping his scythe swords firmly. Plamen's body glows in a demonic bronze aura. Plamen then removes his head mask, revealing his ferocious face.
Lisa: Gross! I expected you to be ugly, but DAMN! Yet you had the nerve to call me ugly earlier
Plamen: Consider yourself unlucky for surviving my flames. Because this next attack will not only be more painful. It will be the bringer of your demise!
Lisa: Demon please! Case you haven't notice. I'm a angel, the living symbol of justice. Like any good justice, I will prevail! Now prepare yourself asshole. Because my next attack will be the last thing you'll ever see
Plamen: Conceited cur! I had enough of you mouth, DIE!
Moving at an intense speed. Plamen charges towards Lisa, ready to cut her down with his scythe swords. Responding with her own deadly charge. Lisa runs towards Plamen surrounded in a baby pink aura. Holding Peacemaker in her hands. Lisa prepares to deliver the finishing blow
Plamen: Say hello to the Spirit Realm cur
Lisa: Never been there and don't plan on going either. Enjoy becoming another worthless spirit of the Underworld asshole
The two warriors continue to charge towards the other. Once they are close enough. Both Lisa and Plamen lift their weapons into the air. Then bringing their weapons down towards the other. Both blades stopping the other from hitting their marks. Lisa and Plamen stare each other down, turning the sword match into a contest of strength
Plamen: Foolish cur! You do not have to strength to defeat the Mighty Plamen. Give up now and accept your death with honor
Lisa: "Accept my death with honor?" What fuck is great about dying? Anyways I had all I can take of you. Peacemaker! Make Mama proud and unleash your true power against this demon
Glowing in an intense mango colored light, Peacemaker begins to overwhelm Plamen. Using all his might to defend with his scythe swords. Despite his best efforts, Peacemaker breaks his blades into many pieces. Shattering Plamen's blades into pieces. Peacemaker also cuts through Plamen. Not only has Plamen been defeated and fail his mission. The death he had hope to bring upon Lisa has befallen him. Standing still in a momentary shock. Plamen's body explodes into pieces of baby pink, baby blue, and light yellow cotton balls
Xiaoyu: What the hell just happened?
Nara: We all saw the sword cut through him. Yet not one drop of blood spilled
Apollyn: Now that's what I call an finishing blow! Totally awesome!
Angelina: From what I can tell. Peacemaker doesn't kill in the traditional sense. Whatever it cuts does not bleed blood, but cotton
Lisa: How did you like me now? I bet you didn't like my COTTON EXECUTION! I hope you good folks behind my barrier enjoyed the show
Xiaoyu: You knew we was here?
Nara: She's an angel, duh
Angelina: Like demons Xiaoyu. Angels can also detect the presence of other beings around them.
Apollyn: You were awesome angel lady
Lisa: Oh wow, you're a demon!
Xiaoyu: As an Angel. I hope you know that all demons aren't evil?
Lisa: Oh geez, drop the attitude demon lover... just kidding? I can totally tell that cute sky blue hair demon is a goody. Unfortunately I'm not exactly getting good vibes off the blonde
Angelina: I'm currently going through oh how I should say... a recovery of sought.
Xiaoyu: Despite her sinister demonic aura. Angelina is on the side of good
Angelina: That's still too early to tell Xiao, but I'll try not to prove you wrong.
Lisa: As for you sir. I can sense the great aura of magic that surrounds you. Oh I see, you're a descendant too I bet
Nara: Totally! However aren't angels suppose to know everything? I thought your kind shared the same knowledge as your creator?
Lisa: Yeah well... am not like my fellow angels
Angelina: I knew it! Your what sages of the Old Time called a Chosen! A being that wasn't born an angel, but turned into one upon death. Yet despite this, you seem to remain many non angel qualities
Apollyn: Like cursing for one
Angelina: Yeah that, but I meant her whole attitude in general. Other than your angelic blood and powers. Your mannerism is that of a mortal
Lisa: As strange as it sounds, I like being this way. The powers of an angel, but the soul of a human. What more can a girl ask for? Course I wish I hadn't died when I did sixty years ago
Xiaoyu: You died?
Nara: Oh man how tragic!
Angelina: Weren't either of you listening earlier? A Chosen is a being made into an angel after death! Meaning Lisa had to die first in order to Asira to make her into an angel. However becoming a Chosen isn't a simple thing to do. According to legend, a Chosen must had died a noble death in order to even be considered by Asira. Even if a being dies a noble death. Becoming a Chosen isn't guaranteed. Lisa is very lucky Asira choose her
Lisa: Tell me about it! Anyways enough about me. Now that Plamen is vanquished. I need to get back to Neville. Let the lad know he can come out of hiding
Xiaoyu: Neville?
Lisa: The descendant I was protecting. He's hiding in the pond not too far from here. Follow me
As gang follows Lisa to the pond. No more than seven minutes later, the group locate the big pond
Lisa: We're here. Okay Neville you can come out now
The water immediately begins to rumble. The group senses an individual rising from the bottom of the pond. In a matter of seconds, a unknown figured emerges from the pond. Standing before the group is a naked purple skinned man. Nara and the girls excluding Apollyn, shut their eyes in embarrassment
Nara: I didn't need to see that
Lisa: Neville! Put some damn pants on
Apollyn: Nice!
Neville: Sorry Lisa. I didn't mean to be flash everyone. However when I'm in my Frilled Shark form. Wearing pants is more than impossible. So excuse me while I put my pants on now
After Neville puts his pants on. Xiaoyu immediately begins to speak to the young descendant
Xiaoyu: From what I can see. You aren't hurt
Neville: Oh I'm 110% okay. Lisa here made sure I encounter no wounds. I just wished she had let me helped
Lisa: I couldn't run the risk of you getting killed. Besides I fight better alone
Xiaoyu: So exactly where were you heading before you encounter Plamen?
Neville: I was on my way to meeting a friend in Bronwyn. My friend Laurel was going to teach me a powerful water spell. While my current magic is great. I doesn't give me the opportunity to use my Frilled Shark form in combat. Laurel who uses the magic art, Aqua! Laurel is able to create water balls, water prisons, and create tidal waves. I plan on learning how to create tidal waves.
Xiaoyu: That's very good to hear Neville. May I suggest one thing though?
Neville: Sure
Xiaoyu: I would feel a lot safer if you go to the Royal Lands instead. My friends are I are working with King. King Onyxe has sent us to rescue as many descendants as possible. If you decide to go to the Royal Lands. The King will provide you a safe haven until the Descendant Hunters are killed off. Better known as the Children Of Ruin. A group of sinister demons that are sacrificing descendants like Nara and you for their evil goal. Course if you decide to continue to your friends. I will be fine with that too
Neville: Is it possible I can go get Laurel and take her with me to the Royal Lands?
Xiaoyu: I doubt that would be a problem. The King will welcome both Laurel and you with open arms. I'm personally sorry you had to go through all this
Neville: It's cool Miss...
Xiaoyu: Xiaoyu, Jia Xiaoyu! My mistake for not introducing myself earlier. By the way, that's Nara right there. Another descendant just like yourself. The two ladies behind me are Apollyn and Angelina
Neville: Hey everyone. Sorry about my full frontal earlier
Apollyn: Oh hello to you too hungsome, I mean handsome!
Angelina: A pleasure to meet you sir. I'm just glad you didn't end up dead like some of the other descendants.
Nara: Seeing another man''s penis is a bit unnerving, but it's all good. Just happy you're alright
Neville: How kind of you all. Anyways I think I'll do just that Miss Xiaoyu. After I go meet up with Laurel. We'll head over to the Royal Lands
Xiaoyu: That's good to hear. So I guess this is farewell then
Neville: Why so dramatic? Am sure we'll meet again soon. Unless of course you want me to travel with you all?
Lisa: Oh that won't be necessary Neville. Just be careful on your way to Bronwyn. Now that you know that you're being targeted by the Children Of Ruin. I hope you will be more alert
Neville: Of course Lisa. Thanks for saving me once again. Anyways it's time I got moving. One more thing. Make sure you take your own advice. Don't let those evil demons kill any of you. Farewell for now friends. I hope to see you all soon
Nara: Like wise man. Hopefully not naked either
Apollyn: Bye bye Neville... bye bye big purple penis
Angelina: I hope we meet again too Neville. Be safe
Xiaoyu: Remember grab Laurel and go straight to the Royal Lands. Oh yeah, avoid going through the Autumn Forest. That place has quite the monsters
Lisa: Be safe or else punk!
As the group wave good bye to Neville. Neville continues his way towards Bronwyn.
Lisa: So I guess I better get going too. I got some more descendants to find and demons to kill
Nara: Hey Lisa! Maybe you haven't notice, but the five of us share a common goal
Xiaoyu: Wouldn't you perhaps like to travel with us?
Lisa: I don't really know. I kinda like being on my own right now
Angelina: You said that rather convincingly... not!
Apollyn: Oh please Lisa. We would SO much enjoy your company
Xiaoyu: Not only that, but having an angel on our side would be a great help. Especially with our strongest member in the Underworld by the King's request. We really can use all the help we can get. Course we won't force you if you don't want to join us
Lisa: You punks force me? Ha! Well I guess it wouldn't hurt to travel with you bunch for a little bit. However get in my way or piss me off. I'm out!
Xiaoyu: Sounds fair enough. Welcome to the team Lisa
Lisa: So exactly where are we heading too?
Xiaoyu: Arundel will be our next destination. According to King Onyxe's premonition. The next Children Of Ruin will be appearing there in a day. As you already know. Wherever a Children Of Ruin member is at. So is a descendant they are hunting
Lisa: So I guess Arundel is where I will be going. See ya!
Out from her back, two majesty angel wings spring forth. Lisa immediately begins to flap her angel wings, taking to the air
Nara: Hey what's the big fucking deal?
Xiaoyu: I thought you were going to travel with us?
Lisa: Sorry, but I changed my mind. Besides I can get to Arundel a lot faster on my own. It's nothing personal, but I think it's best if I travel solo. Okay bye
With a vigorous flap of her wings. Lisa takes off, leaving Xiaoyu and the others behind
Nara: Still sexy, but a total bitch!
Apollyn: Apollyn feeling sad. Angels aren't suppose to lie
Angelina: Oh don't be too hard on her guys. Despite Lisa's rather rude behavior. She's actually scared. It could just be me over thinking. Yet something tells me Lisa isn't suppose to be here. Not fighting the Children Of Ruin anyways
Xiaoyu: Are you alluding that Asira didn't give Lisa permission to come to our world? I have heard from my grandmother when an angel leaves Heaven without Asira's permission. They will either become a mortal or disappear within a few days. I sincerely hope that isn't what Lisa's real problem is
Nara: Well we got other problems than some bitchy angel. We need to get to Arundel and find the next demon
Xiaoyu: I guess that will be best for now. Hopefully we'll catch up to Lisa. Try talking to her and finding out what's really going on
Continuing their travel Xiaoyu and gang make it out of Greenland an hour later. Arriving into Redwood, the group are only another six hours from Arundel. Course with the night approaching soon. They already plan to locate a hotel in the next city. Traveling through Redwood forest, a sudden scream greatly startles the group
Xiaoyu: My God what was that scream?
Apollyn: Someone's in trouble
Nara: Xiao, is it a descendant?
Xiaoyu: No! I can confirm that much. Yet that scream sounds like someone's in danger. AAHHH!
Apollyn: AAHHH!
Angelina: OH NO!
Nara: Girls! What's wrongs
Angelina: Don't tell me you don't feel that mass of dark energy
Nara: AAHHH! I feel it's now. It's absolutely fucking terrifying! What in the hell could cause such evil energy?
Xiaoyu: Can it be?
Apollyn: It is
Angelina: A Dragon!
Nara: But here? How?
Angelina: While large numbers of their kind has been killed off. Dragons are still far from extinct. Every once in a while. A dragon or dragons will travel out of Dragoria in search for some pray
Nara: So what do we do ladies? It's not like we don't have magic or powers on our side
Apollyn: As a demon, I shouldn't be so afraid of dragons. Yet the power they posses is like that of a demon
Xiaoyu: I don't know about you guys, but I can't ignore someone in danger. I'm going to go help and do what I can. I just hope am not too late
Angelina: Xiaoyu wait! Let's talk this out a bit more
Xiaoyu: The longer we wait. The quicker that woman is going to be killed
Without saying another word, Xiaoyu takes off. Apollyn quickly follows behind her.
Angelina: Nara are you going too?
Nara: I never fought a dragon before. Just the thought of it makes me want to shit my pants. However I refuse to run away from danger without a fight. If you're too scared to fight Angelina. All I can say then is that you're one sorry excuse for a demon. Adios!
Like Xiaoyu and Apollyn before him. Nara takes off to fight the dragon, leaving Angelina behind. Minutes later, both Xiaoyu and Apollyn arrive on the scene. Locating the source of the scream. Both Xiaoyu and Apollyn were surprise to see it was Lisa. Lisa's back against a tree and Peacemaker in her hand. Lisa nervously faces down the gigantic dragon before her. Xiaoyu and Apollyn momentarily frozen with fear. As they stare at the horrifying beast before them. Using her light powers to gain composure. Xiaoyu summons the courage to battle against the creature threatening Lisa. Ready to take action, Xiaoyu turns to Apollyn
Xiaoyu: Apollyn! Listen to me good. I'm going to attack this dragon. While I'm keeping that monster distracted. Run over to Lisa and make sure she's okay
Apollyn: Are you sure about this Xiao?
Xiaoyu: As sure as I'll ever be Lynn. Just don't let me down
Apollyn: Okay
Xiaoyu: Okay 3..2...1... LIGHT BEAM!
Extending her right hand out. Xiaoyu unleashes a beam of light towards the dragon. As Xiaoyu's attack successfully strikes the creature. Apollyn swiftly runs over to Lisa
Lisa: Oh man am I happy to see you again
Apollyn: Save it liar! I'm only helping you because it's the right thing to do. I'm very crossed with you
Lisa: Apollyn I meant no ill will when I left you guys. Besides I can't tell a lie. One of my few angelic aspects about me. I genuinely changed my mind. I really wanted it at first though. It's just... XIAOYU!
Looking back at Xiaoyu. The girls watch in horror as the dragons moves towards Xiaoyu. The dragon unleashes a blast of crimson fight at Xiaoyu. Quickly reacting, Xiaoyu creates a LIGHT SPHERE to protect herself. Unfortunately the dragon's fire proves to be more powerful than Xiaoyu's barrier. As the flames slowly, but surely began to break through her sphere.
Lisa: Those flames. It's burning through her defense. If we don't hurry. She's going to be burned alive
Apollyn: I won't let my BFF get killed!
Apollyn's chest immediately begins to grow breast. As Apollyn begins building up power. Creating two big balls of jawbreakers in each hand. Apollyn throws them furiously towards the dragon. The jawbreakers had hit the dragon successfully. Causing the giant beast not only to bring harm upon Xiaoyu. The dragon had recoil due to the power of Apollyn's attack. Despite taking a powerful hit. The dragon quickly recovered as it turned it attention to Apollyn and Lisa. Just then Nara appears to aid his friends in battle. The young sage's eye glowing Icy Blue. Nara begins creating a giant snow ball
Nara: Over here, you fucking mutated lizard! How bout you try my GIGANTE SNOWBALL for size
After creating the enormous size snowball. Nara throws it vigorously towards the dragon. As Nara's attack approach the dragon. The dragon opened his mouth, releasing a blast of crimson fire. Melting away Nara's attack as it had never existed
Xiaoyu: A snowball! Really Nara? DRAGON BREATH FUCKING FIRE!
Nara: Well excuse me for trying to be helpful
Lisa: Apollyn I think it's up to you and me to take down this beast. Otherwise both Xiaoyu and Nara are toast
Apollyn: Hey Apollyn got an idea. I'll just use my CARAMEL TRAP! Anything that's caught in Apollyn's Caramel Trap will be completely immobileeze
Lisa: Don't you mean immobilize?
Apollyn: Maybe? Anyways it's time Apollyn traps this beast within her sticky caramel
Opening her mouth, Apollyn spit up a blob of caramel in her left hand. Forming it into a ball, Apollyn takes aim at the dragon. Seeing what Apollyn's about to do. Xiaoyu prepares to unleash an attack of her own. Just enough to distract the beast
Xiaoyu: Here go everything... LIGHT ARROWS!
From her hands, Xiaoyu unleashes a barrage of light energy arrows towards the dragon. Nara assists Xiaoyu with distracting the dragon. Using his signature attack SAPPHIRE BLIZZARD!
Lisa: There's no time like the present. Go for it Apollyn!
Holding the blob of caramel in her left hand. Apollyn goes into a pitcher like position. Taking a few seconds to make sure her attack hits. Once assured of her own success. Apollyn throws the blob of caramel at the dragon. The strategy proved to be a success. Both Xiaoyu and Nara's distraction allowed Apollyn's Caramel Trap to hit the dragon. Covered all over in sticky caramel, the creature struggles to free itself
Lisa: ALRIGHT! That was awesome! Now for me to put this ugly fuck down for good
Apollyn: Um Lisa... is it me or is that dragon's body glowing really red?
Xiaoyu: I don't think it's just you Lynn
Nara: That dragon's look like it's about to blow or something
Lisa: Shit! The dragon is using OVERHEAT! Not only will OVERHEAT melt the caramel holding it. We're about to get hit by a very powerful fire attack. One powerful enough to melt even a demon
Apollyn: An angel too
Lisa: Totally! Xiaoyu hurry and create a barrier around Nara and you. Apollyn grab onto me. Hopefully my PRETTY BARRIER can withstand the heat of this attack
Doing as instructed, Xiaoyu creates a LIGHT BARRIER around Nara and herself. As Lisa protects Apollyn and herself with her Pretty Barrier. The dragon's body glows in a intense red light, unleashing a big burst of heat! Unfortunately for Xiaoyu, Nara, Apollyn, and Lisa. The dragon's OVERHEAT proves too strong for the barriers to withstand. The scorching heat breaks through both barriers. Sending all four heroes crashing to the ground. Upon hitting the ground, both Xiaoyu and Nara are knocked out. Due to being such powerful individuals. Merely injured, Apollyn and Lisa rises from the ground.
Lisa: OUCH! I hate pain!
Apollyn: Second here. Anyways where is Xiao and Nara?
Lisa: Oh no! Look over there
Apollyn: XIAOYU! NARA! Are they... dead?
Lisa: That fact that none of us have been scorched. I say they are alive. The impact of Xiaoyu's barrier breaking must had knocked them out. Either way this isn't good. Where is Angelina by the way? Wasn't she with you guys? We really could use her help here
Apollyn: Well Angelina sensed the dragon and felt it's great power. Angelina decided not to help Apollyn and friends
Lisa: Nothing like a coward. I guess it's just you and me then. First let me use a healing spell. We can't do much in our current condition. At least let's heal up to eighty percent. Otherwise that dragon is going to have all four of us for dinner
Apollyn: If it doesn't just take Xiaoyu and Nara instead. That creep is moving towards them
Lisa: Shit! Course it would. Xiaoyu and Nara are easier prey compare to the two of us. We gotta hurry up and do something
Apollyn: Okay Apollyn will fight dragon while Lisa heals
Apollyn immediately gets up off the ground and runs towards the dragon
Lisa: Apollyn wait! Do just charge in like that so recklessly. Dammit it's no use. She'll protect her friends no matter what. I can't help but feel this is all my fault. If I just stayed with them. WHY AM I SO STUPID ASIRA?
Lisa quickly chases after Apollyn. As the girls approach the dragon. The dragon prepare to launch another attack
Lisa: Apollyn hurry and move out the way. That fucker is about to strike
Apollyn: Sorry Lisa, but Apollyn can't worry about Apollyn's safety. I must protect Xiaoyu at all cost
Lisa: This is futile. Peacemaker please protect my friends and me
As the girls get closer to their target. The dragon flaps it;s wings as it prepares to strike
Lisa: Dammit no!
Gathering enough wind, the dragon unleashes his attack HEAVY WINDS! The big blast of wind strikes both Apollyn and Lisa. Sending the girls crashing hard to the ground. More hurt than before, but due to being unique beings. The girls are not yet defeated. Unfortunately they are too wound to continue fighting without healing
Apollyn: Apollyn can't believe this. The dragon is too strong for us. Lisa if you have the strength to do so... run
Lisa: Run for what? Leave you and the others to die? If there's one thing about me Apollyn. I don't abandon my friends no matter what
Apollyn: Yet you abandon us earlier
Lisa: The reason for that was different, but wrong none the less. I promise if we somehow survive this. I promise to remain by you guys side as long as needed
Apollyn: I was right about you Lisa. You're the coolest angel I ever meet
Lisa: I'm the only angel you ever meet, but thank you. However out of all the demons I have encountered, you're definitely my favorite.
Apollyn: Apollyn is not afraid to die Lisa. Just promise me you'll save Xiaoyu and Nara. I will unleash my full power and bring this monster down.
Lisa: Oh no more with increasing your breast sizes. They look ridiculous as it is. Also like I already said, I don't abandon my friends. That means you. Now let's try another tactic. One we're I distract the dragon and you save Xiaoyu and Nara
Angelina: How about we try a tactic where I captured the dragon and everyone lives
Lisa: Angelina!
Apollyn: You came back for us
Angelina: I had a rather startling encounter with a dragon once. I was just a human girl back then. I guess my fear over the years hasn't really subsided. However my friends need me and that's more important than any fear I have. Besides a dragon like this is much too good to let go
Lisa: Okay was it just me or did Angelina sound like a villain?
Apollyn: That's the Lilith side of her. I guess the King really couldn't rid Momo of all her wickedness
Lisa: Momo?
Apollyn: Angelina's birth name. Don't worry, you'll get to know us better once we start hanging out
Angelina: Now girls, I need the both of you to stay out of my way. While I capture this dragon, Lisa I need you to start healing yourself. As a demon Apollyn, you'll heal naturally. Once you're done healing yourself Lisa. Tend to Xiaoyu and Nara
Lisa: Are you sure you don't need any help?
Angelina: I got this! Just do as I say
Lisa: Well okay then
Lisa begins to heal herself as Apollyn's body starts to heal itself. The dragon then turns it's attention to it's newest foe. The creature now more furious than ever. After battling four adversaries prior. It now must compete against an ever stronger foe. The dragon charges at Angelina with lightning speed. Angelina remains calm as the creature approaches
Angelina: Yes that's it. Come to mama! I will be happy to add a beast like you to my repertoire of powers. I shall turn you to what I shall call Lilith's Pet Dragon
Once the dragons is only a few seconds away from hitting Angelina. Angelina puts her right hand out before her. Glowing in a bright amethyst light
Angelina: Now become apart of me powers. DARK CONFINEMENT!
Right before the dragon could strike Angelina. Amethyst colored energy surrounds the creature. The amethyst energy takes the shape of a crystal. Immediately trapping the dragon inside of it. After seconds of struggling, the dragon surrenders.
Angelina: Perfect! Now you will disappear until I have need for you. Begone for now my sweet pet
By Angelina's command, both the dragon and the amethyst crystal containing it disappears. Lisa and Apollyn fully healed. Lisa quickly runs over to Xiaoyu and Nara. Once being healed, Xiaoyu and Nara quickly rise to their feet
Nara: Wow! I feel like I been reborn. Haven't felt this good in a minute
Xiaoyu: I one hundred percent agree with you. I haven't felt this good in awhile. Obvious the work of a healer. Thanks Lisa
Lisa: Oh don't thank me, thank Angelina. If she hadn't join the battle when she did. I don't think we all would had made it out alive
Nara: I guess I owe somebody an apology
Angelina: Not necessary Nara. I was behaving like a coward.
Xiaoyu: Well it took a lot of courage to come back and save us
Angelina: You're giving me way too much credit Xiaoyu. It wasn't so much courage, but moreso interest! For I decided to captured our winged adversary for myself
Nara: You did what?
Xiaoyu: Angelina!
Angelina: Oh calm down guys. I simply made the dragon apart of my arsenal of magic. I'm able summon the creature when needed. Course only for battle. I'll need more time with my new pet before using it for other things. Like flying us around throughout Mayland. Now that's out the way. I have a question I want to ask of you Lisa
Lisa: I already know what you're going to say Angelina. For a smart woman, you're rather obvious. Anyways no I was not sent by Asira to come down to Planet Asira and aid in the battle against The Children Of Ruin. I just got so fucking sick and tired of watching those descendants being brutally murdered and sacrifice for the Janiel bastard
Xiaoyu: Janiel? I thought it was Mastema who the sacrifices were being used for?
Lisa: Oops, spoiler alert! None of you were suppose to know about Janel until later within this story. Now I gotta use FORGET FORGET BEAM! (Sorry Author, me and my Heavenly Knowledge)
Lisa creates a flash of bright light from her body. Causing everyone around her to forget what she had said a few seconds ago
Lisa: Back on the topic at hand. I wasn't down here by Asira to aid in the fight against The Children Of Ruin. I came down here for my own reason. I couldn't continue to watch as innocent descendants were brutally murdered. In order to free that bastard Mastema from Forbidden! Since I wasn't sent down here by Asira. I put my life as an angel at risk. I will either become mortal by two weeks or disappears. Either way this sucks so bad. That's why I didn't want to travel with you guys at first. I was afraid you would looked down on me if you knew the truth of my situation
Xiaoyu: Look down on you? Are you fucking insane? Lisa... you are one of the coolest and truly good beings I have meet since I began this journey. You cared about the lives of not only the descendants, but the citizens of Mayland and the rest of planet Asira so much. You put you're very angelhood on the line for it. If that isn't the act of a noble being, I don't know what is. Don't worry about dying or becoming mortal in two weeks. We'll make sure the Children Of Ruin are defeated by then. You'll have nothing to fear
Lisa: Yeah nothing to fear except never being allowed back into Heaven
Nara: I can't believe Asira could be so cruel to one of his own angels. Here I thought demons were the worst things to exist. A God is even worst
Lisa: Hey don't you speak about my boss like that! Asira didn't exactly say I will turn to a mortal or die in two weeks. It's just what I usually read in myths when I was still human. Asira could had just stopped from coming here by simply thinking it. Yet I made it down here with zero struggle
Angelina: Is it possible to say Asira approves of you being here?
Lisa: I really don't know. I really don't want to think about that right now. Well now that you guys know my situation. I hope you let me stick around?
Xiaoyu: What kind of question is that? Course you can stick around. Not only we could use your help. We genuine would like having you around. I always known you had a good reason for ditching us earlier. We were just too mad to understand why
Nara: Well now that we know the truth, who cares? Am just glad to be traveling with another babe. Now before we going to Arundel. I need to get some food in my stomach
Apollyn: That goes double for Apollyn. Apollyn is SO HUNGRY!
Angelina: We all could use a nice meal and some rest. We can't save the world on an empty stomach and lack of rest. The nearest hotel shouldn't be too far from here
Xiaoyu: Sounds like a plan. Tonight we celebrate to yet another day we bested the odds. Now lets get moving. Am starting to crave food the way Apollyn craves sweets
Apollyn: That just means your very very hungry.
Lisa: "It's been so long since I felt this happy. I never imagined I would be fighting alongside the Great Heroes. Asira please forgive me for leaving you side. I just could not continue to stand by and do nothing. While the Children Of Ruin killed innocent lives. May you find it in your heart to forgive. I also ask you to bless my friends and I throughout this journey. From this point on, things are going to become even more difficult. My friends and I need all the help we can get. Anyways goodbye for now my Lord. I hope I can return to you and the others soon enough"
After a long day of traveling and fighting for survival. Not only did Xiaoyu and company gain two new allies. They managed to save another descent from becoming sacrificed. As the group goes to find a place to eat and sleep. Tomorrow will prove to be a greater challenge. None the less, they must believe in themselves and each other. In order to not only to survive, but to save Asira and all of it's inhabitants. The fight between good and evil rages on
Having just exited the S.S. Grim. Okubi and Eligos arrives to the city of Tristaville. The larger city that will bring Okubi closer to his main destination, Babylon. Once arriving to Babylon, Okubi will meet with the Demon Lord, Othello! If he should survive his journey to Babylon. Perhaps he will have a chance of obtaining the whereabouts of Hellin from her mother. Course no journey would be complete without the many dangers waiting ahead. In order to survive in the Underworld. Okubi will have to rise about all obstacles that stand before him.The fate of Asira depends on Okubi's survival. Failure is not an option!
TO BE CONTINUED! The Underworld Saga begins here