Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Cool Warriors Costume Set


1. Apollyn

2. Nara Chabla

3. Angelina

4. Lisa Brown

5. Hellin

Including Okubi, Xiaoyu, and Anna. A total of EIGHT Cool Warrior Costumes

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Forbidden Chapter 13


Arrival to the Gore Stadium! Okubi's Unexpected Opponent

As Okubi and company approach Viola Island. They immediately spot a pumpkin orange haired woman in green. The woman stares directly at Okubi with her heterochromia eyes. Staring at the mysterious woman. Okubi and the others sense she means them no trouble. Along with sensing no malice vibes from the mysterious woman. Okuki notices the woman has a familiar scent.

Jorge: Oh hey Anna. I guess the boss was expecting these demons

Anna: Indeed she was... two of them anyways

Okubi: If you have a problem with my company. We can always turn back

Eligos: Considering what's a stake Master Okubi. We can't afford to do that. However Lisa Alice and Carabia can go back with Jorge. At least the rest of our journey will be pleasant

Lisa Alice: It would be even more pleasant if you weren't here. Neither yours or anyone else objections will detour me. I fully intend to see this journey through, no exceptions!

Carabia: That goes double for me

Jorge: If Anna says the two of you are not needed. I will gladly take you back. Even by means of force

Okubi: Try it and see what becomes of you! If my comrades are not welcome than neither am I

Lisa Alice: "Comrades"? Did we just get promoted Carabia?

Carabia: Oh so funny L.A. Okubi just simply loves being difficult. Okubi will never consider us his "real" friends. We are only here out of convenience

Lisa Alice: Oh I know dear. I just needed to hear it out loud. Okubi doesn't really care about us. He just doesn't appreciate being told what he can't or can't do. Must be a trait he gets from his father

Anna: We don't have time for this. Your friends can come if they want. Just don't be surprise if the Queen has them executed upon arrival. The Queen absolutely detest uninvited guest

Okubi: Well Queen Othello better "un" detest uninvited guest. Especially since I'm the guest of honor. Long as am around. Nothing shall happen to those in my company. Now send your friend off to wherever and let's get moving

Anna: I couldn't agree more. Jorge I got it from here. The Queen shall reward you for a job well done later tonight. Now please get going now

Jorge: Thank you Lady Anna. I look forward to my reward tonight

Lisa Alice: I bet you do

Jorge: What do you mean by that?

Okubi: Exactly what she meant. Now leave before I get angry

Jorge shoots Okubi a fiery glare. Okubi response with a glare of his own. Looking into Okubi's eyes. Jorge nearly pisses himself. Sensing Okubi's desire to rip him to shreds. Once accepting that Okubi's powers are greater than his. Jorge takes his leave and paddles away. Shocked by Okubi's rudeness. Anna turns to face him

Anna: Mr. Vice! Your level of rudeness if unnecessary. Threatening a servant of the Queen's is unwise

Okubi: Oh please! Jorge long served his usefulness. His presence was beyond unnecessary. Now that it's just the five of us. Theirs something I wanted to ask you?

Anna: By all means ask your question

Okubi: You share a scent of a half demon I meet prior. By any chance are you related to James Del Soto?

Anna: That man! Unfortunately I'm his daughter! Where exactly did you meet him?

Okubi: I meet him during dinner at the King's Castle. An absolute imbecile, but loyal to the King. I never expected I would meet his daughter. Life is truly interesting

Anna: How unfortunate! I was hoping he was in the Underworld somewhere. Therefore I can hunt him down and

Lisa Alice: Bad blood between father and daughter? Oh how interesting!

Anna: It's a long story. One I won't be sharing with any of you

Okubi: Good because I didn't ask. My only interest is getting to Babylon

Anna: About that... the Queen had made a last minute change. Originally I was suppose to bring you to her Kingdom in Babylon. However a friend of the Queen's invited her to Ascariasis. Just two towns over from Babylon

Okubi: May I ask exactly for?

Anna: Oh my you really don't know?

Lisa Alice: There are a lot of things Okubi doesn't know about the Underworld. It's only a guess, but I believe we'll find the Queen at Gore Stadium!

Anna: How right you are. Queen Othello's friend invited her to the stadium. The Queen just love the entertainment over there.

Okubi:  The Gore Stadium? The name itself sounds unpleasant

Carabia: Unpleasant is an understatement. Only the most barbaric of demons compete in that stadium. Fighting each other to the death. It's a total blood feast over there.

Anna: Now that we know our true destination. We need to get a moving. The faster I bring you to the Queen. The faster Princess Hellin can be rescued

Eligos: Rescued?

Okubi: Exactly what happened to Hellin?

Anna: Dammit! I wasn't suppose to mentioned that. However Princess Hellin is being held in Lord Koga's Castle in Jazan. The Queen will fill you in on the other details. May I ask none of you mentioned anything I just said to her. I already been punished for my previous mess up. I sincerely don't want another one

Okubi: There is no need for you to worry. We will remain silent on that matter... right Lisa Alice?

Lisa Alice: Oh sure. There is no gain for getting little miss Pumpkin hair in trouble

Carabia: Or is it?

Eligos: The two of you won't say a word of else

Okubi: The both of you will deal with me!

Carabia: Oh how scary. As if you would dare harm Lisa Alice. Let alone little o' me!

Beyond irritated with Carabia's big mouth. Okubi grabs the demon spirit with both his hands. Trapped between Okubi's hands. Carabia attempts to squirm free but proves futile. Okubi looks down at Carabia with malice in his eyes

Okubi: How soon you forget of my Spirit Toucher ability? Don't force me to pop you like a balloon you arrogant buffoon! Anymore sass from you and I shall show you no mercy. Do I make myself clear?

Carabia: Crystal clear. Now please release me this instant!

Okubi releases Carabia as he immediately goes hiding behind Lisa Alice. Attempting to hide her annoyance by Okubi's action. Lisa Alice starts laughing hysterically

Lisa Alice: Ha ha ha ha ha ha! You're quite the monster Okubi. I wonder what made you so vicious?

Eligos: As much as I wanted to enjoyed that. I only could think back when you would threaten me like that

Okubi: My apologies everyone. Can we please just get going now?

Anna: Finally! Now come on and follow me

While journeying through the Viola Forest. Okubi and company encounter several vicious creatures. While Okubi and Lisa Alice fights using their known powers. Anna's style of combat proves rather orthodox. Combating the vicious creatures. Anna fights using talismans, tarot cards, potions, and seals. After defeating the creatures and exiting Viola Forest. While finally arriving to Babylon. They still are far from their true destination. Deciding to take a quick break. Okubi and company dine at a nearby restaurant. Once they finish eating and Okubi pays for the meals. Heading over to the Hades Station, the group boards the train. On their way to Ascariasis. Everyone decides to take a light nap. An hour a twenty three minutes later. Okubi and company have enter Ascariasis

Eligos: What a wonderful nap. We're finally here everybody

Anna: Good! The Gore Stadium is only a few miles from here

Lisa Alice: Hopefully we don't encounter any trouble on the way

Okubi: Hmph! Don't hold your breathe. I just want to hurry up and get this over with. The faster I meet Othello, the faster I can rescue Hellin. Course I won't mentioned that to Othello as promised

Anna: Thank you

Lisa Alice: Whatever! I just want to get to the stadium already. I just realize how much I detest long travels

Carabia: I knew sooner or later you would start complaining. I honestly hate this traveling myself

Okubi: Well too bad! Now shut up and keep on moving

Lisa Alice: Always in such a hurry. I wonder how long before something dumb happens? Like being attacked by something unexpected?

Carabia: Considering the company we're in. Something awful is bound to happen. It's just the matter of when?

Eligos: Something awful has already happened. The two of you are still here

Carabia: Oh how wonderful. More pointless nagging from a pointless spirit


Carabia: Make me!

Okubi: Cut it out the both of you1 The next time either one of you bicker. I'm going to pop you both like boils

Eligos: But Master Oku--

Okubi: No bits just do. Seriously what did I get myself into?

Anna: Well you insisted they come. Don't get upset now that "your company" are behaving luke hooligans

Okubi: Don't you start with me Anna. As rare as it maybe. Even am capable of making mistakes. This happens to be my latest one

Anna: Well let's just hope our travel goes smoothly. We're already half way to the stadium

Continuing their travel to Gore Stadium. A half hour later, Okubi and company are merely steps away from Gore Stadium. Approaching the huge arena, Okubi and company suddenly sense something sinister. Suddenly a flash of lighting appears before them. Temporary blinded by the bright light. As the flash fades away, a mysterious woman stands before them. Taking one look at the mysterious woman. A blind man could tell she comes from money... lots of it! Her neon yellow shaped in a thundery design. The woman wears a satin red dress, showing off her cleavage. Along with a white fur coat and boots to match her dress. While the others are stunned by the woman's shocking appearance. Knowing exactly who the mysterious woman is. Anna swiftly blurts out her name

Anna: Princess Mihoshi!

Mihoshi: What a pleasant surprise. Servant girl completed a task without any fuck ups. Mother will be please

Okubi: Princess Mihoshi? Here I thought Hellin was Othello's only child

Anna: The Queen has three children. Course she only acknowledges her daughters

Mihoshi: Still telling strangers things you aren't suppose to? I bet you already told them what happened to Hellin?

Anna: *Gasp*

Okubi: What exactly did happen to Hellin?

Mihoshi: Do you take me for an idiot?

Okubi: Was I not suppose too?

Anna: Okubi! That's the Princess you're talking too

Okubi: You say that as if I give a damn! I only treat people how they treat others

Mihoshi: So you're Okubi? I didn't imagine you to be so short or feminine looking. Your presence is so fucking annoying

Okubi: The feeling is mutual. Now step aside. I didn't come here to waste time with you. I'm here to speak to your mother. The woman that's actually in charge of Babylon

Lisa Alice: I'm going to meet the Queen. Can't wait to tell my friends back at home... if I had any

Mihoshi: Who the fuck are you?

Lisa Alice: The names Lisa Alice of Rot City. Over there is my associate Carabia

Carabia: To be in the presence of royalty. To be honest am not all that impressed

Mihoshi: HOW FUCKING DARE YOY! Anna what did we tell you about uninvited guest?

Anna: Princess Mihoshi this isn't my fault. See what happened--

Okubi: They are traveling with me! As I told your spineless servant. If my company isn't welcome than neither am I. Trust me when I see your mother, I will tell her that as well

Mihoshi: Ha... HA HA HA HA HA HA HA! You're a real piece of work kid. You absolutely have no idea what's in stored for you. I can't to see you inside the arena

Anna: The arena? You can't mean Okubi is going to compete in Gore Stadium

Mihoshi: Oh but he will Anna. Unless of course he doesn't want to see the Queen

Eligos: Hey wait a minute! King Onyxe didn't mention any of this?

Mihoshi: King Onyxe? Who gives a fuck about him? My mother is the one calling the shots. King Onyxe was simply a messager. Once Okubi arrived to the Underworld. Everything he does is accordance to my mother's plans. Now the he's here in Ascariasis. It's time we gets things started... Okubi's Execution!

Upon hearing Mihoshi announcing Okubi's execution. Eligos, Lisa Alice, Carabia, and Anna become overcome with terror. Okubi on the other hand wears a expression of annoyance. The expression one has when they been tricked. Fighting her desire to not scream in terror. Anna forces herself to look Mihoshi directly in her crystal blue eyes.

Anna: Princess Mihoshi.... your mother... the Queen mentioned nothing about an execution. I mean what could Okubi had done to be deserving of one. I thought we needed him to rescue your sister?

Lisa Alice: As much as I hate to say this. It was bound to happen. After all it's an open secret. Okubi murdering his mother Ophelia. A demon murdering his own without just cause

Eligos: Or a cause the Underworld won't accept! This is absolutely fucking ludicrous! Okubi did not... it wasn't what you think. He didn't murder Ophelia with evil intentions. YOU HAVE TO BELIEVE ME!

Okubi: Don't waste your breath Eligos. Even if I told the Counsels of the Underworld the truth. They would still deem my action a betrayal... just as I have. A demon killing another demon with no just cause is murder! Nothing I can do or say will change their minds. My mistake was ever returning back to this forsaken world. Now I must pay the price for my crime

Anna: Your murder your own mother? You're no different from my father. Both of you are horrible half demons

Mihoshi: Bitch! Aren't you a half demon part lizard or some shit like that? Anyways Okubi is going to be executed and that's that. Now if you will little man. Go around the stadium and enter through the gray door. It's quite the walk down the stairs but you will manage

Lisa Alice: Hey what about us?

Mihoshi: The rest of you will be coming with me. Going to warn you motherfuckers now. Make any sudden moves and I'll fry your asses. You folks should consider yourselves fortunate. It's not everyday commoners are welcome to witness an execution. Especially not one this special. After nearly three hundred years. Okubi Vice is finally going to pay for his crime. Today is the day Ophelia shall be avenged! Now if you will Mr. Vice. Start walking towards the end of the dome. Then make a left turn. Once you see the gray door... enter it! As for the rest of you. You'll be following me if you know what's good for you

Eligos: I will be going nowhere with you! I ONLY TAKE ORDERS FROM MY MASTER!

Mihoshi: You little piece of shit! HOW DARE YOU RAISE YOUR VOICE TO ME!

As Mihoshi shouts at Eligos. Her voice creates thunder like sounds throughout the area. In spite of the others being startle. Both Okubi and Eligos remain unfazed by Mihoshi's temper

Okubi: As his Master. I order Eligos to follow me. Everyone else will go with you. However if any of my friends are harmed. I'm coming after you Mihoshi!

Mihoshi: Are you threatening me little man?

Okubi: I don't make threat. It would serve you well to heed my warning. Now come on Eligos. I absolutely hate dragging the inevitable. If I should be executed. I will accept my punishment like a man. My only regret is not seeing my friends once more. Unfortunately I won't have the opportunity now. Lisa Alice will you do me a favor? When you see Apollyn next time. Tell her I had always admired her loving heart. I was just too angry to appreciate back then

Lisa Alice: Okubi that's something you're going to have to do yourself. We may have our differences, but I never wanted you to be killed

Carabia: I mean if Okubi is going to be executed. What will become of Eligos? A Demon Spirit cannot live outside of the purgatory without an attachment to a living being. Am not sharing L.A. either

Eligos: That's fine by mean. My existence is meaningless without Master Okubi

Anna: Okubi may I ask you just one question?

Okubi: I don't see why not

Anna: Why did you kill your mother?

Okubi: To be honest... I really don't know. I guess I could save for the greater good, but I don't truly believe that. Am just like your father. A selfish man who deserves to die

Mihoshi: Thank you! Now take your ass to that gray door already

Okubi quickly gives Mihoshi a nasty look. Then he along with Eligos starts moving towards the stadium. Once in front of the gray door, Okubi opens it and enters inside. Using Eligos as a light, Okubi walks down exactly four hundred and fifty seven steps. After reaching the final step. Okubi passes through a bronze color door. Arriving to the other side. Both Okubi and Eligos find themselves in the middle of the arena. As the duo look around. They are surrounded by a large number of on lookers. Inside the crowd ranges from various demons of various nobility. Okubi and Eligos then spots Lisa Alice, Carabia, and Anna within the crowd. Sitting next to them is Mihoshi and two overly muscular demons

Eligos: Looks like the Princess took some precaution

Okubi: I don't know why. None of those fools would risk themselves to save us. Anyways were is Othello?

As Okubi and Eligos stand cautiously inside the stadium. Okubi following with Eligos spots another bronze color door. Entering through the bronze door is a woman in purple. Immediately noticing the woman's tall and buxom physic. Mesmerized by the woman's ever changing shades of yellow hair. As the unknown woman approaches Okubi. Her revealing attire causes Eligos to have a mental boner. Feeling the God like powers emitting from the woman in purple. Okubi realizes exactly who she is. Plus with the woman sharing a similar scent to Mihoshi. There's absolutely no mistaken on the woman's identity. Before anymore time is wasted. Okubi immediately calls out the woman's name

Okubi: Queen Othello!

Othello: The one and only darling. Well well Mr. Okubi Vice. The Son of Boris the Brave and Lady Ophelia. One parent lost during a war. The other... murdered by her own son!!! Tell me Okubi. Did you really think you were going to get  away with murdering Ophelia?

Eligos: Excuse your majesty. May I have a word with you?

Othello: No!

Eligos: But your Majesty

Othello: I said NO!

Winking her left eyes. Othello uses her Spirit Shock technique on Eligos. Okubi watches in horror as his beloved servant is electrocuted. As Eligos nearly falls to the ground due to shock. Using his demonic reflexesm Okubi catches Eligos in his palm. Kneeling on the ground with Eligos in his palm. Okubi turns his head to face Othello. Giving her a look of absolute hate. Othello stares back at Okubi with an unfazed expression

Othello: Even with that pest in your hand. I still can hurt him. However he's not the one need of punishing. After all you're the one being executed!

Okubi: Attack my servant again and I will execute you!

Ignoring Okubi's threat. Othello turns and faces the crowd

Othello: Hello ladies and gentlemen. Today for out main event will be the Execution Of Okubi Vice! As some of you already know. Nearly three hundred years ago. A young half demon had murdered his mother. From our many seers of the Underworld. Some say it was out of anger, a few out of fear, and one who is no longer with us. Claims that Okubi killed his mother in order to save the inhabitants of Asira. Whatever the case maybe. A demon has murder his fellow demon without any probable cause. Not only did he killed his own mother. Okubi had fled the Underworld in order not to face trial.

Lisa Alice: Hey wait a second? Why would Okubi need to face trial in the Underworld? He killed Ophelia in Asira

Anna: Which would mean only the citizens of Asira can trial Okubi

Carabia: Based on what Eligos has told me prior. Okubi didn't kill his mother out of malice, but to protect the citizens of Asira. Meaning Okubi would be considered a hero and not a killer. Yet the Underworld seeks to have him punished? Something is not right about this situation

Mihoshi: If any of you fucks know what's good for you. I suggest you zip your fucking lips and be silent! Otherwise Okubi won't be the only one being executed

Othello: Fortunately with the help of an associate of mine in Asira. We managed to bring Ophelia's killer to justice. Now while most criminals of the Underworld are allow trial. In order that they may prove their innocence. However Okubi's action have shown he is more than guilty. A man without any remorse for what he's done. Despite what he will tell you. The truth of the matter is... Okubi hated his mother! Ever since he was born. Okubi despised his mother's existence. He only allowed her to live until he no longer needed her. Once the opportunity presented itself. Without hesitation, Okubi literally obliterate his mother from existence. Such a cruel act deserves punishment! That's why we are all here today. To witness the execution of a heartless killer! Today is the day we execute one Okubi Vice! Inside this very arena. Lady Ophelia shall finally receive her overdue justice.

After hearing the entirely of Othello's verdict. Despite ever word from her mouth being a lie. Okubi immediately breaks down into tears. Not only has Othello has assassinated his character. Okubi had done the unthinkable. Revealing his weakness to the enemy. Tears continued to run down his eyes. His words filled with hurt. Okubi begins to lash out at Othello

Okubi: HOW DARE YOU! HOW DARE YOU SPEAK SUCH LIES! Never in the entirety of my existence. Have I ever felt nothing less for my mother than love. You think you know me, but you have no clue. I didn't murder my mother out of hate. I never wanted to kill her. However had I not acted when I did. Thousands possibly millions of lives would had been destroyed. It like something pure evil took over my mother's soul. Causing her to unleash utter chaos throughout Asira. My mother was going to kill a injured mother carrying her newborn baby. As much as I didn't want to. I couldn't just stand by and watch more innocent lives be destroyed. In order for me to do what needed to be done. I rid my heart of all the love I had for her. Giving me will to kill her. Unfortunately for both my mother and I. The love I have for her returned just as fast. Once I realized what I had done. Realizing what I had done was beyond unforgivable. The pain my actions had caused me. It made me ever regret I was ever born. Never have I wanted to feel the pain. The pain of losing a love one. Not only was I without a father, but now a mother. The worst part about the latter. IT WAS ALL MY FAULT! At that very unfortunate day. I wanted to do nothing more than die! My reason for living was now dead. Nothing matter to me anymore. My mother love me with all of her heart. If it had been me causing a havoc on Asira. My mother would had found a better solution. One not involving having to kill me. Unfortunately I wasn't as strong. In her darkest hour. As her child, her only child! I should had done more to save her. Sadly all I could was kill her. A decision I regret til this day. Not because I wanted the innocent to be killed. I just didn't want to live in a world without her. So if you believe I should be executed. I can accept that. What I won't accept is your lies! I did not kill my mother because I hated her. I killed because I didn't have any other choice.

Eligos: Master Okubi?

Othello: So you don't deny the fact you did kill your mother?

Okubi: I already said what I had to say. I won't repeat myself

Othello: That's fine by me. Your confession is all I needed. It's time we get your execution started. First and foremost, rise to your feet! Absolutely nothing worst than a graceless death. I know you had a sorry excuse for a mother, but that no excuse. To behave like a pitiful child in a face of death. As a man even as feminine as you. Should face death with dignity. Especially one that is guilty as yourself!

Okubi: I'll gladly rise and accept whatever my punishment mabye. However talk ill about my mother again and I will kill you!

Othello: Your mother is a pig bitch! Do you really think you frighten me boy? I'm a fucking Demon Lord for goodness sakes. A being of great and divine powers. Powers beyond your fucking imagination! So if I were you, I would shut the fuck up! Lucky for you, I'm not your executioner. Otherwise you would already be dead! Now if I were you, I would send your servant off somewhere. Unless he wants an up close and personal witness to your demise

Eligos: Okubi I will NOT abandon you!

Okubi: Eligos it's okay. Whatever it is I have to face. I would fair much better with you not around. So please go off somewhere for some time. If this should be my final hour. I want to thank you for loving me when I didn't love myself. Thank you for putting up with me for so many years. I know I wasn't the kindest master. I treated you like garbage for so many years. I didn't deserve a servant a loyal and loving as you. I hope you can forgive me? Forgive me for all I have put you through. I want you to know from the very bottom of my heart. I'm truly sorry for all the grief I had caused you. Consumed by the anger in my heart. It made made me a cruel master to a loving servant. By some miracle I should survive my execution. I promise I will cherish you for all of eternity. However for now I bid your farewell

Still holding in his palm. Okubi brings Eligos to his lips and kisses him. Once he removes his lips from Eligos forehead. Okubi releases Eligos from his grasp. Okubi watches as Eligos slowly fades away. Before completely disappearing from the stadium. Eligos looks into his Master's eyes. Eligos says one final things to Okubi before fading away

Eligos: Master Okubi... please don't die on me!

Once Eligos leaves the stadium. Okubi turns his attention back to Othello

Othello: Now that's sappy bullshit is out of the way. It's about time with get your execution started. I shall call it "The Three Hundred Year Karma". Now my brutes, bring out Okubi's executioner!

From the opposite side where Okubi stands. The same bronze doors Othello enter through reopens. Coming through the door are four demons carrying a cage. While the cage is covered with a black cloth. Okubi can sense the power level of the being inside. A power like nothing he ever felt before. While Okubi worries what maybe inside the cage. Refusing to show anymore weakness to the enemy. Okubi goes into his battle stance

Othello: Now remove the curtains and release the executioner

The brutes does as Othello commands. They remove the curtains and open the cage. Watching his executioner crawling out the cage. Okubi's expression quickly changes from confident to petrify. Not only was his executioner a woman. The woman's appearance was nearly identical to of his beloved mother. The only difference was the woman's hair and skin color. While Ophelia had shiny light yellow hair and beige skin. The executioner had blush lavender hair and earth yellow skin. As Okubi struggle to fight off his shock. In order that he would be able to fight. Now staring at Othello with unmeasurable malice. Okubi angrily begins talking to Othello

Okubi: What kind of witch craft is this!

Othello: Oh what's the matter Okubi? Does the appearance of Cordelia bother you? Perhaps she reminds of somebody? A certain Someone you may had killed?

Lisa Alice: This Othello woman is absolutely the lowest of the low. That executioner looks almost exactly like Ophelia

Carabia: I guess it's when they say "the punishment never fits the crime!" This is absolutely despicable! Queen Othello is truly an evil individual

Mihoshi: That's my mama for you. Now shut the fuck up peasants! The show is about to start

Anna: "Something is very wrong about this situation. Okubi should not be receiving any sought of execution. I mean wasn't he suppose to rescue Hellin? What is the Queen's true intentions here? I can't believe I was tricked in doing her dirty work again. Okubi doesn't deserve any of this. I feel so bad about my statement earlier. All I want to do now is save him. Save him from this unjust punishment. Just the way I wished I could had been saved"

Okubi:  So this is my punishment? To be killed by my mother's look-a-like? You absolutely disgust me Queen Othello! I wonder what happened in your life to make you such a miserable witch!

Othello: Nothing that you would understand, but this isn't about me. I wasted enough of my precious breath talking to you! It's about time we got this execution started! Cordelia! Get ready to annihilate Mr. Vice, but before that. I must first explain to you the rules of Gore Stadium. Once the battle has begun. Both fighters must give it their very all. Meaning this is a brutal fight to the death. One cannot simply defeat their opponent in the stadium. They must kill them! Even if there is a clear winner in the match. If said winner does not kill their opponent. As punishment both will brutally murdered. Course I already know Cordelia will do what needs to be done. Regardless of the outcome, the real victor will be me! Now it's time for my brutes and I to exit the arena. Once I return to my seat your execution shall begin. Now any last words before I bid you farewell?

Okubi: Once am finished with her, you're next!

Othello: Ha ha ha... HA HA HA HA HA HA HA! Little boy! Do you realize who I am? I'm a fucking Demon Lord! A child like you could never hope to defeat me! Let alone defeat your executioner! Anyways I must must be taking my leave. Not only has enough time been wasted talking to you. Many important demons have come to watch your execution. I can literally feel their patience running thin. They want to see you die as much as I do! Now as I leave this lovely arena. I truly hope this will be the last time I see you alive! Goodbye forever Okubi Vice!

Turning her back to the young half demon. Okubi and her brutes exit the arena. As Okubi rages with anger. The young warrior turns his attention to his executioner. The very executioner created from his mother's DNA and several other demons. Cordelia looks back at Okubi with innocence in her eyes. However despite her innocent appearance. Cordelia has already surrounded herself in a menacing neon pink aura. Only seconds away before Okubi's execution starts. Cordelia finally opens her mouth to speak. Sounding exactly as Okubi had imagined

Cordelia: My apologies in advance. Unfortunately the Queen has found you guilt of murder! As punishment it is my duty to exterminate you! Understand I will not kill you out of hate, but out of duty. May you find it in your heart to forgive me. Once I send you off to oblivion. The Queen should nearly be arriving to her seat. Once the Queen is well seated. We shall begin with your execution. I sincerely hope you are ready?

Okubi: Ready? I'm always ready to defend my life! It's you who should be worried! Don't think because you nearly mirror my mother's appearance. I shall be taking any form of mercy on you! An execution is going to take place within this arena. However the one who's going to be executed is YOU!


Xioayu & Anna (Cool Warrior Costume)




Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Cool Warrior Outfit (Okubi)


One of my favorite Okubi costumes by far. More to come for other characters

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Forbidden Update 11/09/14

Forbidden Update November 09, 2014

1. Chapter Twelve Completed

2. New Profiles: Both Brutality and Lisa Brown added. Hisako has been updated

More Forbidden to come soon. Thanks for your views, peace and take good care. 

Profile Lisa Brown

She Who Risked Her Existence In The Name Of Justice

Name: Lisa Michelle Brown

Age: 28 upon death. Currently 65 years old

Gender: Female

Likes: Justice, cursing, teriyaki chicken, banana milkshakes, Adir (former fiance), ninja stories, Linda (decease sister), kittens, Asira (God & The World)

Dislikes: Strict Asira, injustice, needless violence, perky people, green honey

Magic Name: None. Lisa powers are given to her by Asira

Powers: Healing, flight, creating force fields, inhuman durability, sensing, immunity to poison, summoning Peacemaker

BIO: Before becoming an angel, Lisa was once an ordinary human. Born and raised in Silver Town. Lisa along with her older sister Linda. Grew up in a cabin with their mother and father. While life started off nice and simple for Lisa. An unfortunate event had happened one day. Forever changing Lisa's view about life. On a stormy night. Both Linda and Lisa were playing during a thunderstorm. While the girls are busy playing around. One of the nearby tree is struck by lightning. As the tree is about to fall on Lisa. Linda quickly pushes her sister away, being crush by the tree in her place. Realizing what had happened, Lisa begins to cry. Slowly dying, but with some strength left. Linda tells Lisa not to cry and to listen. "Baby sister who I love with all my heart. It is unfortunate that you and I cannot spend no more time together. Regardless I shall die happy. Knowing the one that I love most shall live on. Lisa my beautiful sweet sister. May the rest of your life be a happy one. I look forward to seeing the woman you will become. Tell Mom and Dad I love them and please live on. If not for yourself then for me. Goodbye my sweet Lisa". The next two years was rough for Lisa. Not only had she picked up the habit of cursing. Lisa felt great anger towards Asira. Blaming him for taking her beloved older sister away. As more time past and Lisa enter high school. Her anger subsided, but her sorrow remained. During high school, Lisa meet a handsome man by name Adir Samara. The attraction between the two was instant. However while Adir loved Lisa. He kept Lisa a secret from his family. Knowing Lisa wasn't the kind of woman they wanted their son to marry. Understanding her lover's situation. Lisa and Adir dated in secrecy. While having sex in Adir's room one night. Adir's parents have caught Lisa and Adir in the act. Despite Adir's father threat of disinheritance. Adir had refused to leave Lisa. The Samara family had decided to put up with Lisa. Hoping that their strict traditions would send her away. While Lisa despises her future in laws. Lisa was madly in love with Adir. Unbeknownst to Lisa and her future husband. Mr. Samara was targeted by an assassin. During Lisa and Adir's wedding, the assassin made his move. As the assassin went to shoot Mr. Samara. Like her sister, Lisa sacrificed her life to save Mr. Samara. As Lisa lay on the ground dying. The only though in Lisa's head was her sister Linda. As Adir kneeled next to his fiance, tears running down his eyes. Lisa had said to Adir "Despite how fucking annoying your old man is. I love you so much... I can't help but love them too. You'll find another beautiful woman to love, but you only have one father. I gotta get going now Adir, but know I will always love you". As Lisa passed away, she expected to end up in the Spirit Realms. Instead Lisa became a chosen. Upon witnessing her noble sacrifice. Asira had chosen Lisa to become an angel. Now as a holy being. Along with her fellow angels in Heaven, Lisa watches over the evil of the world below. Serving Asira faithfully for thirty seven years. The arrival of the Children Of Ruin. Lisa witnessed many innocent lives killed by the demons. Unable to continue watching such injustice. Risking her own existence, Lisa had exited from Heaven. Now on planet Asira, Lisa joins the fight against the Children Of Ruin

Saturday, November 8, 2014

Profile Brutality


Name: Brutality formerly Dela Regan

Age: 83. Thirty four when she became a demon

Gender: Female

Likes: Killing

Dislikes: Failure

Magic Name: Nox Summoning Art

Powers: Like any other demon, Brutality posses inhuman strength, durability, reflexes, speed, sense, and regenerating abilities. Using her summoning magic, Brutality can summon the following beings into battle

1. Nox Edimmu: A balloon like clown creature and Brutality's main summoning. Nox Edimmu has an array of abilities. From creating thick fogs to sucking out souls. Despite his fearsome appearance, Nox Edimmu is a kind nature summoning

2. Npx Victoria: Also known as simply "Victoria". Nox Victoria is a scantly clad lilin like creature. Used to seduce male enemies and attacks with violet colored energy balls. Don't let this creatures sexy appearance fool you. Nox Victoria is a creature not to be trifle with.

3. Nox Gagana: A deadly winged creature summons by Brutality. Attacking with his sharp steel claws. Gagana can rip his enemies apart

4. Nox Cosmin: Half human half fish creature Brutality can summon. A handsome creature with fish features. Nox Cosmin uses a rungu in combat. Brutality only summons Nox Cosmin when around water

5. Nox Cicada: A huge bug creature Brutality can summons. The laziest and weakest of Brutality's summong. Nox Cicada absolutely dreads being summon into battle. Using it's melodic voice. Nox Cicada can put enemies to sleep.


BIO: Before Brutality became the demon she is today. Brutality was once a human summoner name Dela Regan. Losing her parents at a young age. Both Dela and her sister Marisa were placed in foster homes. Despite being sister, Dela and Marisa did not get along. Marisa would often play pranks on her older sister. Causing the two sisters to constantly clash. Upon reaching their teenage years. Marisa was adopted by the Clarks, while Dela went off to Nox Summoning Academy. During her time in the academy. Dela quickly proved to be one of the school's most gifted summoners. After graduating Nox Summoning Academy. Instead of joining a guide as many expected. Dela had decided to become a nurse.

Working as a nurse for almost four years. Dela had remain single until one day. Hanging out a the local bar after work. Dela meet her future husband Jonathan Cardozo. Dela and Jonathan dated for severals month, before getting married. Life was fantastic for Mrs. Cardozo. Working a job she loved very much, good friends, beloved summoning(s), and most of all, a husband she loved with all her heart. Unfortunately Dela's beautiful life was coming to an end.

Returning home late one night. Not only did Dela catch Jonathan in bed with another woman. That very woman was her sister, Marisa. Her soul filled with malice. Dela had summoned Nox Edimmu to look into Marisa's soul. Realizing that Marisa was just as shocked as she was. Dela had then summoned Nox Gagana. As Nox Gagana flew Marisa off somewhere. Dela was ready to unleash her fury on her cheating husband. Absent of mercy, Dela had murdered Jonathan in the most brutal way imaginable. Only after having killed Jonathan. Dela had realized what she had done. Dela had tried to run out of town, but was caught by the authority.

Upon being sent to jail. Many had decided Dela should be given the death penalty. Fortunately for Dela, the then King of Mayland, King Alfred. Having known of Dela's great summoning abilities. Had decided to spare Dela's life. In exchange, Dela would become one of the King's assassins. Having become completely numb by her life experience. For every life Dela had taken. The darkness inside of her grew stronger. One day after completing her latest assignment. Dela and her teammates were confronted by a demon. A demon by the name Burlesque.

While the rest of her teammates were ready to fight Burlesque. Dela suddenly felt the desire to kill her teammates. A desire which Burlesque had cast upon her. As her teammates prepared to strike. Dela had summoned Nox Edimmu and order him to kill her teammates. After successfully murdering her comrades. Burlesque had open a portal to the Underworld. Dela following Burlesque into the Underworld.

Breathing the sinister air of the demonic world. Dela felt herself being transformed into something  unknown. The air of the Underworld had changed Dela's DNA. Turning her from a human into a demon. Once her transformation was complete. Burlesque had rename her Brutality! Serving as Burlesque right hand woman for the next twelve years. Each passing years Brutality's hate grew for her boss. However before Brutality could kill Burlesque herself.  Burlesque was killed in battle against an unknown demon. With her former boss now dead. Brutality decided to become a freelance assassin.

Thirty seven years later, Brutality meet a demon name Janiel. Uneasy by the mysterious demon's presence. Brutality had thought of killing Janiel. However after Janiel revealed his plans to her. Instead of attacking Janiel, Brutality joined him. Now a member of the Children Of Ruin. Brutality hunts descendants throughout Asira and sacrifices them. The goal being to free Mastema from Forbidden. Brutality will soon relearn life doesn't always go as planned.

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Forbidden Chapter 12

Forbidden Chapter Twelve - Darkside

 Having arrived to Arundel a half hour ago. Xiaoyu and her teammates waste no time getting to the Drab Forest. As the rush to the Drab Forest. Xiaoyu and her teammates hope not only to find the next demon. They also hope that they find a alive as well. Once the enter the forest, Xiaoyu immediately senses another descendant nearby, Both Apollyn and Angelina also senses a demon not too far. A sudden screech of pain coming from within the forest. More concern than before. The group of heroes take a moment to strategizes

Xiaoyu: It obvious from that scream someone is hurt

Angelina: A descendant being attacked by one of the Children Of Ruin I bet

Lisa: Then what in the world are we waiting for? Let's get a fucking move on

Xiaoyu: Not so fast Lisa. Who knows what kind of demons we may face? I don't it's best if all five of us show up at once. Here's the plan. Apollyn, you're going to carry both Nara and I to the demon and descendants location. Lisa and Angelina. The two of you will drag a bit behind. Just far enough not too be immediately spotted, but in range just in we need help. C'mon Apollyn, we don't have time to waste

Nara: Um I can like totally just turn into my water form. I mean I don't need Apo--

Before Nara could finish speaking. Apollyn grabs both Xiaoyu and him and runs off towards the assigned location. As Apollyn takes off with Xiaoyu and Nara in her arms. Angelina and Lisa stay close behind. Two minutes later Xiaoyu, Apollyn, and Nara arrive to the scene. The trio immediately spots a young woman holding her arm in agony. Lying on the ground. Standing above the woman is a demon dressed as a punk rocker. Before the demon could make a move on the injured female. Xiaoyu immediately yells out to the demon

Xiaoyu: HEY BASTARD! Turn around and back away from the girl! Apollyn you can puts us down

Apollyn: Okey dokey Xiaoyu buddy

Apollyn releases both Xiaoyu and Nara from her arms. Letting them hits the ground

Xiaoyu: Ouch! Thanks a lot Apollyn. Next time do it more gentle

Apollyn: Apollyn is so sorry

Nara: As I was trying to say earlier. I could had just went into my water form. Geez!

As Xiaoyu and Nara quickly rise to their feet. They prepare to engage in battle with the newly meet enemy. The rocker demons turns towards Xiaoyu and company. Holding in his left hand. A spanish crimson & black colored guitar. As the demon stares at Xiaoyu, Apollyn, and Nara menacingly. Despite her desired to attack the demon. Xiaoyu first yells to see if the injured descendant is alright

Xiaoyu: Hello miss. Are you badly injured?

Female Descendant: Other than my broken arms, thanks to that monster. I'm still able to move

Demon: Stay put little bitch or the next thing I break is your neck!

Xiaoyu: Don't you dare lay another finger on her asshole! Apollyn, you and I are going to go after this fucker. Nara! You go and get the girl out of harms way

Nara: Do you really think that's a good ideal? I mean, we don't even know what this demon's capable of? Let alone his fucking name?

Xiaoyu: Does his name really matters right about now? We have a descendant to save. If you're going to worry about names. Let's ask for hers first

Nara: Okey dokey! Hey lady, what's your name

Somnium: Somnium, Somnium Blueheart! Please help me

Nara: Don't worry Somnium. We're going to save you

Demon: Wanna bet?

Xiaoyu: I don't do bets. Especially with pieces of shits like you. We will save this girl one way or another. Before you say something stupid like "over my dead body". Trust me when I say that's the way we're doing it! Now guys get ready

Demon: Okay wait a second? You fuckers were seriously not going to ask me for my names? I know we're enemies, but show me some consideration. I'm not just some nameless trash assholes! That being said, let me introduce myself. The names Ethan Addison Blood-Kaiser, high ranking member of the Children Of Ruin. Now that's you know the name of your murderer. GET READY TO DIE MOTHERFUCKERS!


Xiaoyu releases a beam of light from her right hand towards Ethan. Nara's eyes changes from brown to cerulean. Nara transforms into a being made of water. As Xiaoyu's attack is about to strike Ethan. Swiftly stroking his guitar strings. Ethan creates a crimson colored sphere around his body. Protecting himself from Xiaoyu's attack. While Ethan successfully guards Xiaoyu's attack. Nara manages to get of a hold of Somnium. As Nara reverts back to his normal self. Ethan turns to both Somnium and him. Giving them a look of pure evil

Xiaoyu: Oh no you don't! Apollyn now!

Apollyn: SUGAR CUBE--

Ethan: I think it's my move, thank you very much. SOUNDS OF PANIC!

Stroking his guitar once again. Ethan creates a powerful shock wave. Hitting both Xiaoyu and Apollyn. The shock wave puts Xiaoyu and Apollyn in a state of vertigo

Nara: XIAOYU! APOLLYN! Hey my body? I can't move!

Somnium: Neither can I. We weren't like this a few seconds ago

Ethan: That's because I hit you both with my TERRIFYING GLARE! Did you honestly think I couldn't tell you we're a descendant as well? Fucking fools! The master will be so please with me. Bringing in two sacrifices at once. Now prepares to have your souls ripped out of ya

Nara: Fuck! I can't believe this is how am going out

Somnium: How do you think I feel? I don't want to die

Now facing both Nara and Somnium. As Ethan prepares to strike his guitar strings. A blast of magenta colored fire strikes him from behind. As Ethan crashes to the ground. Angelina appears before Nara and Somnium

Nara: Oh thank you so fucking much for that save Angie

Angelina: Don't mentioned it. I guess Xiaoyu's strategy was smart. Both Lisa and I was able to observe everything. Striking when the moment was right. Lisa is healing Xiaoyu and Apollyn of their vertigo. Now for me to break your paralysis

Angelina's right index finger glows in a magenta like. Angelina touches both Nara and Somnium with her finger, breaking them out of paralyzation. As Nara and Somnium rises from the ground. Ethan too gets back on his feet. Staring menacing at Angelina. Pointing his guitar in Angelina's direction. Ethan starts shouting at her

Ethan: FUCKING BITCH! Where in the hell you come from? I didn't even sense your presence nearby

Angelina: Some demon you are. I masked my presence so that I wouldn't be detected. My friends merely deceived you. Making you believe only three individuals came to kill you.

Lisa along with Xiaoyu and Apollyn runs over to aid their friends. Now all six individuals staring down Ethan. The demon stares back with unimaginable malice in his eyes. As his appearances becomes more demonic. Ethan begins shouting at the top of his lungs at his adversaries

Ethan: SO IT'S GOING TO BE SIX ON ONE EH1 You fucking pathetic ass pieces of shit COWARDS! Do you fuckers really think you're the only ones with backup? While I may not have a bunch of fags waiting behind the trees like you fucks. My little Darken friend is more than enough to deal with the lot of you. I thinks it's time I introduce you all to Geneviere, The Fallen!

Standing like an annoucer introducing an act. Ethan holds his right hand to the air. Waiting for his back up to appear. After a few seconds have passed. Ethan becomes more than frustrated. Irritation within his voice. Ethan once again calls for "Geneviere" to appear

Ethan: Calling Geneviere to center stage. Come out, come out where ever you are? Bring your ass out here and help me kill these fuckers... NOW!

Standing awkwardly once again. Ethan waits patiently for Geneviere to appear. The concerned that once felt by the heroes has long past. Taking it's place, a mixture of confusion and annoyance. Lisa immediately starts to laugh

Lisa: Oh this shit is too funny. This dumbass might as well be calling a corpse to aid him. Face it demon! Not only are you outnumber. You're out fucking classed!

Apollyn: Wait a minute. I remember my mommy telling Apollyn something about this. I believe it called "having an imagery friend?"

Somnium: Don't you mean an "Imaginary Friend?"

Apollyn: What did Apollyn's say?

Somnium: Never mind. Can someone please heal my arm. It hurts like hell

Xiaoyu: Am on it

Placing her hands on Somnium's injured arm. Xiaoyu's hand glows in a bright yellow light. In a matter of seconds, Somnium's arm is completely healed

Somnium: Thanks. I feel a whole lot better

Upon successfully healing Somnium and the non appearance of Geneviere. Ethan becomes enraged, striking the ground with his guitar. Finally he stops attacking the ground with his guitar. Ethan then raises his guitar, pointing it at his enemies.

Apollyn: Oh how sad. Evil demon man really expected his imagery friend to help. Apollyn feels pity him

Lisa: Don't feel sorry for this monster Lynn. Imaginary friend or not. Ethan stands no chance against us

Nara: Now that we're all 100% This fucker is about to go down!

Angelina: It's due time someone put this degenerate out of his misery

Xiaoyu: Agreed! It's time we put of end to Ethan

Somnium: It's time I get me some payback

Ethan: DAMN YOU GENEVIERE! Useless fake demon bitch! I guess I'll just kill you fuckers myself. If you think this was going to be easy, think again! Am about to hit you fuckers with my greatest hit! No one gets hit with this number and survives. Now prepares yourselves for your fucking graves!

Ethan begins playing vigorously on his guitar. Creating a dark rainbow like energy around him. As the music gets louder, the stronger the energy builds around him. Despite the immediate danger they're in. The heroes remain calm with the exception of Somnium. Who looks on with great concern in her eyes

Somnium: Ethan is surely building up some power. If we don't stop his attack. We are all going to be killed

Xiaoyu: Fear not Somnium. Lisa and I have practice to deal with these kinds of attack. Lisa you ready to try out of new defense magic?

Lisa: Damn straight! Grab my hand girly

Xiaoyu and Lisa grabs hands, immediately creating a circle of light around them.

Somnium: Whatever you two are about to do. I hope it works

Angelina: Oh it will my dear. This type of defense can only be down by two LIGHT elementals

Nara: Don't you worry Somnium. Xiaoyu and Lisa got this

Apollyn: It's absolutely fool proof. Trust us

Somnium: I wouldn't even be alive if you guys haven't rescued me. I'll definitely have faith in you all

Xiaoyu: Okay then Lisa ready?

Lisa: Baby I was born ready. Let's do this


The circle of light that surrounded them, grows into a golden sphere of light. As the golden sphere surrounds the heroes. Ethan prepares to release his attack

Ethan: Shows over... BLAST OF DESPAIR!

From his guitar. Ethan releases a big dark rainbow colored beam towards the heroes. As the sphere is hit by Ethan's attack. Not only does the sphere take zero damages. It begins absorbing the power of Ethan's attack. Once the beam has been completely absorbed. The spheres fades with everyone inside it unharmed

Ethan: No fucking way? That was my strongest attack and yet you all survived?

Xiaoyu: That's what happens when the enemy underestimates us. Looks to me you put your all in that attack just now?

Angelina: He certainly did. Poor things now too tired to continue fighting. How Unfortunate!

Lisa: Get Lilith in check Angelina

Angelina: My apologies

Nara: Now that's this fuckers worn out. I think it's time we finish him off.  I'll gladly starts things off

Nara's eyes changes from brown to icy blue. Now able to use his ice magic. Nara unleashes a blast of ice towards Ethan. Unable to dodge Nara's attack. Ethan's lower body is frozen

Ethan: So you're going to freeze me to death? I'm a fucking demon you moron. I'll just break out of this shit

Angelina: Not fast enough unfortunately. You'll be dead before then

Somnium: Courtesy of me of course

Lisa: You want to finish him off Somnium?

Somnium: If you don't mind. This is my payback for nearly being killed by him.

Xiaoyu: By all means Somnium. Send your would be killer back to the Underworld

Somnium creates a bow and arrow out of blue and white energy. Pointing her arrow directly at Ethan, Somnium prepares to strike

Somnium: This attack is not only for me, but for all the innocent lives you have taken. Now it's you who will die. JUDGMENT ARROW!

Somnium unleashes her attacks towards Ethan. As the blue and white energy arrow heads towards Ethan. The demon struggles to break free of the ice. Using the remainder of his strength, As Ethan manages to break free, Judgment Arrow hits it's mark. The energy arrows strikes Ethan in his chest. Ethan;s body immediately begins burning in a whitish blue blaze


Nara: Wicked cool attack

Xiaoyu: With a equally cool finish. Burn baby burn

As the whitish blue flames burns away Ethan's body. The demon falls to the ground defeated and dead. Due to the astonishing teamwork of the heroes. Another member of the Children Of Ruin has been defeated.

Xiaoyu: Another one bites the dust.

Apollyn: Hooray teamwork

Angelina: Now that's over with. Where do we go next?

Nara: I don't know about you ladies. I can definitely go for something to eat

Sonmium: Me too. I was on my way to Yeager Village before I was attacked. The have some of the tastiest bread pudding I ever eaten

Lisa: Bread pudding sounds delicious right about now. That with some cranberry juice, talk about delicious

Apollyn: Apollyn much prefers a strawberry cheesecake sundae

Somnium: I believe the dessert bar in Yeager Village has that as well

Apollyn: Oh goody!

Xiaoyu; Then Yeager Village it is. Lead the way Somnium

As the heroes follow Somnium to Yeager Village. A fog begins to form around them

Xiaoyu: What in the world?

Lisa: A fog building up around here? It hasn't even rain around here

Nara: Maybe from me going into my water form earlier?

Angelina: This fog is no fault of yours Nara. Something else is at work here

Apollyn: Do you think Geneviere created this fog?

Lisa: Didn't we go through this already? Geneviere was just Ethan talking bullshit. She doesn't really exist

Angelina: Well a Geneviere did indeed many centuries ago. I guess even angels don't know everything. During the Medieval Age. A Holy Knight by the name Geneviere Claudin. A noble protector of the Weiss Kingdom. Geneviere dedicated her life to protect the innocent from demons. After failing to save a young from a demon. Geneviere had decided to hunt down said demon. Geneviere followed the demon into the Underworld. Never to be seen again. That's the short version anyways

Somnium: Thanks for the speedy history course, but what about this fog?

Lisa: It's becoming thicker. Making it even harder to see what's around us

As the fogs begins to thicken. The group senses an ominous presence close by

Lisa: Someone else is definitely here

Xiaoyu: Something evil

Angelina: I knew this fog didn't happened out of nowhere

Nara: Didn't King Onyxe say there will only be one demon in Arundel? Some precog he proved to be. Shit! We just got finish battling Ethan

Angelina: King Onyxe didn't give us false information Nara. Onyxe must had only saw Ethan in his vision. Meaning whatever new evil is here with us, is not a demon

Lisa: Just fucking great! Not only did we have to fight a demon. We now gotta battle some unknown evil entity. Asira, you only know how angry I;m right now

Apollyn: Now Apollyn won't get to eat her desired strawberry cheesecake sundae

Somnium: I barely able to see a thing in this fog

Xiaoyu: Everyone hurry and grab each other's hands

Nara: That's will be easy for us, but Somnium is a bit further away

Xiaoyu: Somnium! Hurry up and walk back to us

Somnium: I can't see you guys anymore

While Xiaoyu, Apollyn, Nara, Angelina, and Lisa successfully grab hands. Somnium is unable to find her way. Due to the thickness of the fog. As the team prepares for happens next. They suddenly hear the sound of a head being cut off. Xiaoyu, Nara, and Apollyn immediately become filled with worry. Angelina and Lisa immediately senses that Somnium is no longer alive. As the fog rapidly starts to clear. The team witnesses a horrifying sight. As tears run down Xiaoyu, Apollyn, and Nara's eye. Somnium's headless body lies on the ground. Surrounded by a pool of her blood. Holding Somnium's head is a tall figure. Dressed in black and zaffre armor. Within the armor being's other hand, they hold a sword stained with blood. As the group looks on with terror in their eyes. Nara finally screams out to the armor figure. Never has his teammates heard such anger in Nara's voice

Nara: YOU FUCKING MONSTER! I'll fucking kill you!

Angelina: Nara please calm yourself. Don't do anything irrational

Lisa: She's right. The individual is nothing we ever faced

Nara: The hell with that! That thing killed Somnium! I'm going to FUCKING KILL IT!

Before anyone could stop Nara. Nara turns both into ice, charging towards the armor figure

Xiaoyu: Nara! Dammit, Apollyn cover me

Angelina: Not you too Xiaoyu!

Xiaoyu and Apollyn running behind Nara. As the trio prepare to attack, the armor figure raises it sword

Lisa: Guys be careful! The armor figure is about to strike

Xiaoyu: Don't worry about us. Nara, Apollyn you guys ready

Apollyn: Apollyn is ready

Nara: Let's do it

Xiaoyu: Three Way Ambush

As Nara charges straight towards the armor being. Xiaoyu goes to the left as Apollyn to the right. Xiaoyu first unleashes a blast of light towards the armor being. Raising it's sword, the armor being deflects Xiaoyu's attack. Apollyn then performs her SUGAR CUBE RAINFALL! Giant cube shape sugars starts fall from the sky, coming down towards the armor figure. Quickly with it's sword, the armor figure cuts away at the sugar cubes. While dealing with Apollyn's attack. The armor figure fails to notice Nara approaching. Nara raises his right hand, striking the armor figure directly in the face. The impact of Nara's attack sends the armor figure crashing to the ground. Upon hitting the ground, the armor figure's helmet falls off. As the face of their enemy is revealed. Angelina immediately becomes taken by shock


Lisa: A darken! How unexpected... how unfortunate

Xiaoyu: So exactly who is this woman?

Angelina: Ethan was telling the truth. That woman on the ground is the Geneviere Claudin!

Apollyn: How you be sure Angie? Wasn't this Geneviere person alive way before your time?

Angelina: I share memories with my other self Apollyn. The woman who murdered Somnium is Geneviere

Xiaoyu: Well there's nothing holy about this bitch

Nara: Who gives a fuck about who she is? I just want to beat her to death!

Angelina: So the stories were true. Geneviere went to the Underworld and became a darken. Not even a servant of justice can fend off the Underworld's corruption

Xiaoyu: It's really a good thing I didn't go with Okubi after all

Angelina: Back in her era, Geneviere was quite the fighter. Now as a darken, I expect her to be even stronger

Lisa: Even with her strength. The five of us should be enough to stop her

Nara: No! Just stay the fuck back! I want to fight this bitch by myself. I'm going to make her regret ever leaving the Underworld

Xiaoyu: Nara I understand you're angry

Nara: Angry? Xiaoyu am way fucking past angry! I'm FUCKING FURIOUS! These bastards go around, killing individuals like myself. Only because we are the descendants of the Great Sages. It isn't right and I had all I can take. Somnium didn't deserve to die. I swear on my name, I will avenge her death! Starting by killing that bitch! Then I will go and kill off the rest of The Children Of Ruin. Now stay out of my way or else!

Before anyone could stop Nara. The angry sage starts charging towards Geneviere. Swiftly rising from the ground. Holding her sword in her right hand. Geneviere summons a shield to her left. As Nara prepares to strike, Geneviere prepares a attack of her own.


Nara unleashes multiple ice shards from his hands towards Geneviere. As the attack comes towards her, Geneviere prepares to counter


Moving at in inhuman speed. Geneviere dodges each and every one of Nara's ice shards. Nara stunned by Geneviere's speed. The unholy warrior now stands before him

Nara: Impossible!

Xiaoyu: Nara no!

Due to shock, Nara is unable to move. Geneviere lifts her sword into the air. Preparing to delivery a fatal slash to Nara. As Geneviere goes to strike Nara. Lisa quickly yells out "MIGHTY LOVE" Creating a heart shaped shield over Nara. While Geneviere attack fails to kill Nara. The impact of her attack breaks Lisa's shield. Causing a blowback effect on Nara, sending him to the ground.

Angelina: Her strength alone broke your defense

Apollyn: At least Nara is still alive

Lisa: Looks like it's time I summon "PEACEMAKER!"

Lisa summons her beloved sword, Peacemaker into her hand. Sprouting her angel wings from her back. Lisa flies towards Geneviere. As Geneviere goes to strike Nara. Lisa intercepts her attack with Peacemaker

Lisa: I'll be your opponent now bitch

Geneviere: Pretender! You are no angel! Nothing more than a heathen harpy

Lisa: Bitch you dare call me a harpy! Now am really mad

As Lisa and Geneviere go head to head. Xiaoyu, Apollyn, and Angelina joins the battle



Angelina: BULLSEYE!

Using her spell "Bullseye". Angelina ensures both Xiaoyu and Apollyn's attacks hit their mark. As her comrades attack approaches. Lisa swiftly moves out the way. Allowing Geneviere to get hit by Light Pulse & Chocolate Bomb. Grabbing Nara off the ground and flying away. Both Lisa and Nara avoid the explosion cause by Xiaoyu and Apollyn's attacks

Xiaoyu: Direct hit baby! Thanks for the precision spell Angie

Angelina: Don't thank me yet. Geneviere is still far from defeating

As the smoke clears around Geneviere. The armor warrior emerges barely harmed. Pointing her sword towards her enemies. Geneviere begins to speak

Geneviere: Heathens! Do you truly believe you can defeat me? I'm Geneviere Claudin, the Unholy Knight. It's time I do away with you heretics!

Using her Unholy Agility technique. Geneviere flashes from one target to the next. Attacking each of the heroes with a powerful strike. Xiaoyu and Nara are sent rolling in one direction. While Lisa, Apollyn, and Angelina to another. The three women quickly rise to their feet. Unaware of Geneviere's true intentions

Lisa: It's going to take more than that to defeat us

Apollyn: Especially since we two are demons and Lisa's an angel

Geneviere: Fools! I know exactly what you're capable of. That's why I shall end the three of you now. EYE OF MEDUSA!

Geneviere's left eyes glows in a golden light. Unaware Geneviere posses such an ability. Lisa, Apollyn, and Angelina look into Geneviere's eye. Both Xiaoyu and Nara look on with horror. Watching their friends turn into stone

Xiaoyu: APOLLYN!


Geneviere: Three down and two to go. 

Anger by her friends turned to stone. Xiaoyu's right hand glows in a intense light. Xiaoyu then starts charging towards Geneviere

Xiaoyu: YOU BITCH! I'll make you pay for what you done

Nara: Xiaoyu don't!

Ignoring her friends cry. Xiaoyu heads towards Geneviere, ready to attack. Once she's in range, Xiaoyu prepares to strike

Xiaoyu: Die you bitch! SUNSHINE PUNCH!

Xiaoyu's right hand as hot as the sun. She swings her fist towards Geneviere's head. Geneviere lifts her shield, blocking Xiaoyu's punch. While Xiaoyu's manages to destroy Geneviere's shield. Xiaoyu leaves herself open to Geneviere's next attack. Using her sword, Geneviere stabs Xiaoyu in her gut. Nara witnesses Xiaoyu being stabbed. Nara immediately starts running towards her. Geneviere lifts Xiaoyu by her neck, throwing her to Nara. Nara manages to catch Xiaoyu, both falling to the ground. His injured comrades tightly in his arm. Nara immediately checks to see the condition of Xiaoyu's wound. Tears quickly start running down his eyes. As he looks how badly Xiaoyu has been injured. Despite the great pain she's in. Xiaoyu begins speaking to Nara

Xiaoyu: Nara please don't cry. I knew my luck was bound to run out eventually. I just wish... I just wish I had done things differently

Nara: What about your healing magic?

Xiaoyu: If am left alone long enough. My magic will be able to heal me. Unfortunately Geneviere will finish me off before then. Am just happy we forgiven one another. I couldn't bare the thought of dying. Knowing you and I were still on bad terms. I really enjoyed journeying alongside you Nara. Heck I even believed I was catching feelings for you. Anyways I want you to get out of here. Run as fast as you can. Maybe just maybe, you'll be able to find some help. As for the girls and I. This is the end of the road. Times like this I really wish Okubi was here. Geneviere wouldn't stand a chance against him. I just pray he has better luck than we had. It sucks knowing I won't be able to see my friend again. Anyways thanks for everything Nara. From the very bottom of my heart I appreciate you. Just do me one favor before I go. Survive! If you do nothing else. Please survive for yourself... for me

Accepting her fate, Xiaoyu closes her eyes.

Nara: No please Xiaoyu! Don't give up! I can't lose you too. I care about you too much. I... I fill so much hatred! 

Xiaoyu: Nara?

Nara: Xiaoyu somethings wrong with me. I feel... I feel myself being consumed by hatred! I gotta get away from you. I gotta--

Before Nara could finish speaking. Geneviere unleashes a beam of crimson energy at Xiaoyu and him

Geneviere: And that's the end of---

Suddenly sensing her remaining targets are still alive. As the smokes clears, a being in black appears. Changed by his inner darkness. Nara's appearance has completely changed. His hair and skin gray as a zombie. Clothing is all black, and his eyes now glowing crimson red. Nara stares at Geneviere with his menacing eyes. Filled with the desire to annihilate her. In spite of her enemies intimidating appearance. Geneviere still intends to finish him off.

Nara: Time for annihilation! 

Geneviere: Agreed! I will finish you off then kill the girl

Nara: You don't understand. I'm going to completely destroy you! The death I shall bring upon you. It will last you throughout eternity!

Geneviere: Heathen! Do you truly believe you can kill me? I shall gladly show you the arrogance of your ways

Nara: Me arrogant? Bitch you have no idea the hell you're about to face!

Geneviere: The time for talk is over! Prepare to die!

Nara: Unfortunately this is not my funeral

Geneviere: I'll make the first move! BARBARIAN CHARGE!

Surrounded in a zaffre color miasma. Geneviere charges towards Nara at a insane speed. As Geneviere approaches, Nara prepares a counter attack

Nara: Come forth Lionheart!

Summoning his armor night Lionheart into battle. As Geneviere comes to strike Nara. Lionheart blocks Geneviere's attack with his giant shield.

Geneviere: A summoning! How unexpected. I thought you were some lowly WATER elemental

Nara: My powers are beyond your puny imagination. Not only am I able to use all of my other self's abilities at once. I posses others powers as well. Powers that I will use to annihilate you!

Geneviere: You don't frighten me! I'll destroy your silly summoning and you with it! Now feel the wrath of my Blaze Strike!

Nara: Lionheart use DOMINATE!

Setting her sword ablaze. Geneviere prepares to strike down Lionheart. Using his attack Dominate. Lionheart easily overpowers Geneviere, sending her flying to the ground. The impact of the fall causes Geneviere to release her weapon. Having separated Geneviere from her weapon. Nara plans his next move. As Geneviere lays on the ground in pain. The armor warrior begins speaking to her enemy

Geneviere: For a heathen, you're much stronger than I expect. None the less I will prevail

Nara: This fight was over before it begun. You're simply too stupid to realize it. Lionheart prepare the lamb for her sacrifice

Enraged by Nara's words. Geneviere quickly attempts to grab her swords. As Geneviere is about to obtain her weapon. Lionheart appears before her. Instructed by his master, Lionheart stabs Geneviere's hand. Caused by the pain inflicted on her. Geneviere releases an earth shattering scream. Unable to use her sword. Geneviere prepares to use her EYE OF MEDUSA technique on Lionheart. However before she makes her move. Geneviere hears the voice of Nara in her head

Nara: "That won't work. I won't allow it!"

Geneviere: "But how?"

Nara: "Not very bright I see. As I said earlier, I have access to multiple abilities. All which you brought out by making my other self angry. It is now time I finished you off for good! Lionheart grab her"

Doing as his master order. Lionheart lifts Geneviere by her head. Struggling to break free of Lionheart's iron grip. Geneviere's efforts prove to be in vain. As Lionheart has complete hold of her. Nara begins laughing menacingly. Knowing that Geneviere is at his complete. Unfortunately what Nara has planned for Geneviere. It will be anything, but merciful. Nara walks in a cocky manner towards Geneviere. Once the two are face to face. Nara begins to speak

Nara: Now that I have you where I want you. I wonder what I should do with you? Have Lionheart strip you naked? Adding further humiliation before your inevitable death? Am just joking mostly. I won't need to remove your armor to violate you! Now any last words before your ultimate violation?

Unable to cause Nara any real harm. Geneviere spits into Nara's eye. As he wipes the spit off his face. Nara begins laughing menacingly once more

Nara: Ha ha ha ha ha.... ha ha ha fucking HA! Stupid bitch I said any last words. Not the last fucking spit. Anyways this is the end of your road. May you suffer for all of eternity. Now with all your might Lionheart. Toss this bitch high into the air

Once again doing as his master order. Lionheart tosses Geneviere several feet into the air. With Geneviere suspended in the air. Nara prepares to unleash his ultimate attack. Using his magic, Nara changes the air around Geneviere to absolute zero. As Geneviere body begins to freeze, Nara summons a whirlpool to surrounded her. Completely frozen and trapped within the whirlpool. Nara is now ready to finish Geneviere off

Nara: This is you end! ARCTIC ARMAGEDDON!

Unleashing his devastating attack upon Geneviere. The whirlpool begins ripping away at Geneviere like a blender. Spinning faster and faster, the whirlpool continues to cut away at Geneviere. Once Nara sense nothing of Geneviere remains. He ceases the uses of his whirlpool. As the temperature changes back to normal. Still remaining as his darker self. Defeating Geneviere did not sate Nara's desire for chaos. Luckily before Nara could do anything of sinister nature. Xiaoyu appears from behind him mostly healed. Wrapping herself behind Nara, Xiaoyu emits a healing lights. Not only is her light healing her wound. Xiaoyu's magic also fights away the evil within Nara. Slowly reverting to his normal self. Nara doses off to sleep. Two and a half hours later. Nara wakes up from his nap. Finding himself laying inside a hut. Before he could call out for anyone. Xiaoyu, Apollyn, Angelina, and Lisa walk inside the hut

Lisa: Looks like our dark prince has awoken

Xiaoyu: Lisa what did I say to you earlier?

Lisa: Okay okay! I was only kidding... mostly

Nara: What's going on? Weren't the three of you turned to stone?

Angelina: Did you want us to stay that way?

Nara: No no! That's not what I meant. I just thought when... what was I thinking again? I can't seem to remember much right now? Where are we anyways?

Apollyn: Yeager Village silly

Xiaoyu: When you killed Geneviere. Not only did you give me time to heal. The girls were free of their stone curse. While I'm grateful you had saved us. I must admit am somewhat afraid of you. I never knew you posses such dark powers

Angelina: About those dark powers. Based on what Xiaoyu described. It seems to me we have a darken amongst the group. The odd thing about that. I don't believe you ever been to the Underworld

Lisa: Unless Nara has been holding secrets from us?

Nara: No secrets... well I meant to treat it like one. When I was six years old. A demon had kidnapped me. It had intended to eat me. Luckily a half demon from the Underworld had rescued me. After battling and killing my kidnapper. The half demon returned home to my family. When the demon spoke to my parents. Both my mother and father started to cry. None the less they were just happy to have their son back. Unfortunately since that very day. My parents only taught me how to use four elemental spells. While the rest of my siblings learned eight. Despite how fortunate I was on that very day. Being taken to the Underworld had changed me. While I escaped with my life my soul was tainted

Xiaoyu: What about your essence? If your soul was truly tainted. None of the Children Of Ruin would target you. Yet both Brutality and Ethan had made attempts on your life

Angelina: I believe I can answer that question. Since it's very similar what am going through. While like all young sages. Nara posses a strong and mostly pure essence. Due to being taken to the Underworld. Nara's soul is also taken. However Nara's magic must be even stronger than most. In spite of the age he was when kidnapped. Instead of becoming a darken. Nara's magic had made the darken self a magical ability. Meaning Nara actually posses five elemental spells. Ice, Water, Telepathy, Summoning Lionheart, and turning into a Darken. Since becoming a darken is a magical aspect of Nara. Nara is able to become a Darken while maintaining his pure essence

Apollyn: But didn't Nara kill Geneviere? If Apollyn remembers correctly. If a sage kills someone good or evil. Their essence becomes tainted. Meaning they no longer posses a pure essence

Xiaoyu: I remember that being the case as well

Angelina: That's an easy one. Nara did not kill Geneviere as his self, but as a darken. Darken are already evil beings. Thus the act of killing is nothing to them.

Xiaoyu: Well that's good to know... I think. Either way we're glad to have you back

Nara: Am just you girls are okay too. However after what happen today. Do any of you trust me enough to keep me around? I mean you said yourself Xiao you're somewhat afraid of me. I couldn't forgive myself if I ever hurt one of you

Xiaoyu: Nara don't be an idiot! While I said am somewhat scared of you. I meant more like "Whoa! You got some scary abilities. I better be careful" and not "OMG! Am totally fearing for my life" Besides was it me who reverted back to normal?

Nara: And put me to sleep?

Xiaoyu: Side effects my dear. Besides everything worked out. We all are still alive

Nara: All but Somnium. I can't remember anything upon becoming my darker self. However I remember just about everything prior to that. Including when Somnium was beheaded. By the way did anyone bother to bury Somnium?

Lisa: OMA! Do you think we are some heartless harpies? I personally carried Somnium's body to Yeager Village. We told the locals what had happened and they buried Somnium. It was a beautiful funeral for a beautiful woman. So many of the villagers mourn her passing

Nara: Hey wait a second? Aren't you an angel? Couldn't you just bring Somnium back to life?

Upon hearing Nara's words. Lisa holds her head down in shame. The other girls faces becoming equally depressed. Still holding her head down, Lisa starts to speak

Lisa: Nara... while I am an angel. I unfortunately do not posses that skill. Each angel in Heaven posses a variety of skills. Some are healers, some are skilled warriors, mediators, summoners, and even can resurrect the dead. While I can heal even the most critically damaged person. However once somebody is dead... I can't do nothing for them

Nara: Not even if you asked Asira? I mean he is God after all?

Xiaoyu: Nara now isn't the time for these kind of question

Nara: Why not Xiao? I mean what good is having an angel around. If they can't bring back somebody who died?

Apollyn: Nara!

Lisa: No! The man has ever right to be angry with me

Nara: No I don't! I'm just shooting the messenger here. My anger isn't with you Lisa. My anger is towards all the fucking bullshit when been dealing with. No matter how hard we try. More and more innocent sages are killed. More bullshit after bullshit. I just can't... I just can't keep doing all this

Apollyn: Oh Nara don't cry

Nara: I'm not going to cry Lynn. I'm just beyond pissed off! Somnium nor the other descendants deserved to die. If only we could had gotten to the Children Of Ruin first. If only those fuckers were hunted down like prey. Instead innocent sages are being killed. Just so a bunch of shitty ass bastard demons can resurrect an even bigger shitty ass bastard demon!

As tears start running down Nara's eyes. Xiaoyu immediately moves towards him. Kneeling to the ground next to him. Xiaoyu puts her hand on Nara's face, wiping away his tears. While wiping Nara's tears away, Xiaoyu also begins to cry

Xiaoyu: None of this has been fair Nara. It's the reason why we all are fighting. To correct a terrible wrong. Well most of us anyways. I started this journey only wanting revenge for my dead friend. Only after traveling so long. Fighting against the Children Of Ruin. It was that moment I had realized. Avenging my fallen comrade was no longer a priority. My priority became fighting to save our world. I don't want Mastema to ever be release. For I fear that if that were to happen. We would not be able to stop him. The thought of losing my family and friends. The fear of the destruction Mastema would release.  All those things is what keeps me moving forward. As sad as I may get. I remind myself how sadder it would be, if the Children Of Ruin's succeed in their ambitions. That very reason alone should motivate you. Motivate you in fighting to save our world. Because believe me when I tell you this. It's the only thing that keeps me going. The hope that despite the innocent lives lost, the many demons we face, and how many times we nearly died. Somehow we will come out victorious. That is why we fight Nara. We fight to protect our world. We fight so that evil may never truly win.

Lisa: *Sniff* That was a beautiful speech Xiaoyu. So beautiful it was inspirational. I too fight so that evil never truly wins. It's the very reason I risked my existence coming here. I could no longer simply stand by, watching the Children Of Ruin sacrificing innocents. Even if I cease to exist. I will die knowing I may the right choice. Like the rest of you, I too want to protect this world and it's inhabitants. That's my job as a angel after all.

Apollyn: Apollyn too wants to protect the non demons

Nara: Here I thought you only care for our desserts

Apollyn: Oh that's not true. It's not only about the desserts, but the beings who make them. Throughout Apollyn's travel of this world. Apollyn made many friends while eating yummy sweets. Wonderful people who Apollyn wants to keep alive. Because I genuinely appreciate your kind. Not only because of your yummy desserts, but *sniffs* for your kindness

Xiaoyu: Oh Apollyn please don't cry

Apollyn: But it's true. All my life I been made fun of by my fellow demons. Even my own siblings at time. Only because Apollyn was different. Only when I began adventuring this world. It was then I had experience kindness. Apollyn will never forget the lemon meringue pie Mr. Zanobi gave me. Back when Apollyn had no concept of money. I spotted a elderly man selling pie. As I saw people enjoying their desserts. Apollyn had felt really sad. Knowing I didn't have the money to buy a slice. Least when Apollyn expected it. Mr. Zanobi walked over to me and handed me a slice. Apollyn never been so happier. It was then Apollyn decided to continue venturing through this world. Not only to eat endless desserts, but to meet people as kind as Mr. Zanobi. That's why Apollyn will fight to the very end. In order to save all the kind people of this world

Angelina: All your guys reasons for fighting. They are truly noble. Unfortunately my reasons don't align with any of you. I'm not fighting because am such a good person. Nor is it because I genuinely care about protecting this world. Since birth I despise this world and it's existence. I didn't have loving parents or any friends. Growing up in Japan was the worst years of my life. Everyone around either pretended I didn't exist or despise acknowledging me. I absolutely hated existing in this world. If my existence was so burdensome. Why didn't my parents just abort me? Instead they choose to let me suffer. Suffer years of loneliness that turned into bitterness. My existence continue to be a miserable one. Until I had graduated high school. Moving from Japan to Mayland, I gotten a job as an Exorcist. Only then did I start meeting who enjoyed having me around. Life was finally starting to become good. No longer I felt like an outsider. People not only acknowledge me, but were happy to have me around. For the first time in my life. I was truly happy to be alive. No more was I merely existing. Everything was good until that very night. On our way back from helping our client Thomas Rider. My comrades and I were attacked by her! On that very night I began to understand why. Why nobody back home wanted me around. It was because I was a coward! When Lilith had attacked my comrades. Instead of me fighting alongside them. I ran away and went into hiding. I had abandon the only people who ever gave a damn about me. After Lilith killed my teammates. That demon had came after me. Once Lilith had found me. Lilith began sucking out my life force. All my life I had welcome the thought of death. However on that very night something change. No longer did I wanted to die. Instead I wanted to live more than anything. As Lilith was draining the life out of me. I knew then it was either me or her. Once I remember the knife I received from Thomas. Not knowing the knife's true capabilities. I pulled the knife out my pocket. Stabbing Lilith in the stomach. Lilith had instantly releases her grip, tending her own wound. When Lilith realize the weapon I used on her. Only then did Lilith cried out in despair. Unlike me back then, Lilith knew the knife's true nature. The Demon Soul Extraction Blade or better known as The Zyra Blade! As I watched Lilith die a slow and painful death. Before Lilith completely died. All of her powers and life had entered into me. Surviving that dreadful night. My life as I known it had officially ended. Knowing what I had done. I couldn't face returning to the corps. Using my new found powers. I had altered my appearance and started a new life. Now known as Angelina Mifune. I immediately gotten a job as a hero sage. Going on various missions. From rescuing kittens in trees to battling dark sages. After each use of my powers. I slowly felt myself losing my humanity. Once my humanity had completely faded away. No longer was I Angelina the hero, but Angelina the demon! A being without morals or compassion. I went around Mayland, killing many innocent lives. All because I desired it. Only when I first targeted Okubi and was defeated by him. That's when I became obsessed with destroying him. After preparing myself for our next encounter. I tracked Okubi down with the intentions of killing him. Fortunately during my second attempt to kill Okubi. Both Xiaoyu and Apollyn were there with him. After being defeated for the second time. I had planned on killing the three of you the following day. Then another fortunate event happen. Upon chasing after Brutality who stolen my Zyra Blade. I had encountered not only you three, but Nara as well. After our battle with Brutality and Boruta. The five of us were put to sleep by King Onyxe. Upon being taken to the King's castle. Onyxe had not only repaired my shattered mind. He nearly revived my lost conscious. Unfortunately due to having Lilith's blood and soul within me. I can never be truly rid of my evil self. Receiving yet another chance in life. The reason I fight isn't for love or justice, but redemption. I Not only have I committed many atrocities. I abandon the only people who were good to me. Now I fight not only to help you guys, but with the hope if I should die. I may be able to join my fallen comrades in the Spirit Realms. Hoping that they will forgive me for abandoning them. That is the reason I fight. Nothing more and nothing less

Xiaoyu: Thank you for sharing your true feelings with us Angelina. I can't say for sure, but I believe in my heart. Your decease comrades have already forgiven you. Regardless of how things started off between us. It makes me happy that I can call you a friend

Apollyn: The same goes for Apollyn too! I love you Angie

Angelina: Aw thanks Apollyn. I love you too

Lisa: Angelina there's one thing you should never forget. It's never too late for redemption. Believe me when I say this. You're definitely on your way of achieving your goal. Like everyone else here. I too am happy to have you around

Angelina: Thank you so very much Lisa

Nara: Despite our history. We make for a perfect team. As long as we all stick together. We will come out on top. There is no evil strong enough. That can triumph over the power of friendship. So let's us not fear for the worst. Instead let's fight so our hopes and dreams come true

Xiaoyu: Sounds like a plan Nara. That was quite the pep talk by the way

Nara: *Blushes* I learned from the best

Lisa: Now that we had this talk folks. Let's go grab something to eat

Apollyn: Afterwards we can go visit Somnium's grave. Apollyn wants to add more pretty flowers

Angelina: That's sounds like a plan

Xiaoyu: Okay so let's us get out so Nara can get dress

Nara: Hold up for a sec! If the rest of you ladies don't mind. May I speak to Xiaoyu in private?

Lisa: Um I don't see why not

Apollyn: Only if you share you secret with Apollyn later

Angelina: Oh it won't be a secret forever Lynn. Anyways that won't be a problem. We're heading off to the Yeager Bar. Hurry and meet us there

Lisa, Apollyn, and Angelina exit the hut. Leaving behind Nara and Xiaoyu

Xiaoyu: So what is it you wanted to ask me Nara?

Nara: Ever since I been traveling with you. Even when you hated my guts. I had... oh how do I say this? Feelings for you? When I thought you were going to die. I remember you saying you had feelings for me. I was just wondering well hoping actually. That you genuinely do care for me? Or were you just simply being nice?

Once Nara finishes speaking his truth. Both Xiaoyu and he become silent as death. After a few seconds have passed. Xiaoyu leans over to Nara, placing her lips upon his. Without further hesitation from both parties. Xioayu and Nara start passionately kissing one another


Locating her next target in Mirage Town. The Children Of Ruin member Brutality engages in battle with descendant Peter Alnair. Unfortunately for Brutality, Peter was not alone. Not only was Peter a dark sage. The very opposite of a regular sage. Dark sages are much more cutthroat and will not hesitate to kill their enemies. Peter was the leader of the guild Sinister Stars. Finding herself not only faced against Peter. Alongside Peter were his comrades Allysa Celaeno, Matthew Gianfar, Tanya Kraz, and Lucille Cursa. While battling against the Sinister Stars, Brutality founds herself vastly outmatched and outnumbered. Far too late to retreat from battle, Brutality along with her summonings fought their best. Unfortunately once Brutality was caught in Tanya's spell Spiral Web. While Peter, Allysa, and Lucille fought off her summonings. Matthew had struck the defenseless Brutality with Dragon Canon. Despite suffering massive damage from Matthew's attack. Brutality's body slowly began to heal itself. Unfortunately the Sinister Stars had no intentions of allowing Brutality to heal. Knowing there was nothing she could do to stop them. Brutality closed her eyes and accepted her fate. Fortunately just before any of the Sinister Stars could finish her off. A mysterious pink portal had opened beneath Brutality. Teleporting her away from certain death. Teleported out of Mirage Town. Brutality had found herself laying in bed. Barely conscious due to her battle wounds. Brutality feels herself slowly falling to sleep. Standing over her injured body is a woman alongside a fairy like creature. While her memories are very blurry. Brutality knows for certain this woman is her kin. Unable to resist the need for sleep any longer. Brutality's view immediately turns black

Unknown Woman: I finally found you Dela. Welcome back home big sis


VAIN - The Witch Of Torment

 VAIN Artwork by Anne_Luc