Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Forbidden Chapter 24

Forbidden Chapter Twenty Four - Troubles Of The Night

Arriving to the Luger Forest in search of Susan's friend Mimi. Alongside her comrades Apollyn and Nara. Xiaoyu had hope to encounter the rogues Ivory and Zar. Walking through the lavender and bronze colored forest. The trio soon encounter a large lake of water. Seconds after arriving in front of the lake. Apollyn starts to sense a presence within the water. Rising out of the lake appears a dark skinned woman. Wearing a revealing and soaked black dressed. Stunned by the woman's beauty. The trio find themselves momentarily speechless. Xiaoyu eventually manages to regain her composure

Xiaoyu: Excuse me Miss. Sorry to disturb you on this lovely night. Anyways my friends and I were sent to find a woman name Mimi?

Nara: Hopefully she's as beautiful as you

Xiaoyu: Nara you perv!

Nara: My bad babe. Please don't be mad at me. My heart belongs only to you

Apollun: Anyways are you Mimi, friend of Susan buddy?

Mimi: I'm most certainly am. The names Mimi Neptune. Mermaid of the Luger Lake

Xiaoyu: Mermaid? No way would we be so lucky to meet an actual mermaid

Mimi: Well then consider yourselves lucky. I'm a 100% pure mermaid honey. Anyways did Susan give you good folks my cookies?

Apollyn: Apollyn has Mimi buddy's rainbow cookies right here

 Digging inside of her small pink pocketbook. Apollyn pulls out Mimi's bag of rainbow cookies. Apollyn walks the snacks over to Mimi. After a quick inspection of her snacks. Mimi gives Apollyn a look of suspicion

Mimi: How many cookies were in the bag?

Xiaoyu: Ten. Why are you asking?

Mimi: Because now there is only nine

Nara: Apollyn!

Apollyn: Apollyn just wanted to have a cookie

Xiaoyu: Apollyn we trusted you. Wasn't the Fried Ice Cream not enough?

Apollyn: Apollyn is so very sorry

Mimi: Don't be too mad at your friend. After all she is a dessert demon

Xiaoyu: Waits? How did you guess that?

Mimi: First of all I didn't guess anything. Second demons born with light or baby colored hair. Usually are either dessert demons or can learn dessert magic. A woman with my long life knows a dessert demon when I see one

Nara: Exactly how old are you?

Mimi: A woman doesn't reveal he age. Let's just say I'm around between two thousand to three thousand years old. Anyways I didn't have Susan send you folks here just for some cookies. 

Xiaoyu: I knew it! Susan sent us here because you know something about Zar and Ivory

Mimi: That's Princess Ivory if you know what's good for you

Xiaoyu: My apologies

Nara: Well I'm glad this trip wasn't for nothing. However one thing bothers me. Exactly how did Susan know we were looking for Zar and Ivory?

Mimi: Please try to remember to call her Princess when you meet her. Anyways before you even say it. Susan is not a telepath. Nor am I for that matter. However I do posses a magical ball. A ball with the ability to show me important events. As I'm sure you already know. The citizens of Coram and it's Kingdom is in grave danger. The demon Christof and his demons have invaded our home. Poisoned Queen Adama's mind and spirit. However the worst part about all of this. Christof posses a gem with evil powers. A gem that grants him power for every life he claims

Nara: Exactly why he wants to sacrifice the citizens of Coram

Xiaoyu: But if Christof already has the gem in his possession. Why haven't the citizens of Coram already been sacrificed?

Mimi: Well luckily for us and the rest of Coram. Princess Ivory had placed a Charm Spell on Christof's evil gem. A spell that renders the gem useless unless Ivory is either killed or removes it herself. Which is why Christof has been relentlessly hunting Ivory and her bodyguard Zar. Fortunately for the rest of us. Christof and his minions are unaware of Princess Ivory's other helpers. Such as Susan and myself

Xiaoyu: Well that's good news indeed. As long as Ivory has her Charm Spell on the Prosperity Gem. The citizens of Coram shall remain safe

Mimi: At the moment anyways. Unfortunately time is nearly running out for us. Christof and his demons have nearly searched everywhere for Ivory. It's only a matter of time for they discover our hideout. Then we will be forced to fight for our lives

Apollyn: Apollyn has a question? Why didn't you guys just leave Coram?

Nara: That is a rather good question. Like why not send someone to contact King Onyxe?

Mimi: Very much like her mother. Princess Ivory is not too fond of King Onyxe. Not because of his demonic lineage, but due to the King's young age. While Onyxe is consider an adult in our world Asira. The King is nothing more than a teenager in the Underworld. Also Onyxe has his hands full dealing with the demons known as The Children of Ruin. Furthermore Ivory doesn't want to risk anything happening to her mother. Which is why the princess has remain hidden within her homeland

Xiaoyu: I can definitely understand where she's coming from. Still reaching out to Onyxe would had been a good idea. I know for a fact Onyxe has enough man power to aid Princess Ivory

Mimi: That is perhaps true. However we want to do this our way. Anyways we wasted enough time on talking. Time for me to introduce you to the rest of Coram's rebels. Also please remain on your guards. Many terrifying beast are out during the night. Especially Night Lions, Komodo Dragons, Red Spirits, and werewolves. Course werewolves are nearly extinct thanks to our friend Zar

Nara: Well he is a wolf hunter

Mimi: Considering what those monster did to his grandfather and him. Zar hunts those bastards with extreme prejudice. Now come and follow me

 Following Mimi through the Luger Forest to the Coram Rebels base. The group shortly encounter a group of Red Spirits. Using her light base magic powers. Xiaoyu makes quick work of the resentful spirits. Walking for nearly a half hour. The group then encounters a Night Lion twice a regular size one. Apollyn quickly steps up and faces the majestic yet ravenous creature. Only using her natural demonic strength and agility. Apollyn easily slays the fearsome beast. Having defeated both obstacles through their short journey. The heroes had finally arrived to the Coram Rebels secret hideout. Standing outside of the hideout were three women and one man. Instantly recognizing the man in red as Zar. Along with the ebony woman as Princess Ivory. However the other two woman were a mystery. Wasting no time to introduce himself. Zar walks up to the heroes and begins greeting them

Zar: So you're the help Susan discovered. Anyways i'm the Young Hunter In Red, Zar Arkwright. The woman behind me are Goldilocks, Linda, and my dear friend Princess Ivory

Xiaoyu: It's wonderful to meet you all

Zar: What an interesting group of people you are. A demon, a darken, and a woman who posses light base magic

NaraL That's some nose you got there wolf hand

Xiaoyu: OMG! Why are one of your hands a werewolves's claw?

Zar: Seems like Mimi didn't feel you in on my background

Nara: Not the whole story anyways

Zar: Well after witnessing a werewolf murder my beloved grandfather before my very eyes. The beast then came after me. While I manage to out best the creature and ultimately killing him. I unfortunately lost my left hand during battle. Thus replacing it with the one of the wolf's Now I posses abilities similar to that of an werewolf.

Nara: I'm sure those werewolf powers come very handy. Especially in your line of work

Zar: Former line of work. Ever since I saved my friend from near death. I too had become a target of her demon stepfather. None the less I still serve as a protector of the citizens of Coram.

Xiaoyu: No doubt about that. Anyways i have a question I want to ask you? Well two to be honest

Zar: Ask away

Xiaoyu: First how exactly did you all manage to hide so long?

Ivory: I'll answer that. The use of my mental powers. I'm able to conceal the location of the rebels and myself. It's been rather tiring to be honest. My mother posses a magic mirror. One that can reveal to her just about anything. Keeping my mother for finding our location has been difficult. I'm afraid I may not be able to hide us much longer

Linda: And should that ever happen. Us rebels are in deep shit

Goldilocks: Course should we encounter those bastards. We'll be more than happy to kick their asses

Zar: If only Christof and his minions were such easy adversaries. Christof alone is more than any us could handle

Xiaoyu: i'm sure our leader Okubi could easily defeat Christof. Even our bitchy ally Hellin probably could handle Christof alone. Unfortunately neither one of them are here with us. I truly hope our other comrades are doing well.

Ivory: I hope so for their sakes as well. Knowing my mother and the curse she's under. I'm certain she's aware of you and your friends arrival. Meaning Christof knows you're here as well

Xiaoyu: Talk about bad fucking news. Now I really regret we decided to split up

Nara: Well it was our leader Okubi's idea

Xiaoyu: He wanted us to cover more ground. It's not like Okubi knew about Queen Adama's magic mirror. Otherwise we more than likely would had stuck together. Anyways at least we found Ivory and the rebels first. Giving us an opportunity to plan against Christof and his demons

Zar: In the meantime. We should all rest ourselves for the night. Course since we don't know when Christof minions may find us. I will stay up to watch over everyone

Xiaoyu: By yourself? Seems to me you're just as tired as the rest of us

Apollyn: Apollyn is not tired. Apollyn will watch over everyone

Nara: Well she is a demon. They can go days without sleep if necessary

Ivory: Can you be trusted to stay on the look out?

Apollyn: Apollyn can definitely be trusted to watch over buddies

Zar: Okay Apollyn I'll leave you in charge. However don't hesitate to wake me up if you start to tire

Apollyn: Apollyn doesn't think that will be necessary, but thank you anyways Zar buddy

Xiaoyu: Okay we will go to bed then. Thank you so very much Lynn

Ivory: Now that theirs enough of us to go against Christof. Once we wake up tomorrow. We're going straight to my mother's castle in Noble City. It's about time we free this country from my evil stepfather

 Meanwhile in another part of Coram. Having abandon Okubi by his command. Both Eligos and Anna travel the streets of Silverwood. Consumed by emotions of guilt and regret. Wishing they did not follow Okubi's order. Now in search for the rest of the heroes. Eligos and Anna fear the worst had become of their leader

Anna: Eligos i'm so sorry

Eligos: This is literally the fiftieth time you had apologize to me. It's starting to get really fucking annoying. Like I already said, Master Okubi gave us an order. In spite of how much I disagreed with his decision. Burden by our roles as servants. We dare not question our Master's orders. Even if said orders is beyond fucking ridiculous. Now cease with your constant apologies. Our only concern is to locate the others. Once we gather our friends. All of us shall storm Queen Adama's castle. Confronting both her and Christof. Along with the possibility of rescuing Master Okubi

Sadden by Eligos harsh words. Anna wars an expression of heavy sadness. Realizing what he had done. Eligos immediately regrets his harsh tone towards Anna. Knowing Anna has been talk down to majority of her life. Eligos felt compel to apologize to his friend

Eligos: Anna I didn't mean to hurt your feelings. I know you mean well. I'm just very upset right now. I didn't mean to take my frustration out on you. I hope that you can forgive me?

Anna: Thank you for apologizing to me Eligos. It really means a lot to me. I can completely understand why you are so worried. The love you have for Okubi is infinite. I just hope and pray Okubi is still alive. Anyways let's continue to look for the others

 Continuing to search for their missing friends. Eligos and Anna approaches a local bar. Standing less than two feet away. The duo witnesses two men being thrown out the bar. Concern about whats going on inside. Both Eligos and Anna rushes inside of the bar. Entering the mahogany colored bar. Surprise by the chaos taking place. Eligos and Anna discovers a drunk Lisa brawling with the locals. Fearing for the worst. Eligos and Anna begin to plan how to end the chaos

Lisa: C'mon you dirty son of bitches. I'll take each and everyone of you fucking heathen out!

Anna: Are my eyes deceiving me? Is Lisa really drunk right now? Exactly where is Master Hellin and Angelina by the way?

Eligos: A rather good question my dear. I'm certain their absents is our unruly angel's reason for getting drunk. Now let's find a way to stop this madness. Before Lisa ends up killing someone. Perhaps one of your tarot monsters can be of assistance?

Anna: My friends wouldn't know how to deal with Lisa without harming her. Instead I'll quickly whip up a Sobering Potion. In the meantime please try talking some sense into Lisa

Eligos: Talking sense to a drunk? Do I look like a miracle worker to you?

Anna: Eligos now is not the time for your sarcasm

Eligos: Exactly who made you the boss of me?

Anna: Okubi1 Now do as I saw or I'll order you back to the Underworld

Eligos: Okay okay! No need for such threats. I'll go and talk to Lisa

 Eligos immediately flies towards Lisa as she brawls with the locals

Eligos: Lisa my dear sweet girl. Is everything alright?

Lisa: Hey Eligos! Everything is just find. Just beating some fucking manners into these fucking piece of shit bitch ass heathens! Anyways where is Okubi? I need to tell him Angelina had reverted back to Lilth and Hellin went to go kill her.

Eligos: SWEET LUCIFER WOMAN! No wonder you're pissy drunk. Anyways Master Okubi is currently not in our company. Master Okubi had allowed Anna and I to escape. While he stayed and fought Christof and his minions

Lisa: FUCKING FANTASTIC! Just when I thought this night couldn't get any better. I need another fucking drink

Eligos: Another drink is the last thing you need. Anna is that Sobering Potion about ready?

Anna: Coming right now Eligos

 Making her way to her friends. Anna holds a bottle containing greenish pink liquid. While Lisa continues to battle against the locals. Anna grabs Lisa's arm. In order to get her to drink the potion. However a drunk and angry Lisa pushes Anna off of her.

Eligos: Anna are you okay?

Anna: I'm a demon...well part demon for goodness sakes. A fall like this couldn't harm me on my worst day. Unfortunately getting Lisa to drink my potion won't be easy

Just then a small mob enters the bar. Holding various weapons within their hands. The mob had come to deliver punishment upon Lisa. Realizing the situation has become worst. Both Eligos and Anna start to panic

Eligos: Just fucking marvelous1 Not only are we dealing with a drunk angel. Now we got a angry mob on our hands

Anna: Dammit! I really wish Hellin was here right about now

Eligos: Just so the situation could get even worst? Great thinking Anna

Anna: Oh shut up you miserable geezer! Now what are we going to do?

Fortunately for Eligos, Anna, and Lisa. From out of nowhere. A stream of water strikes down the mob. Making it's way towards the heroes. The stream of water takes out the remaining locals. Now standing before the bar door. Appears a man dressed like a Japanese monk. Anna and Lisa both stunned by the man's sudden, but timely appearance. Eligos immediately recognizes the mysterious man

Eligos: Tobirama Takeda!

Tobirama: Hurry up and leave this place

Relieved to been rescued from the mob. Anna uses her demonic strength and throws Lisa over her shoulder. Following behind his female allies. The trio leaves the bar and follows Tobirama. A half hour later the heroes arrive to Tobirama's apartment. Once inside Tobirama leads Anna to his sofa. Allowing her to lay down the sleeping Lisa. After taking a moment to relax. Anna begins to thank Tobirama for saving them

Anna: Thank you so much sir for saving us. Had you not arrived when you did. Who knows what could had happened

Tobirama: i'm just glad I could help. Seems to me your friend got herself in quite a mess

Anna: Well she isn't the only one. Ever since we decided to come to this city. It's been nothing but one problem after another. Course if we had not come here. No one would be able to save the citizens of Coram. It just fucking sucks that everything went downhill. Never did I imagine things would get this bad

Tobirama: Seems to me your friends and you weren't exactly prepared for the troubles ahead. Perfectly I'm thankful I had meet you folks. Until now I never knew Coram was in any danger. Now I really don't have a reason for staying within this city. I'll pack my valuables first thing in the morning

Eligos: Insufferable bastard! I know you see me here

Tobirama: Oh hello to you again Eligos. I was actually hoping you would disappear from my sights. Well I'm glad to see you found these beautiful ladies to serve. Especially after how many years you try to get Okubi to become your Master. Watching my favorite pupil reject your ass every time was hilarious

Eligos: Well I would hate to disappoint you asshole. However I did end up becoming both Okubi's servant and dear friend. After losing the only person that ever mattered to him. It was I who saved Okubi from falling into despair. Course due to the hurt and anger within his heart. I had endure many years of cruelty from Okubi. Only recently has the darkness begin to fade from my Master's heart. So for your fucking information Takeda. I did end up being chosen by Okubi. Something you only wish could happen to you

Tobirama: Annoying worthless spirit! GET THE HELL OUT OF MY HOME!

Eligos: Why don't you fucking make me? Oh wait you're not a Spirit Toucher

Tobirama: I may not posses your "alleged" Master's gift. However I'm well verse in dealing with unwanted spirits

Anna: The both of you stop arguing at once

Tobirama: Then your fucking spirit friend to shut his damn mouth! Had I know he was in your company. I would had never bother rescuing any of you

Anna: And here I thought you were a good man. It wouldn't be the first time I was wrong about a person

Tobirama: Okay that's it. Get out of my house now. Make sure to take your drunk friend out with you

Anna: That's just fine by me. I'm just utterly shocked a man like you was ever Okubi's sensei. If only Okubi could see you now. Not even a woman of my imagination. Can express the disgusted look Okubi would had on his face. Eligos get ready to--

Tobirama: Okay hold on a second! I really didn't mean to come off so harsh. I just really can't stand that arrogant bastard Eligos. Anyways is what Eligos is saying really true? Did he become the servant of Okubi?

Anna: Indeed it is Tobirama sir. The only reason Okubi isn't here with us. Is due to him being captured by our current target Christof

Hearing Anna's confession. Tobirama instantly become consumed by anger. Hearing his beloved pupil in the clutches of a enemy demon. Tobirama began to ask Anna the full details of their situation

Tobirama: Some lowlife demon has kidnapped my Okubi? 

Eligos: I knew such terrible news would ruffle your feathers. Even after all these years. You're still madly in love with Okubi

Tobirama: Do not bring my feelings into this Eligos! The simple fact that Okubi was my pupil. Regardless where he goes in life. I want him to be safe and well. Knowing he has been captured by some sinister demon. I have to do everything my power to save him. Exactly where has Okubi been taken too?

Anna: You're asking me if I would know. However if I had to guess. I would say Okubi's has been taken to Queen Adama's castle

Tobirama: Queen Adama's castle? That doesn't make a lick of sense. After all Queen Adama is the Coram's main protector. No way could Okubi's kidnappers could be aligned with Adama

Eligos: Don't be so fucking dense Takeda! Either Adama is under a curse or willing is aiding Christof. The point is Coram and it's residents are in grave danger. The demon Christof posses one of the curse gems. The Prosperity Gem to be exact. A gem that grants user power for each life he or she claims. Christof plans on sacrificing the residents of Coram. In order to become a more powerful demon. Once my friends and I learned of the demon's plan. We traveled to Coram in oder to kill him. Unfortunately my friends and I decided to split into groups. Which at first seem like a perfect idea. However after today's event. My feelings has changed drastically. I'm certain my comrades share my opinion

Anna: I certainly do

Lisa: That goes fucking double for me

Anna: Lisa you're awake?

Lisa: Apparently so Anna

Tobirama: We considering your earlier physical state. None of us thought you be awake so soon. Especially around this time no less

Lisa: Well as an angel. My body naturally heals itself of any toxins. Course I should not had been drinking in the person damn place. I know Asira must be very pissed at me. Times like these I hate having a mortal conscious. Sometimes I truly wish I was more like my brothers and sisters in the Heavens. Anyways I'm sorry how I behaved earlier Anna and Eligos

Anna: Apology accepted Lisa. I'm just glad your sober

Lisa: Sadly I still feel very tired. Asira I pray Hellin hasn't found Angelina. I also hope Lilith hasn't killed anyone

Tobirama: Did you just refer to Princess Hellin and the Demon Lord Lilith?

Lisa: Yes I most certainly did. Both are allies of our. It's a long story Tobi. One I don't feel like explaining at this very moment. First a bitch needs a night of sleep. Tomorrow I'll fill you in on the details. In the meantime I'm going back to sleep. I truly pray Lord Asira watches over us all

Lisa falls back to sleep

Tobirama: So what about Okubi? Are we not going to rescue him?

Eligos: Okubi has instructed us to first reunite with our other comrades. Once reunited with the others. We would then travel to Noble City and rescue Okubi

Tobirama: What if it's too late? I don't want to risk anything happening to Okubi

Eligos: I understand your concern Tobirama. However we are doing this Okubi's way. Regardless what happens to my Master. We will kill Christof and save the people of Coram. However should that bastard bring any harm upon my Master. I see to it he dies the most painful death imaginable


After discovering Angelina had escaped the Coram Hospital. Hellin immediately began to pursue her. Realizing Angelina;s mind has been taken over by Lilith. Hellin strongly regretted not killing Angelina when she had the chance. Now hot on Lilith's trail. Hellin hopes to find the Demon Lord. Before Lilith can make a return to the Underworld. Following Lilith's demonic aura for hours. Hellin had followed Lilith's aura to a nearby cave. Not only did Hellin no longer sense Lilith. Hellin had caught the scents of several other demons. Realizing this was the demon Christof's hideout. Hellin quickly enter inside of the cave. While keeping an ear out for Liltih. Hellin began exploring the cave. In order to find the Prosperity Gem. Searching the cave for nearly a half hour. Hellin finally spotted the green gem. Making her way towards the gem. A blast of energy had struck Hellin from behind. Knocked down onto the ground. Hellin knew Lilith had found her. Swiftly rising to her feet. Hellin turned and faced Lilith

Lilith: Well hello my dear child

Hellin: How very foolish of you Lilith! Had you remained hidden. I may had let you live. At least long until you reunited with Okubi. Nothing would satisfy me more than killing you before his very eyes

Lilith: Such bold words from an insignificant bitch! Speaking of my dear arch nemesis Okubi. Once I finish annihilating you. I will settle the score with Okubi once and for all

Hellin: I'll have you dead before then

Lilith: Little girl! You have no idea who you're fucking with

Hellin: Then you must be mistaken. Standing before me is old has been with a superiority complex. Who was so fucking full of herself. A mere human girl was able to best her. Now forced to live a miserable existence. Within the very body of the girl who bested her. So tell me again if I don't have idea who am dealing with?

Lilith: Foolish little bitch! You dare speak to me like some commoner? Now you shall feel the full extension of my wrath! PREPARE TO DIE!

Hellin: You first bitch!

Now with her target in her sights. Hellin runs towards Lilith ready to attack. Creating multiple balls of magenta fire in her hands. Lilith unleashes multiple balls of fire from her palm. Dodging the multiple fireballs with ease. Hellin begins to close in on Lilith. Wearing a sadistic smile on her face. Lilith translocates herself right before Hellin. Momentarily caught off guard by Lilith's speed. Just before Lilith delivers a menacing kick. Hellin quickly blocks her head as Lilith's kick sends her flying. Crashing to the ground once again. Right as Hellin rises to her knees. Lilith appears before her again. Delivering another menacing kick towards Hellin's head. Blocking Lilith's attack once more. Hellin counters by unleashing a blast of black fire. Dodging Hellin's attack with little effort. Lilith starts to prepare her next attack. Extending her left hand out towards Lilith. Hellin uses the technique Ravenous Snakes. Multiple boa constrictor sizes snakes spring out from Hellin's wrist. Watching the snakes coming towards her. Lilith quickly chants a spell in latin. Turning Hellin's Ravenous Snake attack against herself. Becoming bind by her own snakes. Hellin tires forcefully to break herself free. Lilith laughs menacingly watching Hellin struggle

Lilith: Little girl! Don't you realize when you been beaten? Did you truly believe you were a match for me?

Hellin: I defeated Demon Lords before bitch! Don't think for a second I'm defeated. It was my fault using a snake theme attack. Against a woman who experts in snake magic. Regardless this fight is far from over

Lilith: Oh how adorable. Little girl can't accept she's been defeated. Now that I have you where I want you. I have something I want to ask you

Hellin: Is it "How will I be killing you. Once I break free from these damn snakes?"

Lilith: Not quite little bitch. I wanted to ask you if you are from Babylon?

Hellin: What gave it away? My scent/

Lilith: No your behavior. The way you carry yourself is that of a Babylonian warrior. Prideful fighters to the very end. The very same way my warriors were fifty seven hundred thousand years ago. Well before I killed all of them of course. Seems like your current ruler and I shared similar in our warriors. So tell me my prideful and soon dead demon. Are you related to the current ruler of Babylon? Perhaps Babylon's current ruling is someone you call mom?

Hearing such a shocking yet accurate guest from Lilith. The feelings of regret Hellin once felt. Now has transformed itself into fear. Seeing the worried expression on Hellin's face. Lilith wears a smile of utter satisfaction. Knowing she has Hellin in her full mercy. All that is left is to crush the young demon's spirit

Lilith: Well by that pitiful expression on your face. Looks like I hit the nail on the head. Anyways after I'm through with you. Following by getting my revenge on Okubi. I will then return to the Underworld and reclaim my throne. Best believe when I see that mother of yours. I'll surely tell her what a pathetic daughter you were. Now my dear child. It's time I put an end to your needless existence

Lilith then begins making her way towards Hellin. Unable to break free from the multiple snakes surrounding her body. Hellin knows she only has one option left. Once Lilith is standing before here. The former Demon Lord lays a hand on Hellin's face. Right before slashing Hellin's right cheek with her thumb nail. Licking Hellin's blood off her nail. Lilith begins to taunt the young demon once more

Lilith: So my dear sweet little demon. Any last words before I destroy you?

Hellin: Oh I most certainly do my dear Lilith. DON'T PISS OFF A TELEPATH!

Unleashing a wave of psychic energy upon Lilith. Hellin successfully traps the demon's mind in what is known as the Astral Planes. Having brought their battle to the Astral Planes. Hellin now has the upper hand against Lilith. However in order to eliminate the former Demon Lord. The life of Angelina is also at risk


Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Forbidden Chapter 23

Forbidden Chapter Twenty Three - The Fall of Okubi

 After discovering the horrible truth within the city of Coram. Okubi along with his allies had split into groups. In order to tackle the various threats throughout Mayland. Team A consist of Xiaoyu, Apollyn, and Nara. Team B consisting of Hellin, Lisa, and Angelina. Finally Team C formed by Okubi, Eligos, and Anna. Once the teams had gone there separate ways. Xiaoyu along with her team. Immediately began searching for clues. In order to find the potential location of Ivory and Zar's hiding place. Traveling many hours throughout the vast city of Coram. Xiaoyu, Apollyn, and Nara went to various location. Hoping to find clues about where would Ivory and Zar possibly hide. During the many hours of Team A's long search. Xiaoyu along with her comrades questioned few of the locals. A plan that did not bold too well. The locals either didn't want to converse with strangers. Others simply didn't have a clue. It's not like they were interested in neither Ivory or Zar's bounty. They had problems of their own to worry about. Extremely frustrated and fairly exhausted. Xiaoyu decided she needed some food to eat. Course Apollyn and Nara wanted to eat as well. Not too far from the last store they went too. Xiaoyu had spotted a Chinese Food Restaurant. 

 Entering the bright and decorative restaurant The trio immediately found places to sit.  Xiaoyu and Apollyn sat on one side. While Nara shared a seat to himself. Looking through their menus. A waiter started to approach them

Wang: Good evening ladies and gentlemen. My name is Wang and I will be serving you tonight. Now if you don't mind me asking. Are you nice folks ready to order you meals?

Xiaoyu: I would like an order of Chow Mein and three Spring Rolls please

Nara: An order of Sweet and Sour Pork works for me, Oh yeah two Spring Rolls as well

Apollyn: Um... do you guys have Banana Split Sundae?

Wang: Um sorry young lady, but we don't serve those kinds of dishes. This is a Chinese Restaurant after all

Apollyn: Oh then what is Apollyn going to eat?

Xiaoyu: Oh boy I totally didn't think this through. Apollyn only eats desserts. Can this day get any worst?

Wang: Hey hold on a second. I think we can help your friend here after all. Luckily for you folks. Our Head Chef Susan had just returned from her vacation. While a master of all Chinese dishes. Susan is also known for her pastry skills. I'll ask her if she would make you some Fried ice cream

Apollyn: Fried ice cream? Sounds delicious! That's what Apollyn will order. Thank you so much Mr. Wang

Wang: I aim to please Ms. Now that's has been settle. Let me go and order your plates

Xiaoyu: Xie xie (Thank You) Wang

Wang: Bu Kuh Chi (You're Welcome)

Nara: Also give Susan a thanks for us

Wang: Sure thing dude

 Having received everyone's orders. Wang takes his leave to give Chef Susan the orders. A half hour later after eating appetizers. Wang brings Xiaoyu, Nara, and Apollyn their respected dishes. Very pleased with their meals. Xiaoyu and Nara began eating immediately. However words cannot describe how happy Apollyn was with her fried ice cream. Never did the young demon imagined she would be eating such a yummy treat. Once the trio had finished their meals. Just as they were about to leave. They were kindly yet urgently stopped by Wang.

Wang: Hold up for a sec! Please don't leave just yet

Nara: Xiaoyu you did leave Wang a tip right?

Xiaoyu: Course I did Nara. I was raised well after all

Apollyn: Maybe Wang wants to give us free Fried Ice cream

Wang: Sorry Apollyn, but that isn't the case. Also I didn't stop you guys about a tip. One that I already received by the way. Anyways my boss Susan would like to talk to the three of you

Nara: Wow talk about interesting. Okay exactly where is Susan?

Wang: My boss is located in the last room down the left hallway. Also don't forget to mind your manners. My boss has a low tolerance for stupidity

Xiaoyu: Nara stay behind

Nara: Babe that isn't even funny

Xiaoyu: Well if you don't mind me asking Wang. Why does your boss wish to speak to us?

Wang: To be quite honest with you Xiaoyu. I don't have a single clue. All I know is she wishes to speak to you three. Nothing more, nothing less

Xiaoyu: Well considering she's responsible for our delicious meals. It's only fair if we chat with her a bit

Wang: That would be terrific. Thanks again Xiaoyu and company. Anyways I gotta get back to work

 Once Wang takes his leave. Xiaoyu and the other start heading towards the left hallway. A few seconds later the trio reaches the last door. Right before Xiaoyu was about to turn the door knob. Nara quickly grabbed his girlfriend's hand

Xiaoyu: Nara what are you doing?

Nara: Babe have you not heard of knocking?

Xiaoyu: Why would I bother knocking if I know Susan is expecting us? it's not like we're visiting her home

Nara: Well I think you should. Who knows what awaits us behind that door? Despite Susan cooking us that delicious dinner. That doesn't mean we should totally let our guards down. For all we know, Susan can be some soul sucking witch?

 Right before Xiaoyu could respond to Nara's question. The door to Susan's room opens. Standing before Xiaoyu, Apollyn, and Nara. A woman with beautiful sea green haired and a pissed off expression on her face. Stunned by the woman's appearance. Xiaoyu eventually finds her voice

Xiaoyu: Oh my you must be Susan? I'm very surprise to see you're not Chinese

Nara: Along with the fact she isn't some soul sucking being. Well I at least hope so. Considering how beautiful she is

Susan: No I'm not a witch or a soul sucker. Anyways I appreciate you guys came to see me

Xiaoyu: Well after that wonderful meal you made us. We couldn't possibly said no

Susan: Because does something nice for you. It's doesn't mean you have to return the favor. Besides it's not like those meals were free. Anyways now that you're here. I have a favor to ask of you

Nara: Exactly what would that favor be?

Susan: I made some rainbow cookies for my friend Mimi. Normally I would deliver the cookies myself. Unfortunately I have to prepare a big feast for tonights guest. That's why I'm asking you if you would do this for me? Course as a reward. The next time you dine here. Desserts will be for free

Apollyn: YIPPY! Apollyn would definitely deliver cookies to Chef Susan's friend Mimi

Xiaoyu: Exactly where is your friend Mimi located?

Susan: My friend strangely enough lives within the Luger Forest. A forest that is known for it's wolf activity. Well was until Zar had killed most of them

Xiaoyu: Zar?

Susan: oh about Zar. Prior to being wanted by the Queen of Coram. Zar was our cities famed monster hunter. Especially when it came to hunting down treacherous werewolves. Course as I already mentioned. Now that Zar has gone into hiding. Luger Forest wolf activity has slowly started up again. However something tells me you three are very capable

Xiaoyu: We most certainly are. Thank you so much for trusting us with this task Susan. We promise not to let you down. "Finally some good information about Zar's and hopefully Ivory's whereabouts"

Susan: Thank you so much for this guys. I sincerely appreciate this

Apollyn: Just make sure you keep your promise about free desserts. Otherwise you might encounter Apollyn's mean demon side

Susan: I wouldn't dare try anything funny with you dessert demon. Now here are Mimi's cookie. Don't let anything happen to them. I bust my ass making those cookies to her liking

Xiaoyu: We won't disappoint. Okay Nara and Apollyn. Time we make our way to the Luger Forest

Susan: It should be rather easy to find. It's only a few miles up from here. Just make sure you are on your guard

Nara: Trust me when I say those wolves better be more scare of us

Xiaoyu: Farewell for now Susan. Tell Wang we said bye

Susan: Well do now get going

 After having a surprisingly helpful chat with Susan. Xiaoyu, Apollyn, and Nara start making their way to Luger Forest. Arriving to the forest nearly forty minutes later. The trio immediately begin their search for Mimi. Along with any chance encounters with the monster hunter Zar


 After everyone had split into groups. Hellin along with Lisa and Angelina began looking for the demon Christof. In hopes of obtaining the Prosperity Gem in the demon's possession. In order to take the demon's main means of sacrificing the citizens of Coram. Unfortunately since they began their search. Both Hellin and Lisa have struggle to tolerate the other's presence. In most cases one can simply sum this us with "Demons and Angels just don't get along". However considering Lisa adores Apollyn and highly respects Okubi, Angelina, and Anna. A simple dislike for demons isn't Lisa's issue with the Princess of Babylon. Instead Lisa's disdain from Hellin come from both women sharing similar behavior. Not only are Hellin and Lisa  both blunt individuals. Lisa does not care for folks possessing a rough demeanor like Hellin. Hellin on the other hand doesn't really care for her current teammates minus Anna. Furthermore even since Hellin had discovered Angelina's being the demon Lilith. A demon that shares history with the current country her mother rules over. The young Princess struggles with the desire to assassinate Angelina. Not because of any dislikes towards Angelina,but due to being vessel of Lilith. Course should Hellin even attempted such a act. Whether or not she succeed or fails. Knowing not only would Lisa try to stop her. Even if she kills Lisa as well. Okubi and the others will hunt her down. Perhaps even cause harm to her friend Anna. Something Hellin would dread of ever happening. Yet Hellin also considered what her mother would think. Allowing the vessel of the true ruler of Babylon to remain alive. Should Lilith regain control over Angelina's psyche. Deciding to return to the Underworld.  No power Othello posses could keep Lilith from reclaiming her abandon throne. One of the many reasons Hellin did not want to be paired with Angelina. Now Hellin must choose between her loyalties. Either remain an ally to Okubi or to her mother? While Hellin preferred honoring her mother's desires. Having traveled with her newly meet comrades for a good minute. Hellin's hatred towards them has greatly lessen. Thus the source of the Princess's twisted emotions. Deciding not to do anything at the moment. Hellin reluctantly continued to follow Lisa and Angelina

Lisa: I so fucking regret splitting up! Walking around Coram aimlessly is such a fucking drag

Hellin: Hearing you speak is such a fucking drag

Lisa: bitch was I even talking to you?

Angelina: Now girls let's not start problems amongst ourselves. We already got enough crap to deal with as is

Lisa: I was starting anything Lisa. Course princess over here always got shit to say

Hellin: Would you like me to speak with my fist upside your head instead?

Lisa: Just come on and try it bitch! I been looking for an excuse to kick your ass

Angelina: GIRLS ENOUGH! We are a team here for goodness sakes. Let's try like acting like one

Hellin: Whatever you say Lilith!

Angelina: Hellin my name is Angelina. Please only refer to me by that name

Hellin: Well Angelina considering you're the vessel to Lilith! I much prefer calling you by said name

Angelina: I wouldn't call myself a vessel of Lilith exactly. Considering both she and i are unfortunately one of the same. Exactly may I ask what is your issue with me being Lilith? From what I can remember. I don't believe I had encountered you during my days of wickedness

Hellin: No you haven't. However that isn't my issue with Lilith... well you for that matter

Angelina: Then please tell me what is so we can move forward. I don't want deal with anymore hostility than I already do

 However before Hellin was able to explain herself. The ladies began to hear commotion coming not too far from where they stood. Desiring to waste little time as possible. Lisa grabs both Angelina and Hellin's hand, sprouting her angel wings from her back. Seconds after flying her teammates towards the commotion. The girls spot a female giant surrounded by a group of thugs. Sensing the female giant's fear. Lisa swiftly flew Hellin, Angelina, and herself towards the troubled giant. Once the arrived onto the scene. The girls realized the giant was defending a food stand owner from a group of thugs. The thugs were mostly half demons with two beast people in their ranks. Noticing the arrival of the three women. The thugs had turned their attention towards them

Thug A: Who the fuck are you bitches?

Hellin: The bitches who are about to kick your sorry asses. Nothing worst than a bunch of half demons causing trouble. Especially such low lives as yourselves

Lisa: Bitch have you lost your damn mind? We didn't come here looking for a fight. Only to stop one from happening

Hellin: Well speak for your fucking self! I personally prefer solving all problems with my fist

Thug B: A bunch of arrogant bitches here. First this giant intervenes from us robbing this store owner. Now these bitches dare to challenge us? I saw we show these bitches what fighting is all about

Thug C: Let's kick their asses real good


Lisa: Just my fucking luck! Looks like we got a fight on our hands

Hellin: Won't he do it! The two of you each pick an opponent. Leave the other four to me

Angelina: Sure you can handle such odds?

Hellin: Angelina, I thrive when against the odds. Now pick and target and beat the shit out of them

Lisa: Well if you say so. Angie, you and I will take on the beast men . I'll take the Hyena looking motherfucker. I'll leave the goat dude to you okay

Angelina: Not a problem Lisa

 While Hellin immediately charges after the half demons. Both Lisa and Angelina deal with the two beast men

Hyena Man: Silly little bitch! Are you seriously suppose to be an angel?

Lisa: Suppose to be an angel? Look here you blind ugly furry bastard! I'm one of Lord Asira's top fucking angels. Now let me show you what this angel can do. Come forth... PEACEMAKER!

 Summoning her trusted holy sword Peacemaker. Lisa prepares for battle against Hyena Man.

Goat Man: Hey pretty lady. Which limb do you want me tear from you first?

Angelina: I prefer if you wouldn't take any. I much prefer if we didn't have to fight at all

Goat Man: Well you should had thought of that before you bitches intervene in our business. The price of fucking with The Red Cannibals is death!

Angelina: Have it your way. Just don't say I didn't give you a chance to walk away. Now face the wrath of my fury. AMETHYST BEAM!

 Quickly putting both her hands together. Angelina then releases an amethyst colored beam towards Goat Man. Using his technique "Fearsome Ram". Goat Man charges head first towards Angelina's attack. While fighting against Goat Man. Angelina begins to hear a strange voice in her head. The voice of an unknown man calling to her. Rather yet calling out to Lilith. Distracted by the strange voice inside her head. Goat Man successfully pushed through Angelina's attack. Now charging directly towards her. Lisa having already defeated Hyena Man. Quickly flies herself to Angelina's aid. Creating a Holy Barrier around Angelina and herself.  Crashing into Lisa's Holy Barrier. Goat Man falls down to the ground. Before Goat Man could rise to his feet. The beast man spots Hellin from the air. Seconds from landing on top of him. Unable to get up on time. Hellin lands on top of Goat Man and delivers a menacing punch. Knocking the beast man out instantly. After they defeated all of the thugs. Lisa then turned her attention onto Angelina

Angelina: Thanks for the quick save Lisa

Lisa: Anytime Angie, that what friends are for. However I know good and well. A woman possessing your powers needs no one's help. Especially against such a easy opponent. Girl what the hell happened out there?

Angelina: While I was fighting against Goat Man. I heard a voice inside of my head. The voice was calling out to ---

 Before Angelina could finish her sentence. The young demon blacks out and nearly falls down. Luckily Lisa was right there to catch her unconscious friend and ally. Hellin on the other hand was busy rounding up the thugs. Along with discovering the female giant is the shop owners daughter. While the shop owner calls the local authorities. Hellin discovers Angelina has fainted

Hellin: What the hell happened to her?

Lisa: I really don't know. Angie mentioned hearing some voice in her head. However before she could finish speaking. Angie went unconscious. Thankfully I was able to catch her

Hellin: As if that really mattered. Angelina is a demon for fuck sakes. Now about the mysterious voice in her head. That to me is very troubling. I truly pray it's not Christof trying to tamper with her mind

Lisa: How could it possibly Christof? It's not like he knows we're here. Well does he?

Hellin: The hell you're asking me? It's just a possibility after all. It's not like stranger shit hasn't happened. Anyways can you heal her or what?

Lisa: Angelina hasn't suffered any physical wounds. An angels powers aren't really affective against an unconscious mind. Perhaps we should take her to a nearby hospital 

Hellin: If you think that will help

Lisa: Well considering you're a telepath Hellin. Maybe you'll like to see if you can help Angie?

Hellin: The hospital sounds like a wonderful idea

Lisa: Bitch!

After bidding the food stand owner and his daughter farewell. Lisa flies both Hellin and Angelina to a local hospital. Once the girls had checked Angelina into the hospital. Both Hellin and Lisa decide to grab something to eat.  Returning to the hospital an hour later. The girls immediately decided to check on Angelina. Entering inside of Angelina's resting. Both Hellin and Lisa were shocked by what they witnessed. Two of the nurses taking care of Angelina. Lay on the ground slowly bleeding out to death. Lisa immediately ran to the aid of the nurses. Using her angelic powers to heal them of their wounds. Meanwhile Hellin had become engulf with emotions of anger and regret

Hellin: I should had killed that bitch when I had the chance! At least now I can kill Lilith without any remorse

Lisa: Hellin don't you dare go after her without me

Hellin: Piss off Lisa! Had I just went my instinct. I wouldn't have to worry about Lilith

Lisa: Okay what's your fucking issue with Lilith?

Hellin: Long ago before my mother became Queen of Babylon. Lilith was the very demon responsible for Babylon's creation. After many years of ruling over Babylon. Lilith had grown bored of her routine life. Wanting a life of endless adventure and the ability to do anything. Lilith decided to kill all her subjects and servants. Ultimately abandoning her position as Queen of Babylon and leaving the Underworld. However knowing that Lilith was still out there. My mother told both my sister and I. Should we ever encounter Lilith. Our orders were to kill her on the spot. Unfortunately for a limited time. Lilith or better known as Angelina. Was one of my allies. Thus causing me great internal conflict. Had I just followed my mothers orders. Angelina would already been dead. Now I have to find Angelina and kill her. Before she decides to return to the Underworld. Threatening my mother's position of power. Now i'm going to say this just this once. Stay the fuck out of my way or I'll kill you as well

Unable to stop Hellin from running off. Lisa watched angrily as Hellin jumped out the hospital window. In order to give chase to Angelina


Once splitting from the others. Okubi along with Eligos and Anna began traveling towards Queen Adama's castle. While Okubi fully intended to confront Adama about Coram's current situation. Okubi also had plans for Anna. Ever since he meet Anna in the Underworld. Learning about her rough life and witnessing the cruelty Anna endured from Othello. Okubi wanted to treat Anna to some unexpected yet well deserved fun. Knowing it would be hours before they reached Adama's castle. Okubi decided to treat Anna to various festivities. Starting with taking Anna to a up scale clothing store. At first Anna did not like the idea. Feeling it was unfair the others weren't enjoying such activities. However the main reason Anna didn't want to go shopping. Anna felt she was underserving of such luxuries. Able to relate to Anna's feelings of uncertainty. Eligos begins to speak to Anna. Convincing the young demon to enjoy herself. After nearly two hours of shopping. Okubi and Eligos then takes Anna to a street carnival. Never in her entire life has Anna seen anything so wonderful. A bit hesitant at first. Anna had asked Okubi is she can go on some of the rides. Okubi calmly agreed to Anna's wishes. Sitting quietly on the bench. Okubi and Eligos joyfully watched Anna ride on various rides. Anna rode on a carousel, mechanical pony, play a game of laser tag, another ride on the carousel, and finally the merry- go- round. After giving Anna a surprise morning of fun. Okubi was now ready to go and see Queen Adama. Similar to their adventures in Jazan. Okubi planned for Anna to sneak inside Adama's castle. While both Eligos and Okubi directly approach Adama. While Okubi was uncertain of what danger lies ahead. Okubi knew for certain he wanted to keep Anna out of any unnecessary dangers. Finally arriving to Noble City, the capital of Coram. Now only an hour away from meeting Queen Adama. Nothing could prepare Okubi and his team for what happens next.  Walking through the elegant scenery of Noble City. Okubi, Eligos, and Anna began sensing various ominous presence. The first two they scents were nothing too alarming.

 However the last scent felt very fearsome. Immediately Okubi and his team knew they were sensing Christof. The very demon that threaten the lives of every citizen within Coram. While Okubi feared no demon. Okubi knew he was not quite ready to face Christof just yet. Especially with only Anna to back him up. None the less Okubi saw an opportunity. Should he seek out Christof and defeat him battle. Not only could Okubi spare his friends from needless danger. The citizens of Coram would all be spared from certain death. While Eligos and Anna was unsure of Okubi's plans to confront Christof. They both knew once Okubi had made up his mind. Absolutely nothing or no one could change his mind. If Okubi believed he could take out Christof here and now. Okubi would not let such an opportunity slip from his fingers.  Enhancing the scent of his aura. Okubi wanted to draw Christof and his companions to his location. Ten minutes after enhancing his demonic aura. Standing before Okubi, Eligos, and Anna was the demon Christof. Standing seven feet tall. Christof was a pale skin demon with brownish gold hair. Wearing a long beard around his face. Christof wore a opened green trench coat. Showing off his muscular body. Covered in various battle scars. Wearing navy blue pants and steel toed black boots. Christof definitely posses the characteristic of a powerful demon. Alongside Christof were two other demons. A Egyptian looking female demon wearing a purple/black jumpsuit on Christof's right. A Egyptian looking male demon wearing a sleeveless red/black jumpsuit on Christof's left. The names of those demons were Falen and Rage. Now with the main target in his sights. Okubi was ready for battle

Christof: So I guess your the fuckers who came to stop me?

Okubi: How did you know we are coming? I highly doubt you possess any precognitive abilities

Christof: That you be right lad. Luckily for me my wife own a magic mirror. A mirror that told me about your arrival. Speaking of which. Where the rest of your band of losers?

Okubi: They are around here somewhere. Trying to locate the whereabouts of Ivory and find your main hideout. Now having told you that piece of information. Exactly who is this wife you speak of?

Christof: Now c'mon lad, ya can't be that dense. Alright I'll tell since I'm going to kill you anyways. My lovely wife is the very woman who runs the county. Queen Adama Snow of Coram!

Anna: Oh no!

Eligos: If I suspected as much. I'm certain Master Okubi figured it out as well

Okubi: I certainly did Eligos. Sadly I truly wish it wasn't true. Now it makes sense how you remain under the radar. The very woman who suppose to be protecting Coram. Works to aid the man who wishes to destroy it. Now that leads me to ask my next question. Is Queen Adama aiding you by free will or she's under some sought of curse?

Christof: You're as smart as ya look sissy boy. Well to answer you question. My wife's situation is a little bit of both. Having placed the Loathe Spell on my wife Adama. The curse has the ability to force a person act on their darkest of desires. The best part about the curse. The person it's inflicted upon is well aware of their action. They are just unable to stop themselves. Anyways I did not come here to chat with you about my ambitions. Considering how foolish your friends and you were to come here. I'm pretty certain you know of my plans

Okubi: We most certainly do you bastard! I won't let you sacrifice the citizens of Coram. Just so you can be some all powerful demon. I refuse to let you use to Prosperity Gem for such unspeakable evil. That's why I will execute you here and now

Eligos: Master Okubi, do you believe you can defeat Christof on your own?

Okubi: Eligos I don't have much of a choice now do I? Not that I never wanted to fight Christof. However I had hope Hellin's team had encountered him first. They were my offense team after all.

Christof: Speaking about you friend Angelina. I don't think she'll be so reliable as you once thought. As I had mentioned earlier. Once my wife told me about you and your friends arrival. My wife gave me a bit of info on each one of you. When she told me the truth about your friend Angelina. I immediately decided to use my Personal-Path abilities upon your friend. Making certain Lilith's power couldn't be used against me

Anna: A Personal- Path?

Okubi: Meaning an individual who posses a unique type of telepathy. While they can't manipulate multiple minds or cast illusions. A personal-path has the ability to target a single individual. Taking over the individuals mind completely over time. Course there is a draw back to said power. Long as the user maintains control over his target individual. They cannot target anyone else for a certain length of time. None the less having targeted Angelina. I know Hellin and Lisa have quite a situation on their hands. I'm truly beginning to regret splitting everyone up. Perhaps if had traveled together. Things may had worked out differently

Christof: It certainly would had been differently. I would had killed you buggers all in one swat

Anna: That means Hellin and Lisa are in danger

Eligos: I'm confident both Hellin and Lisa will fair well against Lilith. In the meantime Anna my dear it's time---

Okubi: NO IT'S NOT!

Anna: Okubi?

Eligos: Master?

Okubi: Anna I appreciate you very much, but I don't want your help. Especially against this brute and his minions. Eligos, you and Anna get out of here. Go and find the others

Eligos: Master Okubi I will not leave your---

Okubi: You dare question my authority? Eligos I do not wish to argue with you. I care about you WAY too much. Now please both you and Anna get out of here. I'll fend these curs off as long as possible

Anna: But Okubi, I can help you. Please don't treat me like a useless demon

Okubi: Anna you are not useless. Please try to think better of yourself. Should something happen to me. I need someone to get the message to the others. Please just and find Hellin and Lisa. I can handle these jokers on my own

Christof: Big talk for such a sissy looking man. Falen, Rage! Get ready to rip this little bitch apart

Okubi: Either with the odds against me. I won't be remotely easy to take down. I have survive much worst than this. Now go Eligos and Anna. I can handle this alone

Eligos: Promise me you won't be killed Master Okubi

Anna: We will come back for you. Please stay alive until then Okubi. Thank you for our awesome morning once again. Minus my friendship with Princess Hellin. Never have I experience such wonderful joy. Okubi please don't allow these monsters to kill you

Okubi: Eligos until we reunite. I'm giving Anna temporary ownership of your spirit. Make sure you take good care of here. I won't forgive you otherwise

Eligos: I most certainly will Master Okubi. Goodbye my dear friend

Christof: Oh how fucking heartbreaking. Do you really think I'm going to let your friend's escape? Rage go and grab the girl

Okubi: Not on your life butt hole. SUMMONING AQUA CLONES

At the speed of lightning. Okubi summons four water clones of himself. Right before the demon Rage could get his hands on Anna. Okubi sets one of his clones right in front of him. Right as rage tries to run pass Okubi's clone. The set Okubi clone explodes in a hard splash of water. The impact of the exploding clone sends Rage crashing to the ground. Knocking the speedster demon off of his feet. Okubi realizes that both Eligos and Anna had ran away successfully.

Christof: Falen help Rage deal with this bitch. I'm going after the girl in green

Okubi: No the hell you are not! Water clones stop that behemoth at once

 Following the orders of the real Okubi. The water clones start charging towards Christof. Pulling out a short sword from the left side of her thigh. Falen moves towards Okubi attempting to kill him. Okubi quickly summons his ice rapier. Immediately enters combat with the female demon. Preparing himself against the three Okubi water clones. Christof swiftly summons two gigantic broadswords. Battling against Falen, Okubi gains the upper hand and kicks her away. Spotting Rage getting up from the corner of his eye. Okubi throws multiple fireballs towards Rage. Using his super speed abilities. Rage does Okubi's fireballs with ease. Having dealt with Okubi's water clones. Christof then charges towards the real Okubi with intent to kill. Unfazed by his demon opponents. Okubi uses a technique he would never perform amongst his allies. Performing the Seduction Pose Writhe. Okubi bends over with his back facing his enemies. Placing both his on the ground and spreading his legs apart. Okubi releases a ominous energy towards Christof, Falen, and Rage. Hearing Christof, Falen, and Rage screaming in  agonizing pain. Okubi is now ready to deliver the finishing blow. Holding his ice rapier in left hand. Okubi starts walking towards Christof. Kneeling from the pain of Okubi's last attack. Christof knew if he didn't strike now. Not only would Okubi have his head. The very ambitions he worked hard to achieve would be for not. Summoning every last bit of strength within his body. Right as Okubi was about to decapitate Christof.  The demon manages to ram his fist through Okubi's body. A few inches below Okub's heart. Realizing that he had become over confident. Okubi never expected it would end like this. Christof pulling his arm out of Okubi's chest. Okubi began bleeding heavily as he dropped to the floor. Immediately the young half demon's healing began kicking in. Unfortunately even with his wounds healing in a matter of minutes. Okubi was now at the complete mercy of Christof and his minions. As Okubi lay barely conscious on the ground. Okubi was certain Christof would end his life within the alley. Instead the tall demon pick Okubk off the ground. Throwing Okubi's petite body over his shoulders. 

Christof: We did it folks? While we failed to grab the girl. We now have their leader in our possession. While we intended to go to the hideout and retrieve the gem. After battling against this little bitch. I think it's be we goes back tot he castle and rest a bit. Course also throw this bitch in my wife's dungeon. Surely the girl in green will warn the others. That's why we need to find and kill them first. Before the others reunite and gather at Noble City. Only after we killed the rest of Okubi's friends. Along with finding where Ivory is hiding. Then I will personally deal with the bitch on my shoulder. Now gets off ya asses and let's get back to the castle. One down and ten more to go. No matter what obstacles may stand in my way. NOTHING and I mean NOTHING will stop me from achieving my goal. I Christof will become the greatest demon to ever live! Bet on it!


Saturday, April 4, 2015

Anna's Playful Costume

Adorable :)

New Characters Of Forbidden

1. Ivory Snow

The Chocolate Skin Snow White. The daughter of Queen Adama. After learning of her mother's secret marriage to the demon Christof. Ivory knew her life was about to change from the worst. Learning about her step father's plans to sacrifice the residence of Coram. Ivory had stolen a valuable gem once in her step father's possession. Now hiding within her country as a wanted outlaw. Alongside her dear friend Zar. Ivory plans on freeing her mother and Coram from the evil of Christof

Ivory is based on the fairy tale Snow White

2. Zar Arkwright

The Young Hunter In Red. A young karate master turned vigilante. After coming home from school one evening. Upon entering inside of his beloved grandfather's house. Zar witness his grandpa being devoured by a werewolves. Spotted by the fearsome creature. The werewolves had came after Zar. Thankfully due to his fighting skills. Zar managed to slay the beast, but at the cost of his left hand. After replacing his missing hand with the wolf's. Swearing to make sure no one else suffered his fate. Zar decided to become a protector of Coram. Several months later. After learning the truth about Coram from his friend Ivory. Zar had joined Ivory in her fight against Christof

Zar is inspired by the Story Little Red Riding Hood. Also Zar's name was inspired by Queen's Blade Grimoire character Zara

3.  Susan Battle

The beautiful and savvy Coram resident with a troubled past. Despite Susan's youthful appearance. The spring green haired beauty is 235 years old. Originally a princess from the country Samarium. After the death of her mother. Susan's father had demanded she become his new wife. Refusing to marry her own father. Susan's father threaten to have her executed. Filled with great anger and sadness. Susan had ran away from home. In order to avoid such a tragic fate. While running through the forest. Susan had encountered a witch by the name Jennifer. After Susan had explained her situation to the exotic looking witch. Jennifer had placed a powerful spell upon Sudan. Giving the runaway princess the ability to transform into a Hombre Gato. Using her newly acquired powers. Susan had plotted to kill her father. In order to make sure he could not burden her further. Shortly after Susan had assassinated her father and left Samarium forever. Years later Susan had arrived to Coram and became a chef for a Chinese Food Restaurant

Susan's story is inspired by the fairy tale The She Bear Giambattista Basile. Course I decided to make Susan a cat woman instead of a bear lol

Forbidden Chapter 22

Forbidden Chapter Twenty Two - Arrival To Coram

Ever since the heroes had learned of Hellin's conversation with Moses. Learning of the danger the city of Coram faces The heroes began their hasty travel to Coram. In order to save the citizens of Coram from being sacrificed. After nearly three days of relentless traveling. The heroes have finally arrived to the city of Coram. Having successfully reached the city of Coram. The heroes can now begin their search for the demon Christof. In order to a stop the demon's sinister scheme. Surrounded by a beautiful and colorful scenery. Reminiscing of multiple fairytales. The heroes begin their search for Christof

Okubi: So this is Coram? How very interesting

Nara: Is that a giant red shoe a few blocks ahead?

Xiaoyu: it most certainly is Nara. To be quite honest here. This whole city looks like a fairytale

Anna: Coram is absolutely beautiful. I wouldn't mind living in a place like this

Hellin: I certainly would not want to live here. WAY too colorful for my liking

Eligos: Considering you're the Princess of Babylon. The only place you can live is in the Underworld. Well unless you were exiled of course. Then you can live just about anywhere. If you mother didn't have you killed first

Angelina: A real conversation started you are Eligos

Eligos: I aim to please Lilith

Hellin: "Did Eligos just call Angelina, Lilith? Perhaps this is what Moses was warning me about"

Lisa: Hellin are you alright?

Okubi: I'm certain she's fine. Hellin's face looks like someone who just learned a shocking secret. Well in case you didn't know. The blood of the decease demon Lilith. Runs through the veins of Angelina's body

Hellin: That would explain Lilith's disappearance many centuries ago. Many natives of the Underworld simply believed Lilith had abandoned her home world. Never would anyone guest she was killed by a mortal.

Angelina: Great going Okubi and Eligos. Anyways my whole ordeal with becoming Lilith. Isn't something I enjoy talking about. Considering the things i done prior to Onyxe's mental healing. Anyways can we just focus on the task at hand?

Xiaoyu: I very much agree with Angelina. The sooner we find that bastard Christof. The sooner we can continue to defeat The Children of Ruin

Nara: Well let's first go and find something to eat. Then we can start searching for Christof

Apollyn: Also my dear buddies. Let's not forget about the dragon from before

Lisa: Why did you have to remind me. I still get goosebumps from the last dragon we fought

Okubi: Hopefully we can avoid such an encounter. Course if we should encounter the beast again. Just let me handle it.

Xiaoyu: Allow you to fight a dragon by yourself? Okubi don't be foolish. In spite of how strong you are. Dragons aren't something one wishes to fight alone

Eligos: I appreciate your concern for the Master, Xiaoyu. However Okubi has slain three dragons without any assistants. The magic my Master posses gives him the edge against such creatures

Okubi: Furthermore during my last trip within the Underworld. My demonic powers have vastly increased. Personally I hope I get to use some of my newfound powers in battle

Lisa: Considering what we came here to do. Fighting will be inevitable. I'm certain once we find Christof. Not only will we have to fight him. A man like Christof is certain to have minions

Hellin: Well the more the fucking merrier. I just can't wait to fucking kill something

Anna: Now that everything has been decided and planned. Let's head over to that diner over there

Apollyn: Apollyn hopes the diner makes yummy desserts. Apollyn is in the mood for chocolate lava cake

 Walking to the diner just a few blocks away. Once the heroes arrived to the fancy diner. Majority of them went to order their food. All except Xiaoyu and Hellin who spotted a Wanted List on the wall. Interested on learning more about the names and faces. The two women went over to the wall and began to read. 

Hellin: Hmm... what an interesting group of people. Do you recognize any of these people detective?

Xiaoyu: Considering I'm fron China Hellin. The criminals here are surely based in Mayland. At least most of them anyways. Now onto the list of these criminals. The names on here are Black Velvet, Nico Zeals, Etudes Dark, Yellow Jacket, Assassin Bug, Phoneutria, Dustin Adler. Wow these criminals got some serious bounties on their heads. Well isn't that strange

Hellin: Exactly what are you referring too?

Xiaoyu: Look down here at the last two names on this list. Zar Arkwright and Ivory Snow. Unlike the others name on the Wanted List. Neither of these two have a description of their crime. Yet both of them posses a bounty greater than anyone else on here

Hellin: Perhaps their crime is so heinous. The authority did not wish to to specifics of their crimes

Xiaoyu: Or something else is going on here. If only I could investigate this situation for myself. Unfortunately I highly doubt Okubi would allow me to do such a thing. After all we only came here to take out Christof. Not to figure out why two of Coram's citizens are on the Most Wanted list

Hellin: Fucking pathetic!

Xiaoyu: What the fuck did you just say?

Hellin: I didn't stutter or whisper Xiaoyu. I'm just saying it's pathetic how all of you follow Okubi's orders without question

Hellin: Hellin don't you dare try to bring division between us. If it wasn't for Okubi, I wouldn't be alive today. Like majority of us here. I follow Okubi's orders because he is the strongest and the wisest. Besides as I already mentioned. We came to Coram to track down and eliminate Christof. Anything else is unimportant

Hellin: Yet those two people on the wanted list are important to you

Xiaoyu: it's not like I personally know them or anything. I just feel like something isn't right about them being on this list. Don't you find it oddly suspicious how everyone else is wanted dead or alive. Yet only Zar ad Ivory are wanted alive?

Hellin: That is rather suspicious. Anyways let's bring it up to our "leader" While we are eating our breakfast

 After their discussion on the Coram Wanted List. Both Xiaoyu and Hellin joins the others at the breakfast table

Lisa: So what were you two girls discussing?

Nara: Probably arguing who is second in command

Eligos: Well base on where they were standing. I willing to bet it has something to do with the Wanted List

Hellin: It most certainly does Okubi's servant

Eligos: My name is Eligos

Hellin: I call you whatever I feel like peasant

Okubi: Eligos do not respond back! Anyways exactly what were you two discussing over there?

Hellin: Well Xiaoyu and I were looking at the Wanted List. Just out of curiosity at first. However Xiaoyu notice something rather odd about the list

Angelina: Odd in what way?

Xiaoyu: Well out of all the names on the list. Only two are them were demanded alive. Their names were Zar Arkwright and Ivory White

Apollyn: What super cool names. Apollyn like it tons

Okubi: I never heard or Arkwright, but I believe I remember the name Ivory Snow from somewhere

Eligos: If memory serves correctly. Wasn't both Ivory and her mother special guest at the third Devilry Combat Tournament?

Okubi: I believe her name was Adama Snow. The Queen of Coram

Xiaoyu: Coram has a Queen? I thought Mayland only had one official ruler

Okubi: Mayland does have a official ruler Xiaoyu. Which is currently King Onyxe

Hellin: That fucking bastard!

Okubi: That was very uncalled for Hellin. Considering you too are a bastard

Hellin: Don't fucking start with me Okubi

Okubi: Then don't freaking interrupt me! Now back to what I was saying before. While Mayland has only one official ruler. That person being the winner of the Devilry Combat Tournament. However since neither Mayland's current King or Queen can be everywhere. They assign certain parts of Asira to be ruled over by other powerful sages and warriors. Adama has currently ruled Coram for about thirty years

Nara: Well I just learned something new today

Lisa: I bet you sure did you big dummy. How can you be a fucking citizen of Mayland and not know that?

Angelina: Even I knew that Nara and I lived most of my human life in Japan

Nara: Oh blah fucking blah. That's why I have smart ass friends like you

Anna: Don't feel bad Nara. I too never knew about such things

Eligos: Well at least your ignorance is excusable Anna. After all you lived in the Underworld

Anna: Anyways do you think Queen Adama would have information concerning Christof?

Okubi: I can't say she wouldn't have such information. However if Queen Adama knows about Christof. I certainly doubt she would know of his sinister intentions. I mean Christof would have to be really stupid. Allowing a woman of Adama's power to learn of his scheme

Hellin: Well Moses did say Christof was hiding within Coram. Meaning hiding from Adama as well

Lisa: Still I think we should try to speak with Queen Adama. Even if she doesn't know about Christof. The least we can do is make her aware of Coram's dire situation

Okubi: Lisa my dear lady. I 100% agree with you

Xiaoyu: So are we heading towards Queen Adama's castle first then?

Okubi: Yes Queen Adama's castle is indeed one of our desired destinations. Course not all of us shall be going.

Xiaoyu: What?

Hellin: The hell we aren't

Apollyn: Is it because of our status? Isn't Apollyn like royalty now due to big sis Lisa Alice being Queen of Jazan?

Okubi: No Apollyn it has nothing to do with status. Besides being royalty in the Underworld means nothing on Asira and vice versa. Anyways what I was going to say. All of us going to see Queen Adama would be wasteful. Considering we have other problems at hands

Nara: An example of such other problems?

Okubi: Zar Arkwright and Princess Ivory Snow. As Xiaoyu herself already mentioned. The fact those two are wanted only alive is very strange. Usual when anyone lands on a Wanted List, Rather they are captured dead or alive is unimportant. Yet the bounty clearly states to bring Zar and Ivory back alive

Nara: So what are you trying to say? You want a group of us to go and search for Zar and Ivory?

Okubi: That's exactly what I want Nara

Anna: Well considering they are on the Wanted List. Do you even think they are still within Coram? Usually when someone is wanted in a certain area. They immediately try to get as far away as imaginable

Angelina: In most cases anyways. Unless of course they actually have a reason for staying

Xiaoyu: I'm guessing you think that reason has something to do with Christof?

Okubi: Indeed my dearest Xiaoyu. Along with the fact Adama only child is one of those very people. Usually when a child of a King or Queen goes rogue. That is something one must immediately report to Mayland's ultimate ruler. Which is currently our friend Onyxe

Angelina: Something I'm quite certain Onyxe is unaware of.

Xiaoyu: Especially considering the other names on the list are known throughout Mayland. Yet only Zar and Ivory are Coram specific

Anna: Exactly how old are Zar and Ivory's wanted posters?

Xiaoyu: Based on the date listed on their posters. It was definitely before Apollyn and I even arrived to Mayland

Nara: That's how long Onyxe was kept in the dark? Something really fucking shady is going on here

Okubi: Well to be exact Nara. Onyxe is still in the dark. Luckily we aren't. Anyways let's us finished our breakfast and discuss strategy afterwards

Hellin: Why do I get the feeling you are going to confront Adama by yourself?

Okubi: Oh not by myself, but certainly not with you. Now please cease your talking and eat your food

Hellin: Grits, eggs, sausage, and french fries? Satan do I loath mortal food


Returning from her secret lair. A tall and beautiful brown skin woman returns to her throne. Once seated on her throne chair. The woman had sat quietly and patiently. Watching a mysterious figure approach her from the shadows. Once the mysterious figure had revealed himself to her. The woman felt both relief and annoyance. Standing before the Queen of Coram. Her husband the mischievous demon Christof

Adama: Good morning my ill hearted husband. What do you and your band of fiends want from me now?

Christof: Did you manage to find that daughter of your location yet?

Adama: Unfortunately my magic mirror could not find Ivory nor the Young Hunter In Red's location

Christof: Incompetent woman! What fucking good are you?

Adama: What good am I? Is that really a question a rogue demon dares to be asking? If it weren't for me you fool. Not only would neither of your fiends nor you be able to hide within my glorious castle. The Young Hunter In Red would had already slain you

Christof: Who are you trying to fucking fool Adama? The only reason your are loyal to me. Is due to the Loathe Spell I had placed on you. The spell not only caused you to married me in secret. Along with making your only child an outlaw in her own country. The spell I had placed on you. Shall aid me in sacrificing the residence of Coram. Course that's once I retrieve the Prosperity Gem from your wrenched daughter! So tell me Adama. Do you know Ivory's location?

Adama: I already told you Ivory is BLOCKING ME! Ask me to repeat myself again and I'll have you beheaded!

Coram: There was no need for you to yell at me! Anyways I don't need your fucking help in finding Ivory or the Young Hunter In Red. Long as that little bitch remains in Coram. It's only a matter of time before my demons or I find her. Just don't say nothing when we gut the little bitch

Adama: Had that poison apple taken out my daughter as it was planned. We would already had the Prosperity Gem in our hands. Unfortunately that imbecile Grimhilde failed to do her job

Christof: For that very reason. I ripped Grimhilde limb from limb on that very night. The very thing I strongly wish I could do to you

Adama: Christof you are more than welcome to wish ill on me. Just know if you ever were to act on those emotions. I would destroy the very instant you put your hands on me

Christof: Be thankful I'm no match for you woman. Anyways I shall be taking my leave for now. C'mon my goons

 Other demons from the shadows appear before Adama and Christof

Adama: By the way my dear husband. While I could not find my daughter. The mirror did show me something rather interesting

Christof: Exactly what "interesting" did that incompetent mirror showed you?

Adama: Not too long ago. Nine strangers had enter inside of Coram. Strangers who are hunting for you

Christof: Are these said strangers from the Underworld?

Adama: Two of them are. One name Hellin and the other Anna

Christof: Hellin... I know that name from somewhere. That's the Princess of Babylon, Othello's kid. FUCKING DEMONS! That fucking jezebel sent her daughter to kill me, but for why? Never had I thought Othello would become an enemy. Course that fucking slut will do about anything to keep her power. Even if it means getting involved in shit that has nothing to do with her. I'll gladly make an example of her daughter when the time comes. Then I'll go and kill that bitch. After I fucked her good of course. Anyways about the other visitors. I want their fucking names

Adama: Okubi Vice, Eligos,  Jia Xiaoyu, Apollyn, Lisa Brown, Nara Chabla, and lastly Lilith!

Christof: Did you just say Lilith? Adama you better be fucking joking me?

Adama: Do I look like I'm in the mood for jokes?

Christof: That cannot possibly be right. The mirror my had told you wrong

Adama: You dare questioned the wisdom of my trusted mirror?

Christof: Is that mirror is right? Then my plans in sacrificing the citizens of Coram just got ten times more difficult. The thing I can't seem to accept. Lilith is one of the most evil demons to ever exist. Never would Lilith fight on the side of good. Let alone care about stopping a bunch of people from being sacrificed. It just possibly can't be true

Adama: But it is and Lilith situation has been changed greatly. Currently the soul and blood of Lilith resides in a girl. A girl by the name Angelina

Christof: Why in the fuck you didn't just say that first?

Adama: I just did you ungrateful bastard! Anyways while Lilith's mind is being suppressed by Angelina's. Should you meet Angelina and find a way to get Lilith back in control. Perhaps we can turn this negative to a positive. Having a ally like Lilith on our side would prove most wonderful

Christof: In the destruction of Coram and perhaps everything else. However if a demon like Lilith is around. I will never be able to accomplish my goal

Adama: It's a risk I'm willing to take

Christof: I'm starting to regret using the Loathe Spell on you. Damn did that spell really did a number on you. Then again the spell did help you be your true self. A woman who despises the very country she rules over. Now with this newly acquired information. My demons and I can start getting rid of these nine strangers of Coram

Adama: Do what you will to the others. However the stranger name Okubi shall become my prey

Christof: Fine by me. One less piece of shit for me to worry about. Anyways to my dear and loyal servants. Now that we know the names of our enemies. We shall hunt them down and annihilate them. Falen and Rage. The two of you will travel alongside me. Black Zero, Cynthia, and Ethan. The three of you go hunting for Ivory. Lastly Victor and Paul. The two of you shall remain in the shadows. Watching over my wife, the Queen. I didn't come all this fucking way. Just for my ambitions to be in vain. No matter what obstacles dare stand before me. I will become the strongest demon to ever exist. Even the Demon Lord Mastema would tremble before my might!

 After completing a hearty breakfast and learning the truth about Coram. Okubi prepares his allies for the battle ahead

Xiaoyu: Okay Okubi we're ready when you are

Okubi: Now that we knows what really going on. I feel it would be beneficial if we split into groups. Therefore we can cover a lot more ground

Nara: So exactly how are you going to split of O?

Okubi: I'll tell you now if you don't interrupt. Based on Xiaoyu's desires to learn the truth behind Ivory and Zar's bounty. I'm leaving Xiaoyu in charge to find Ivory and Zar. Traveling alongside her will be her bodyguard Apollyn and her boyfriend Nara

Apollyn: YIPPY! Apollyn gets to travel with Xiao buddy. Thank you Okubi buddy, thank you

Xiaoyu: Thank you Okubi for respecting my wishes. I thought you wouldn't even consider it at first. Also thank you Angelina for confirming Ivory's presence in Coram

Angelina: I appreciate it Xiaoyu, but I still sucks I can't give you her exact location

Nara: Well at least we know she's still within Coram. That's gotta count for something

Xiaoyu: Besides now that I know Ivory is in Coram. Thanks to my advance detective skills. I'll be able to find her soon

Okubi: I'm confident you will Xiaoyu. Just promise to be careful

Nara: Oh best believe I'm letting shit happen to my future wife

Okubi: You certainly let nothing happen to Xiaoyu or Apollyn

Hellin: So I'm guessing you want Anna and I to look for Christof

Okubi: Well I want you to look for Christof, but no Anna

Hellin: Excuse me?

Anna: Yeah Okubi what's the big deal? I'm Hellin's servant after all

Okubi: Considering our unique circumstance. I decided to team Hellin up with Lisa and Angelina instead

Lisa: Are you fucking kidding me? I don't want to be teamed up with Hellin

Hellin: Well I ain't exactly trilled to be teamed up with you either bitch

Angelina: Okubi do you hear what you are saying? A team with Lisa, Hellin, and myself?

Okubi: Not counting myself. The three of you are this team most deadliest fighters. Hellin is brute force, Lisa posses holy magic, and your Angelina... well we all know what you're capable of. Sadly while I lack any precognitive powers. My intuition tells me the three of you will encounter Christof. That's why it's vital the three of you are together.

Hellin: FINE! Only because you believe we will encounter Christof

Lisa: At least I have Angelina to hang with

Angelina: Okubi are you sure you don't want to trade places with me?

Okubi: As much as I would love to Angelina. The task of meeting with Queen Adama can only be done by me. Course with both Eligos and Anna by my side

Anna: Does that mean what I think it means?

Eligos: It most certainly does my dear girl. Along with Master Okubi. The three of us shall be confronting Queen Adama.

Xiaoyu: Queen Adama? Okubi are you sure you're up for that task? Let alone is Anna enough reinforcement?

Okubi: Based on my previous journey with Anna in the Underworld. I feel she is the perfect woman to accompany me. Course if Hellin doesn't have any objections?

Hellin: I object to this whole bullshit to be quite honest. However I decided to respect your position as this group's leader. Well for now anyways. Therefore I'm giving you permission to use Anna as needed. Just make sure my friend returns to me alive or else!

Okubi: I make no promises, but I'll be damned to allow Anna to die on my watch. Now that's everything has been settle. It's time that we take action! I'm giving everyone three days to accomplished our task in rescuing Coram. Failure is not an option


VAIN - The Witch Of Torment

 VAIN Artwork by Anne_Luc