Not often do I find white men attractive outside video games, but damn this guy is fine
A blog dedicated to my FORBIDDEN fantasy world along with reblogs of other various interest. Please enjoy the blog and tell your friends about it
Saturday, October 31, 2015
Happy Halloween
Hellin's Halloween Costume
Hellin's body is covered in milk chocolate. Hair resemble the color of candy corn and is wearing harden caramel high heels.
Sunday, October 25, 2015
Forbidden Chapter 33
Forbidden Chapter 33
Untapped Potential
Witnessing both Xiaoyu and Anna disappearing right before their eyes. Minutes after losing their friends to Razel's minions. Okubi and the remaining heroes within Midor Forest. Stand around with truly defeated looks on their faces. However Apollyn immediately breaks into tears moments after losing Xiaoyu and Anna.
Apollyn: XIAOYU! ANNA! Why couldn't Apollyn and buddies save her friends? I want Xiaoyu and Anna back!
Okubi: Apollyn for the love-
Onyxe: Okubi now is not that time! Apollyn has every right to be upset
Okubi: Are you really crying too Onyxe?
Onyxe: Well yes I'm Okubi! How the fuck am I going to explain to James that I lost his daughter? Anna entered a portal to a place I can't bring her back from. Not only did we lose Anna unnecessarily, but we couldn't stop Xiaoyu from being taken by Razel's minions. Dammit! Only I guess sooner she would posses Brutality
Angelina: None of this is your fault King Onyxe. Fortune was simply not on our side. The last thing anyone of us expected was a Fallen God to be involved in the sage kidnappings. Bad enough we still have to defeat what remains of The Children of Ruin. Now we have a mad goddess and her homunculus to eliminate as well. What a fine time to be a hero
Eligos: So many evils we have encountered and the month of June isn't even over yet.
Okubi: Anymore meaningless comments folks? If so we need to discuss some sought of plan to rescue Xiaoyu and Anna. Make it fast so Apollyn can stop crying!
Onyxe: Exactly what plan are you expecting us to hatch up? That portal both Xiaoyu and Anna had entered was created by Razel. A portal none of us are capable of opening. Unless Razel suddenly decides to open another portal for us to enter. Xiaoyu, Anna, and the other sages are lost forever
Apollyn: Apollyn will never get to see Xiao and Annie buddy again.... *Cries even louder*
Okubi: Unacceptable! I... I can't lose them. Especially not Xiaoyu and Hellin will literally erupt if we fail to rescue Anna. Dammit if only I had the ability to open portals other than my own. Tobirama sensei once I had potential to posses such an ability. Unfortunately he said when I'm probably seven hundred years of age. Xiaoyu and Anna can't wait that damn long. I need to find some way to open Razel's portal
Angelina: That is impossible since you are not a God. Let alone not Goddess Razel
Eligos: I... I wouldn't so sure of that Angelina. I'm almost... no very certain Master Okubi can open Razel's portal into her pocket world
Onyxe: Eligos I admire your confidence in your Master, but even Okubi has hit limits
Eligos: Everyone has limits your Majesty. Even all mighty God and Satan themselves. However I know for a fact Master Okubi's previous limits no longer burden him
Okubi: Exactly why is that my loyal servant?
Eligos: Last night while you deep in slumber. I had requested Knox to come meet me in your room
Onyxe: My father meeting you behind my back? Why didn't he tell me about this?
Okubi: Obviously it was none of your business Onyxe. Now explain to me Eligos why was Lord Knox inside of my room? God help you if you utter a single lie out of your mouth
Eligos: I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me Master. I never meant to cause--
Eligos: After our less than favorable encounter with Janiel back in Coram. I feared you may not have enough power to defeat him when the time arrived. Also I did not want Hellin to become stronger than you and Knox agreed with me
Okubi: I truly underestimated the Reaper Lord's hatred for that jezebel Othello. Anyways exactly what did you allow Knox to do to me while I slept?
Apollyn: Apollyn hopes it was nothing naughty. Apollyn will never forgive Eligos and Onyxe's father if Okubi was violated
Eligos: I can assure you that was not what happened Apollyn
Okubi: Oh I was indeed violated Lynn. Just not in the way you imagined. Now back to your story Eligos
Eligos: Once Lord Knox had arrived to your room. I had him put you under a very dangerous test. One that could had very well ended your life had you failed.
Okubi: The name of that very test?
Eligos: The Demonic Dream Trial!
Upon hearing what Eligos had allowed to happened to Okubi. Not only did Okubi become speechless. Onyxe, Angelina, and Apollyn were shocked as well. Minutes after learning what Eligos ordered Lord Knox to do to Okubi. An enraged Angelina lashes out at the demon spirit
Angelina: ELIGOS YOU ASSHOLE! Do you have any idea what you done?
Eligos: No need for such harsh language Lilith! Also exactly what I done was give my Master more power
Angelina: Yet you risked his life without his consent! What kind of traitorous servant are you?
Eligos: One that doesn't want his Master to die at the hands of the enemy! It's not like I attempted to have him killed out of anger. I only asked Lord Knox to give my Master the strength to combat foes beyond his power level. Besides as you all can see for yourselves. Master Okubi survived the Demonic Dream Trial. While I understand why you all are a bit upset. Thanks to my less than favorable actions. Master Okubi now posses the strength to combat Gods
Okubi: Lower level Gods Eligos and exactly what made you believe I needed more power? As much as I despised being vulnerable to any enemy. I do not wish to gain my strength by black magic. Especially risking my very life for a power increase. I don't my strength handed to me. I desire to grow stronger sole by my own means. After being my servant for all these years Eligos. How could you think I would want to grow stronger any other way? Even if I were to forgive your betrayal because Heaven knows I always haven't been good to you. It hurts to know what you think of my powers
Eligos: Master Okubi please don't say such things. I think very highly of both your magic, natural demonic strength, and you as a person. However I also felt at your current level of power. I fear you would not be strong enough to defeat Janiel. At least not without the help of Hellin
Okubi: Well the point of having Hellin with us is for to help us defeating Janiel
Eligos: Dammit! That's not how I want this madness to end. I didn't even want that woman in our group in the first place. The last thing I want is that unruly princess to take your glory. Do you not remember why Hellin stayed behind in the first place? In order for her whore of a mother to train her. Making sure Hellin becomes stronger than you! I refuse to see the Princess of Babylon steal the glory that's rightfully yours
Okubi: Oh sweet Ophelia! Eligos do you really think I give a single damn about glory? Prior to learning about The Children of Ruin, I had was on a journey of my own. Thanks to those heinous demons, I had to put everything I had planned on hold. I don't really give a rat's buttocks who defeats Janiel let alone stops The Children of Ruin. I just want to return to my old life. Should Hellin be the one that defeats Janiel. Then more power to both her and her mother's kingdom. The only person I'm in a competition with is myself! It will serve you well in the future to remember that. Besides should Janiel prove too powerful for Hellin, our comrades, and myself. I still have a mighty Demon God I can summon. One that will hopefully kill Janiel instead of me should I choose to summon him
Eligos: I understand Master Okubi and I'm terribly sorry for betraying you. May you please find it in your heart to forgive me? I do wish to continue to serve by your side and I promise to never again betray you
Okubi: Apology accepted Eligos, but you ever again place me in the pawn's position in chest. I promise I will end your existence demon spirit!
Angelina: Well as glad as I am to see you forgiven Eligos without much hostility. Okubi you must know what that trial has done to your soul. Ever since this morning I had sense an unusual darkness within you. However I didn't say anything sense I didn't know the reason why I sensed such a change of aura within you. Now that I know the truth of your current situation. I must make you aware of the potential danger that's fallen upon you
Okubi: That very danger being Angelina?
Angelina: The corruption of your very soul. A demon that gains too much power at a young age is very susceptible to succumbing into their inner darkness. The risk is even greater for a half demon. Honestly I'm utterly shocked you managed to survive that trial. I know stories of demons stronger than you that fallen victim at the hands of a Demonic Dream Trial
Okubi: Obviously I'm much stronger than those demons Angelina
Onyxe: Perhaps, but are you strong enough to not fall into your own darkness?
Okubi: Do you want me to answer that honestly your majesty? Or are you hoping I tell you what you want to hear?
Onyxe: I want to know what you truly think Okubi. As Angelina had already mentioned. I too felt an unusual change about you this morning. Now that I know the reasons why. My anxieties have only increased.
Okubi: Well not too worry yourself too much Onyxe. After all I been through a lot and managed to survive. I'm certain this will be no difference. At least I now posses the powers to rescue both Xiaoyu and Anna. Now if you all with be quite for a few minutes. I need to concentrate so I can mimic the energy that Razel uses to open her portal. Once I have opened the portal to Razel's world. Apollyn, Angelina, and myself are going to rescue our comrades
Eligos: What about Onyxe and me?
Okubi: Eligos you will be staying behind with Onyxe. Even if I wasn't the slightest pissed off at you. Bringing you along into Razel's world will serve no purpose. Plus I don't want to put you at risk. I don't know if Razel can harm spirits and I don't care to find out. Onyxe I'm going to temporary sever my bond with Eligos, allowing him to become your demon spirit. However should I not return from Razel's world. Eligos will by default become your servant
Onyxe: Not a problem, but I pray the three of you return safe along with Xiaoyu, Anna, and Brutality
Okubi: Brutality? I have zero intentions of rescuing her. Far as I'm concern she should be dead!
Onyxe: Brutality is much of a victim as Xiaoyu and Anna. Razel placed Brutality under her control. Also that is not a request but an order
Okubi: I respect your position Onyxe, but don't you dare give me orders. Anything I have done for you was out of respect. Never confuse me for one of your servants
Onyxe: I could have you executed for speaking to me like that Okubi
Okubi: Perhaps, but who will rescue Anna from Razel? I highly doubt you want to tell your dearest friend James why his daughter is no longer on planet Asira? Anyways I will rescue Brutality as well, but on one condition
Onyxe: That condition being?
Okubi: That Xiaoyu decides whether or not Brutality is executed or is given a second chance? While I myself couldn't care less what becomes of Brutality. After what that woman had put Xiaoyu through and especially killing her dear friend. I'll be damn if Brutality gets an easy break. Only in those conditions will I ask Angelina and Apollyn in helping me rescue Brutality
Onyxe: I accept those terms Okubi, but that also means Brutality is brought back alive
Okubi: Well that's the ideal after all. Course accidents do happen
Onyxe: The very same way an accident can happen to you as well
Both Okubi and Onyxe gives each other a sinister glare, but quickly return to this normal faces
Okubi: Now that's been everything has been settled. Ladies get ready for a trip. I'm opening up the portal to Razel's pocket world
Standing before his allies, Okubi holds out his hands before him. Combining both his concentration and his immense demonic powers. Slowly but surely Okubi begins opening up a portal unlike his own. Watching the portal expand before their very eyes. Eligos, Apollyn, Angelina, and Onyxe realizes it's the very portal that Razel created to kidnap Xiaoyu
Apollyn: OMG! Apollyn is so amazed by Okubi buddies amazing powers
Angelina: Well that's the positive aspect of surviving a Demonic Dream Trial. Okubi's powers has been greatly increased
Eligos: But as what price?
Angelina: Well it's much too late for regrets. Whatever becomes of Okubi will forever be on your conscious demon spirit
Okubi: The portal is open folks. Now let's go rescue our friends and Brutality
Apollyn: Apollyn is coming to save you Xiaoyu
Onyxe: Hey just wait a seconds folks. Before the three of you enter to parts unknown. Allow me to quickly link my mind with the three of you. While I cannot be of physical assistance once you three enter the portal. I can at least keep a watchful eye over the three of you
Okubi: Also should we fail to rescue our friends from Razel and her homunculus. Onyxe can bare witness our demise
Onyxe: I truly hope that does not come to past. Anyways I have successfully linked my mind with yours
Angelina: Okay Okubi, you can lead the way
Okubi: I would say ladies first, but I'm not exactly the type that cares for chivalry. Anyways stay close and we should all arrive to the same destination. I hope to see you soon Eligos and Onyxe
Eligos: I wish you a safe return Master Okubi. I'm so sorry for betraying you once again
Okubi: I already forgiven you Eligos. I don't want to hear about that again. I will see you both soon
Onyxe: Farewell heroes.
Bidding both Onyxe and Eligos farewell. Okubi, Apollyn, and Angelina enter the portal
Apollyn: Apollyn will never get to see Xiao and Annie buddy again.... *Cries even louder*
Okubi: Unacceptable! I... I can't lose them. Especially not Xiaoyu and Hellin will literally erupt if we fail to rescue Anna. Dammit if only I had the ability to open portals other than my own. Tobirama sensei once I had potential to posses such an ability. Unfortunately he said when I'm probably seven hundred years of age. Xiaoyu and Anna can't wait that damn long. I need to find some way to open Razel's portal
Angelina: That is impossible since you are not a God. Let alone not Goddess Razel
Eligos: I... I wouldn't so sure of that Angelina. I'm almost... no very certain Master Okubi can open Razel's portal into her pocket world
Onyxe: Eligos I admire your confidence in your Master, but even Okubi has hit limits
Eligos: Everyone has limits your Majesty. Even all mighty God and Satan themselves. However I know for a fact Master Okubi's previous limits no longer burden him
Okubi: Exactly why is that my loyal servant?
Eligos: Last night while you deep in slumber. I had requested Knox to come meet me in your room
Onyxe: My father meeting you behind my back? Why didn't he tell me about this?
Okubi: Obviously it was none of your business Onyxe. Now explain to me Eligos why was Lord Knox inside of my room? God help you if you utter a single lie out of your mouth
Eligos: I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me Master. I never meant to cause--
Eligos: After our less than favorable encounter with Janiel back in Coram. I feared you may not have enough power to defeat him when the time arrived. Also I did not want Hellin to become stronger than you and Knox agreed with me
Okubi: I truly underestimated the Reaper Lord's hatred for that jezebel Othello. Anyways exactly what did you allow Knox to do to me while I slept?
Apollyn: Apollyn hopes it was nothing naughty. Apollyn will never forgive Eligos and Onyxe's father if Okubi was violated
Eligos: I can assure you that was not what happened Apollyn
Okubi: Oh I was indeed violated Lynn. Just not in the way you imagined. Now back to your story Eligos
Eligos: Once Lord Knox had arrived to your room. I had him put you under a very dangerous test. One that could had very well ended your life had you failed.
Okubi: The name of that very test?
Eligos: The Demonic Dream Trial!
Upon hearing what Eligos had allowed to happened to Okubi. Not only did Okubi become speechless. Onyxe, Angelina, and Apollyn were shocked as well. Minutes after learning what Eligos ordered Lord Knox to do to Okubi. An enraged Angelina lashes out at the demon spirit
Angelina: ELIGOS YOU ASSHOLE! Do you have any idea what you done?
Eligos: No need for such harsh language Lilith! Also exactly what I done was give my Master more power
Angelina: Yet you risked his life without his consent! What kind of traitorous servant are you?
Eligos: One that doesn't want his Master to die at the hands of the enemy! It's not like I attempted to have him killed out of anger. I only asked Lord Knox to give my Master the strength to combat foes beyond his power level. Besides as you all can see for yourselves. Master Okubi survived the Demonic Dream Trial. While I understand why you all are a bit upset. Thanks to my less than favorable actions. Master Okubi now posses the strength to combat Gods
Okubi: Lower level Gods Eligos and exactly what made you believe I needed more power? As much as I despised being vulnerable to any enemy. I do not wish to gain my strength by black magic. Especially risking my very life for a power increase. I don't my strength handed to me. I desire to grow stronger sole by my own means. After being my servant for all these years Eligos. How could you think I would want to grow stronger any other way? Even if I were to forgive your betrayal because Heaven knows I always haven't been good to you. It hurts to know what you think of my powers
Eligos: Master Okubi please don't say such things. I think very highly of both your magic, natural demonic strength, and you as a person. However I also felt at your current level of power. I fear you would not be strong enough to defeat Janiel. At least not without the help of Hellin
Okubi: Well the point of having Hellin with us is for to help us defeating Janiel
Eligos: Dammit! That's not how I want this madness to end. I didn't even want that woman in our group in the first place. The last thing I want is that unruly princess to take your glory. Do you not remember why Hellin stayed behind in the first place? In order for her whore of a mother to train her. Making sure Hellin becomes stronger than you! I refuse to see the Princess of Babylon steal the glory that's rightfully yours
Okubi: Oh sweet Ophelia! Eligos do you really think I give a single damn about glory? Prior to learning about The Children of Ruin, I had was on a journey of my own. Thanks to those heinous demons, I had to put everything I had planned on hold. I don't really give a rat's buttocks who defeats Janiel let alone stops The Children of Ruin. I just want to return to my old life. Should Hellin be the one that defeats Janiel. Then more power to both her and her mother's kingdom. The only person I'm in a competition with is myself! It will serve you well in the future to remember that. Besides should Janiel prove too powerful for Hellin, our comrades, and myself. I still have a mighty Demon God I can summon. One that will hopefully kill Janiel instead of me should I choose to summon him
Eligos: I understand Master Okubi and I'm terribly sorry for betraying you. May you please find it in your heart to forgive me? I do wish to continue to serve by your side and I promise to never again betray you
Okubi: Apology accepted Eligos, but you ever again place me in the pawn's position in chest. I promise I will end your existence demon spirit!
Angelina: Well as glad as I am to see you forgiven Eligos without much hostility. Okubi you must know what that trial has done to your soul. Ever since this morning I had sense an unusual darkness within you. However I didn't say anything sense I didn't know the reason why I sensed such a change of aura within you. Now that I know the truth of your current situation. I must make you aware of the potential danger that's fallen upon you
Okubi: That very danger being Angelina?
Angelina: The corruption of your very soul. A demon that gains too much power at a young age is very susceptible to succumbing into their inner darkness. The risk is even greater for a half demon. Honestly I'm utterly shocked you managed to survive that trial. I know stories of demons stronger than you that fallen victim at the hands of a Demonic Dream Trial
Okubi: Obviously I'm much stronger than those demons Angelina
Onyxe: Perhaps, but are you strong enough to not fall into your own darkness?
Okubi: Do you want me to answer that honestly your majesty? Or are you hoping I tell you what you want to hear?
Onyxe: I want to know what you truly think Okubi. As Angelina had already mentioned. I too felt an unusual change about you this morning. Now that I know the reasons why. My anxieties have only increased.
Okubi: Well not too worry yourself too much Onyxe. After all I been through a lot and managed to survive. I'm certain this will be no difference. At least I now posses the powers to rescue both Xiaoyu and Anna. Now if you all with be quite for a few minutes. I need to concentrate so I can mimic the energy that Razel uses to open her portal. Once I have opened the portal to Razel's world. Apollyn, Angelina, and myself are going to rescue our comrades
Eligos: What about Onyxe and me?
Okubi: Eligos you will be staying behind with Onyxe. Even if I wasn't the slightest pissed off at you. Bringing you along into Razel's world will serve no purpose. Plus I don't want to put you at risk. I don't know if Razel can harm spirits and I don't care to find out. Onyxe I'm going to temporary sever my bond with Eligos, allowing him to become your demon spirit. However should I not return from Razel's world. Eligos will by default become your servant
Onyxe: Not a problem, but I pray the three of you return safe along with Xiaoyu, Anna, and Brutality
Okubi: Brutality? I have zero intentions of rescuing her. Far as I'm concern she should be dead!
Onyxe: Brutality is much of a victim as Xiaoyu and Anna. Razel placed Brutality under her control. Also that is not a request but an order
Okubi: I respect your position Onyxe, but don't you dare give me orders. Anything I have done for you was out of respect. Never confuse me for one of your servants
Onyxe: I could have you executed for speaking to me like that Okubi
Okubi: Perhaps, but who will rescue Anna from Razel? I highly doubt you want to tell your dearest friend James why his daughter is no longer on planet Asira? Anyways I will rescue Brutality as well, but on one condition
Onyxe: That condition being?
Okubi: That Xiaoyu decides whether or not Brutality is executed or is given a second chance? While I myself couldn't care less what becomes of Brutality. After what that woman had put Xiaoyu through and especially killing her dear friend. I'll be damn if Brutality gets an easy break. Only in those conditions will I ask Angelina and Apollyn in helping me rescue Brutality
Onyxe: I accept those terms Okubi, but that also means Brutality is brought back alive
Okubi: Well that's the ideal after all. Course accidents do happen
Onyxe: The very same way an accident can happen to you as well
Both Okubi and Onyxe gives each other a sinister glare, but quickly return to this normal faces
Okubi: Now that's been everything has been settled. Ladies get ready for a trip. I'm opening up the portal to Razel's pocket world
Standing before his allies, Okubi holds out his hands before him. Combining both his concentration and his immense demonic powers. Slowly but surely Okubi begins opening up a portal unlike his own. Watching the portal expand before their very eyes. Eligos, Apollyn, Angelina, and Onyxe realizes it's the very portal that Razel created to kidnap Xiaoyu
Apollyn: OMG! Apollyn is so amazed by Okubi buddies amazing powers
Angelina: Well that's the positive aspect of surviving a Demonic Dream Trial. Okubi's powers has been greatly increased
Eligos: But as what price?
Angelina: Well it's much too late for regrets. Whatever becomes of Okubi will forever be on your conscious demon spirit
Okubi: The portal is open folks. Now let's go rescue our friends and Brutality
Apollyn: Apollyn is coming to save you Xiaoyu
Onyxe: Hey just wait a seconds folks. Before the three of you enter to parts unknown. Allow me to quickly link my mind with the three of you. While I cannot be of physical assistance once you three enter the portal. I can at least keep a watchful eye over the three of you
Okubi: Also should we fail to rescue our friends from Razel and her homunculus. Onyxe can bare witness our demise
Onyxe: I truly hope that does not come to past. Anyways I have successfully linked my mind with yours
Angelina: Okay Okubi, you can lead the way
Okubi: I would say ladies first, but I'm not exactly the type that cares for chivalry. Anyways stay close and we should all arrive to the same destination. I hope to see you soon Eligos and Onyxe
Eligos: I wish you a safe return Master Okubi. I'm so sorry for betraying you once again
Okubi: I already forgiven you Eligos. I don't want to hear about that again. I will see you both soon
Onyxe: Farewell heroes.
Bidding both Onyxe and Eligos farewell. Okubi, Apollyn, and Angelina enter the portal
Sunday, October 11, 2015
Forbidden Chapter 32
Forbidden Chapter 32
Capture of the Light
Shortly after their encounter with Brutality. Remembering that Brutality had murdered her dear partner Wei. Xiaoyu unleashed a fatal blast of light towards Brutality. Fortunately due to Okubi's intervention. Brutality was only struck in her arm. Allowing the former member of The Children of Ruin to retreat. After Okubi and Xiaoyu have a short argument with one another. The heroes collect themselves as they prepare to hunt Brutality. Less than five second later. Eligos returns with both King Onyxe and Apollyn
Apollyn: Buddies! Apollyn has returned
Anna: Wow that was fast
Okubi: I wouldn't expect anything less from Eligos
Onyxe: So what's this about a Children of Ruin member being in Begonia?
Angelina: We had just encountered our nemesis Brutality. The very same bitch that stole my Zyra Blade
Xiaoyu: The same bitch the murdered Wei and countless others
Onyxe: I smell blood in the air. I'm guessing that's Brutality's blood?
Okubi: It most certainly is her blood you're smelling.
Xiaoyu: It would had been her ashes had Okubi not stopped me from killing her
Onyxe: Well I'm glad Okubi stopped you then
Xiaoyu: WHAT? How could you say such a thing after all that monster has done? Do I need to remind you of all the descendants she's had sacrificed?
Onyxe: First of all Xiaoyu, please don't play me for a fool. I only look naive and unaware. While I'm sure you grieve the deaths of the innocent sages. The only victim of Brutality's that matters to you is your decease friend Wei. Killing someone out of vengeance is not the answer
Xiaoyu: Such hypocritical bullshit! Didn't you want to kill Adama after you learned of her betrayal? Hell the only reason you are currently King is because of avenging your murdered parents. Exactly what's wrong with me wanting to kill Brutality for killing my dear friend?
Okubi: Xiaoyu! Do you not remember what Janiel said back in Coram about Brutality?
Xiaoyu: Oh I most certainly do Okubi! So because Brutality is no longer under Janiel's services. That exempts her for all the killings she's done?
Angelina: Well that depends if Brutality was in control of her mind. Meaning Brutality killed all her victims with her own free will. However if her situation is similar to mines Xiao. Can you honestly blame her for Wei's death?
Xiaoyu: Are you guys trying to say Brutality made had been manipulated by Janiel to kill? That would mean she was as much of a victim as Wei and the descendants were. Dear Asira don't let that be the case. Otherwise I won't be able to avenge Wei's death
Apollyn: So you want Brutality meany to had tentionally...
Okubi: Intentionally Apollyn!
Apollyn: Intentionally had killed your friend Wei buddy?
Xiaoyu: I know it sounds bad Lynn. However if Brutality was a mindless killing machine when she killed Wei. It wouldn't be right to kill her for something she didn't do willingly
Onyxe: Well we won't know until we get ahold of Brutality. Now based on the heavy blood scent in the air. Brutality must had ran into the forest
Okubi: Right on the money Onyxe
Anna: Okay so let's end this chit chat for now and go after Brutality
Meanwhile hiding inside of the Midor Forest. Brutality holds her injured arm while waiting for it to self regenerate. Nearly two weeks ago after awaking in her sister Marisa' house. Dela Regan better known as Brutality. Had little to no memory of what had happened to her. Prior to her battle against the dark guild Sinister Stars. However every night Brutality would have terrible nightmares. Terrible dreams of killing people in the worst ways imaginable. Constantly haunted by such awful dreams. Brutality had decided to travel to the Royal Lands. Hoping to see King Onyxe can help her understand why she's having such terrible dreams. Despite not wanting to leave her little sister once again. Brutality knew in order for the nightmares to end. That meeting the King was not an option. Beginning her long journey from Utah to The Royal Lands. Having stopped in the state Begonia to enjoy the Bellflower Carnival. Brutality had never expected she would be attacked by a group of strangers.
Brutality: FUCK! That girl's light blast really hurts. Never did I expect to encounter such craziness. Never had I felt so much hatred in an attack. I wonder what I could had done to her? Anyways I need to hurry up and heal. Even with my natural healing abilities as a demon. I got to heal faster before those lunatics come back. Alright time for me to summon Nox Agave
Using her magical ability to summons Nox creatures. Brutality summons a dragon fly/praying mantis creature before her. Immediately Nox Agave begins creating a healing nectar for his master. However right before Nox Agave could feed Brutality. The creature is struck by a blast of hot fudge. Nox Agave immediately disappears afterwards. Realizing she's under attack, Brutality quickly rises to her feet
Brutality: It's you people again! What do you jerks want from me?
Okubi: This harlot cannot be serious? Brutality did you lose your mind or something?
Xiaoyu: You really don't recognize us bitch?
Brutality: I honestly don't know any of you or why you're trying to kill me. However I refuse to go down without a fight
Angelina: Please don't even waste your time summoning Nox Edimmu or any of your other annoying Nox creatures
Brutality: How do you even know about Nox Edimmu?
Apollyn: Because Apollyn and buddies fought you before evil lady
Brutality: Evil lady? Perhaps that's why I have those horrible dreams
Onyxe: Okubi, Xiaoyu! No one make a move against Brutality. Something tells me her memories have been altered. Brutality I'm going to use my telepathy on you. Please don't try to fight my mental probing. It will make the process much less difficult
Eligos: How very nice of you Onyxe to ask that murderer for permission of any soughs
Onyxe: Regardless what she has done Eligos. I would much rather enter an individuals mind with their permission. Now please Brutality----
Not even two seconds before Onyxe could finish his sentence. The forest grounds begins to shake heavily around the heroes and Brutality
Anna: OMG! I can't believe an earthquake is happening
Okubi: Impossible! An earthquake would much more severe than this rattle. Someone or something else is causing this. I just caught an unknown scent... two to be exact
Brutality: Just my fucking luck. I finally found King Onyxe, but not only are his allies trying to kill me. Now some freaks are creating earthquakes around us
Xiaoyu: Our enemies are approaching Okubi
Stepping out of the shadows appeared two individuals. A tall muscular with spiky russet hair. The other a petite buxom female with a earthy yellow colored bob. While the other heroes immediately prepare themselves for battle. Okubi senses something unusual about the two individual standing before them
Okubi: Homunculus?
Angelina: Okubi did you just called them homunculus? Exactly how could you detect such a thing?
Okubi: I meet their creator seventy five years ago. I know a homunculus when I see one
Ava: So you were the one who killed our creator Doctor Merzkiy
Xiaoyu: Killed there creator? Who are these people anyways?
Onyxe: No telepathy needed to tell these two are up to no good
Philip: It's an honor to meet you King Onyxe. Too bad I'll have to brutalize you. Along with the rest of the needless one's here
Anna: Exactly which one of us are the "needless one's"
Ava: You'll find soon enough pumpkin hair. Once Mr. Okubi tells you all about what he did to our creator
Okubi: As if I care to tell my friends a tale about your madman of a master. He is dead and that's the end of that!
Ava: Tell them what you done to Dr. Merzkiy or things will get very ugly
Okubi: You dare threaten me false being?
Eligos: I will tell the story Master Okubi. However once I finish telling everyone what happen to your precious psycho master. The two of you will be joining him shortly after
Philip: I highly doubt that's what's going to happen, but please proceed demon spirit
Eligos: Seventy five years ago. During our adventures in Serbia. Both Okubi and I had encountered a mad scientist by the name Dr. Vasily Merzkiy. Knowing about the missing Serbian citizens a few days prior. Once we meet that twisted son of a bitch! Okubi realized Dr. Merzkiy was behind the missing citizens. Using them in his experiments to create homunculus. Disgusted by what Dr. Merzkiy has done. Okubi fought and killed the mad scientist. However Okubi nor I bothered learning about what had happened to his experiments. Obviously this is the results of our negligence
Ava: How dare you!
Eligos: How dare I what little missy?
Ava: Tell that story as if Okubi was some type of hero? Your master didn't care about the doctor's test subjects. Okubi was a demon acting on his instincts
Okubi: Damn right I did! The person I'm today isn't the person I was seventy five years ago. Prior to meeting all of you. I didn't give a rat's butt about anyone but myself. Thankfully my morals have changed for the better
Philip: Unfortunately not before you killed our creator
Okubi: Do you realize how stupid you sound boy? The man you praise so much was the same man that killed you when you were still human. I will never understand anyone who remains loyal to their abusers
Eligos: Are you sure about that?
Okubi: Eligos, don't make this about us right now. Anyways now that one of my many past sins has been exposed. Did the two of you tract me down in order to avenge your creator?
Ava: Tempting but no! Despite how much we want you dead Okubi. Both my brother and I are hear for the China girl... the light user!
Instantly after learning of the homunculus true intentions. The heroes immediately realize who had kidnapped Asher and the other sages
Xiaoyu: It was you two freaks who kidnapped Asher and the sages in Brazil!
Ava: Don't forget about the wind manipulator
Angelina: Dammit! That means you two were here the entire day. Just looking out for anyone who showed any potential of being a pure light users. Had Xiaoyu never attacked Brutality when she did. Perhaps we would had avoided this encounter. Then again it works in our favor. Now tell us where you had taken the sages?
Philip: They are with our new Master in a special place. Don't worry about them too much. We can't perform the ritual until we completed our task
Ava: Meaning Asher and the other sages are still alive until we capture your friend Xiaoyu
Apollyn: Apollyn won't allow you nasties to touch Xiaoyu buddy
Okubi: I should had destroyed that entire laboratory when I had the chance. I'll just have to kill the two of your here and now
Onyxe: Hey wait a second everyone!
Xiaoyu: Okay what now Onyxe?
Onyxe: If it's possible. I would love if we can keep one of the homunculus alive. Ever since I was a child. I found their unusual existence very fascinating. Perhaps after we defeat them and save the sages. I can bring one of them back to the castle for further studying
Angelina: A rather odd request, but your the King
Okubi: The King of idiots! Anyways let's hurry up and end these fools!
Ava: My sentiments exactly! Brother give them a good shake
Philip: My pleasure sister
Holding his hands out before him. Philip unleashes his power, causing the ground beneath the heroes to shake
Anna: Dammit this tremor
Onyxe: Don't worry guys I can counter this
Ava: No you won't your majesty!
Quickly grabbing an object attached to her right hip. Ava summons a whip made of energy. Right before Onyxe can perform a counter spell. Ava wraps her whip around Onyxe's neck. Suffering a high shock of electricity. Onyxe unwilling falls to his knees
Angelina: Onyxe!
Okubi: The electricity won't kill him, but I know he's in terrible pain. Xiaoyu, strike Philip now!
Xiaoyu: Easier said than done Okubi! I can barely stand with all of this shaking. Perhaps you can use a dark portal and teleport behind him
Okubi: I don't want to leave your side Xiaoyu. I can't afford to lose you
Apollyn: We'll we have to do something... Angie any ideas?
Angelina: I was thinking about summoning my dragon, but I don't want to cause a bigger ruckus in Begonia. If only I could gain enough concentration. I would roast these fucking homunculus already
Anna: I got this!
Anna pulls out one of her tarot cards, but before she can call her tarot warrior out. Philip increase his powers. Causing all the heroes to crash to the ground. Onyxe still at Ava's mercy. The other heroes struggle to fight against Philip
Anna: Ouch my arm!
Okubi: It will heal Anna. Just like the lovely gash I have on my knee. Xiaoyu, Apollyn, Angelina! Are the three of you alright?
Angelina: Apollyn quickly create Marshmallow Cushions, breaking our fall
Apollyn: Apollyn sorry she could help Okubi and Anna buddy
Philip: Now to sink you fuckers into the ground!
Striking the ground with both of his hands. Philip turns the ground beneath the heroes into a sink hole
Anna: SHIT!
Xiaoyu: We're going to be sucked into the ground!
Philip: I'll make sure you don't go too deep light user. Your friends on the other hands are done for
Okubi: Don't bet on that homunculus. HEAVY DOWNPOUR!
Using his water magic, Okubi summons a miniature waterfall onto Philip. Trapping the homunculus under the heavy water pressure
Angelina: Nice use of your water powers Okubi. Too bad it really doesn't help us out of this sink hole
Anna: Nor it is working effectively against Philip.
Emerging out of Okubi's Heavy Downpour technique unharmed. Philip has transformed his skin into iron. However before Philip can make his next move against the heroes. Onyxe breaks free from Ava's energy whip and uses his telepathy to subdue her
Onyxe: Cease your sink hole homunculus or I'll fry your sister's brain
Philip: You would dare threaten me using my sister?
Onyxe: Defying a King is a criminal offense! Now do as I command or your sister will be brain dead!
Sensing the seriousness of King Onyxe's threat. Philip reluctantly puts a cease to his sink hole
Philip: Now release my sister into my custody vile demon
Onyxe uses his telepathy to direct Ava. Sending to homunculus to stand with her brother. Once Ava is next to Philip. Onyxe releases his hold on her mind
Ava: Brother?
Philip: It's alright now sister. Unfortunately we are utterly outnumbered
Ava: The odds against us are just too great. Goddess Razel will be utterly pissed
Okubi: Goddess Razel? Goddess Razel of the Seven Fallen Gods?
Ava: The one and only. After you had killed our creator. Both my brother and I were forced to wander this world. Searching for a new purpose in life. Alongside our fellow homunculus Edi and Ileva. The four of us were found by Goddess Razel. Granting us a new purpose in life. We promise to serve her without fail
Philip: Unfortunately even with our unique powers. Not only are we outnumbered. Trying to pry a sage from her demon allies has proved impossible for the two of us
Ava: May Goddess Razel show mercy for our failure. Sadly we have no choice but to retreat
Okubi: Retreat? I'll kill the both of you before you have a chance
Onyxe: Leave one alive for me please
Xiaoyu: You assholes aren't going anywhere. I'll be damn if I let the sages you fuckers kidnapped remain imprisoned by your so call Goddess
Okubi: Goddess Razel is real Xiaoyu. I have books about her back in my mansion. Razel alongside the other six Fallen Gods were once allies of God Asira. However they were envious of God Asira's ranking in Heaven. They wanted to have his position of power. However after Asira learned of his fellow God's plans to betray him. Asira stripped them of most of their powers and kicked them out of Heaven. While not as strong as they once were. The Seven Fallen Gods are still indeed gods. Meaning they are still very powerful beyond mortal comprehension. Please do not take any God lightly. That being said, Razel must be rather desperate if she's going around having sages kidnapped.
Angelina: Especially if she's sole relying on you two to do her bidding
While the heroes continue to speak down to the homunculus. A mysterious voice out of nowhere begins to speak to them
???: Even after all these millenniums of my grand existence. The arrogance of mortals has always irked me vastly
Okubi: Razel ?
Razel: That's Goddess Razel you arrogant half demon! Ava! Philip! The both of you have served me well. However the two of you have bitten more than either of you can chew. While Xiaoyu is indeed a pure light user. The fact the two of you would fight against demons is utterly foolish!
Ava&Philip: Our apologies Goddess Razel. Please forgive us
Razel: I'm far from angry my dears. Merely stating an obvious flaw in your ambitions. Also wasting time chattering about your creator did not help your cause. Fortunately for the two of you. I have just enough power to help you with our final capture
Now with Goddess Razel herself participating in the capturing of Xiaoyu. Okubi alongside his allies begin trying to guess her next move. However Goddess Razel did not target any of them. Instead the Goddess targets Brutality. Possessing the demon to do her bidding. Onyxe quickly sensing an incoming attack. The King quickly warns the others
Onyxe: Everyone behind you!
Brutality: Die Mortals!
Brutality unleashes several balls of fire towards the heroes. While dodging the multiple fireballs. Both Ava and Philip see another opportunity to capture Xiaoyu. Ava summons her energy whip once again. Using her weapon to target Xiaoyu. Wrapping her energy whip around Xiaoyu's leg. Ava electrocutes Xiaoyu, causing the young sage to fall to the ground unconscious. Witnessing Xiaoyu being taken out. Eligos cries out to Okubi and the others. However right before anyone can come to Xiaoyu's aid. Philip unleashes a fearsome shockwave against the demons. Now with the demons temporarily out of the way. Brutality who is still under Goddess Razel's possession. Starts moving towards the unconscious sage. Writing in pain, Anna begins to rise to her feet. Now with Brutality holding Xiaoyu in her arms. Ava and Philip join hands. Opening a midnight blue portal from behind them. Entering the portal first. The homunculus watch carefully as Brutality walks towards them. Nearly seconds before Brutality disappears with Xiaoyu into the portal. Anna starts towards her using her demonic speed. Knowing she will not be able to save Xiaoyu. Right before the portal vanishes from the forest. Anna jumps in right behind Brutality. Less than three minutes later after Xiaoyu and Anna vanish. Okubi and the others rises to their feet.
Okubi: Xiaoyu? Anna?
Angelina: Where are they? Don't tell me...
Eligos: Xiaoyu was captured by the homunculus and Brutality. Anna chased right behind them
Onyxe: All by herself?
Eligos: That seems to be the case your majesty
Apollyn: Xiaoyu buddy... Anna buddy. Both taken by the bad guys?
Okubi: I can't believe I let this happened
Angelina: This isn't your fault Okubi. None of us knew of Razel's involvement or the homunculus fighting capabilities.
Onyxe: Had I just took over their minds. I could had ended the fight
Eligos: Perhaps you could had King Onyxe. However what would had become of the other sages?
Angelina: Well whatever Razel has in stored for them. Nothing any of us here can do about it now. Dammit! We failed Xiaoyu and the others
Apollyn: Apollyn is about to cry
Onyxe: How do I explain to James his daughter is lost forever?
Realizing how badly they had messed up. Feeling like an utter failure. Okubi's dramatically falls to his knees. Surrounded in his signature tri colored aura. Okubi remains quiet for a few seconds. Okubi then yells out in anger at the top of his lungs...
Okubi: XIAOYU!!!!!!
Brutality: It's you people again! What do you jerks want from me?
Okubi: This harlot cannot be serious? Brutality did you lose your mind or something?
Xiaoyu: You really don't recognize us bitch?
Brutality: I honestly don't know any of you or why you're trying to kill me. However I refuse to go down without a fight
Angelina: Please don't even waste your time summoning Nox Edimmu or any of your other annoying Nox creatures
Brutality: How do you even know about Nox Edimmu?
Apollyn: Because Apollyn and buddies fought you before evil lady
Brutality: Evil lady? Perhaps that's why I have those horrible dreams
Onyxe: Okubi, Xiaoyu! No one make a move against Brutality. Something tells me her memories have been altered. Brutality I'm going to use my telepathy on you. Please don't try to fight my mental probing. It will make the process much less difficult
Eligos: How very nice of you Onyxe to ask that murderer for permission of any soughs
Onyxe: Regardless what she has done Eligos. I would much rather enter an individuals mind with their permission. Now please Brutality----
Not even two seconds before Onyxe could finish his sentence. The forest grounds begins to shake heavily around the heroes and Brutality
Anna: OMG! I can't believe an earthquake is happening
Okubi: Impossible! An earthquake would much more severe than this rattle. Someone or something else is causing this. I just caught an unknown scent... two to be exact
Brutality: Just my fucking luck. I finally found King Onyxe, but not only are his allies trying to kill me. Now some freaks are creating earthquakes around us
Xiaoyu: Our enemies are approaching Okubi
Stepping out of the shadows appeared two individuals. A tall muscular with spiky russet hair. The other a petite buxom female with a earthy yellow colored bob. While the other heroes immediately prepare themselves for battle. Okubi senses something unusual about the two individual standing before them
Okubi: Homunculus?
Angelina: Okubi did you just called them homunculus? Exactly how could you detect such a thing?
Okubi: I meet their creator seventy five years ago. I know a homunculus when I see one
Ava: So you were the one who killed our creator Doctor Merzkiy
Xiaoyu: Killed there creator? Who are these people anyways?
Onyxe: No telepathy needed to tell these two are up to no good
Philip: It's an honor to meet you King Onyxe. Too bad I'll have to brutalize you. Along with the rest of the needless one's here
Anna: Exactly which one of us are the "needless one's"
Ava: You'll find soon enough pumpkin hair. Once Mr. Okubi tells you all about what he did to our creator
Okubi: As if I care to tell my friends a tale about your madman of a master. He is dead and that's the end of that!
Ava: Tell them what you done to Dr. Merzkiy or things will get very ugly
Okubi: You dare threaten me false being?
Eligos: I will tell the story Master Okubi. However once I finish telling everyone what happen to your precious psycho master. The two of you will be joining him shortly after
Philip: I highly doubt that's what's going to happen, but please proceed demon spirit
Eligos: Seventy five years ago. During our adventures in Serbia. Both Okubi and I had encountered a mad scientist by the name Dr. Vasily Merzkiy. Knowing about the missing Serbian citizens a few days prior. Once we meet that twisted son of a bitch! Okubi realized Dr. Merzkiy was behind the missing citizens. Using them in his experiments to create homunculus. Disgusted by what Dr. Merzkiy has done. Okubi fought and killed the mad scientist. However Okubi nor I bothered learning about what had happened to his experiments. Obviously this is the results of our negligence
Ava: How dare you!
Eligos: How dare I what little missy?
Ava: Tell that story as if Okubi was some type of hero? Your master didn't care about the doctor's test subjects. Okubi was a demon acting on his instincts
Okubi: Damn right I did! The person I'm today isn't the person I was seventy five years ago. Prior to meeting all of you. I didn't give a rat's butt about anyone but myself. Thankfully my morals have changed for the better
Philip: Unfortunately not before you killed our creator
Okubi: Do you realize how stupid you sound boy? The man you praise so much was the same man that killed you when you were still human. I will never understand anyone who remains loyal to their abusers
Eligos: Are you sure about that?
Okubi: Eligos, don't make this about us right now. Anyways now that one of my many past sins has been exposed. Did the two of you tract me down in order to avenge your creator?
Ava: Tempting but no! Despite how much we want you dead Okubi. Both my brother and I are hear for the China girl... the light user!
Instantly after learning of the homunculus true intentions. The heroes immediately realize who had kidnapped Asher and the other sages
Xiaoyu: It was you two freaks who kidnapped Asher and the sages in Brazil!
Ava: Don't forget about the wind manipulator
Angelina: Dammit! That means you two were here the entire day. Just looking out for anyone who showed any potential of being a pure light users. Had Xiaoyu never attacked Brutality when she did. Perhaps we would had avoided this encounter. Then again it works in our favor. Now tell us where you had taken the sages?
Philip: They are with our new Master in a special place. Don't worry about them too much. We can't perform the ritual until we completed our task
Ava: Meaning Asher and the other sages are still alive until we capture your friend Xiaoyu
Apollyn: Apollyn won't allow you nasties to touch Xiaoyu buddy
Okubi: I should had destroyed that entire laboratory when I had the chance. I'll just have to kill the two of your here and now
Onyxe: Hey wait a second everyone!
Xiaoyu: Okay what now Onyxe?
Onyxe: If it's possible. I would love if we can keep one of the homunculus alive. Ever since I was a child. I found their unusual existence very fascinating. Perhaps after we defeat them and save the sages. I can bring one of them back to the castle for further studying
Angelina: A rather odd request, but your the King
Okubi: The King of idiots! Anyways let's hurry up and end these fools!
Ava: My sentiments exactly! Brother give them a good shake
Philip: My pleasure sister
Holding his hands out before him. Philip unleashes his power, causing the ground beneath the heroes to shake
Anna: Dammit this tremor
Onyxe: Don't worry guys I can counter this
Ava: No you won't your majesty!
Quickly grabbing an object attached to her right hip. Ava summons a whip made of energy. Right before Onyxe can perform a counter spell. Ava wraps her whip around Onyxe's neck. Suffering a high shock of electricity. Onyxe unwilling falls to his knees
Angelina: Onyxe!
Okubi: The electricity won't kill him, but I know he's in terrible pain. Xiaoyu, strike Philip now!
Xiaoyu: Easier said than done Okubi! I can barely stand with all of this shaking. Perhaps you can use a dark portal and teleport behind him
Okubi: I don't want to leave your side Xiaoyu. I can't afford to lose you
Apollyn: We'll we have to do something... Angie any ideas?
Angelina: I was thinking about summoning my dragon, but I don't want to cause a bigger ruckus in Begonia. If only I could gain enough concentration. I would roast these fucking homunculus already
Anna: I got this!
Anna pulls out one of her tarot cards, but before she can call her tarot warrior out. Philip increase his powers. Causing all the heroes to crash to the ground. Onyxe still at Ava's mercy. The other heroes struggle to fight against Philip
Anna: Ouch my arm!
Okubi: It will heal Anna. Just like the lovely gash I have on my knee. Xiaoyu, Apollyn, Angelina! Are the three of you alright?
Angelina: Apollyn quickly create Marshmallow Cushions, breaking our fall
Apollyn: Apollyn sorry she could help Okubi and Anna buddy
Philip: Now to sink you fuckers into the ground!
Striking the ground with both of his hands. Philip turns the ground beneath the heroes into a sink hole
Anna: SHIT!
Xiaoyu: We're going to be sucked into the ground!
Philip: I'll make sure you don't go too deep light user. Your friends on the other hands are done for
Okubi: Don't bet on that homunculus. HEAVY DOWNPOUR!
Using his water magic, Okubi summons a miniature waterfall onto Philip. Trapping the homunculus under the heavy water pressure
Angelina: Nice use of your water powers Okubi. Too bad it really doesn't help us out of this sink hole
Anna: Nor it is working effectively against Philip.
Emerging out of Okubi's Heavy Downpour technique unharmed. Philip has transformed his skin into iron. However before Philip can make his next move against the heroes. Onyxe breaks free from Ava's energy whip and uses his telepathy to subdue her
Onyxe: Cease your sink hole homunculus or I'll fry your sister's brain
Philip: You would dare threaten me using my sister?
Onyxe: Defying a King is a criminal offense! Now do as I command or your sister will be brain dead!
Sensing the seriousness of King Onyxe's threat. Philip reluctantly puts a cease to his sink hole
Philip: Now release my sister into my custody vile demon
Onyxe uses his telepathy to direct Ava. Sending to homunculus to stand with her brother. Once Ava is next to Philip. Onyxe releases his hold on her mind
Ava: Brother?
Philip: It's alright now sister. Unfortunately we are utterly outnumbered
Ava: The odds against us are just too great. Goddess Razel will be utterly pissed
Okubi: Goddess Razel? Goddess Razel of the Seven Fallen Gods?
Ava: The one and only. After you had killed our creator. Both my brother and I were forced to wander this world. Searching for a new purpose in life. Alongside our fellow homunculus Edi and Ileva. The four of us were found by Goddess Razel. Granting us a new purpose in life. We promise to serve her without fail
Philip: Unfortunately even with our unique powers. Not only are we outnumbered. Trying to pry a sage from her demon allies has proved impossible for the two of us
Ava: May Goddess Razel show mercy for our failure. Sadly we have no choice but to retreat
Okubi: Retreat? I'll kill the both of you before you have a chance
Onyxe: Leave one alive for me please
Xiaoyu: You assholes aren't going anywhere. I'll be damn if I let the sages you fuckers kidnapped remain imprisoned by your so call Goddess
Okubi: Goddess Razel is real Xiaoyu. I have books about her back in my mansion. Razel alongside the other six Fallen Gods were once allies of God Asira. However they were envious of God Asira's ranking in Heaven. They wanted to have his position of power. However after Asira learned of his fellow God's plans to betray him. Asira stripped them of most of their powers and kicked them out of Heaven. While not as strong as they once were. The Seven Fallen Gods are still indeed gods. Meaning they are still very powerful beyond mortal comprehension. Please do not take any God lightly. That being said, Razel must be rather desperate if she's going around having sages kidnapped.
Angelina: Especially if she's sole relying on you two to do her bidding
While the heroes continue to speak down to the homunculus. A mysterious voice out of nowhere begins to speak to them
???: Even after all these millenniums of my grand existence. The arrogance of mortals has always irked me vastly
Okubi: Razel ?
Razel: That's Goddess Razel you arrogant half demon! Ava! Philip! The both of you have served me well. However the two of you have bitten more than either of you can chew. While Xiaoyu is indeed a pure light user. The fact the two of you would fight against demons is utterly foolish!
Ava&Philip: Our apologies Goddess Razel. Please forgive us
Razel: I'm far from angry my dears. Merely stating an obvious flaw in your ambitions. Also wasting time chattering about your creator did not help your cause. Fortunately for the two of you. I have just enough power to help you with our final capture
Now with Goddess Razel herself participating in the capturing of Xiaoyu. Okubi alongside his allies begin trying to guess her next move. However Goddess Razel did not target any of them. Instead the Goddess targets Brutality. Possessing the demon to do her bidding. Onyxe quickly sensing an incoming attack. The King quickly warns the others
Onyxe: Everyone behind you!
Brutality: Die Mortals!
Brutality unleashes several balls of fire towards the heroes. While dodging the multiple fireballs. Both Ava and Philip see another opportunity to capture Xiaoyu. Ava summons her energy whip once again. Using her weapon to target Xiaoyu. Wrapping her energy whip around Xiaoyu's leg. Ava electrocutes Xiaoyu, causing the young sage to fall to the ground unconscious. Witnessing Xiaoyu being taken out. Eligos cries out to Okubi and the others. However right before anyone can come to Xiaoyu's aid. Philip unleashes a fearsome shockwave against the demons. Now with the demons temporarily out of the way. Brutality who is still under Goddess Razel's possession. Starts moving towards the unconscious sage. Writing in pain, Anna begins to rise to her feet. Now with Brutality holding Xiaoyu in her arms. Ava and Philip join hands. Opening a midnight blue portal from behind them. Entering the portal first. The homunculus watch carefully as Brutality walks towards them. Nearly seconds before Brutality disappears with Xiaoyu into the portal. Anna starts towards her using her demonic speed. Knowing she will not be able to save Xiaoyu. Right before the portal vanishes from the forest. Anna jumps in right behind Brutality. Less than three minutes later after Xiaoyu and Anna vanish. Okubi and the others rises to their feet.
Okubi: Xiaoyu? Anna?
Angelina: Where are they? Don't tell me...
Eligos: Xiaoyu was captured by the homunculus and Brutality. Anna chased right behind them
Onyxe: All by herself?
Eligos: That seems to be the case your majesty
Apollyn: Xiaoyu buddy... Anna buddy. Both taken by the bad guys?
Okubi: I can't believe I let this happened
Angelina: This isn't your fault Okubi. None of us knew of Razel's involvement or the homunculus fighting capabilities.
Onyxe: Had I just took over their minds. I could had ended the fight
Eligos: Perhaps you could had King Onyxe. However what would had become of the other sages?
Angelina: Well whatever Razel has in stored for them. Nothing any of us here can do about it now. Dammit! We failed Xiaoyu and the others
Apollyn: Apollyn is about to cry
Onyxe: How do I explain to James his daughter is lost forever?
Realizing how badly they had messed up. Feeling like an utter failure. Okubi's dramatically falls to his knees. Surrounded in his signature tri colored aura. Okubi remains quiet for a few seconds. Okubi then yells out in anger at the top of his lungs...
Okubi: XIAOYU!!!!!!
Thursday, October 1, 2015
Abrafo Mazibuko
The Shaman of Botswana
Name: Abrafo Mazibuko
Age: 29
Eye Color: Amethyst
Height: 6'3
Weight: 209 Pounds
Magical Law Of Study: Obayifo
1. Fire Manipulation- Unlike most fire users in Asira. Abrafo's flames are vermillion colored
2. Plant Manipulation - Abrafo can manipulate various plant life
3. Wood Summoning - Abrafo can summon wood from out of thin air
4. Summoning Rainfall - Abrafo can perform a unique dance that summons moderate to heavy rainfall
5. Blood Manipulation - Abrafo can manipulate his blood and use it as a weapon. Abrafo can also poison his blood to harm others
6. Life Absorbing Abilities - Abrafo can absorb the life force from his enemies by touching them
7. Spirit Communication - Abrafo can communicate with the dead
8. Placing Curses - Abrafo can place a curse on a target individual. However if the individual has enough good karma on their side. Abrafo's curse will be ineffective. Demons are immune to ability
9. Removing Curses- Similar to his ability to place curses. Abrafo can remove a curse or an illness off a person. However if their karma is very negative. Abrafo's will not be able to remove their curse
10. Soul Inhabiting - Abrafo's soul can leave his body and enter another living being. However Abrafo's body becomes vulnerable until his soul returns
Mini Bio: A young and very attractive Shaman from Botswana. Abrafo is one of the many descendants of the Great Sages. At the very young age of three, Abrafo was able to create his own unique colored flames. Thanks to the loving guidance of his parents, Abrafo grew to be a powerful sage and an impressive Shaman. During The Children of Ruin hunt for young descendants of the Great Sages. Abrafo was attacked by a demon name Theodora. After defeating and killing Theodora in battle. The Spirits of the dead came to Abrafo. Telling him to leave Botswana and go to Mayland. In order to speak with the country's current King. Heeding the advice of the spirits. Abrafo immediately began his long travel to Mayland. Upon meeting King Onyxe or Mayland. Abrafo learned the reason behind his attack. Currently under King Onyxe's supervision. The Shaman looks forward to the day that he can return home
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