A blog dedicated to my FORBIDDEN fantasy world along with reblogs of other various interest. Please enjoy the blog and tell your friends about it
Sunday, December 30, 2018
Saturday, December 29, 2018
Friday, December 28, 2018
Wednesday, December 26, 2018
Monday, December 24, 2018
Sunday, December 23, 2018
Friday, December 21, 2018
Monday, December 17, 2018
Sunday, December 16, 2018
Saturday, December 15, 2018
Friday, December 14, 2018
Thursday, December 13, 2018
Friday, December 7, 2018
Tuesday, December 4, 2018
Monday, December 3, 2018
Sunday, December 2, 2018
Thursday, November 29, 2018
Wednesday, November 28, 2018
Sunday, November 25, 2018
Saturday, November 24, 2018
Friday, November 23, 2018
Sunday, November 18, 2018
Thursday, November 15, 2018
Saturday, November 10, 2018
Sunday, November 4, 2018
Forbidden Chapter 77
Forbidden Chapter 77
So Much For Revenge
Shortly after their brief confrontation with Pruflas in the entrance of his fortress. James learned the whereabout of his former master and nemesis Ulric, located on the six level of the fortress waiting for his former assassin. Centuries James has waited for the opportunity to finally avenge his decease wife and the cruelty inflicted upon his daughter Anna by Ulric and his assassins for years. Alongside Angelina and Apollyn to aid him the trio make their way to the six level of the fortress. Reaching their destination a few minutes later they are faced to face with no other than Ulric, the leader of the Underworld assassins group called The Order. Ulric's group of demons assassins who were recently exterminated after Othello and Hellin returned from The Underworld, reporting to Othello's fellow Demon Lords about Ulric's actions and the massacre they caused in the Elestial Market. All that remained of The Order was Ulric himself who was taken by Pruflas's Royal Servants Lita and Natan, only to become brainwashed by Pruflas in order to serve as a mindless weapon
James not only disgusted by the sight of his former Master, the man responsible for both his wife and sister in law's death. Along with being the same man who had kidnapped his daughter and kept her captive for years until selling her to Queen Othello back when they were on good terms. James along with the girls noticed that Ulric didn't seem like his normal self. Not only wasn't Ulric wearing his beloved assassin leader attire, his fancy black robe with silver and gold trimmings and symbols. Ulric was dressed in a traditional combat wear that's commonly worn by Brute Demons in The Underworld. (NOTE: Brute Demons are the equivalent of a Bodyguard which exist in Asira). Lifting his face from the direction of the floor, the brainwashed Ulric stares murderously at the opposing demons standing across him. Envelopes himself in a menacing aura as he prepares for battle. Cautious of the threat that stands before them Angelina recalls something that Pruflas's had said earlier when they first confronted him
Angelina: Guys do you remember what Pruflas had said about Ulric earlier when we first entered his Fortress? Something about him not being the same Ulric as you remembered? Well it appears what Pruflas meant is that Ulric has been brainwashed, but nevertheless very much dangerous as we can sense by his aura
James: I was afraid that was going to be the case the moment I saw him in those cheap ass clothes. Even though this isn't how I planned on getting my revenge on this bastard. Since I wanted him to know why I was going to fucking kill him, but if this is my only opportunity for payback. I'll be a fool to squander it
Apollyn: It's not Apollyn and buddies have much of a choice anyways. Either James, Angie, and Apollyn kill Ulric or he kills us
Angelina: That's what he's been ordered to do anyways and we didn't come all this way just to die. So that being said are you ready for a fight Del Soto?
James: Indeed but the game plan has not changed. I'll fight Ulric directly and you two serve as backup if things start looking bad for me. Even though my pride will be bruised if I'm unsuccessful in killing Ulric by myself. Not only do I not want to make Okubi's fear of one of us dying coming true. King Onyxe would be beyond devastated if I died and that's my best friend in the whole wide world. I couldn't forgive myself if I died knowing how hard he protected me over the years. Now ladies get into position while I go and fry this motherfucker
Not uttering another world to the girls James sets his hands and feet ablaze and runs towards Ulric. Seeing his target coming towards him, Ulric uses his translocation abilities allowing him to move from one place to another at lightning speed appears before James throwing him off guard. Ulric immediately strikes his target with three vicious strikes. Two blows to the face and one to the stomach, sending James flying into the air. Witnessing the brutal attack against James both Angelina and Apollyn immediately spring into action. Placing both her hands in front of her mouth Apollyn spits a blob of marshmallow into her hands. She then expands the blob of marshmallow to the size of a tent. In order to use to break James's fall before he crashes to the ground. While Apollyn is helping James, Angelina goes on the offense against Ulric. Using her demonic magic Angelina unleashes multiple magenta colored fireballs at him, but Ulric creates a demonic energy shield to absorb Angelina's attack.
Angered Angelina attempts to perform an even stronger attack, but Ulric quickly transforms his shield into a gigantic ball of demonic energy and hurls it at her like a bowling ball at lightning fast speed. Hurrying to create a shield of her own before being struck by the massive attack, but unfortunately struck by the ball within seconds exploding on her upon contact, sending Angelina crashing to nearby wall. James falling from the air safely lands on a tent size blob of marshmallow curtesy of Apollyn. Removing himself off the marshmallow James burns off the marshmallow residue off of his skin before shifting his attention onto Apollyn.
James: Thanks for the save Apollyn, but now I got marshmallow in my hair and on my clothes. I'll burn the rest of the battle but anyways back to that fucker Ulric
Apollyn: Speaking of Ulric, he's about to inflict more damage on Angie Buddy. Let's Apollyn and James Buddy hurry and save Angie
Ulric just steps away from where Angelina had crashed into the wall senses three balls of fire and a blob of fudge heading towards him. Ulric counters by releases a gigantic blast of lighting from him hand, neutralizing both James and Apollyn's attacks and nearly striking them had they not moved in the knick of time. Rising to their feet the heroes wear their frustration on their faces as they plot their next move against Ulric. Apollyn's breast starts to increase as the rage builds up within her increasing her chance of instability as the fight goes on. Knowing this James immediately tries to calm her down
James: Hey Lyn you went from being flat chested to a nearly a D cup in a matter of minutes. I know Ulric is being a pain in the fucking ass to kill, but try not to lose control of yourself. The last thing we need is an ally going off the deep end
Apollyn: Apollyn is sorry but Ulric is making Apollyn really angry and causing chest to grow big... I-- Apollyn will try best to keep Apollyn calm
James: Don't be too hard on yourself Lyn just watch my back and I'll do the fighting. I'm the one who wants to kill him in order to avenge my family. Therefore only I alone should be the one burden to kill him. Meantime just get a grip on yourself and only attack if you see an opening. Now it's time to me to blaze up and kill this sorry ass son-of-a-bitch!
Once having calmed down Apollyn and telling her only to attack if she spots an opening. James summons fire around his hands and neck and starts running towards Ulric. Angelina who had managed to recover from Ulric's attack on her earlier notices her book Viatori Patuit glowing inside of her pouch and reaches for it. Opening the book Angelina sees a text of words glowing before her eyes. Battling against Ulric, James manages to deliver several blazing strikes, but despite his attacks does little damage to the mind controlled demon. James attempts to strike Ulric again, but this time his attacked is blocked. Ulric then viciously grabs James by his neck before he starts to choke him mercilessly. After a few seconds of having the life choked out of him by Ulric. James is then slammed on the ground before receiving severals brutal punches to the face and stomach area. Covered in blood and vomit after the savage beating from Ulric, James lies on the ground helplessly as his self regenerating abilities delayed due to the amount of damaged he received. Apollyn grows angrier by the second as she watches James laying at the mercy of Ulric and unable to help him due to risking being harmed herself. Now with his target on the ground and completely defenseless Ulric gets ready to kill James. Creating a powerful red, orange, and black colored energy sphere between his palms. Ulric gets ready to perform his signature attack Oblivion Blessing, but before Ulric could halfway complete his attack. Angelina begins chanting out aloud a spell from her book
Angelina: "O great spirits of the dead hear my cry and heed my command. I order thee to remove the darkness that control my enemy and allow his true self to reawaken"
Instantaneously Angelina's spell takes effect and no longer is Ulric a mindless killing machine for Pruflas. Reverted back to his normal self with his sphere still between the palm of his hands. He looks down a sees the sight of the very man he hates all blood and beaten. An arrogant smile immediately crosses his face before he begins to speak
Ulric: Oh what a wonderful surprise to see you in such a vulnerable position Mr. Del Soto. Course I don't even fucking know where the hell am I but it's nice to see you all so bloody up. Smelling your blood on my hands it's obvious I'm the one responsible for inflicting this well deserved pain upon you. I waited for centuries to finally get my revenge upon you after you and your wife dared betray me
Angelina: HEY ULRIC! Don't get so fucking full of yourself! The only reason James is so bloody up is due to you having been brainwashed by Pruflas and his cohorts. I bet if you were your normal repulsive self from the start. James along with Apollyn and myself would already had killed your sorry arrogant ass
Ulric: So I take it you're the one who freed me from Ulric's control. Normally I would reward such behavior with a swift death, but since you're one of Del Soto's friends. I'll have to make your death as excruciating as the rest of Del Soto's allies. Once I'm finished killing Del Soto, I'll kill you next succubus before killing the dessert demon. Now to finish off Del Soto for once and for all... wait WHY CAN'T I MOVE?!
Angelina: Fool! Did you really believe the only spell I performed on you was to remove the mind control? While you were pummeling on Mr. Del Soto, I had quietly performed a paralysis spell against you the moment you ended your assault on my ally. Only once the paralysis spelled kicked in I then loudly chanted the spell to rid you of the mind control. Now prepare to meet your end!
Ulric: Silly bitch! Do you think a mere paralysis spell performed by a second rate mage like yourself can stop me? I'll have your spell reversed in no time and then I'll decorate this place with your organs
Angelina: Says the man that's about to become a meal
While Ulric was busy going back and forth with Angelina, Apollyn who succumb to her anger transforms into a ravenous blood thirsty demon with watermelon size breast and the body of a bodybuilder. Having gained lightning fast speed in her monstrous transformation Apollyn immediately makes her way over to her prey. Sensing a murderous force coming towards him and still under the paralysis spell. Making direct eye contact with the dessert demon Ulric feels absolute terror as his life is about to end. Opening her mouth wide enough to swallow a pumpkin whole Apollyn closes her jaw down on Ulric and bites his head off. Chewing the demon's head like a Crunch Bar while his blood sprays out of his headless body. Once she finishes digesting Ulric's head Apollyn then turns her attention onto James. Despite her concerns about Apollyn's intentions Angelina remains quiet and watches to see if Apollyn will attempt to eat James as well before risking harming her friend. Positioned on top of James in a very mature manner as she lowers her head towards his. Angelina watches cautiously as Apollyn brings her mouth towards James and starts making out with him within seconds. However what appears to be two demons making out is actually Apollyn healing James using her dessert based powers, filling his mouth with caramel syrup in order to boost's the injure demon's regenerative abilities allowing him to heal faster. Removing herself off of him as her bust starts to rapidly decrease due to no longer being in a state of rage. Apollyn quickly hurries up over to where Angelina is standing
Apollyn: Apollyn didn't mean to scare Angelina buddy, but seeing Ulric beating up James buddy nearly to death sent Apollyn into a frenzy. Apollyn is just glad she was able to calm down before harming any of Apollyn's buddies
Angelina: I'm glad you didn't attempt to harm either James or myself as well. I never seen in you such a berserker like state, but I'm glad you only killed Ulric. However I wonder how James is going to feel once his body heals itself. After all he wanted to be the one to kill Ulric... so much for him getting his revenge
Apollyn: Oh Apollyn forgot about James buddy wanting his revenge when Apollyn went into a rage. I hope James won't be mad at me for killing Ulric instead of him
Angelina: I don't think he'll be as mad at you as he will be in himself. Besides if you haven't killed Ulric when you did I fear it would had been the three of us to been killed. Ulric is not only physically strong, but is well versed in various magic spells. It would had been only matter before he had reversed my paralysis spell so killing him while he was still vulnerable was the best solution
Getting himself off the floor after being healed thanks to Apollyn's dessert based powers. Seeing the headless body of his former Master turned foe covered in blood. Wearing a look of disappointment on his face James turns over to his comrades
James: Well so much for me avenging my family against this son-of-a-bitch!
Angelina: James... you know Apollyn didn't mean--
James: Apollyn saved my ass Angie so regardless how I fucking feel right now. I damn sure appreciate her saving me from the brutal asskicking I was receiving from Ulric. I guess I really didn't have what it took to beat him alone... my daughter is going to be so disappointed when I tell her I failed to kill Ulric
Angelina: Will she? While you didn't delivery the killing blow against Ulric that doesn't mean you weren't essential for taking that bastard down. Furthermore if you truly wish Apollyn and I will have no problem saying that it was you who killed Ulric while we only assisted you
Apollyn: Yes Apollyn buddy will lie to make James buddy happy
James: Thanks ladies it's really appreciated but I'll keep it 100% with Anna once the two of us are reunited. Anyways now that this piece of shit is dead. Let's get out of here and find Okubi and the others. The more of us to go and fight Pruflas the better
Angelina: Agreed! Let us take a few seconds to regenerate from our injuries before joining the others
James not only disgusted by the sight of his former Master, the man responsible for both his wife and sister in law's death. Along with being the same man who had kidnapped his daughter and kept her captive for years until selling her to Queen Othello back when they were on good terms. James along with the girls noticed that Ulric didn't seem like his normal self. Not only wasn't Ulric wearing his beloved assassin leader attire, his fancy black robe with silver and gold trimmings and symbols. Ulric was dressed in a traditional combat wear that's commonly worn by Brute Demons in The Underworld. (NOTE: Brute Demons are the equivalent of a Bodyguard which exist in Asira). Lifting his face from the direction of the floor, the brainwashed Ulric stares murderously at the opposing demons standing across him. Envelopes himself in a menacing aura as he prepares for battle. Cautious of the threat that stands before them Angelina recalls something that Pruflas's had said earlier when they first confronted him
Angelina: Guys do you remember what Pruflas had said about Ulric earlier when we first entered his Fortress? Something about him not being the same Ulric as you remembered? Well it appears what Pruflas meant is that Ulric has been brainwashed, but nevertheless very much dangerous as we can sense by his aura
James: I was afraid that was going to be the case the moment I saw him in those cheap ass clothes. Even though this isn't how I planned on getting my revenge on this bastard. Since I wanted him to know why I was going to fucking kill him, but if this is my only opportunity for payback. I'll be a fool to squander it
Apollyn: It's not Apollyn and buddies have much of a choice anyways. Either James, Angie, and Apollyn kill Ulric or he kills us
Angelina: That's what he's been ordered to do anyways and we didn't come all this way just to die. So that being said are you ready for a fight Del Soto?
James: Indeed but the game plan has not changed. I'll fight Ulric directly and you two serve as backup if things start looking bad for me. Even though my pride will be bruised if I'm unsuccessful in killing Ulric by myself. Not only do I not want to make Okubi's fear of one of us dying coming true. King Onyxe would be beyond devastated if I died and that's my best friend in the whole wide world. I couldn't forgive myself if I died knowing how hard he protected me over the years. Now ladies get into position while I go and fry this motherfucker
Not uttering another world to the girls James sets his hands and feet ablaze and runs towards Ulric. Seeing his target coming towards him, Ulric uses his translocation abilities allowing him to move from one place to another at lightning speed appears before James throwing him off guard. Ulric immediately strikes his target with three vicious strikes. Two blows to the face and one to the stomach, sending James flying into the air. Witnessing the brutal attack against James both Angelina and Apollyn immediately spring into action. Placing both her hands in front of her mouth Apollyn spits a blob of marshmallow into her hands. She then expands the blob of marshmallow to the size of a tent. In order to use to break James's fall before he crashes to the ground. While Apollyn is helping James, Angelina goes on the offense against Ulric. Using her demonic magic Angelina unleashes multiple magenta colored fireballs at him, but Ulric creates a demonic energy shield to absorb Angelina's attack.
Angered Angelina attempts to perform an even stronger attack, but Ulric quickly transforms his shield into a gigantic ball of demonic energy and hurls it at her like a bowling ball at lightning fast speed. Hurrying to create a shield of her own before being struck by the massive attack, but unfortunately struck by the ball within seconds exploding on her upon contact, sending Angelina crashing to nearby wall. James falling from the air safely lands on a tent size blob of marshmallow curtesy of Apollyn. Removing himself off the marshmallow James burns off the marshmallow residue off of his skin before shifting his attention onto Apollyn.
James: Thanks for the save Apollyn, but now I got marshmallow in my hair and on my clothes. I'll burn the rest of the battle but anyways back to that fucker Ulric
Apollyn: Speaking of Ulric, he's about to inflict more damage on Angie Buddy. Let's Apollyn and James Buddy hurry and save Angie
Ulric just steps away from where Angelina had crashed into the wall senses three balls of fire and a blob of fudge heading towards him. Ulric counters by releases a gigantic blast of lighting from him hand, neutralizing both James and Apollyn's attacks and nearly striking them had they not moved in the knick of time. Rising to their feet the heroes wear their frustration on their faces as they plot their next move against Ulric. Apollyn's breast starts to increase as the rage builds up within her increasing her chance of instability as the fight goes on. Knowing this James immediately tries to calm her down
James: Hey Lyn you went from being flat chested to a nearly a D cup in a matter of minutes. I know Ulric is being a pain in the fucking ass to kill, but try not to lose control of yourself. The last thing we need is an ally going off the deep end
Apollyn: Apollyn is sorry but Ulric is making Apollyn really angry and causing chest to grow big... I-- Apollyn will try best to keep Apollyn calm
James: Don't be too hard on yourself Lyn just watch my back and I'll do the fighting. I'm the one who wants to kill him in order to avenge my family. Therefore only I alone should be the one burden to kill him. Meantime just get a grip on yourself and only attack if you see an opening. Now it's time to me to blaze up and kill this sorry ass son-of-a-bitch!
Once having calmed down Apollyn and telling her only to attack if she spots an opening. James summons fire around his hands and neck and starts running towards Ulric. Angelina who had managed to recover from Ulric's attack on her earlier notices her book Viatori Patuit glowing inside of her pouch and reaches for it. Opening the book Angelina sees a text of words glowing before her eyes. Battling against Ulric, James manages to deliver several blazing strikes, but despite his attacks does little damage to the mind controlled demon. James attempts to strike Ulric again, but this time his attacked is blocked. Ulric then viciously grabs James by his neck before he starts to choke him mercilessly. After a few seconds of having the life choked out of him by Ulric. James is then slammed on the ground before receiving severals brutal punches to the face and stomach area. Covered in blood and vomit after the savage beating from Ulric, James lies on the ground helplessly as his self regenerating abilities delayed due to the amount of damaged he received. Apollyn grows angrier by the second as she watches James laying at the mercy of Ulric and unable to help him due to risking being harmed herself. Now with his target on the ground and completely defenseless Ulric gets ready to kill James. Creating a powerful red, orange, and black colored energy sphere between his palms. Ulric gets ready to perform his signature attack Oblivion Blessing, but before Ulric could halfway complete his attack. Angelina begins chanting out aloud a spell from her book
Angelina: "O great spirits of the dead hear my cry and heed my command. I order thee to remove the darkness that control my enemy and allow his true self to reawaken"
Instantaneously Angelina's spell takes effect and no longer is Ulric a mindless killing machine for Pruflas. Reverted back to his normal self with his sphere still between the palm of his hands. He looks down a sees the sight of the very man he hates all blood and beaten. An arrogant smile immediately crosses his face before he begins to speak
Ulric: Oh what a wonderful surprise to see you in such a vulnerable position Mr. Del Soto. Course I don't even fucking know where the hell am I but it's nice to see you all so bloody up. Smelling your blood on my hands it's obvious I'm the one responsible for inflicting this well deserved pain upon you. I waited for centuries to finally get my revenge upon you after you and your wife dared betray me
Angelina: HEY ULRIC! Don't get so fucking full of yourself! The only reason James is so bloody up is due to you having been brainwashed by Pruflas and his cohorts. I bet if you were your normal repulsive self from the start. James along with Apollyn and myself would already had killed your sorry arrogant ass
Ulric: So I take it you're the one who freed me from Ulric's control. Normally I would reward such behavior with a swift death, but since you're one of Del Soto's friends. I'll have to make your death as excruciating as the rest of Del Soto's allies. Once I'm finished killing Del Soto, I'll kill you next succubus before killing the dessert demon. Now to finish off Del Soto for once and for all... wait WHY CAN'T I MOVE?!
Angelina: Fool! Did you really believe the only spell I performed on you was to remove the mind control? While you were pummeling on Mr. Del Soto, I had quietly performed a paralysis spell against you the moment you ended your assault on my ally. Only once the paralysis spelled kicked in I then loudly chanted the spell to rid you of the mind control. Now prepare to meet your end!
Ulric: Silly bitch! Do you think a mere paralysis spell performed by a second rate mage like yourself can stop me? I'll have your spell reversed in no time and then I'll decorate this place with your organs
Angelina: Says the man that's about to become a meal
While Ulric was busy going back and forth with Angelina, Apollyn who succumb to her anger transforms into a ravenous blood thirsty demon with watermelon size breast and the body of a bodybuilder. Having gained lightning fast speed in her monstrous transformation Apollyn immediately makes her way over to her prey. Sensing a murderous force coming towards him and still under the paralysis spell. Making direct eye contact with the dessert demon Ulric feels absolute terror as his life is about to end. Opening her mouth wide enough to swallow a pumpkin whole Apollyn closes her jaw down on Ulric and bites his head off. Chewing the demon's head like a Crunch Bar while his blood sprays out of his headless body. Once she finishes digesting Ulric's head Apollyn then turns her attention onto James. Despite her concerns about Apollyn's intentions Angelina remains quiet and watches to see if Apollyn will attempt to eat James as well before risking harming her friend. Positioned on top of James in a very mature manner as she lowers her head towards his. Angelina watches cautiously as Apollyn brings her mouth towards James and starts making out with him within seconds. However what appears to be two demons making out is actually Apollyn healing James using her dessert based powers, filling his mouth with caramel syrup in order to boost's the injure demon's regenerative abilities allowing him to heal faster. Removing herself off of him as her bust starts to rapidly decrease due to no longer being in a state of rage. Apollyn quickly hurries up over to where Angelina is standing
Apollyn: Apollyn didn't mean to scare Angelina buddy, but seeing Ulric beating up James buddy nearly to death sent Apollyn into a frenzy. Apollyn is just glad she was able to calm down before harming any of Apollyn's buddies
Angelina: I'm glad you didn't attempt to harm either James or myself as well. I never seen in you such a berserker like state, but I'm glad you only killed Ulric. However I wonder how James is going to feel once his body heals itself. After all he wanted to be the one to kill Ulric... so much for him getting his revenge
Apollyn: Oh Apollyn forgot about James buddy wanting his revenge when Apollyn went into a rage. I hope James won't be mad at me for killing Ulric instead of him
Angelina: I don't think he'll be as mad at you as he will be in himself. Besides if you haven't killed Ulric when you did I fear it would had been the three of us to been killed. Ulric is not only physically strong, but is well versed in various magic spells. It would had been only matter before he had reversed my paralysis spell so killing him while he was still vulnerable was the best solution
Getting himself off the floor after being healed thanks to Apollyn's dessert based powers. Seeing the headless body of his former Master turned foe covered in blood. Wearing a look of disappointment on his face James turns over to his comrades
James: Well so much for me avenging my family against this son-of-a-bitch!
Angelina: James... you know Apollyn didn't mean--
James: Apollyn saved my ass Angie so regardless how I fucking feel right now. I damn sure appreciate her saving me from the brutal asskicking I was receiving from Ulric. I guess I really didn't have what it took to beat him alone... my daughter is going to be so disappointed when I tell her I failed to kill Ulric
Angelina: Will she? While you didn't delivery the killing blow against Ulric that doesn't mean you weren't essential for taking that bastard down. Furthermore if you truly wish Apollyn and I will have no problem saying that it was you who killed Ulric while we only assisted you
Apollyn: Yes Apollyn buddy will lie to make James buddy happy
James: Thanks ladies it's really appreciated but I'll keep it 100% with Anna once the two of us are reunited. Anyways now that this piece of shit is dead. Let's get out of here and find Okubi and the others. The more of us to go and fight Pruflas the better
Angelina: Agreed! Let us take a few seconds to regenerate from our injuries before joining the others
Wednesday, October 31, 2018
Happy Halloween 2018
Hellin dressed as a sexy but badass delinquent
Prior to making Hellin a delinquent for Halloween. I was originally going to design her as a witch
Tuesday, October 30, 2018
Monday, October 29, 2018
Sunday, October 28, 2018
Wednesday, October 24, 2018
Thursday, October 18, 2018
Friday, October 12, 2018
A skillful Kung Fu fighter + Sage with a troubling past. More info to come for Vicki in the near future
Thursday, October 11, 2018
Tuesday, October 9, 2018
Monday, October 8, 2018
Friday, October 5, 2018
Tuesday, October 2, 2018
Sunday, September 30, 2018
Thursday, September 27, 2018
Sunday, September 23, 2018
Saturday, September 22, 2018
Thursday, September 20, 2018
Saturday, September 15, 2018
Thursday, September 13, 2018
Tuesday, September 11, 2018
Monday, September 10, 2018
Sunday, September 9, 2018
Friday, September 7, 2018
Thursday, September 6, 2018
Wednesday, September 5, 2018
X-MEN: CLASS OMEGA MOTION COMIC | Marvel Contest of Champions
Well this was unexpected, but cool at the same time
Saturday, September 1, 2018
Friday, August 31, 2018
Thursday, August 30, 2018
Summer Heroines + Special Attack
No drawings sadly since I been really busy, but this idea popped into my head so I decided to post it before bed
1. Summer Hellin
Special Attack - Cretoxyrhina Raid: While surfing the water Hellin summons three Cretoxyrhinas to viciously attack her opponent
2. Summer Xiaoyu
Special Attack - Summer Ray: Xiaoyu unleashes a powerful marigold color light beam to her opponent
3. Summer Apollyn
Special Attack - Melting Sweet House: After trapping her opponent inside of a gingerbread house. Apolllyn's sister Lisa-Alice appears and use her magic to melt the gingerbread house with the enemy trapped inside
4. Summer Lisa
Special Attack - Breakfast Disaster: Lisa prays to Asira to drop down three giant size pancakes onto her opponent before summoning a bottle of hot syrup to pour on top of the pancakes. Lisa then pulls out Peace Maker and chops the pancakes in half along with her opponent trapped underneath
5. Summer Angelina
Special Attack - Devious Slumber: Angelina walks up to her opponent and kisses them on the lips placing them in a trance. She then summons a portal underneath the opponents feet and swallows them whole. Upon waking up the opponent finds themselves surrounded by darkness as Lilins suddenly appear within the darkness and start to attack them
1. Summer Hellin
Special Attack - Cretoxyrhina Raid: While surfing the water Hellin summons three Cretoxyrhinas to viciously attack her opponent
2. Summer Xiaoyu
Special Attack - Summer Ray: Xiaoyu unleashes a powerful marigold color light beam to her opponent
3. Summer Apollyn
Special Attack - Melting Sweet House: After trapping her opponent inside of a gingerbread house. Apolllyn's sister Lisa-Alice appears and use her magic to melt the gingerbread house with the enemy trapped inside
4. Summer Lisa
Special Attack - Breakfast Disaster: Lisa prays to Asira to drop down three giant size pancakes onto her opponent before summoning a bottle of hot syrup to pour on top of the pancakes. Lisa then pulls out Peace Maker and chops the pancakes in half along with her opponent trapped underneath
5. Summer Angelina
Special Attack - Devious Slumber: Angelina walks up to her opponent and kisses them on the lips placing them in a trance. She then summons a portal underneath the opponents feet and swallows them whole. Upon waking up the opponent finds themselves surrounded by darkness as Lilins suddenly appear within the darkness and start to attack them
Wednesday, August 29, 2018
Monday, August 27, 2018
Sunday, August 26, 2018
Saturday, August 25, 2018
Wednesday, August 22, 2018
Tuesday, August 21, 2018
SOULCALIBUR VI - PS4/XB1/PC - Tira (DLC Character announcement trailer)
Sucks that Tira is DLC but that's video games for you
Sunday, August 19, 2018
Friday, August 17, 2018
Thursday, August 16, 2018
EVO 2018: The King of Fighters XIV - Top 4
Now on my blog for those who didn't see it on Twitch earlier this August
Doja Cat - "Mooo!" (Official Video)
I been listening to this song for the past few days and I LOVE it!
Tuesday, August 14, 2018
Sunday, August 12, 2018
ty_ty045 (Bison) vs aiai (Juri):ty_ty045(ベガ)vs aiai(ジュリ)
Very skilled Juri and the Bison player was competent as well
Friday, August 10, 2018
Wednesday, August 8, 2018
Tuesday, August 7, 2018
Monday, August 6, 2018
Sunday, August 5, 2018
Saturday, August 4, 2018
Thursday, August 2, 2018
Wednesday, August 1, 2018
Tuesday, July 31, 2018
Thursday, July 19, 2018
Wednesday, July 18, 2018
Tuesday, July 17, 2018
Wednesday, July 11, 2018
Saturday, July 7, 2018
Thursday, July 5, 2018
Wednesday, July 4, 2018
Tuesday, July 3, 2018
Thursday, June 21, 2018
Wednesday, June 20, 2018
Tuesday, June 19, 2018
Sunday, June 17, 2018
Saturday, June 16, 2018
Thursday, June 14, 2018
Wednesday, June 13, 2018
Monday, June 11, 2018
Sunday, June 10, 2018
Saturday, June 9, 2018
Friday, June 8, 2018
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Wednesday, March 14, 2018
Sunday, March 11, 2018
Sunday, March 4, 2018
Forbidden Chapter 76
Forbidden Chapter Seventy Six
Saving A Friend
Minutes after entering the first door Xiaoyu, Nara, and the other combatants found themselves faced against the brainwashed detective Lorenzo and an enhanced Sinclair. While knowing a battle against her brainwashed friend was inevitable, neither Xiaoyu nor the others expected to confront him so soon; especially at the very beginning of the Six Hours game. Preparing herself for battle Xiaoyu activated her magic. Nara and Danielle stoos beside her activated their magic as well. Cool Nine, Damien, Braddox, Syh, and Romio found themselves being watched by the murderous eyes of Sinclair, who prior to his enhancements was defeated by Cool Nine earlier that day. However, now with the creature's increased power, it will take all five of them to bring Sinclair down.
Nara: So babe what's the plan to take Lorenzo down before we either kill him or he kills us?
Xiaoyu: I want to keep Lorenzo busy enough until I find an opening. Allowing me to use my magic in hopes of breaking Karen's control over him. Especially before he can use any of the enhanced powers received from her
Danielle: It's so unfortunate that woman has forced us to fight your friend. I hope the three of us can save him
Xiaoyu: Cool Nine, Damien, Syh, Braddox, and Romio. Do whatever it takes to defeat that evolved Sinclair. The three of us will deal with my brainwashed friend
Braddox: Don't gotta tell us something we already planned on doing. Just worry about your own damn problem
Syh: Let's just eliminate our threats so we can hurry to find Karen's other self. Otherwise we'll end up dying in this place
Damien: I refuse to die in this shithole. Let's kick this monster's ass right now!
Surrounding his feet in a fiery aura Damien runs towards Sinclair and leaps into the air. Positioning himself while in the air Damien attempted to come down upon Sinclair with a fiery kick. Before he could strike Sinclair, the creature vomited out a blob of poison onto him, knocking Damien onto the ground. Recognizing that attack from their earlier battle, Cool Nine quickly demands Syh to run to Damien's aid to remove him from the poisonous blob and heal him before he dies. Knowing that if any of them die in battle, the doors will never open for any of the survivors.
Braddox: Dumbass kid shouldn't be so reckless in combat especially against such a creature. Better be thankful he's in a room with two healers. Even if one of those healers is busy battling her friend along with her boyfriend and Danielle
Cool Nine: It's going to take us working together to take down Sinclair. While those three battle Lorenzo and Syh takes care of Damien. Romio, you, and I need to work together to eliminate this creature
Romio: I really hope the three of us will be enough to fight that thing
Braddox: The two of you could just serve as my support while Crocell and I beat the living shit out of Sinclair!
Xiaoyu, Nara, and Danielle engaged in battle against Lorenzo and dodged his deadly fiery attacks. The trio struggled to find a proper opening to take him down, knowing they could risk wounding Lorenzo since Xiaoyu would be able to heal him. Neither wanted it to come to that, but Nara felt otherwise. The trio knew they had to cease being on the defensive and win the battle in order to save Lorenzo. Lorenzo continued throwing a barrage of fireballs at the three. Xiaoyu jumped in front of her comrades and created a shield of light energy to block Lorenzo's attack. Nara then unleashed a blizzard blast from his hand towards him. Unfortunately Lorenzo covered his upper body in flames, easily neutralizing Nara's icy attack. Because of her limited combat experience along with also being a fire user, Danielle knew she didn't posses the same threat to Lorenzo as either Xiaoyu or Nara. Just then a thought popped into her head. Without warning Xiaoyu or Nara, Danielle rushed towards Lorenzo.
Danielle ignored the cries of concern from her comrades as she moved closer to Lorenzo. Lorenzo removed his attention from Xiaoyu and Nara and threw fireballs at Danielle. She dodged the fireballs as fast as possible, but one managed to strike her left shoulder. Danielle ignored to the pain in order to move closer to Lorenzo. Standing face-to-face with Lorenzo's aflamed upper body, Danielle ignited her own hands in flames before grabbing onto Lorenzo. Having temporarily contained Lorenzo, Danielle called out to Xiaoyu.
Danielle: Xiaoyu use your magic to seal Lorenzo down before he gets me off!
Quickly springing into action, Xiaoyu used the technique LIGHT SEAL! in which she performed a quick wushu stance and summoned a pillar of light around Lorenzo and Danielle. Xiaoyu's move bound both of them on the spot. She knew she couldn't do anything else without risking harm to Danielle. Nara, however, could attack Lorenzo without hurting Danielle. Within moments, Nara transformed into his Darken Form. This not only altered his behavior, but increased his attack power
Xiaoyu: Baby I know why you went Darken, but please remember Lorenzo is my friend and not to kill him
Nara: Trust me babe I won't kill your friend. Any damage I inflict upon Lorenzo you just gotta heal him afterwards. Just be ready to remove your Light Seal around them once I'm standing before them.
Without saying another word to his girlfriend, Nara rushed his target and instantly appeared before Lorenzo and Danielle using his superhuman speed. Nara formed a ball of dark energy in his left palm. Xiaoyu saw that Nara was ready to strike, so she removed her seal from around Lorenzo and Danielle. Quickly pushing Danielle out the way, Nara struck Lorenzo's chest with a dark energy ball. The brainwashed detective crashed to the ground and was knocked unconcious. Nara then immediately reverted back to his normal self. Meanwhile Braddox, Cool Nine, and Romio prepared to finish off Sinclair, using the combined efforts of Cool Nine's dice magic, Romio's barrier magic, and Braddox's demonic strength derived from the demon Crocell possessing his body. Braddox delivered an attack called TYRANT BARRAGE! Braddox struck Sinclair with a devastating barrage of killer blows before grabbing the creature and performing a monstrous powerbomb, which caused Sinclair's body to disintegrate. The battle having gone on for more than a half hour was finally over. Lorenzo was knocked out and Sinclair destroyed. The door on the opposite side of the room had opened. Syh had fully healed Damien of his burns. The monitor in the room then came on as Karen appeared on screen.
Karen: Congratulations combatants for surviving your first trial. All of you can now proceed to the Six Hour games. Now hurry, hurry, hurry along my lovelies. Time is of the essence. My other half must be found. Otherwise, all of your efforts will have been for naught. Now let me get back to eating my pretzels and ice cream and find some good porn to watch. I'll check in with you all in a little bit. Also, do remember this was just the first of many challenges that await you. Toodles
Nara: God I'm so over that annoying bitch!
Xiaoyu: Well now that the door has opened. Let me hurry up and heal Lorenzo before we proceed through the door
Braddox: Well make it fast girl because we already wasted enough time here. I refuse to die in this place
Nara: We'll move once my girlfriend is finished healing her friend and Danielle as well. Now if you want to head out on your own big guy then be my guest
Braddox: Open that smart mouth of yours again and I'll do you in worst than Sinclair
Nara: Come over here and try it asshole!
Cool Nine: GENTLEMEN! We have just finished fighting for our lives and none of us here needs to be fighting one another. Set aside your egos until we get out of this damn place. Afterwards feel free to kill each other but until then let's cooperate
Syh: The sooner Xiaoyu heals Danielle and the unconscious detective. The quicker we can proceed through the door
Romio: I just seriously hope our other challenges won't be so... challenging
Damien: Imagine the chances of us being that fucking lucky. Thanks again elf man for the healing
Syh: Next time don't jump into a battle without caution. Otherwise you may not be as lucky boy. I can heal even the most fatal of injuries, but I cannot resurrect the dead
Xiaoyu: The same goes for my powers Damien so please do heed Syh's warning. Now it's time I go check on my friend
Immediately rushing to the aid of her unconscious friend, Xiaoyu placed a hand on Lorenzo's bare chest and used her magic to heal him. Within seconds Lorenzo came to and is both shocked and relieved to see his close friend and fellow detective kneeling over him. No longer under the influence of Karen and feeling like his normal self, Lorenzo raised his body off the ground and hugged Xiaoyu. He released his hold on her upon sensing a negative vibe in his vicinity. Checking his surroundings, Lorenzo noticed several other people in the room with Xiaoyu and himself. His attention quickly focused on a man with green hair. Realizing the vibe was coming from him, Lorenzo made the connection between the man and Xiaoyu. Lorenzo rightfully concluded that the green haired man was Xiaoyu's boyfriend, so he and moved away from her. He then turned his attention to the green haired man and began to speak.
Lorenzo: Hey man I apologize. I meant no offense. It just feels good to see a very good friend. It truly feels like it's been forever since the last time I saw Xiaoyu
Nara: It's okay dude and I didn't mean to give off such a nasty vibe. I know Xiaoyu and you are only friends and work together at the same agency in China. I just couldn't help myself getting a bit jealous seeing you hugging my girl. Anyways the name's Nara Chabla and I hope you are feeling much better. Since it was me who knocked you out in the first place
Lorenzo: No problem Nara and thanks for knocking me out of whatever control my kidnapper had over me. I'm just glad Xiaoyu was here to heal me from any injury I suffered at your hands. I sincerely hope I didn't gravely injure anyone else here
Danielle: One of your fireballs struck my shoulder but I'll be fine once Xiaoyu heals me
Lorenzo: My apologies beautiful and I promise it won't happen again. Especially now that I feel like my old self again. Thank again everyone but can anyone explain to me what's going on here? Like for starters where the fuck are we?
Xiaoyu: All of us here were kidnapped by a woman name Karen Caramel and her former ally Stanford. They forced us to compete in a game she calls The Underground Fighting Tournament, a sadistic tournament that pits unwilling fighters against one another in order for them to earn their freedom out of this place. While those who underperform suffers a fate worse than death. However after the first rounds that took place earlier today and one of the participants name Pelham was executed, the others and myself decided we weren't going to fight each other for Karen's entertainment. Instead of fighting us herself, Karen offered us a deal. The deal being to locate her other self within this place before six hours are up. Allowing us all to leave this place alive. The reason Karen kidnapped you, Lorenzo, was to ensure that I would seek her out. That led to Nara and me being kidnapped by Stanford and brought down here. Thankfully, unlike the others here, it was Nara and my intention to get kidnapped, so I could rescue you from her
Lorenzo: You two went through all of that for me?
Cool Nine: Sweetie you're the reason Xiaoyu convinced us to play the Six Hours game instead of just fighting one another for freedom. Now we have only about five hours left to find Karen's other half. Or all of this would be for nothing
Xiaoyu: Lorenzo we are going to need your help to find Karen's other self. I'll explain the rest to you along the way, but right now we need to keep moving. Nara and I are on a timer for how long we can be here. Because once my friends Okubi, Apollyn, and the others are done dealing with Karen's boss Pruflas in his dimension, Okubi is coming back for us and anyone else who needs rescuing. So while I'm not worried about the Six Hours running out, to ensure the safety of everyone else and to bring down the evil Karen, I would like to find her other self before time runs out
Lorenzo: So I guess we just gotta go through that door behind us? I just hope the nine of us can handle whatever danger awaits us
Xiaoyu: We will survive but let me first heal Danielle before we proceed
After healing Danielle of her burn Xiaoyu leads Nara, Lorenzo, and the others to the door. Stepping through the door one at a time, the combatants prepared themselves for any dangers and challenges that awaited them. While Xiaoyu and the others focused on reading the map Karen gave them, Cool Nine began putting her schemes in motion.
Cool Nine: Now that these fools are focused on finding Karen's other self, I can finally focus on the real purpose of being in this place. I will see to it that both Karens are destroyed! Even if I have to kill the others to do it
TO BE CONTINUED in Chapter 78
Monday, February 26, 2018
Thursday, February 22, 2018
Wednesday, February 21, 2018
Tuesday, February 20, 2018
[Fate/Grand Order] Scheherazade's Voice Lines (with English Subs)
One of my favorite characters from Fate Grand Order
Thursday, February 8, 2018
Wednesday, February 7, 2018
Ideal Character Names
Potential Future Character Names
1. Luna De Moona
2. ??? Villiers (Character will be inspired by George Villiers)
3. Dunyazade
4. Fei Xiaoyu
5. Alternate Okubi & Alternate Eligos
6. Charming Nightmare
NOTE: These are simply ideal names for characters I may design in the future. None of these characters are guaranteed to be apart of the main Forbidden story but either side characters or from an alternate universe
Monday, February 5, 2018
Wednesday, January 31, 2018
Thursday, January 25, 2018
Tuesday, January 23, 2018
Friday, January 19, 2018
Friday, January 12, 2018
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