Tuesday, October 29, 2019


Profile Enyx


Name: Enyx Leopard 

Age: 20

Country Of Origin: Radon

Height: 5'8

Weight: Secret

Race: Half human (Father) Half Darken (Mother)

Hair Color: Blonde with a single black streak of hair

Eye Color: Moon Yellow

Magic Name(s) Deinagkistrodon + Ubi & Minue

Backstory: The lovely and deadly Enyx Leopard a member of the secret superhero society known as Agents Of Kissel. Born and raised in the European country of Radon she was born to a human father and a Darken mother. Therefore like her mother Enyx too would posses demonic like powers, but due to being only half Darken the girl won't face the same burdens of controlling it as her mother. Growing up Enyx was trained by her father in the magical arts known as Deinagkistrodon.

A few years and now in her teens Enyx had become tired of her ordinary life in Radon and desired to live in a new place with new opportunities. Luckily both of her parents shared her boredom and they too wished to live someplace new. On Enyx's fourteen birthday her parents' told her that they would be leaving for the country Mayland. Living in Maroon Town, a place located in the state of Arundel. Enyx would go to a school for sages training to become Magical Officers. One day while coming home late from school due to detention Enyx witnessed a local jewelry store being robbed by three older sages. Despite not having much combat experience but the justice with her couldn't witness a crime and do nothing to stop it

Enyx sprang into action as she used her technique Lust Hunter to strike down one of the mischievous sages but before she could prepare herself to battle the other sages. A chilling blast of energy had struck her by surprise freezing her body solid from the neck down. The mischievous group of sages were preparing to kill Enyx before running off with their stolen goods. However before Enyx even had a chance to truly fear for her life two mature aged women suddenly appears to her aid. The two women were highly skilled sages that within seconds subdued the mischievous trio of sages and then performed a binding spell on them. In order to make sure they couldn't escape before the authorities had arrived. Then using their magic they release Enyx from her icy trap

Amazed by the the strength and courage the two women possessed she couldn't help but want to learn more about them. While the women were kind they wouldn't tell Enyx much about themselves let alone their names. However they told Enyx if she truly wanted to know who they were and where they came from. She would need to finish High School and they will find her. Knowing she wanted to meet them again and learn more about them. Enyx promised the two women she would complete High School and continue her magical training

Three years later and after completing High School the two women who saved her life visited her during her graduation ceremony. Enyx learned that the two women are superheroes who are members of an elite all female group of sages called Agents Of Kissel. The two women believed the Enyx had what it takes to become a great superhero after the heroism she displayed during the robbery thtee years prior. The women told her they would welcome her into the fold but she would have to leave her old life behind. While conflicted with the thought of leaving her parents and friends behind. The two women told her if she could keep a secret and willing to live at the base of the Agents Of Kissel. She would still be able to keep in contact with her parents and close friends. Enyx happily accept and that night bid her parents farewell before joining the Agents Of Kissel

Now twenty years old and a highly skilled agent of Kissel, Enyx along with her comrades Nisha, Joyce, and Konomi travel to various parts of the world fighting crime. Never would she had imagine living such a exciting life while also doing a tremendous good fighting against evil. Enyx eagerly looks forward to many more adventures and hopefully to encounter powerful sages to battle against 

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Ideal New Characters I Would Love To See In DOA6


Hey folks I been thinking lately about what kind of characters I would like added to DOA6 in the future. Currently Rachel (as we believe anyways but am 99.9% sure she's the next character) is the character being added by the end of October. I do hope we get more fighters in the future and new ons at that because Leon, Gen-Fu, and Hayate in Karate form is no bueno. Anyways here are just some of my ideals

1. Benicio

Sex: Male

Age: 24

Country Of Origin: Peru

Fighting Style: Free Form Lucha Libre

Benicio would be to La Mariposa what Bass is to Tina. Obviously not Lisa's father but he would be a agile grappler along with his fast strikes to place his opponents in a disarray. However while Lisa/La Mariposa has a flare of Capoiera in her move set. Benicio would strictly Lucha Libre based moves

2. Sammy

Sex: Male

Age: 33

Country Of Origin: Haiti

Fighting Style: Haitian Judoka

A muscular fighter with various scars around his body due to his many years of battling. Sammy ideal play style would be consider a favorable replacement for players who main Leon in DOA without actually being Leon due his merciless play style and powerful throw enders

3. Lucas

Age: 21

Country Of Origin: U.S.A.

Fighting Style: "Outrageously Original"

Unlike the previous ideal characters mentioned Lucas's fighting style isn't solely based in an actual martial arts but instead and orthodox variety of moves from different arts. Lucas's fighting style would allow Team Ninja to create a character with wild and flashy attacks leaving players mesmerized. His fighting style would be like watching a superhero in action

4. Izzy

Sex: Male

Age: 18

Country Of Origin: Comoros

Fighting Style: Tricky

While the ideal would be highly unpopular by many veteran and new DOA fans. I would personally lovw to see the male equivalent of Marie Rose being created and a playable character in the Dead Or Alive franchise. Izzy would of course be the shortest guy in the DOA universe, openly gay, and similar to Marie but without being a clone uses acrobatic and cutesy like attacks

VAIN - The Witch Of Torment

 VAIN Artwork by Anne_Luc