Wednesday, September 22, 2021

Nikiema's Attacks

"Get up again I dare you! I'll smite your sorry ass"

Nikiema's Attacks

Nikiema's Attack Explanation

1. Violent Uprising: Nikiema performs a leaping knee strike followed by a powerful kick sending the enemy crashing to the ground

2. Justice Upper: Nikiema covers her left fist in Holy Energy and performs a speedy diagonal leaping uppercut

3. Divine Trick: Nikiema creates a shield made of Holy Energy as a projectile comes her way. If the projectile hits Nikiema's shield. The attacked is absorbed by the shield as Nikiema gains health from it

4. Loser's Prize (Command Grab) : Nikiema grabs her opponent and perform a powerful palm strike with each of her palms before delivering a powerful kick that knocks her opponent into the air

Divine Ruination

1. Aid From Zadkiel: Nikiema calls up to her fellow angel, Zadkiel to assist her by summoning an amethyst colored meteor towards her opponent

2. Elegant Tantrum: Nikiema performs a leaping knee strike that if not blocked sends the opponent flying into the air. Nikiema then follows up her knee strike with a flurry of powerful kicks with the last kick sending the opponent flying away from her before crashing to the ground

Hypothetical Combos With Nikiema

Loser's Prize + Violent Uprising

Loser's Prize + Justice Upper

Loser's Prize + Justice Upper + Violent Uprising

Loser's Prize + Justice Upper + Aid From Zadkiel

Loser's Prize + Elegant Tantrum

Justice Upper + Elegant Tantrum

Violent Uprising + Aid From Zadkiel 


Tuesday, September 21, 2021

Romeo N'al's Attacks


Romeo N'al is a laid back Beasterian who excels in hand to hand combat and manipulates Chi/Spiritual Energy in battle


1. Divine Knuckle - A speedy but short range forward punch attack

2. Divine Knuckle (Charged Version) - If Romeo decides to charge up before striking. Not only does the attack become an unblockable. Romeo is able to bypass any projectile coming his way

3. Chi Blast - Using his chi, Romeo unleashes a blast of energy from his palm into the air. This attack is used against airborne foes

4. Tiger Kick - Romeo leaps into the air as he curls his body momentarily. Romeo then performs a powerful downward kick to strike his standing opponent


1. Will Of The Warrior - Romeo surrounds his body momentarily in a powerful blue aura. This allows him to increase the damage for all of his attacks for a brief period of time

2. Tiger Drive - Romeo leaps into the air as he surrounds his foot in a fiery chi as he charges towards his foe. This super is inspired by Maki Genryusai's Tesshinou super from the Street Fighter Alpha series created by Capcom

Hypothetical Potential Combos

Divine Knuckle (Either Version) into Tiger Drive
Chi Blast into Will Of The Warrior
Divine Knuckle (Regular version) into Will Of The Warrior
Chi Blast into Divine Knuckle (Regular version) into Tiger Drive
Chi Blast into Tiger Kick into Will Of The Warrior 

Future Forbidden Characters - Seanix Del Soto & Menhit

Seanix Del Soto, The Arctic Hearted Demon

Seanix is the younger brother of James Del Soto & uncle of Anna Del Soto. Seanix is the first character to be completed during my Winter Is Coming Event


Menhit is still a WIP but I hope to do more with her soon and she'll be drawn professionally sometime in 2022


Friday, September 17, 2021

NCT 127 엔시티 127 'Sticker' MV

Nikiema & Romeo N'al REDESIGNS!!!

 The Imperfect Angel 

Finalize Design

Drawn by Nico_Artooo

Old Design

The Tiger Martial Artist

Finalize Design

Art by All_Draws (NSFW artist)

Romeo's old designs

I will explain why I had both of these OC's redesign but mainly it was due to the original artwork having the artist signature which affects my ownership of the characters despite me being the creators of both Nikiema and Romeo N'al

Wednesday, September 15, 2021


The One Woman Army

Setback is a young adult woman who specializes in demolition. She's an ally of August Starfinder and Vritra

Keisha/Setback previous design 


Monday, September 13, 2021

Jude & Caden

The Enigma & His Half Demon Nephew

More info on Jude & Zade will come either late 2021 or early 2022. The character is inspired by myself and my now deceased nephew Aisyn

Update: Due to the creation of UNTRUE who will now be the main character inspired by my deceased nephew, Aisyn. Jude and Caden will be characters of a different type of story. I will be doing some changes to these OCs in the near future. Also "Zade" is now known as "Caden"


Shanna, The Vampire Nun

The Vampire Nun

Shanna is the granddaughter of Pope and serves the Catholic Church in her homeland of Israel. Shanna is a half demon due to being the daughter of a human male and vampire woman. Despite the demonic blood running through her veins. Shanna is a relatively kind woman but shows no mercy to evildoers

Shanna's Attacks


This Match Was So Damn Laggy!

Saturday, September 11, 2021

I Will Forever Miss You Aisyn

 The lost of my nephew has really shaken me to my core. I don't have the same drive for life as I once did prior to his passing today. I don't know I have it in me to want to continue life myself anymore but all I can do is try. If something happens to me well at least this is here lol 

FREE STORY - King Onyx Versus Lisbeth The Sick

 King Onyx vs Lisbeth the Sick 

In his pink themed bedroom, King Onyx lay naked in his bed surrounded by his various stuffed animals. Wearing his sky-blue headphones, he listened to one of his favorite podcasts on his laptop. King Onyx caught a whiff of marijuana coming from downstairs in his castle. A smile ran across his face. Not because of the marijuana, the King didn't indulge in that type of thing, but because of who was the source of the marijuana. It was Herrera, a friend and one of his top agents. Herrera was the Chilled Black Samurai or who the King jokingly referred to as "The Old Weeboo". Even without using his telepathy, Onyx knew Herrera would knock on his door. Quickly grabbing the sheet hanging off the left corner of his bed, King Onyx placed it over his bare ass so Herrera wouldn't see him butt-naked yet again. Onyx couldn't care less who saw him naked, but Herrera was heterosexual. Plus, he had a tendency to just barge into the King's room since the two of them have known each other for many years. Herrera had competed in the third Devilry Combat Tournament during Onyx's current reign as King Of Mayland. The two of them had become close friends because of their mutual love of video games, particularly fighting games. Despite Herrera only earning third place in the tournament. Onyx recognized the man's fighting potential and decided to make him one of his agents alongside James, Yura, and several others.

Seconds later, the door to his room opened. Of course, it was none other than Herrera, standing in front of his door with a blunt sticking out his mouth and wearing his usual urban samurai styled getup with his sword to the right side of him. Upon making eye contact with his King, the tall dark-skinned muscular man took another pull from his blunt before putting it out in order to give his report on his recent assignment.

Herrera: Good morning, Onyx.

King Onyx: Herrera... you know I don't like the smell of marijuana in my room.

Herrera: My bad.

King Onyx: So, how did everything go in Finland?

Herrera: It was good, I guess. Managed to locate their mischievous Sages over there before I kicked their asses and handed them over to the authorities. Kara said to thank you for sending me to help bring the troublesome Sages to justice. Kara should've been thanking me, though, since I'm the one who actually had to track them down and shit.

King Onyx: I'll be sure to shoot Kara a message later today, but thank you, Herrera, for being willing to go over there and help Kara find those troublesome Sages. I'm just glad that Finland is a relatively peaceful country. Sadly, villainy exists everywhere in this world. Anyways, unless you have something else to report to me, I'm going to get back to listening to Gigi's podcast until I'm ready to go downstairs and have breakfast. In the meantime, you can ask one of the chefs to cook you something unless you just want to go play your newest fighting games. Yura should be back from her errand soon and James and Anna are out on an mission alongside Hellin, Orsela, and Scylla. Anyways, glad you made it back home safe, dude. Unless some world-wide crisis takes place, you have the rest of the day off.

Herrera: Sounds good to me Onyx but there's one thing I feel like I should tell you. Before I left Finland, Kara mentioned bizarre and pretty fucking terrible things happening in Norway as of late. Several children have gone missing. The authorities think it has something to do with a demon. However, Kara thinks it's something else, but who fucking knows really. Everybody and they auntie are too afraid to do any real investigating.

King Onyx: Norway and children going missing? Funny you mentioned that since that's the very topic being discussed on the podcast. I'm curious to know what's exactly happening in Norway, especially to those poor children.

Herrera: Yeah, it sucks, but what's going on in Norway is not your problem, Onyx, nor should you make it your problem. Hell, to be truthful, I had no business in Finland, but someone likes to make friends abroad and make their friend's problem their own.

King Onyx: Dude, please, and besides weren't you the one telling me how bored you were just being in Mayland lately?

Herrera: Fair enough. Anyway, I'ma have some food cooked for me then get some sleep. Probably stream later today if no crazy ass shit goes down. If it does, just ask Yura or Hellin to handle it. Later, Onyx, and don't get yourself involved in shit that doesn't concern you, especially on your day off to relax,

King Onyx: Later, Herrera, and I promise to take it easy today... at least try.

Herrera bade King Onyx farewell before exiting his room. He went downstairs to ask the chefs to make him something to eat. Seconds after Herrera exited his room, King Onyx removed the sheet that was covering his ass and resumed listening to the podcast. Learning more about the recent tragedies that's been happening in Norway, Onyx couldn't help but become more concerned about the situation; especially the possibility of the culprit being a demon like himself. Few corners of the world accepted demons. Most places viewed them as ungodly fiends who prey on beings of the mortal world. Onyx knew how hard demons and even half-demons, like himself, work to encourage the public to be more accepting of demons. Despite having zero obligations to worry about anything going on in Norway, the King felt he would be less of a man if he didn't do something about the situation happening in that country; especially if indeed a demon was responsible for the spree of missing children in Norway.

Yura was still away on assignment. James and company were still on their mission. Knowing that the rest of the residents within his castle would be none the wiser of his plans, King Onyx quickly cleaned himself up and dressed by using a bedazzle spell taught to him by Queen Othello. Once dressed in his signature revealing pink outfit, the King opened a portal in his bedroom and appeared seconds later in a desired location in Norway. Standing in a forest, Onyx used his telepathic powers to scan the area, He only sensed the usual wildlife surrounding him, which he desired. The last thing he wanted was for someone to spot the King of Mayland wandering around a forest in Norway unannounced. Remembering the description of the forest from the podcast he listened to earlier where the children reportedly went missing, Onyx recognized this place as the dreaded Umber Forest. According to the podcast, there was an abandoned manor located northeast of the Umber Forest. Unafraid of what dangers may lie ahead, Onyx proceeded to the location of the manor. Minutes after he began his journey, Onyx spotted the abandoned manor a few feet ahead, along with picking up the presence of another within the forest. Fortunately, he sensed that it was the mind of a child and thankfully, one that was alive.

Onyx proudly patted himself on the back for making the right decision to travel to Norway instead of remaining in the comfort of his castle. He then revealed his presence to the young girl in the forest before she ended up sharing the fate of the other children who went missing upon entering this forest. Onyx calmly yelled out hello as a young girl no more than 8-years-old stepped out before him. She had ashen blonde hair and wore an adorable light-yellow dress with sneakers to match. Upon seeing the flamboyant man in pink, the young girl stared back at him nervously. To assure the young girl that he meant her no harm, Onyx knelt on his right knee as he introduced himself. He used the name "Alex" instead of his actual name, just in case somehow this girl might've known who he was had he used his real name.

Alex: There's no need to be afraid of my, little one. I mean you no harm, but you must know this is a very dangerous place for little kids like you. It's a good thing I got here when I did otherwise something bad may have happened to you. Now, you wanna tell me your name?

The girl still hesitantly stared at Onyx despite how non-threatening he came off. Not wanting to use his telepathy on her quite yet, Onyx decided on another approach to get the young girl to open to him.

Alex: Oh, you're shy... I was pretty shy myself when I was your age... man, that was a long time ago. Hey, tell you what, if you tell me your name, dear, I'll buy you some dessert after I bring you home to your parents. Please don't be afraid of me and tell me your name.

The little girl finally gave in.

Annie: My name is Li-- it's Annie!

Alex: Oh, my that's an adorable name for a little angel like you. Now, Annie, how about you show me the way home back to your parents?

Annie: Oh Mister... I kinda got myself lost coming here, so perhaps you can lead the way instead?

Alex: Oh, okay, sweetheart, that won't be a problem at all. Just give Mr. Alex a few seconds to remember how he got here as well.

Onyx could've easily created a portal to take Annie and himself to the city area of Norway, and just leave her to the proper authorities to bring her home. Instead, he decided to use his telepathy on Annie to telepathically retrace the girl's steps on how she arrived at the Umber Forest, and simply take them back the opposite direction. Upon looking into Annie's mind, Onyx was met with a horrifying truth that brought him both terror and rage. Realizing the little girl standing before him wasn't really Annie, but a sinister witch by the name of Lisbeth who had taken over Annie's body. Seeing the expression on Onyx's face, Lisbeth realized that not only was "Alex" not who he said he was, but that he possessed telepathic powers and discovered her true identity.

Lisbeth: Damn it all! I knew there was something unusual about you, especially in those flamboyant ass clothes of yours. Filthy telepath! How dare you invade my mind!

King Onyx: Witch! So, you're the one responsible for the missing children. I'm going to make you fucking sorry you were ever born!

Lisbeth: You will do nothing but die, foolish man! May you be devoured by the very ground you stand upon!

Lisbeth's right hand glowed in a greenish-brown aura as the ground beneath Onyx grabbed a hold of him and started to suck him in.

King Onyx: What in the world! Am I being swallowed by the ground?

Lisbeth: It's a lovely little spell of mine that will be your demise. If you weren't so old, I would've eaten you like the children I made venture into this forest by using my dark magic. Fortunately, I was able to lure a child named Annie here an hour before your meddling ass arrived, and the child proved to be a suitable host for a new body. Unlike the others before her who weren't suitable, and I ended up sacrificing their worthless souls to my manor.

King Onyx: This makes absolutely no fucking sense! Why would a woman as capable as yourself need to possess the body of an innocent child, let alone lure children to this damn place and kill them?

Lisbeth: Not that it's any of your business but if you must know, many years ago I was cursed by a fellow witch who made my original body decay. Thus, I went searching for ways to reverse the curse and once I failed to do so, I sought out other ways to keep myself alive until I found another worthy of starting a new life, which was little Annie. As for the other little bastards I sacrificed, they were only to slow down the effects of my curse along with empowering the curse powers within my manor. Speaking of that witch who cursed me ... you kind of remind me of her, which is why I'm going to enjoy your death. Sadly, I won't be able to watch you die as I need to handle one final loose end before starting my new life. Farewell "Alex" or whatever your fucking name is. Not that it will matter in a few minutes.

Lisbeth then vanished before Onyx's eyes. Seconds after, the coast was clear. The King used his water magic to create a geyser beneath his feet to spring himself out of the ground. He made sure the geyser was only big enough to help him escape the death trap created by Lisbeth, but not visible to be spotted outside of the forest. Onyx then created a portal to appear right outside the manor. The King barged inside and went looking for Lisbeth, and hopefully find the real Annie before it was too late. After making his way up the long staircase and using his telepathy to locate Lisbeth's whereabouts, Onyx found his target. She appeared standing before a completely bald-headed, grotesque looking woman wearing a tattered plum colored dress with various areas of her skin peeling off. Onyx immediately realized that the grotesque woman on the ground was the real body of Lisbeth with Annie's soul trapped inside. Shocked to see "Alex" inside her manor, the angry Lisbeth turned her attention away from Annie to confront him.

Lisbeth: Impossible! How in the hell did you fucking escape my death trap?

King Onyx: I'm much more capable than you can imagine, you disgusting bitch! Annie, sweetie, everything is going to be okay now. I'm here now to make things right.

Lisbeth: And how will you do that, you stupid bitch! I'm already in possession of the girl's body while she slowly dies inside my decaying body. Unless you know the correct spell to reverse what I've done, there's nothing you can do to save this little girl from suffering the fate that was placed upon me. Instead, the two of you will die in this place together!

King Onyx: You're a real piece of shit and a dumb one at that! Why would I need a spell when I'm a fucking telepath! I can just force you to switch bodies back with Annie, and that's exactly what I'm going to do.

Swiftly, Onyx's duo-colored eyes glowed as he took possession of Lisbeth's mind within Annie's body. Despite her efforts to resist Onyx's mind control, the witch was unable to fight back as Onyx successfully forced Lisbeth to swap bodies back with Annie. Once Annie's soul was back inside her body, the girl instinctively ran towards Onyx. He held his arms out to pick up the little girl. Lisbeth, now back in her correct decaying body, stared menacingly at Onyx and Annie.

Lisbeth: N--ot F--air... NO--TTT FAIIIR! I-- I de--served...

Lisbeth's speech was hardly intelligible because of the effects of her curse.

King Onyx: Not fair these nuts, you fucking witch! I don't know exactly why you were cursed in the past but based on your actions here, it's obvious you fucking deserved it! You killed so many children you killed along with nearly succeeding in stealing this girl's life for your own selfish reasons. Now, I'm going to make sure you die here. Annie, sweetie, I'm going to take you home, but I need to get rid of this bitch first for good.

While holding onto Annie with his right hand, King Onyx used his left hand to shoot a blob of water at Lisbeth. The blob of water quickly covered Lisbeth's body whole before King Onyx closed his left hand. The water crushed Lisbeth, putting an end to the witch for good. Seconds after Lisbeth's death, the manor began to crumble. It didn't faze King Onyx as he opened a portal for Annie and himself to escape the manor's destruction.

After finishing up in Norway, he opened a portal back to his bedroom. Upon stepping out of his portal, Onyx spotted Yura, Herrera, and his other agents: Meghan and Red standing in his bedroom with their arms folded in disapproval. They learned from Herrera that Onyx went off to investigate the situation in Norway, which he had no business doing as the King of Mayland! Despite knowing he did the right thing, the King remained silent as he prepared to receive his tongue lashing from Yura and the others.

Yura: So, Your Majesty, instead of enjoying your day off, as you were supposed to, you decided to take your ass to Norway and meddle in a situation that had nothing to do with you, let alone in your jurisdiction?

Herrera: I knew your ass was going to end up going to find out what happened to those children in Norway.

Meghan: For crying out loud, Your Majesty! When you have a day off... actually have a day off!

Red: Yeah, boss, just because you're a super badass half-demon doesn't mean you fucking run off to every goddamn problem happening around the world.

King Onyx: Y'all done?

Yura: No! Because while I know you meant well, as you always do and you probably actually accomplished something while over in Norway, that is no excuse for you to run off to solve problems that don't concern you. God forbid if something happened to you.

King Onyx: Holy shit. Well, forgive me for giving a damn about others.

Yura: Nothing wrong with caring about others, Your Majesty, and you know I appreciate your kind soul. It's what made me change my ways and come and serve you. I also know as a King, your responsibility is to your people first, Onyx. You're the King of Mayland, and not the entire world. How many times must we have this conversation?

King Onyx: Until I'm dead, Yura, until I'm dead.

Red: There's really no use in scolding our boss, guys. At the end of the day, he's going to do what he wants whether we approve of it or not.

Meghan: Pretty much just like Miss Hellin.

King Onyx: Now, will the four of you please leave my room, so I can get naked and catch up on my podcast.

Yura: That's fine, Your Majesty, but no more excursions for the rest of the day. And, you're also taking tomorrow off to have a legitimate off day. Your dinner will be ready in about a half-hour. Anyway, let's take our leave, gang. I know you mean well, Your Majesty, and you are one of the most powerful beings of this realm; however, as a King, you have a responsibility to your people and cannot make the world's problems your own. As much as it hurts for you to hear this, you can't save everyone.

Yura along with Herrera, Red, and Meghan exit King Onyx's room as he gets undressed and winds down for the night.


SFV CE💥 Itabashi (Zangief) VS Motchan (G)💥SF5💥Messatsu💥

Wednesday, September 8, 2021

Members of TEAM HELLIN

 Team Hellin is a group of heroes of the Mortal Realm/Earth that fight alongside Hellin and Orsela in various missions


Hellin Strongs


Orsela Geno


August Starfinder

Lea Stallard

Scylla Baros

Romeo N'al

Rodrigo Seval (Sometimes)

Frankie Vance (Occasionally)

Arkan (Occasionally)

Nikiema (Reluctantly)

Trevyn Aliyu (Sometimes)

Angelina Murai (Occasionally)

Anna Del Soto (Sometimes)

Thor (Occasionally)

Love (Whenever it suits her)

Katy Hate (Whenever it suits her)

These are just the current/known members for TEAM HELLIN but it will grow as time progresses onwards

Profile - Frankie Vance


"I won't waste this second chance of life on revenge. However the next time I come across Wyler. I'm going to make her feel the same pain my sister felt when she watched me die by her hands" - Frankie Vance 

Drawn by Samuel

Samuel's Twitter -

Name: Frankie Rory Vance

Age: 67 (Mortal death at 42 years old)

Hair Color: Mostly scarlet colored with a tint of blonde

Eye Color: Neon Green (was brown back when he was human)

Height: 6'3

Weight: 205 Pounds 

Likes: His little sister Victoria, Okubi (for retrieving the Judas Copper Rod), fighting, cold showers, bourbon

Dislikes: Losing, his sister's tears, avocado, long journeys, wickedness 

Allies: Victoria Vance, Okubi Dreamtime, Romeo N'al, Rodrigo Seval, Adeel Alvi, Cid

Powers: Extremely skilled in Mixed Martial Arts combined with manipulation of miasma infused electric powers which he obtained after the Judas Copper Rod was inserted into his neck


 Frankie along with his younger sister Victoria were born and raised by their amazing parents in Rain City. Ever since Frankie could remember ever seeing his idol Rachit in the MMA World on television. Frankie knew that he someday wanted to become an MMA fighter and years later after finishing high school, Frankie began his journey to achieve his childhood dream. After two years of dedication Frankie finally stepped into a MMA ring and proved that all his hard work had paid off. Shortly after his first few matches, Frankie became a household name and on the way to become like his idol Rachit

 Many years later during his highly anticipated match against Gina Wyler, a kind but vicious MMA fighter. Many doubted Frankie's chances against the fighter but his pride would not let him turn away from the challenged that awaited him. The day finally came where the two of them to meet in the ring and the fighter between Gina and himself proved to be a showstopper... until Gina landed a fatal strike on Frankie and left him for dead. Watching the fight in the crowd was his sister Victoria who was devastated having witnessed her brother's death before her eyes. Victoria ran out from out the crowd and into the octagon to her brother's corpse. Ignoring everyone around her as she used her teleportation device to take both her brother and herself out from the Octagon

 Refusing to accept her brother's untimely death, Victoria reached out to an associate that she knew could help her bring Frankie back to life. Upon contacting the individual known as Okubi Vice, Victoria explained to them (Okubi is non binary) what had happened to Frankie during his match against Gina. Irritated but remembered how Victoria once helped them, its then that Okubi decides to return the favor. Less than five minutes later, alongside his confidant Eligos, Okubi arrives to Victoria's home with a special item known as the Judas Copper Rod. Upon the Judas Copper Rod being inserted in one's neck, the action can bring the deceased back to life. The con though is that if the item is ever removed the individual goes back to being deceased. Wasting no time Victoria implants the item inside of Frankie's neck as he slowly comes back to life. Now back to life, Frankie notices his skin has changed from his normal beige color into a cobalt blue color. He then sees his sister Victoria, Okubi, and Eligos standing above him while he lays naked on a lab bed. Remembering everything that transpired prior to his death, he realizes what his sister had done and how her actions will forever change his career in the MMA world

 Shortly after explaining to what happened to his bosses, Frankie was ultimately let go from the MMA world especially now that he was deemed "undead" for the lack of a better word. The series of events now lead him to having to find a new path with his second chance of life. Fortunately between aiding Hellin in various missions from time and entering various underground fighting tournaments, Frankie is able to still be the warrior he was always meant to be in life.


Frankie is based on The Monster Of Frankenstein

His younger sister, Victoria is based off Dr. Frankenstein

Frankie also takes inspiration from real life MMA fighter Forest Griffin

The Judas Copper Rod in Frankie's neck is inspired by the biblical story of Judas 

While Frankie's story and background was created and written by me. My friend Elisa is responsible for correcting grammar errors in Frankie's bio 




Monday, September 6, 2021

Concept Art Of Nikiema's redesign & NEW COMER HERRERA

 The Imperfect Angel

The Marijuana Loving Assassin 

I'm currently in the process of finding an artist to perfectly draw Nikiema in her new redesign and Herrera will probably be drawn very late 2021 or early 2022. I'm not much in a rush for Herrera yet since there are a handful of characters that are in line before him. Now as for Nikiema's redesign it's simply due not to clash with my other OC "Katy Hate". Thus I decided to give Nikiema a new look to separate the two characters who unfortunately shared too much similarities in terms of designs for me

King Onyx's Attacks

The 135th King Of Mayland 

King Onyx is a half demon that possesses unimaginable powers but mainly focuses on using the element of water and his telepathic abilities in combat

Move List

1. Water Bullet: King Onyx shoots out a large bullet shape blast of water from his fands

2. Oopsy Daisy: At random instead of performing his Water Bullet attack. Instead King Onyx unleashes a blast of fire from his hands

3. Psycho Smash: King Onyx performs a jumping knee strike followed by a hand strike infused with psychic energy to knock his opponent down

4. Aqua Trap (Near Foe) King Onyx grabs his opponent and traps their body in a ball of water. After a few seconds the ball of water will burst and release the opponent

5. Water Crash: King Onyx opens a portal and runs inside of it. He then appears seconds later emerging out of a portal from the sky with his body surrounded in water heading towards the ground

6. Psychic Pulse: King Onyx uses his psychic powers to create a giant purple orb which he then sends to target his opponent


Aquarium Storm: King Onyx summons a powerful storm around his body

Friday, September 3, 2021

日本・サウジアラビア eスポーツマッチ KOF XIV部門 日本代表選抜大会

Paypal Me

 Hey gang as many of you know who venture this site that I pay artists of various styles to help bring my OC's for FORBIDDEN to life. As of late due to financial stuff going on in my life along with keeping up with various projects related to FORBIDDEN. I'm going to leave my Paypal link below for anyone who wishes to donate. PLEASE DO NOT DONATE IF YOU DO NOT HAVE IT! It's 100% optional and not mandatory. If you do decide to donate please no more than 10 dollars and I will cover the fee that comes with using Paypal. Thank you so much for anyone who considers investing in my dreams. Lastly my first book for FORBIDDEN will be published by next Friday. Expect links to purchase the book in the coming future. Peace and take care and I sincerely appreciate every single on of you

Thursday, September 2, 2021


 The Beasterian Martial Arts

NOTE - Romeo is currently undergoing another revision but the current look is nearly accurate how Romeo will look like in his official final design 

Romeo's new default design drawn by Yakuso on Twitter

Original Romeo N'al design

Drawn by Purplesong on Twitter

Explanation for the redesign coming soon 

Wednesday, September 1, 2021

Katy Hate

 The Pirate Queen From Louisiana

Mini Bio

Name: Katy Hate

Age: 77 

Species: Human/Spirit

Likes: Traveling the seas, Love, The Unhappy Ending, Sweet & Spicy Chicken

King Of Fighters XV - Ash Crimson Trailer

VAIN - The Witch Of Torment

 VAIN Artwork by Anne_Luc