Wednesday, May 31, 2023

FORBIDDEN Update 05/31/2023



Clarice Baranello

Clarice is a young college woman from Earth 5097 who is the current wielder of a divine weapon called Mercury Rose. Clarice splits her time being both a crime fighter and a regular woman

Olivia Jane Emerson AKA Dr. Labradorite

From Earth 67, Olivia Jane Emerson better known as Doctor Labradorite is a cruel scientist who currently runs the Red Clinic. A special clinic within Vincent Wolf's facility where she acts as an overseer for mutated children. Olivia Jane holds in her possession a divine crystal called the Devil Pegasus. This crystal gives Olivia Jane access to abilities such as becoming intangible or turning her skin in metal. Devil Pegasus also empowers Olivia Jane's illusion based abilities. Olivia alongside her boss Vincent Wolf and colleague Jorge Zambrano are a villain faction known as The Wolves

NOTE: The above description for both Doctor Labroadorite and Clarice are subject to change. They merely exist to give the readers an idea of what the characters are about or potential story once they are more established 

Brandy's Skill Set

 Brandy's Skill Set

Skill Set Explanation


Warrior Charge

Brandy holds up her sword and it charges it with divine energy. Brandy is able to charge her sword up to three times and each charge gives the sword a different effect. The charge remains active until either Brandy uses Dragon Fang or is knocked down by her opponent


1. Dragon Fang: Brandy charges with her sword towards foe

Level 1 Warrior Charge - Dragon Fang: Brandy charges with her sword towards foe but with a slightly more damage but range remains the same as regular Dragon Fang

Level 2 Warrior Charge - Dragon Fang: Brandy charges at her opponent with her sword. The attack and speed is increased and she has one hit of armor on this particular version of Dragon Fang

Level 3 Warrior Charge - Dragon Fang: Brandy performs a diagonal lunging strike with her sword. Surrounding her blade in fire and does great damage on hit. The attack is also invincible and cannot be interrupted by another attack

2. Fearless: Brandy performs a swift short ranged slash with her sword

3. Heretic Rush: Brandy performs a lunging knee strike then follows up with a downward slash

4. Dragon Counter [Effective against High OR Mid Attacks] Brandy sticks out her shield and anticipates her opponent's attack. Upon being hit by a physical attack, Brandy swiftly stabs her sword into her opponent's body. Making them crumple before her which allows a guaranteed follow up attack

5. Fatal Flight: Brandy performs a vertical uppercut like attack using her sword


Summon Destruction: Brandy calls upon a mighty green colored dragon to unleash a fury of hellish flames against her opponent 

Monday, May 29, 2023

JJ's Skill Set


Skill Set Explanation


Meteor Tear: JJ summons a meteor from outer space to strike his opponent


1. Grand Enhancer: JJ empowers himself by summoning two orbs of energy surrounding him. Grand Enhancer is an attack that does not damage to JJ's opponent but gives special properties to two of his special attacks

2. Purple Pain: JJ creates a purple colored spike from the ground to strike his target

3. J Train Kick: JJ performs a lunging kick to his opponent. J Train Kick is one of the two special moves that is enhanced by Grand Enhancer. Which gives the attack armor in order to allow JJ to continue his attack even if the opponent struck first

4. Shocking Pulse: JJ creates a ball of icy blue electricity in his palm before charging at his opponent. This is the other special attack that can be upgraded by Grand Enhancer. Giving the move armor that allows JJ to continue his attack even if the opponent strikes first

5. Sirius Strike: JJ charges up energy in his palm before unleashing a powerful stream of yellow and pink energy at his opponent

6. Black Bolt (In Air): JJ shoots a bolt of purplish black energy at his opponent from the air


Saturn Storm: JJ creates green colored fire in his hand before charging at his opponent. If JJ strikes his opponent he then traps them in a ball of green fire several times before ending his assault 

Sunday, May 14, 2023

The Onyxeverse - Explaining The Onyxe's & The Deviants

The Onyxeverse


On Earth 5, a sickly boy named Onyxe Olivier Orr was going to die before his tenth birthday. Despite his parents best efforts, nothing they could do would prevent the boy's unfortunate passing. Realizing his time was coming to an end, Onyxe had made a wish that upon his death that he could exist in other universes. Each Onyxe/Onyx has his own personality, backstory, and alignment. Upon the boy's passing, an inexplicable power unleashed from within his soul, which brought forth the birth of THE ONYXEVERSE. This allowed an Onyxe, regardless of his name, gender, species, etc, to exist in other worlds. The power unleashed from Orr was even able to create deviants (beings who have similarity to Onyxe/Onyx, but have other irregularities thus not making them legitimate alternate universe Onyxe/Onyx).

Alignment Chart (no property of mine)

Each Onyxe/Onyx of various universes falls into one of these 9 categories as well as the Deviants

Legitimate Alternate Onyx's So Far

1. King Onyx Carnival (Earth 135) - Onyx is the current ruler of a country called Mayland and is a Cambion (half-human and half-demon) who is sworn to protect his country and the general good in his world. King Onyx is considered one of the heroic Onyxes in existence. 

2. Unloyal/Logan Braxton (Earth 911) - Unloyal is the eldest son of Queen G and he possesses an unruly and crude personality. Unloyal is a World Jumper who also possesses unorthodox abilities that usually help him whenever he's in a bind, which his mother calls Happenstance. Unloyal is considered a chaotic good type of hero.

3. The Avatar of Loneliness/ Jude Jr. Celestin (Earth 22) A young man whose life experience transformed him into a magical being known as The Avatar of Loneliness. Loneliness has a disdain for mankind, but not in a "kill them all" type of way. It is an "I don't trust a soul" type of way. Because of his mysterious changes since his teens, Loneliness appears 17 despite being nearly 100-years-old. This version of Onyx dresses in a manner similar to a Count (Nobleman).

4. Dr. Labradorite/OJ Emerson (Earth 67) - A cold-hearted scientist who runs a facility called The Red Clinic, which houses mutated children. In her possession is a crystal called Devil Pegasus, which has great powers beyond one's imagination. Dr. Labradorite is one of the evil versions of Onyx that exists in the Onyxeverse.

5. JJ (Earth 5097) - A young handsome man created by Dr. Emerson used the DNA of her deceased son, Onyxe, who died of cancer. Unable to properly cope with the loss of her only child, and guilt with being so busy as an Astronomer and scientist, instead of giving her son a proper funeral, Dr. Emerson kept Onyxe's deceased body in frozen storage in order to perform experimentation. She used her son's DNA along with a crystal she retrieved in space several years earlier called the Velvet Asteroid. Unsure of the crystal's total abilities, but knew it possessed otherworldly properties, Dr. Emerson experimented and successfully created a clone of her son and named him "JJ". The experiment was a success on the surface as JJ resembled her son, just with a darker skin tone and he still had his well-mannered nature. The side effects of the Velvet Asteroid disallowed JJ to feel emotions such as sadness or empathy. Nonetheless Dr. Emerson was ecstatic to have her son back to her even if it wasn't in the traditional sense. 

Over the years, Dr. Emerson and JJ worked together as a scientific duo and performed various experiments, that some would consider unethical, in order to push the boundaries of science. The change in ethics was partially due to Dr. Emerson growing older and less afraid to take risks. Thankfully, the more unethical experiments were only used people who the doctor considered evil, such as pedophiles and women abusers; and JJ already lacking empathy had no qualms experimenting alongside his mother/creator on such pitiful individuals. 

During the final years of Dr. Emerson's life, she decided she wanted to create one more child using her deceased son's DNA. Since she could not use the Velvet Asteroid again, the doctor decided to go to more extreme measures. Alongside JJ, she capture two divine creatures. One was the Goddess Bhairava and the other was Shangyang (rainbird), in order to use their essence to create another Onyxe clone. The combination of Dr. Emerson and JJ’s wits and advanced battle strategies aided them in capturing Bhairava and Shangyang and using the divine beings along with Onyxe's DNA to create the second clone named Candy Sin. 

After the passing of Dr. Emerson, JJ and Candy Sin did not bury her but placed her frozen body next to her son in a pod. Someday, JJ planned on finding the perfect opportunity through science to bring back his mother/creator. In the meantime, JJ and Candy Sin continued their creator's scientific efforts and properly cared for their home/laboratory called The Midnight Onyx.

6. Candy Sin (Earth 5097): Another being created by Dr. Emerson and JJ,  using the remainder of Onyxe's DNA along with two other mythical beings, Bhairava and Shangyang. Candy Sin is a much lighter complexion than the original Onyxe and possesses many of Onyxe's negative traits such as being timid, easily brought to tears, and horny. Candy Sin also hates math and critical thinking. Candy Sin misses Dr. Emerson greatly and wishes she didn't die of old age. Of course, living with JJ has made life somewhat bearable. Candy Sin is extremely powerful because of his divine makeup. Despite his feminine appearance, he is very dangerous when angered. Candy Sin also has a fascination with the male penis and the thicker the better.

7. Ernest Celestin (Earth 2011): An elderly and perverted Onyx. The eldest of two children and born into a wealthy family, Ernest developed his father's nasty demeanor growing up and perversion from his mother. In Ernest's world there existed artificial beings known as androids that served a variety of purposes. Upon reaching adulthood, Ernest bought a variety of male androids to serve his sexual desires. He often abused his androids to the point of destroying them. One day, an android by the name of Mario, who was under Ernest's tyranny, became fed up and retaliated by strangling Ernest to death.

8. Bug Killer (Earth 28) Real Name: Edward "Eddy"Judith Celestin, better known as the scantily clad insect slayer, BUG KILLER! Eddy followed in his father’s footsteps and became a career insect hunter. Eddy uses various bug slaying tools to combat the menacing insect people of his world.


Deviants are considered pseudo Onyxe/Onyx(s), but they possess their own uniqueness that cannot be found in a legitimate Onyxe alternate. The uniqueness could simply be not having a variant of Gilda, Jude, or both as either of their parents or not sharing an exact appearance as Onyxe. Hellin Strongs, while she does share a similar appearance to Onyx, because of her lineage and other various factors, she is only a Deviant and not a full-fledged alternate of Onyxe

1. Hellin Strongs - The Princess of Babylon and serves as her mother's personal assassin. Hellin Strongs is also King Onyx's dearest friend and ally and uses her incredible demonic powers to aid him in protecting The Mortal Realm.

2. Okubi Dreamtime - A powerful cambion who wields a massive array of magical powers. Okubi Dreamtime has a unique connection with both Hellin Strongs and Onyx Carnival since both of them are Okubi's reincarnation after having died in a battle against a demon named Janiel before being brought back to life.

3. Jude Batista - A Dominican man who wields darkness based powers due to his bond with his cambion nephew, Caden.


All Onyxe/Onyx(s) even the pseudos are born August 24 thus making them all Virgos.

Majority of Onyx(s) love pineapples regardless if they're good, bad, or neutral.

While most versions of Onyx(s) are either good or neutral, the evil variants exist and they are very bad people; either kingpins, cannibals, serial killers, or mad scientists.

Saturday, May 6, 2023

PROFILE - Queen Billie


"If my presence alone intimidates you then you're not worthy of the honor of getting to know me." - Queen Billie Aconite

Name: Billie Mandevilla Aconite

Age: 188

Occupation: Current Queen Of The Plum Fairy Tribe

Race: Pure Blooded Fairy aka: full-fledged fairy 

Country: Mayland (Lives on the sacred reserve of the Plum Fairy Tribe located in the middle of Texas and Mexico)

Height: 5'10”

Weight: 132 Pounds

Hair Color: Jet Black

Eye Color: Royal Purple

Skin Color: Dark Brown

Powers: Longevity, healing magic, nature-based magic, flight, resistance to mind control, emotion sensory

Allies: August Starfinder, Mona, Addison Reed, Nevin Silvers, Othello Strongs, Trickie Mirage

Likes: Her mother, sincere individuals, gothic fashion, her signature black lipstick, heavy metal, grunge aesthetics, mango, horror movies, her fellow fairies of the Plum Tribe

Dislikes: Her twin sister Tillie, indecisive people, fire, her sister's girlfriend, cantaloupes, troublesome fairies


Billie and her elder twin sister, Tillie, are the daughters of Queen Yolanda of The Plum Fairy Tribe. Since birth, both girls were raised in preparation of taking their mother's throne once they reached an appropriate age and earned her approval. Growing up in privilege, both girls always received the utmost respect from their fellow fairies among their tribe. However, Billie, the darker skinned sister, was not as popular as her light-skinned sister, Tillie, who was more favored by the people; mainly because the fairy tribe folk found Billie intimidating in appearance especially as she grew older. Tillie looked as sweet as strawberry cheesecake and dressed in bright colors in contrast to Billie who wore gothic fashion. Little did the other fairies know that Tillie looked down on them, awaiting the day she took over her mother's throne to make them do as she commanded without resistance. Billie, on the other hand, loved her fellow fairy people despite knowing how some of them felt about her. Billie remembered a quote she read in a book written by a human, "never judge a book by its cover" and made it her personal mission to prove that one's appearance didn’t dictate their overall being. Billie continued dressing in goth and grunge fashion while heeding her mother's lessons in preparation for becoming Queen. 

Many years passed and Billie and her sister reached early adulthood. Mayland went through a lot of crises during that time, especially the biggest one, the Five Year War, which was started by the evil God Akodomal who wanted to wipe all life in the Mortal Realm from existence. Fortunately, Queen Yolanda protected her people by strategically sending her battle fairies to defend her Queendom and aligning herself with powerful allies to preserve her people's safety. Having been a Queen for over 3,000 years, Yolanda was finally ready to hand over her crown to one of her daughters. Tradition dictated that the elder child received the crown. However, while Yolanda loved both her daughters very much, she knew that Tillie was ultimately unfit to succeed her because of her elder daughter's vain and haughty personality. Whereas Billie, certainly no pushover, possessed the needed qualities of a good and fair ruler. Yolanda announced her retirement and let her people know that she chose Billie to become the next Queen. Naturally, Tillie was furious since she had big plans on becoming the next ruler of The Plum Fairy Tribe. 

Enraged by her mother's decision and her anger towards Billie reaching a fever pitch, Tillie, alongside a few of the fairies loyal to only her, began plotting to assassinate Billie the day of her coronation. Tillie contracted a pair of siblings who were guns-for/hire named Maxine and August Starfinder. Upon meeting the hired guns, a romantic connection between Tillie and Maxine developed. The day of Billie's coronation arrived and she was only hours away from becoming the newly crowned Queen. Upon seeing their target, Maxine felt nothing for Billie and was ready to off her. However, when August first laid eyes on the beautiful dark-skinned fairy, the gunman felt conflicting emotions, which ultimately led to him deciding that they could not go through with assassinating Billie. Even if that put him at odds with his elder sister. 

Moments before Billie was to be crowned Queen, a man dressed like a cowboy jumped in front of her. Two bullets that were intended for her ended up striking him. Billie learned that this man was none other than August Starfinder, one of the two gunmen hired by her envious sister to assassinate her. The gun was fired by August's elder sister, Maxine. August laid on the ground slowly bleeding out. Billie quickly acted by demanding her coronation be put on hold while she aided August, who was slowly dying. Tillie was nowhere to be found. Billie believed her sister must have run away with Maxine, knowing that she would no longer be welcome among her people after scheming to have her sister killed.

Billie used her blood to save August's life. With fairy blood running through his veins, it not only accelerated his healing but gave him fairy-based abilities. After learning the truth behind her would-be assassination from August, her fellow fairies wanted to turn August over to the local authorities. However, Billie decided to show the man mercy and made him promise to change his ways. August took heed and vowed to no longer use his gifts for mischief. Shortly afterward, Billie became the official Queen of her people. She did her best to be a wonderful ruler. Someday she will have a child of her own to rule in her place.


1. Billie was inspired by the Yu-Gi-Oh monster "Mystical Elf".

2. Billie also takes inspiration from the dark-skinned Black beauty, which is often severely undermined in everyday society.

3. Billie and Tillie are twins with Billie being dark-skinned and Tillie light-skinned. While colorism does not exist on Earth 135 where Billie and her sister are from in a traditional sense, Billie was always viewed as "mean" and "intimidating" by her fellow fairies while Tillie was seen as "sweet" and "welcoming" because of her much lighter complexion. However, it's Billie who has the more welcoming personality while Tillie only cares about herself and what others can do for her.

4. Billie also takes inspiration from goth and grunge aesthetics.

5. Billie first met Othello while attending a heavy metal concert in Rogue Town. Despite Othello not having many female friends, both women hit it off quite well and have been very social friends since. They message one another on Pictagram at least twice a week.

6. While Billie is a fairy first and foremost, ethnicity-wise she, her mother, sister, and fellow fairies would be viewed as Afro-Latinos.

7. Although Billie mainly listens to heavy metal and rock music, she is a fan of the half-human/half-fairy pop star, Trickie Mirage.

Wednesday, May 3, 2023

Profile: Menhit


"Best not make this Goddess mad, unless you wish to be consumed by my fury." - Goddess Menhit

Name: Menhit

Alias: Beautiful Devastation, The Flames of Judgment, Goddess Menhit, Menchit

Age: Menhit's age is in the millions

Realm: Mystilia/The Realm of the Gods

Hair Color: Maroon/Brown with the ends being literal flames

Eye Color: Brown 

Skin Color: Cream

Height: 5'10”

Weight: 140 pounds (A God's weight really doesn't matter since it doesn't reflect their strength)

Powers: Flame manipulation, super strength, durability, battle strategist, versed in various ancient magic

Likes: Herself, Gods/Goddesses she respects, mango, luxury, combat

Dislikes: Mortals, The God responsible for their creation, demons, things she deems ugly, Akodomal 

Allies: Thor, Khnum, Loki, Sasunoo, Onyx, Yura, Ogun


Residing in the realm of Gods and Goddesses called Mystlia, the Goddess Menhit lived within this realm for eons and enjoyed a life of luxury. Following the self-exile of the Heavenly King, who went on to make his own realms and created both angels and mortals, Menhit was one of the many Gods and Goddesses who despised the decisions of her fellow God. She vowed to never step foot in either of the newly formed realms. Menhit even took delight when news broke that the very humans created by the Heavenly King had fallen from his grace because of the actions of his former angel turned demon, Lucifer. 

Many centuries passed and Menhit continued to ignore the loathsome existence of mortals and demons. Unfortunately, many of her fellow Gods became intrigued by the world of mortals and brought to life their own beings into the world. That began bridging relations between Gods and non-mortals with one another, much to the disdain of Menhit. More years would pass as the God Akodomal began plotting the extermination of the beings of the Mortal Realm. Knowing that Menhit shared his disdain towards the beings of the Mortal Realm, he offered Menhit to join his team, but the Goddess declined. Menhit told him instead that she’d watch his progress and depending on how well he performed his plan, the Goddess would then assist him in eradicating the denizens of the Mortal Realm. Akodomal then proceeded to wage war against the Mortal Realm, which became a world-changing event called The Five Year War. Menhit, alongside the other Gods, watched the events unfold from the comfort of their realm. Much discourse took place as many of the Gods did not approve of Akodomal's actions, but felt it was beneath them to intervene. Mortals felt it was their creator's duty to protect them, but the Heavenly King long ago turned his back on the mortals after their betrayal towards him eons ago. 

Time went by and with each passing moment, the Gods grew restless watching on the sidelines while Akodomal and his cohorts reigned chaos on the mortals. Eventually, Gods such as Thor, Sasunoo, Hera, Neith, Di Jun, and others became worrisome and decided they needed to do something about Akodomal before his actions ended up reflecting poorly on the other Gods. Menhit hoped Akodomal would have accomplished his goal in the first year of his unruly invasion of the mortals. She barely could contain her disappointment, especially now that her fellow Gods were ready to finally take action. Menhit went to the Mortal Realm during a confrontation between Akodomal against King Onyx, Yura Mikan, and Maylandian sages, who were exhausted after batting several of the God's creatures known as Hazard Dolls. Upon Menhit's arrival, Akodomal was certain that she finally decided to join him in eviscerating the beings of the lowly realm. Onyx and the others prepared themselves for a battle against two Gods. 

The unexpected happened when Menhit struck Akodomal with one of her fiery attacks. Akodomal knew instantly that he did not have the support of his fellow Gods, sans Ares, who was the only one to join him in destroying the Mortal Realm. He performed an attack of his own against Menhit before making a hasty retreat. This was the very first time Menhit stepped foot in the Mortal Realm. The Goddess's actions proved vital to the citizens to keep fighting back against Akodomal and his forces. Eventually, Akodomal met his demise along with the majority of his subordinates, thus ending The Five Year War. 

While many of the Gods celebrated with the denizens of the Mortal Realm, Menhit remained in Mystilia and enjoyed her mango-infused wine, knowing that things could finally go back to normal in her realm. Although Menhit had no intention of living among the mortals or regularly interacting with them, the Goddess felt after Akodomal and Ares's actions that she needed to somewhat invest in the safety of the beings from the "lesser" realm. If for no other reason than to be a deterrent to her fellow Gods to not repeat Akodomal's actions.


Menhit, like many of the God/Goddess-based characters, is inspired by the Goddess Menhit from Egyptian mythology.

The lower part of Menhit's hair is constantly on fire. Even if her hair it under water it will still burn.

Despite her immense beauty, Menhit is mostly known for her brutality.

While Menhit is indeed my character and belongs to me 100 percent, my friend and artist, Nico_Artoo, played a huge role in helping me design Menhit since I struggle with drawing Egyptian-themed characters.


Tuesday, May 2, 2023

Updated Design - Capella


Reason For Design Change

Due to my future FORBIDDEN character "Candy Sin" has a design very similar to Capella. I decided to give Capella a new and more masculine appearance. Capella also received a race change from being a black character to white. More update on Capella in the future 

VAIN - The Witch Of Torment

 VAIN Artwork by Anne_Luc