A blog dedicated to my FORBIDDEN fantasy world along with reblogs of other various interest. Please enjoy the blog and tell your friends about it
Friday, August 30, 2024
Wednesday, August 28, 2024
Gerasim Paladine Official Artwork
Tuesday, August 20, 2024
Sunday, August 18, 2024
King Onyx Carnival (Summertime) Skill Set
Onyx Carnival (Summertime Version)
Element: Cosmic/Demon
Saturday, August 10, 2024
FORBIDDEN - Encounter With An Old Queen
FORBIDDEN - Encounter With An Old Queen
By Onyxe Blade
On a late evening with the skies a somber shade of violet-blue, sitting on the luxurious bronze and chrome colored Megotonic Train, sat a group of heroes traveling from Plutonia to Osimimar. The group consisting of two demons, a bounty hunter with fairy blood running through his veins, the Prince of Nigeria, a tiger type beasterian, and the Princess of Plutonia. These six individuals are known members of Team Hellin consisting of Hellin Strongs, Orsela Geno, August Starfinder, Trevyn Aliyu, Romeo N'al, and Lea Stallard. Accompany them was also a young dark skinned sage named Sean Qamza, who wore his brown and marigold colored hair in a flat top style wearing an orange colored jumpsuit and sneakers. Sean, despite being a young sage, was still training within the Hero Syndicate located in the Royal Lands. Sean was assigned to accompany Hellin and her team in order to gain further experience as sage outside of his normal territory. Hellin was further annoyed since she didn't particularly want the young sage within her group, but Orsela had promised to act as Sean's guardian in case any danger have went down during their trip to Osimimar. Being a Maylander with Nigerian roots, Sean got along splendidly with Trevyn and Starfinder. Romeo, and Lea also found the lad pretty amusing. The reason Hellin and the others were traveling to Osimimar was due to a dream Orsela had two nights ago.
Orsela dreamed about a tall white haired elven woman with an ominous presence rising from the lowest level of a metallic church. Ever since the discovery of her precognitive abilities, Orsela would sometimes have strange dreams about future events. While not at the level of Madame Xi, Orsela's precognition is sufficient enough to never take lightly. Thus Hellin would take her sister and go visit Onyx to discuss the dream. Upon hearing more about the dream, and with Anna's help, they learned that the place in Orsela's dream was the Silver Mortuary Church which was located in Osimimar. While nothing major has happened in Osimimar for quite some time outside of the usual crimes, nonetheless Onyx urged the girls to go check the place out but not without some company alongside them
Hellin was clearly not in the mood to converse since she was pissed that Lea wouldn't just teleport them to Osimimar and unable to do it herself due to never having been there. Hellin decides instead of being a grouch for the remaining time on the train, the Princess of Babylon decides to take a light nap since they have a little over an hour before arriving at their destination. Five minutes before reaching their stop in Osimimar, Orsela gently wakes up Hellin and passes her sister a wet cloth from her knapsack. Hellin wipes her face to feel refreshed. Ensuring they have all their belongings, the heroes step out of the train as it pulls off to its next destination. Taking in their surroundings, despite the beautiful evening skies, the heroes--especially Sean--can't help but notice how sullen Osimimar seems compared to some more livelier places such as Mayland or Nigeria. Osimimar almost feels like it fell out of a medieval era or something similar.
Sean: I didn't expect much from this place since it's literally my first time being here, yet it feels like Osimimar hasn't caught on to the modern era. Like it's still stuck somewhere in 476 A.D.
Orsela: I see someone is a history worm like myself. Probably why Onyx was so keen on making sure I kept an eye on you. Well, despite Osimimar's appearance, the people are caught up to the majority of the Mortal Realm. Trust that they use social media, play video games, and enjoy adult entertainment on the web just like everyone else in this world. Osimimar just heavily invested in tradition, so it doesn't change much in terms of appearance. Very similar to Plutonia, where Lea Stallard is from. Osimimar was also formed by various groups of people from different parts of Europe and the Latin region, so believe me when I say the people here are very proud of their country and have done their earnestness to keep it intact throughout the centuries
Hellin: Well now that we're finally here, exactly how fucking far are we from the Silver Mortuary Church?
Lea: Oh, we're currently in Brumrose so at least an hour away, but I'll be damned if we're walking there on foot. Nor do I feel like flagging down a Rider or a Taxi driver
Trevyn: Oh this place has both? Then again, I keep forgetting that it's really only Mayland and more obscure parts of this world of ours that don't have cars.
August: Which is thanks to Mayland's eightieth ruler King Albert, who banned all car based vehicles upon becoming King. I wonder why the rulers that succeeded him never undid that bizarre rule of his?
Hellin: If I recall correctly, even after King Albert's defeat and death in his sixth Devilry Combat Tournament, Albert had placed a curse upon any future King or Queen that would dare undo his ban on cars in Mayland. That man only wanted to become King after his mother was killed by a drunk driver so he could enforce such a rule. Thankfully, all other types of transportation still remain in Mayland. Plus Riders became even more popular after the ban was put in place. It also made sages who specialized in teleportation magic that much more valuable. Anyways back to the matter at hand, so since we aren't walking to the church, Lea feel free any time to teleport us there unless you rather me scan your mind for the fucking location of the place?
Lea: Geez calm down you grouchy bitch! I'll teleport us there now. So much for me thinking that damn nap was going to do you any good.
Hellin: I wouldn't need to have napped if you just teleported us here in the first damn place! I knew I should have just scanned your mind for the location and brought us all here myself.
Lea: Hey! Why are you always in such a fucking rush? Even since you gained the ability to teleport, you loss the appreciation of public transportation. Besides, The Megotonic Train offers a lot of fabulous services that most trains throughout our world don't offer.
August: One of those service being having a private cart for one to enjoy gay porn?
Lea: Oh you know how much I love my man on man action.
Orsela: HELLO! We have a minor among us you simpletons! Lea, please just teleport us to the church already so I can try to figure out my vision from two nights ago?
Sean: No need to worry about me, Ms. Orsela. While I'm still a minor that doesn't mean I'm naive. I mean I heard Ms. Stallard moaning on the ride here anyways--
Lea: OKAY SHUT UP AND GATHER TOGETHER EVERYONE! Time to accomplish what we came here to do
Arriving at front of the door steps of the Silver Mortuary Church, the others seem unaware of the strange vibe the ancient church was giving off. Hellin, alongside Orsela and Trevyn, sensed something ominous but mutually agreed not to alarm the others in case it wasn't something serious. Placing herself before her comrades, Hellin grabbed the handle of the Church door, and to her surprise didn't require her to use her super strength to open the door. Cautiously entering inside the Church, the heroes looked around anticipating any potential dangers. Beyond the smell of dry blood, nothing seems to be amidst but they remained vigilant nonetheless. Continuing through the church in order to locate the place Orsela had seen in her dream, going through several doors but with each step closer to their presumed destination. Hellin began having strange flashbacks; memories that weren't her own but perhaps a different lifetime that she had lived. Noticing something seemed off with her sister, Orsela turns to check on her while still keeping mindful of their surrounding and especially her charge, Sean.
Orsela: Sister, is everything okay?
Hellin: No need to worry about me, Orsela. It's just something about this place seems familiar, yet this is my first time ever coming here
Trevyn: That's rather odd considering you've never been here Hellin. Maybe somewhere in The Underworld that reminds you of this place?
Lea: This place looks like it belongs in the Demon Realm. I hope nothing awful awaits us once we reach the basement of this wretched place
Continuing their journey throughout the morbid atmospheric church and arriving at a mysterious looking door that may possibly lead to their desired location within the Church, a mysterious figure appears from behind the heroes that only Hellin managed to sense at the very last second. A tall, muscular gray skinned man appears before them with a malicious grin dressed in priest attire. While he examines the heroes before him, his attention lies mainly on Hellin. Upon staring further at the man, Hellin suddenly winces in pain as she bends over and holds her head. Both Starfinder and Orsela rushed to her side.
Orsela: Hellin!
August: What's wrong boss lady?
Mysterious Priest: Seems like my face stirred up some old memories... right Persephone?
Lea: HEY! How could you have possibly known that about her? Who the fuck are you?
Romeo: This dude is definitely bad news! It's crazy I didn't sense his presence before he showed up.
Mysterious Priest: I mean none of you any harm as long as any of you try not to harm me. Who I am shall all be explained shortly. First, are you alright Persephone?
Hellin: PISS OFF! My well being is none of your concern. However, if you intend to get in our way, I'll be more than happy to make you pay for it with your life!
Mysterious Priest: I'd rather not engage in fisticuffs with you, Old Master Nasiron at least if that memory is still within you, Persephone? After all once upon a time the Old Master was your host body
Romeo: The fuck this guy is blabbering on about? Why does he keep calling Hellin every name but her actual name?
Trevyn: It's been a minute since you went on an adventure with us, tiger. During that period of time, we learnt quite a few things about Hellin since then. Apparently she's the current host of the divine goddess Persephone, but it's not something I can explain in a short amount of time.
Orsela: So how do you know so much about Persephone's connection with my sister?
Mysterious Priest: Allow me to properly introduce myself. My name is Wilhelm and I was once a student of Old Master Nasiron who many centuries ago was the host of Persephone until he died of course. After that, the Goddess' spirit moved on to the next suitable host. Course if you wish to know more perhaps you should ask the previous host. That being the one you all know as Okubi Dreamtime!
Hellin: WHAT?! Okubi...Okubi was Persephone's previous host? That's impossible! Okubi is still alive
Wilhelm: So many things are still yet known to you. Well, I think both you and Mayland's current ruler are long overdue for a sit down with the Treasure Hunter in order to learn more about your origins. However, that's not the reason all of you have come here. While you are indeed special Persephone or should I say "Hellin!" The guest of honor today is Miss Orsela Geno. Right behind that door shall lead you to the basement of the church where you will meet the Old Queen herself,
Starfinder: So that's it? We just go through those doors and we'll meet the person that Orsela saw in her dream?
Wilhelm: The Old Queen shall only permit ONE individual to hold counsel with her. If anyone besides Orsela attempts to go to the basement. I will have no choice but to enforce violence
Hellin: As if you scare me or any of my comrades here! Matter of fact, I can take you on by my fucking self!
Wilhelm: That is all fine and dandy but I promise you, Persephone, if you and your friends dare to combat me. I can assure you not all of you will leave this place alive. If you already haven't figured it out. I'm not exactly your ordinary priest
Orsela: It's obvious the moment I laid eyes on you that you're a darken! While I do not care for your threats. I see no need for violence if this Old Queen merely seeks an audience with me. So Hellin please do not engage Wilhelm in combat. That goes for the rest of you as well. However the young boy dressed in orange must accompany me since he is my responsibility
Wilhelm: Miss Orsela did I not--
Hellin: The boy shall accompany my sister or we might as well start fighting!
Wilhelm closes his eyes momentarily as if he's sending a mental message to someone. Wilhelm then opens his eyes and proceeds to say "The boy has been granted permission to accompany Miss Orsela but ONLY him"
Orsela: Hellin, please don't do anything rash. Starfinder, Trevyn, and Romeo. Please act as my sister's voice of reason until Sean and I return.
Lea: What about me?
Orsela: Spare me, Lea!
Hellin: FINE! But you know if I get a whiff that Sean and you are in trouble, I will destroy this church if I have to in order to save you. Otherwise you go confront whatever down their and promise me both you and Sean will be careful
Orsela: You have my word sis. Let us be on our way Sean
Orsela grabs Sean's hand and the two of them enter through the door, leaving Hellin and the others in Wilhelm's company. Entering the other end of the door, Orsela and Sean spot quite a long staircase that only goes down. Of course making matters worse it's very dark but Orsela being a demon can see just fine. Sean on the other hand becomes frightened.
Orsela: Sean, there is no need to be scared as long as you're with me. Now do me a favor and pull out your cellphone and turn on your flashlight. I'm going to carry you on my back so you don't exhaust yourself going down the stairs
Sean: What about you Miss Geno?
Orsela: Sean, I'm a demon. My stamina isn't like that of a human. These stairs wouldn't be a work out for me. Now, get ready to climb on my back cause the faster we confront the Old Queen. The quicker we can return to our friends and go home
Sean: Are you sure this Old Queen won't hurt us?
Orsela: Let me worry about that and besides neither this "Old Queen" nor Wilhelm would be foolish enough to agitate my sister
With Sean riding on her back, Orsela moves with purpose as she descends the stairs. Five minutes later they reached the bottom of the stairs where they are faced with a circular pool of blood inches away. Immediately, the pool of blood starts to bubble as an unknown figure can be seen rising from within. Orsela and Sean watch cautiously as a naked pale skinned elven woman with long grayish hair stands in the pool of blood. The woman opened her eyes, grayish blue color irises staring coldly at her two visitors. Immediately, the woman holds out her right arm as a bluish-gold aura surrounds her palm. The same color of aura surrounds Orsela's body as she feels herself being pulled towards the woman against her will. Witnessing this Sean immediately creates citrus liquid between his palms before aiming his hands towards the woman
Sean unleashes a stream of citrus soda-like liquid towards the mysterious woman which breaks her focus off Orsela thus allowing herself to dodge the young sage's attack. Roots spring from the ground beneath Sean and before he realizes it, the young sage finds himself trapped by the roots but receives no physical damage. Orsela seeing her charge trapped in roots turns angrily towards the mysterious woman.
Mysterious Woman: I mean no harm and had the boy not intervene, you would have realized that I only desired an audience with you. Wilhelm alerted me that that young man must accompany you to see me. I was using my telekinetic spell to bring you towards me but he tried to spray me with some orange substance. Therefore I was forced to subdue him, but I shall bring him no harm as long as you cooperate.
Orsela: I can hear the sincerity in your voice, but I shall remain vigilant in case you prove otherwise. So you're the woman I spotted in my dreams but you look oddly familiar now that I'm face to face with you. WAIT! I know your face from the Mayland history books. You are Mayland's fiftieth ruler Queen Corinna.
Queen Corinna: That is correct Miss Geno, you are truly an observant and intelligent woman to say the very least. Which is why I have chosen to meet with you for that very reason. Now, please come closer to me for what I want to discuss is only for you alone to hear.
Orsela: Skeptical, but I know how to take care of myself if you try anything funny. How were you summoned back into the world of the living? You died centuries before my time yet you stand before me.
Queen Corinna: Please do not ask questions, you know the answer to and my time here is limited. I only needed to exist long enough to speak with you before returning to the Realm of the Dead AKA The Spirit Realm. So please come forth for I do not have much time left.
Orsela: Sean just hang tight, but I promise that you and I will make it out of here in one piece
Orsela walks towards Queen Corinna as the Queen holds out both of her hands. Once close enough Orsela holds out her hands as well and the two women hands grasp one another. Orsela and Corinna are surrounded by a bluish gold sphere of energy as they begin a mental communication
Corinna: I won't bore you with the details of my time as Queen of Mayland. However you must know during my time I once fought a Nox Master who wielded some of the most devastating Nox Monsters to ever exist. Knowing I would die one day, I kept one of the particular Nox monsters I took from him after our battle. I kept that Nox hidden for centuries, until I found an individual that I knew who would not only respected Nox monsters such as yourself, but wouldn't abuse the power that such a Nox would cause if used for nefarious purposes. I then used the aid of several other deceased spirits to invade your dreams to draw your attention, along with the aid of my distant cousin Wilhelm who's long life as a darken allowed me to communicate with him in the afterlife. Now that you know the reason I have brought you here, I can now return to the Realm of the dead where I belong. Orsela, please do not hesitate to use this particular Nox when the time calls for it; but do not allow it to fall into the hands of someone who would only abuse such power.
Once the conversations end the sphere of bluish-gold energy disappears around Orsela and Corinna as Corinna's body begins to disintegrate and falls into the pool of blood that she sprouted from. The roots the once bounded Sean also disappears and as promised caused no harm to him. The pool of blood then shrivels to nothingness along with Corinna's physical body, leaving only a dark gray colored Nox Card with ten black diamonds on it. Orsela immediately picked the card off the ground and flips the card over to see the particular Nox monster that can be summoned from it. The demoness is in a state of shock to see this very powerful and destructive Nox Monster that she only recognized due to her knowledge as a aspiring Nox Master. Swiftly placing the card inside of her knapsack, Orsela rushed over to Sean and check over him to make sure he was okay.
Orsela: Sorry I couldn't get you out of there sooner, but Corinna had something important she needed to share with me. I'm just glad to see you weren't harmed. I appreciate you for trying to help me before, but please keep in mind it's not always wise to attack the enemy right away. It will do you well to heed such a lesson for your future missions as a sage.
Sean: I will keep that in mind, but anyways what happened to Corinna and what did she discuss with you?
Before Orsela could answer Sean's question, a portal opened within the basement and stepping out of it was Lea, Hellin, and the others who were left with Wilhelm prior.
Lea: Praying that you accomplished whatever you needed to do here Orsela, but we're getting the fuck out of here
Having accomplished their reason for coming to Osimimar--along with new revelations--the heroes decided instead of using their powers to return to their homes swiftly, they would board to Megotonic Train heading back to Plutonia in order to give them some reprieve from today's events. While the others on the train either napped, listened to music, or ordered a private cart to pleasure themselves. Hellin and Orsela sat next to each with Trevyn and Sean sleeping on the chairs behind them. The sisters began discussing the events that unfolded from their time at the church.
Orsela: So how do you plan on explaining what you learned from Wilhelm involving Persephone's spirit residing within you?
Hellin: I don't know yet, 'cause it was a lot to process. I know I need to speak to Onyx about this, but I need to see Okubi ASAP! I knew they were hiding something, but as a fellow telepath it's really difficult to snoop through their mind (Okubi's pronouns are They/Them). Not to mention I still remember a few years back when I angrily tried to fight Okubi. It did not go so well for me.
Orsela: Well, you're stronger now. Besides you won't need to resort to violence to learn what Okubi knows about Persephone and them being Persephone's previous host.
Hellin: I hope you're right, but now onto you sis. What did Corinna needed to discuss with you that was so private?
Orsela reaches inside of her knapsack and pulls out her box of Nox cards. Going inside of the box she pulls out the special Nox card she received from Corinna and shows it to Hellin. Sensing the power the monster within the card possesses, Hellin warns her sister to be careful about how she uses it. Orsela nods that she's well aware and even gives Hellin permission to read her mind so she can learn faster about what transpired in the basement back at the Church. Afterwards, the sisters agree to enjoy the ride until they reach Plutonia before deciding how to share the news with Onyx once they return to his castle