Thursday, November 28, 2024

Hellin Strongs - Candy Corn Sage Skill Set


Candy Corn Sage

Type: Demon/Magical Girl


Skill Set Explanation


Sweet Demon Charge: Hellin immerses her body in a sphere-shaped candy corn colored fire ball and charges towards her opponent. Hellin can also perform this ability while airborne. This attack is also safe on block and easy to use in combos


1. Hard Candy (Okay In Air): Hellin uses her magic wand and shoots out a giant candy corn projectile at her opponent. Hellin can also perform this attack while airborne

2. Candy Corn Stroke: Hellin swings her wand downwards and creates a stroke of candy corn colored energy. This attack is a short ranged attack that is also able to negate incoming projectiles

3. Candy Corn Drill: Hellin raises her wand in the air and creates a candy corn colored drill that rises from the ground

4. Candy Corn Bomb: Hellin uses her wand to create a levitating energy sphere that colors represents that of a candy corn. After a few seconds the sphere explodes. However if Hellin is struck before the sphere detonates then it will disappear 


Sweet Disaster: Candy Corn Hellin raises her wand towards the air as she summons a multitude of candy corn shaped projectiles to fall from the sky onto her opponent. The opponent is buried under all the candy corn, Hellin reverts back to her normal self. Enraged Hellin then unleashes a stream of fire towards the candy corn. Burning both the giant pieces of candy corn and the opponent buried beneath it

Sunday, November 24, 2024

Angelina Murai Skill Set [REDEFINED]


Type: Magical Girl


Skill Set Explanation


Vanity Wings: Neon blue energy shaped wings sprout from Angelina's back. While her wings are active Angelina can fly around the battlefield for several seconds. Certain Special Attacks may even become altered or gain new attacks while Vanity Wings is active


1. Love Tap: Angelina summons her yo-yo named "Aisyn The Brave". Angelina then can fling Aisyn The Brave forwards or diagonal 

2. Lone Angel (In Air/Vanity Wing): Angelina uses Aisyn The Brave to strike forward while airborne 

3. Sky Diver (In Air): Angelina performs a downward kick while in the air

Sky Diver (In Air/Vanity Wings): A stronger version of Sky Diver only accessible when Vanity Wings is active. If Angelina successfully strikes her opponent it will cause them to pop up into the air for additional damage

4. Magi Cannnon: Angelina summons a small magical cannon that shoots out a ball shaped projectile

5. Magi Spark (Near Opponent): Angelina grabs her opponent and then creates a sphere of magical energy between them before the energy explodes onto the opponent sending them flying 

6. Rabbit Bite: Angelina performs a leaping knee strike

7. Grace (During Rabbit Bite/Vanity Wings): During the hit animation of Rabbit Bite. Angelina is able to cancel the animation mid strike in order to perform various follow ups


Collera Roberto: Angelina summons Aisyn The Brave (her yo-yo) and strikes the opponent. If the first strike is successful. Angelina strikes the opponent two more times before the opponent becomes stunned. Angelina then summons a giant pink colored teddy bear named Roberto who rushes towards the stunned opponent. Grabs and devours them

Sunday, November 17, 2024

FORBIDDEN - Character Designs Update 11/17/2024


Saint Hellina

This is the Winter/Christmas themed Hellin Strongs

Saint Hellina's candy corn shaped weapon "Cynical Blue"

James Del Soto. The sexy, charismatic right hand man of King Onyx. Like his daughter Anna who received a design update a few months back. This is my planned redesign for James Del Soto in the future

A special winter themed alternate form for Scylla Baros. This version of Scylla retains her water and serpent summoning abilities but gains control over the element of ice as well. Scylla's skin also turns icy blue and her blonde hair now white as snow


A beautiful dark skin huntress that resides in Greece. Empowered by Artemis, Atalanta is able to summon a magical arrow for combat

While the name is undecided at this time. This character is of Hispanic origins and is part elf. 

Thursday, November 7, 2024

Saturday, November 2, 2024

Skill Set - Estelle Celosia


Type: Summoner




Protect Thy Friend: Rudy hops in front of Estelle and creates a ruby colored energy shield. While Rudy is out for a few seconds. He protects Estelle for all incoming projectiles. However that's only if Estelle is standing behind where Rudy created the shield. If Estelle leaves Rudy's side during the battle. Estelle is vulnerable to being struck by a projectile


1. Novan Fall: Estelle summons a meteor-like familiar from above and calls upon them by name to strike her opponent

2. Fairy Light: Estelle summons a petite fairy as the creature surrounds their body in a pink colored sphere. If the opponent is close enough to the fairy when she creates her sphere. The opponent will take damage

3. Electric Serpentes (In Air): While in the air Estelle summons a snake-like familiar which electrocutes her opponent upon contact

4. Rocket Ride: Estelle summons a miniature rocket beneath her legs and she rides the rocket towards her opponent

5. Serene Slash: Estelle creates a crescent shaped energy blade that strikes opponents within range


Diva Stomp: Estelle can perform a stomp attack while her opponent is on the ground


True Friendship Beam: Rudy unleashes a ruby colored energy beam at the opponent however the beam is minuscule in terms of powers. Estelle embraces Rudy from behind and tells him "I'll share my strength with you". Empowered by his friend's words, Rudy's energy beam grows ten times in size and absolutely obliterates the opponent

VAIN - The Witch Of Torment

 VAIN Artwork by Anne_Luc