Tuesday, June 24, 2014

King Onyxe

The Demon King Of Asira/The 49th King



The current King of Asira. A mysterious man. Onyxe first entered the Devilry Combat at the young of age of thirteen. After murdering Queen Matilda, the forty eighth ruler of Asira. Onyxe became the next King. Ever since, Onyxe has been unstoppable. Despite his obvious evil presence. Upon taking the throne, chaos in Asira has drastically lessen. Unfortunately a new evil has arisen. A group of demons known as The Children Of Ruin plan on bringing Mastema back into Asira. If the children succeed in their plot. Onyxe will be face with a great challenge. Course that would require Onyxe not already knowing about the troublesome demons. For King Onyxe is always in the know.

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