Sunday, November 29, 2015

Members Of The Children Of Ruin


BIO:  The Chidren of Ruin, a group of vicious demons and darken lead by Janiel. The groups goal is to sacrifice as many sages as possible. Specifically the descendants of The Great Sages from eons ago. The very sages responsible for sealing away the Demon God Mastema. Holding in their possession the very book which imprisons Mastema, Forbidden. In order to release Mastema from Forbidden. The Children of Ruin must make enough sufficient sacrifices. Therefore the demons venture out into Asira. Hunting down the current generation descendants of The Great Sages. While things were going well at first. However upon King Onyxe discovering the multiple killings. Along with Okubi and his team of heroes. The Children of Ruin's plans have been faced with complications. Now in order for The Children of Ruin to fulfill their ambitions. They must first get rid of those who stand in their way. However while majority of The Children of Ruin's plans are to truly see Mastema set free. Janiel has his own reason of wanting to free Mastema


1. Janiel Anu- Leader of The Children of Ruin and one of it's founding members. Despite of his metrosexual appearance. Janiel is very cunning demon and posses the power that rivals Othello and other Demon Lords. Wanted Dead or Alive within the Underworld. It is believed Janiel currently resides somewhere within Asira. After encountering the heroes back in Coram and nearly killing King Onyxe. Janiel is currently planning a way to permanently eliminate Okubi and the heroes who stand in his way

2. A.J. - A cute but sadistic Lilin. One of the younger members of The Children of Ruin. A.J. was tasked to find and kill the Sage Kira Yosei. Having nearly succeeded killing her target. A.J. then encounter a demon name James. Together James and Kira defeated and killed A.J.

3. Sabnock - A vampire type demon and a member of The Children of Ruin. Sabnock was order to Janiel to go to Japan and kill a girl name Honey Apple. However unaware that King Onyxe had foreseen Sabnock's attempt to kill Honey. Onyxe sent his servant Sasha Iblis to Japan to protect Honey. Sabnock was killed by Sasha before he can even make his presences known to Honey

4. Vlad Dym - A member of The Children of Ruin and one of Janiel's top agents. Order to kill the sage Ann Marie Cyrus. While Vlad had successfully found his target. Vlad had also encountered the resurrected Samurai Hisako. Thanks to the joint efforts of both women. Vlad was slain

5. Jonaki - A member of The Children of Ruin and only two years older than A.J. One of the weaker demons of The Children of Ruin. Jonaki was easily killed by Okubi and company. Jonaki was also Janiel's least favorite member of The Children of Ruin

6. Finja - Little is known about him other than he was ordered to kill an assassin by the name Harley Vance. Having encountered the assassin during one of his missions. Despite being a capable user of ice magic. Finja fell pray to Harley's deadly electric powers

7. Brutality - Real name Dela Regan, Brutality was once a normal woman before becoming a demon. Brutality was one of The Children Of Ruin's greatest assassins. Having successfully sacrificed several descendants of The Great Sages. However despite of her success rate. Janiel began to view her as a liability. Once Brutality had secure the Zyra Blade from Angelina. Janiel placed a spell on Brutality. One that would slowly revert her to her former self. Making her susceptible to being killed. Fortunately despite her near death experience against the guild Sinister Stars. Angelina was rescued by her sister Marisa. After having healed and regained her memories. Brutality decided to travel to The Royal Lands. In order to answer for her crimes

8. Boruta - A loud brute and one of The Children of Ruin more sadistic members. Having encountered Okubi and his friends alongside his partner Brutality in the Autumn Forest. Boruta engaged in one on one combat with Okubi and was killed by him

9. Ethan- A hot headed demon who manipulated deadly sound waves. Encountered by the heroes in Drab Forest within Arundel. Thanks to the efforts of Xiaoyu and the others. Ethan was taken out by his intended target Somnium

10. Geneviere - During the Medieval Ages, Geneviere was once a Holy Warrior who protected her land from demons. One night while Geneviere and her mother slept. Geneviere woke up to used the bathroom and witnessed a demon eating her mother. The demon having been caught. Immediately runs out of the house. Geneviere filled with unimaginable raged. Grabs her sword and chase after her mother's killer. The demon desperate to escape Geneviere's wrath. Opens a portal while running. However before the demon could jump through the portal. Geneviere manages to stab her sword into the demon's head. Causing both the dead demon and herself to fall through the portal. Geneviere found herself in the Underworld seconds later. Unaware of the consequences of mortals entering the Underworld. Geneviere was transformed into a menacing being called a Darken. No longer bound by her human conscious. Geneviere roam through the Underworld. Killing anything that stood in her path. Eventually found by the demon Janiel. Geneviere fell under his control. Partner with Ethan in hunting down descendants of The Great Sages. Geneviere did not like Ethan and desired to kill him. After watching Ethan fall to the heroes. Geneviere fought the heroes herself and successfully defeated the heroes and slain the target Somnium. Geneviere's demise came at the hands of Darken Nara

11. Plamen - A deadly demon and a member of The Children of Ruin. Plamen was also one of Janiel's many lovers. While not enjoying sexual pleasures with his leaders or killing descendants. Plamen would often train himself to perfect his magic. During his travels in Greenland to find and sacrifice the descendant by the name Neville Teal. Plamen had encountered the heroes along with the rogue angel Lisa Brown. Plamen fought to his best abilities against Lisa but ultimately meet his end by the angel's blade

12- Agetos - A member of The Children of Ruin had  encountered the day before finding Plamen. Agetos who used an odd magic called the "SOFT" which allowed him to use chewing gum and a lollipop of acid in battle. Proving to be one of the weaker Children of Ruin members. Agetos was defeated by the joint efforts of Xiaoyu, Apollyn, Nara, & Angelina

13. Theodora - A witch demon with a shy but devious nature. Ordered by Janiel to travel to Botswana. In order to fight and sacrifice a sage named Abrafo. Theodora had believed her deadly thread technique would be enough to secure her kill. However Theodora was unaware of the great powers Abrafo possessed. While the battle was not an easy one. Abrafo had managed to defeat and kill Theodora

14. Ashley Kachina - A former heiress of the Kachina family. Ashley was disowned by her father. After a video leaked of her being gang banged by several demons. Furious by her father's action. Ashley sworn to get her revenge. While wondering through the Underworld. Ashley meet a man by the name Janiel. After they had sex, Ashley told Janiel about her situation. Janiel promised to help Ashley get her revenge. If she join his band of demons. After having gotten revenged on her family. Ashley had taken most of her father's money. Giving it to Janiel to help with his agenda. Janiel then trained Ashley for combat. Once Ashley's training was completed. Janiel sent Ashley to Jugoslavia. In order to kill a sage named Naznim Sherawat. Possessing an arsenal of deadly magic. Ashley was confident that Naznim would be an easy kill. However upon battling against Naznim. In spite of her years of training. Ashley realized how outmatched she was against the sage. Ashley regretfully took her final breath. As Naznim crushed her in a ball of Sapphire colored sand

15. Iron Zabel: One of the founding members of The Children of Ruin. Besides Geneviere, Zabel is the only other non demon member of the nefarious group. Iron Zabel meet Janiel through his former Master. Iron Zabel along with Janiel, Pruflas, and "The Lady In Purple" have worked alongside each other for centuries. Plotting a way to take over Asira and the Underworld for themselves. However Zabel began to despise Janiel and his colleagues. Instead he desired to become a God. This caused conflict between Janiel and him along with the other demons in his group. Despite their difference Zabel continued working alongside Janiel until the opportunity came to betray him. However Janiel along with The Lady In Purple had begun scheming against Zabel. Centuries later Janiel recruited a woman name "Hellin" to work alongside Zabel in his operations. While the partnership was temporarily. Zabel and Hellin had grown close. Which made Zabel susceptible to betrayal. Hellin along with Janiel and Pruflas. Had defeated Zabel and trapped him in a prison within Neo Aigosthena. Fortunately Zabel had managed to escaped. Now working alongside a woman name Celia. Zabel begins his quest to become a God


Unknown to the rest of the Children of Ruin members with the exception of Janiel. They were the ones who help Janiel form the group. Hiding within Asira only to be used in critical times. Now with Okubi and the others hot on Janiel's trail. It's only a matter of time before the secret members reveal themselves. The first secret member so far revealed is Pruflas. Who is currently being targeted by Okubi and his friends

The Lady In Purple: Unknown currently. Her identity will be revealed at the end of the Neo Aigosthena Arc

"Hellin": A demon who posed as Hellin and tricked Zabel. Her true identity will be revealed at the end of Neo Aigosthena Arc

???: Identity shall remain anonymous until towards the end of Forbidden

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