A blog dedicated to my FORBIDDEN fantasy world along with reblogs of other various interest. Please enjoy the blog and tell your friends about it
Thursday, September 28, 2017
Tuesday, September 26, 2017
Saturday, September 23, 2017
Friday, September 22, 2017
Tuesday, September 19, 2017
Sunday, September 17, 2017
Saturday, September 16, 2017
Thursday, September 14, 2017
Tuesday, September 12, 2017
Hellin's Cool Fighters Wear
A new outfit made for the Princess of Babylon. I plan on doing more of these for my other characters. Both the heroes and various other characters of Forbidden
Avenger Okubi
The Dark Avenger Of Okubi's Broken Heart
Some of A. Okubi's attacks
One of the many demonic forms Okubi can transform to due to the effects of the Dark Dream Trial. During the battle between Okubi and his friends against Pruflas and his servants. Okubi will lose an ally very close to him. Causing him to transform into his Avenger form
Karen Caramel
Some of Karen's magic attacks
Karen the host of The Underground Fighting Tournament and one of Pruflas's Royal Servants. Find out more about Karen here http://darkonyxe.blogspot.com/2017/09/profile-karen-caramel.html?zx=f4b7709c8e80d075
Sunday, September 10, 2017
Profile Karen Caramel
Broken Hearted Psycho
Name: Karen Loretta Caramel
Age: 27 years old
Gender: Female
Hair Color: Lavender with gray tips
Eye Color: Blue
Likes: Hosting The Underground Fighting Tournament, Repeating certain words to sound "cute", speaking in third person, her red glove, candies, practicing various magic, butter cream frosting, stuffed animals, violence, experimenting on captured fighters
Dislikes: Demons, weak people, ugly people, rap music, spinach, her kinder self
Magic Name: Karen has mastery over 30 different types of magic
Magic Powers: Control over the elements, portal summoning, uses various desserts as weapons, psychometric abilities, mind controlling magic, power augmentation, superhuman strength, memory manipulation, fortune telling, limited healing abilities, power reading, existing as two different beings
BIO: Prior to becoming the sadistic host of The Underground Fighting Tournament and one of Pruflas's Royal Servants, Karen was once a pure young woman. The only child of Jerome and Elsie Caramel, Karen was a special child. Due to being born a Mageus Soprano, a rare individual who can learn and master multiple magical abilities. Karen's parents were extremely happy happy when they first discovered their daughter was one. While enjoying a relatively normal childhood. Karen's life was drastically changed the day a demon named Pruflas entered her home
Unaware of her parent's involvement in the crime world in Neo Aigosthena. Pruflas along with his gang of demon servants attacked Jerome and Elsie and slain the criminal couple. Witnessing her parents brutal deaths before her eyes. Karen screamed in terror knowing she would be next. However Pruflas had more sinister plans in stored for Karen. The demon had ordered his servants to violate the young Karen, taking away both her parents and innocence. It was this very moment Karen's hate for demons and dark side had awaken. After surviving her violation at the hands of Pruflas's servants. Aware of Karen's vast magical potential, Pruflas forced her to become one of his servants. While his other servant's doubtful of Karen's worth of serving their leader. The corrupted girl quickly showed her wicked ways, proving her capabilities to her demon comrades. Despite her apparent loyalty towards Pruflas. Karen had been plotting her revenge against her Master and his demons
Now a fully grown woman and ready to set her revenge in motion. Karen began hosting a fighting tournament in Aigosthena, a state buried underneath the current Neo Aigosthena over five thousand years ago. In order to find a fighter strong enough to either aid her or defeat Pruflas for her. Working alongside Karen was her kinder self, due to Karen's mind and body separating into two versions of herself. The two Karen's worked together hosting the tournament. However unlike the good Karen who just enjoyed seeing fierce competitions amongst skilled sages, the evil Karen was pissed that none of the fighters possessed the power to defeat Pruflas. After the first two Underground Fighting Tournament not going as planned. The evil Karen decided to switch things up for the worst. Tricking her other self to help her build various traps to use against future fighters. Karen then added rules to her tournament, putting the lives of future competitors in danger. Karen's good half unhappy and fearful of her darker self. Decided to use the trap doors the two had build and went into hiding. While angered by the disappearance of her other self. Karen decided finding a fighter to kill Pruflas was a more pressing matter, but plans to find her other half and kill her someday
Now in full control of how The Underground Fighting Tournament is ran. Karen along with the help of her comrade, the demon Stanford. Karen began kidnapping fighters who she felt had potential to defeat Pruflas. However after having host several tournaments. None of the competitors possessed the power required to kill Pruflas. Karen would allow only two of the fighters to leave her tournament, only after having erased their memories. The fighters that didn't perform well would become Karen's prisoners and used for her experiments. Years later during her nightly stroll in Neo Aigosthena. Karen encountered a man name Lorenzo and engaged him in battle. After she defeated Lorenzo and brainwashed him. Karen discovered that the detective had a very powerful friend named Jia Xiaoyu. Believing she may had finally found someone capable of killing Pruflas. Karen knew she needed to confront Jia Xiaoyu. After their encounter during the Elestial Market Massacre. Karen told Xiaoyu in order to rescue her friend that she needed to enter her tournament. A day later Xiaoyu, her boyfriend and partner Nara, and several other fighters arrived to Karen's tournament. After the demon Stanford had kidnapped them. Ready to see the fighters in action especially Xiaoyu. The latest Underground Fighting Tournament now begins
1. Karen was eleven when Pruflas invaded her home and killed her parents. Along with having his demon violate her
2. Karen's clothing style is based on a clown
3. Karen is a Mageus Soprano a type of sage capable of learning various types of magic
4. Karen is the only human servant of Pruflas
5. Karen's hatred for demons stems from what Pruflas and his servants done to her as a child
6. Karen is a huge fan of Danganronpa and 999/The Nonary Game
Saturday, September 9, 2017
Wednesday, September 6, 2017
Forbidden Chapter 71
Forbidden Chapter Seventy One
We Can't Survive Like This
The final battle of the Underground Fighting tournament between Xiaoyu and Pelham had begun. Despite going up against the poisonous assassin. Xiaoyu attempted to talk to Pelham, only for Pelham to strike her with one of her attacks. Xiaoyu now poisoned and despite her healing capabilities found herself in a dire situation. Pelham now ready to finish her off. Between the natural fear of death and the thought of never seeing her friends again. Xiaoyu activates a great power hidden deep within her, the ability to use pure black light energy. Xiaoyu subconsciously uses her power to create a barrier around herself. Preventing Pelham from killing her and removes the poison from her body. Pelham upset by Xiaoyu's miraculous powers saving her from defeat and death. Karen while watching the battle between Xiaoyu and Pelham becomes very amused. After witnessing Xiaoyu's hidden powers used against Pelham. After being knocked down to the ground by Xiaoyu's barrier. Pelham gets up off the ground now angrier than before. Turns her attention back to Xiaoyu as she prepares her next attack
Pelham: Annoying little cur! How dare you use such a trick against me? Now I'll will make sure your death is long and agonizing one!
Pelham covers both her hands with a poisonous energy then charges after Xiaoyu with killer intentions. No longer surrounded by her barrier. Xiaoyu while unsure how activated the barrier in order to save herself. Prepares herself for Pelham's incoming attack covers her hands with her light powers
Pelham now in attacking range of Xiaoyu starts unleashing rapid hand strike at her opponent. Using both her martial art skills and light powers. Xiaoyu easily defends against Pelham's poisonous strikes. Xiaoyu then charges her right hand with a high amount of light energy, before performing a technique made famous by Bruce Lee. Xiaoyu strikes Pelham directly in her chest with a move called Six Inch Punch! Sending her opponent flying before crashing to the ground. Xiaoyu still in her battle stance. Looks down at Pelham as she lays on the ground unconscious. Karen after watching Xiaoyu knock out Pelham. Counts up to a full minute in her head. Before deeming Xiaoyu the winner and Pelham the loser
Karen: And the winner of the final bout of today is JIA XIAOYU! This match went almost as I had expected. The only difference being that Pelham lasted longer than I predicted. However seeing that black light power of yours was nothing short of amazing, amazing, AH-MAY-ZING!
Xiaoyu: Yeah I gotta figure out how I activated that power as well. Anyways now that I won my battle. I would like to get back to my boyfriend
Karen: Of course deary. Nara along with the other fighters should already be in the auditorium
Xiaoyu: I love how you call us "fighters" as if we are willingly competing in your tournament. Why I can't just kick your ass and get Lorenzo along with everyone else out of this place
Karen: Oh you just got finish fighting and you're already looking for another one? Silly detective that's not how any of this works. Unless you wish to risk breaking my rules? Trust me you most most most definitely don't want to do that
Xiaoyu: I wasn't afraid of you when we fought last night and I'm sure as hell aren't afraid now. I'm only cooperating with you until the right opportunity presents itself. Then I'm going to take your ass down. Now open a portal so I can get back to Nara and the others. I'm also taking Pelham with me
Karen: Oh Xiaoyu you sad little girl. Only you would worry about an individual who tried to kill you minutes ago
Xiaoyu: It's not that I care about that assassin but like Nara, myself, and everyone else that isn't you or Sinclair. Pelham is also a victim here. I rather she returns to the auditorium with me then me leaving her with you. Now stand back so I can hit Pelham with a healing ray of light. Pelhan returns to consciousness after being healed by Xiaoyu. Stands on her feet and turns her attention towards the women before her
Pelham: Hmph! So it seems like I was defeated
Karen: You are definitely the final loser of today assassin. Xiaoyu hit your ass with the Bruce Lee
Xiaoyu: I'm sorry it had to be this way Pelham. If so much wasn't at stake and you weren't trying to kill me. I wouldn't cared if I won or not
Pelham: Such annoying prattle! I don't need your reason nor your apology. You did what you had to do and that's al there is to it. Besides now that I'm fully recovered. I'm going to do what I should had done from the start
Covering her right hand with a purplish green color energy. Pelham shoots a glare at Xiaoyu before setting her sights onto Karen. Pelham then raises her right hand near her face and charges at Karen
Karen with an unimpressed look on her face watches as Pelham charges at her. Xiaoyu watches as Pelham goes to kill Karen. Finds herself paralyzed by shock caused by the assassin's reckless actions. Seconds before Pelham's right hand makes contact with her body. Karen opens a portal and twirls at the same time. Pelham misses her target as she falls into the portal. Now with Pelham inside of her portal. Karen snaps her fingers to close the portal before it vanishes. No longer in a state of shock but anger. Surrounding her body with an intense light energy. Xiaoyu proceeds to confront Karen about Pelham's whereabouts
Xiaoyu: What have you done to Pelham? Bring her back now or else!
Karen: Oh else what detective? This is MY tournament therefore I'm in control here. Pelham broke one of my most sacred rules... attempting to kill me. I sent her to a dark place until I'm ready to execute her. Now while I can do the same to you should you dare attack me. However instead of executing you alongside Pelham. Not only would I add another lost to Nara. I'll kill Lorenzo right before your very eyes. After all he's the very reason Nara and you are in my tournament. So Miss goody goody good sage. Do you really want to test me?
Xiaoyu: I would fight you until my very last breathe. Before I allow you to kill Lorenzo or endanger Nara. Karen this tournament is unjustified and puts the combatants in grave danger. If the tournament didn't have such tremendous stakes for the losers. Pelham would had never had attempted to kill you. I cannot allow your madness to continue
Karen: Oh Xiao, Xiaolly, Xiaoyu! Baby I can see right through you. It's not the tournament or how I run it that concerns you so much. It's the time you need to escape this place. Unlike the rest of the fighters in my tournament. Both your boyfriend and you allowed yourselves to be found and captured by Stanford. In order to rescue your fellow Detective Lorenzo and to take me down. While Okubi and the others go and defeat my Master Pruflas. Course once and if Okubi succeeds in defeating Pruflas and the rest of his disgusting demon cohorts. I'm pretty certain he expects Nara and you to either be completed with your mission. Therefore you don't have days to spend competing in my tournament
Xiaoyu: I should had known you were wiser than your appearance
Karen: Silly China girl thought she could hide her motives from Karen? Very funny but I'll tell you what Miss Detective. Since you're in a hurry to rescue your friend and escape from my tournament. Let us two girls make a deal?
Xiaoyu: I'm listening Caramel but it better not involve endangering the others more than you have already
Karen: Well since you're not interested in competing in my tournament. Perhaps you like to help me in another way? It's a very long story and one I don't care to explain to you. However after the death of my parents at the hands of Pruflas. Something happened to my body and I became two separate beings. One standing in front of you and another me hidden down here within the tournament
Xiaoyu: Are you trying to bullshit me Karen?
Karen: Do you really think I'm lying Detective? Perhaps we shouldn't make a deal after all then
Xiaoyu: Not so fast Karen! While I'm very suspicious of your story. It doesn't mean it's not true. Now please continue explaining to me about your other half
Karen: Well after the traumatizing events which made me the fabulous, cutesy, sexy bitch I am today. While apart of me became a total super villain. The purer side of me had split from my body. Wanting nothing to do with Pruflas and his fellow demons. Shortly after I pledged my loyalty to that son-of-a-bitch, becoming his only non demon servant. I along with my other half created The Underground Fighting Tournament. The tournaments original purpose was for myself and I to find a warrior strong enough to defeat Pruflas. Sadly after the first two tournaments. I realized no one would be capable of such a task. Which you could only imagine really pissed me off! Therefore I decided to take more drastic measures. My other half not willing to aid me in achieving our goal. Ran away from me, hiding herself within one of the many doors in this place
Xiaoyu: The very same doors you said were dangerous earlier
Karen: Not all of the doors are traps Xiaoyu. Otherwise they wouldn't be of use to either her or me. Remember one of those doors provide your means to escaping this place. Unless Okubi plans on teleporting Nara, Lorenzo, and you out of here?
Xiaoyu: So exactly what happens if I decide to help you find your other half?
Karen: If you decide to help locate my other half. Instead of having to fight in the tournament. You'll be playing game I call Six Hours! The game is pretty simple Detective. I will allow you six hours to locate my other half. If six hours past and my other half isn't located. You will forfeit your life to me! However in order for Six Hours to take the place of the tournament. The others must make the same deal with me. It wouldn't be fair to the others if I allow you to speak for them. Nara probably wouldn't mind since you're his girl but the others may feel otherwise. Men like Braddox and Damien would fair better in the tournament than playing the Six Hour game. So just be prepared detective that things might not go your way
Xiaoyu: I'll take my chances with the others. Just allow me the opportunity to explain the situation to them. If I can't convince them all to play Six Hours. Then I'll have no choice but to do things the long way
Karen: That's fine by me deary. I'll open a portal for you back to the auditorium. Then I'll go and prepare that bitch Pelham's Execution
Xiaoyu: WHAT? Is Pelham not going to be allow to play Six Hours?
Karen: Oh you silly naive little girl. THAT BITCH TRIED TO KILL ME! The fuck I look like giving that homely cunt a chance to escape this place. That privilege is only for you and the other combatants minus Sinclair who serves under me. Pelham broke one of my golden rules. I'm going to kill that bitch whether you like it or not. Now get ready to be reunited with your fellow combatants. Hopefully the time I finish getting Pelham's execution ready. Hopefully you convince everyone to play Six Hours. May the odds ever be in your favor Jia Xiaoyu
Karen immediately opens a portal and Xiaoyu reluctantly enters threw. Now with Xiaoyu out of her way. Karen begins setting things up for Pelham's Execution. The portal opens in the auditorium and Xiaoyu steps from out of it. Nara ecstatic to see his girlfriend again since the tournament began. Runs up to her and firmly wraps his arms around her. Xiaoyu places her hands around Nara's face and starts kissing him. Seconds after the couple makes out in front of their fellow combatants. Xiaoyu request Nara to releases her then follows up with a pluck to his forehead
Nara: BABE? What was that pluck for?
Xiaoyu: I can't believe you allow yourself to lose to Damien
Damien: HEY! Just because I'm flamboyant that doesn't mean I can't hold my own in a fight
Xiaoyu: Considering that my boyfriend is a Darken. There was almost no way he should had lost that fight. I bet you totally underestimated Damien and he outsmarted you. Probably kissed you during the match and threw you off. Allowing him to get the win over you?
Nara: That would be correct babe. I promise I'll do better next time
Cool Nine: I knew you were come out the victor with your fight against Pelham but speaking of the assassin. Why didn't Pelham return to the auditorium with you? Did you kill her?
Danielle: Oh my goodness! Is that the reason Pelham isn't here with the rest of us?
Syh: Even if Xiaoyu did kill Pelham during her fight with her. Least we not forget that Pelham is a hired killer?
Romio: That is very true
Braddox: Well good riddance if that is the case. Pelham is a killer and deserves whatever is coming to her
Cool Nine: Says the man possessed by a demon who murdered a group of sages back in his homeland
Braddox: It was self defense you snobby bitch! Also how the hell you know about my past? I didn't tell you anything about my past
Cool Nine: After I defeated Karen's experiment Sinclair earlier. I requested that Karen give me information on one of my fellow competitors. While I originally wanted more info on Xiaoyu. I decided to pick you instead Mr. Morse
Braddox: Well for your sakes Egyptian Beauty. Let's hope you're not my opponent in the second round of the tournament
Cool Nine: I most certainly hope so as well... for your sakes
Xiaoyu: COOL NINE! BRADDOX! Can the two of you please collect yourselves. First I didn't kill Pelham but sadly she is going to die
Nara: And why is that babe?
Xiaoyu: Sadly after I managed to defeat Pelham. Being the foolish goody two shoes. I healed Pelham from her injuries but instead of Pelham being grateful of being healed. Pelham made a failed attempt on Karen's life. Now she's going to be executed for her actions. That is why Pelham didn't return to the auditorium with me. However during my conversation with Karen, I learned about a possible way for us to escape this place, but it's a risk we all must be willing to take. Otherwise we would be force to compete against one another. Which would mean only two of the nine remaining fighters will have a chance of escaping
Syh: So what is this other way of escape?
Xiaoyu: Karen said if we decide to play Six Hours instead of competing in her tournament. If we find Karen's other half. All of us will be allowed to leave this place. I'm not sure if she'll just tell us where the elevator is at or not, but it's probably our only hope for the rest of us to leave this place
Romio: Karen's other half? Six Hours?
Damien: Sounds like a whole lot of nonsense to me
Danielle: Considering the craziness we experience in this only in a few hours. I wouldn't be surprise there's more than one Karen down here. However about this Six Hours thing. Why is it called that Xiaoyu?
Xiaoyu: It's called Six Hours because that how long Karen will give us to find her other half. Should we fail to find her other half within that time span. All of us here must forfeit our lives to her
Nara: ARE YOU SERIOUS! Baby! Don't we have a better chance of just fighting our way out of here?
Xiaoyu: Nara knowing the conniving ways of Karen. I don't think fighting our way out of here is the best way to go about things. Let's save that for our last resort if nothing else works out. In the meantime I think finding Karen's other half is more sufficient than us fighting each other
Cool Nine: While your intentions are just Xiaoyu. Let's not pretend you're not doing this just so you can rescue your friend Lorenzo. I know you made a deal with Karen while you two were alone
Nara: I swear Cool Nine why must you be so fucking problematic?
Cool Nine: I'm just stating facts Nara. Don't be mad at me for seeing through your girlfriend's schemes
Xiaoyu: Yes Cool Nine, I do want to rescue my friend but I also want everyone else to escape this place. Unless we all want to share the same fate as Pelham. So please stop trying to make me look like a selfish bitch. I care about the safety of everyone here. I couldn't save Pelham but I'll be damn if the rest of us die here
Braddox: So you want us to risk a guaranteed way of escaping this place by competing in Karen's tournament. Instead search for something or someone that may not exist? I don't feel comfortable in making such a reckless choice girl. I don't trust Karen as it is, but you want me to believe there's another her hidden within this place? I call bullshit
Xiaoyu: Braddox I understand your doubt but my experience as a detective. I know when a person's lying and telling the truth. Karen had said many fictitious things to us but I felt the truth in her words. The moment she began telling me about her other half. Not only do I believe Karen's story about her other self. I also believe her other self is our key to escaping this place. Because the Karen we been dealing with is the evil Karen. The good Karen is the one that's hiding. If we manage to find her within six hours. I'm certain we will escape this place, but in order us to have that chance. We all must agree to play Six Hours. Otherwise the majority of us will share the fate of the fighters before us. So what do you guys say?
Nara: Baby you already know I'm siding with you
Danielle: I'm afraid things may not work our in our favor, but I don't like my chances in the tournament either. I got lucky in my fight against Romio today. Sadly luck isn't something I can rely on. I'm the least experience fighter in this place. A girl like me will not get three consecutive wins. Even if I did manage to achieve such a thing. I have no idea who this "boss" Karen plans for us to fight. I rather take my chances aiding Nara and you finding Karen's better half. So it's safe to say I want to play Six Hours instead of fighting
Syh: My pride is bruised after my defeat to Braddox earlier today. I think playing Six Hours instead would be a more wiser decision for me. While I'm a very capable fighter my smarts are much more superior
Xiaoyu: I can testified to that claim of yours. I was surprise how well you help us escape the prison trap hours ago
Damien: Fighting is fun but if there's a better way of escaping. I guess I'm down for that even though the six hour limit fucking sucks
Cool Nine: Especially since we will have to forfeit our lives. Should we fail not to find Karen's other half by then. Yet I feel this is the best case scenario for all of us. So my answer is yes to playing Six Hours. Providing we get to explore the doors in this place
Xiaoyu: We pretty much have too in order to find Karen's other self
Romio: The same doors that have death traps?
Danielle: Not all the doors are booby traps Romio but your concerns are genuine
Romio: It's a big risk to take but I guess am willing to play Six Hours. I just hope you're right about this Detective. I want to get back home to my family
Braddox: I hate the whole fucking idea of this game. Sounds like some game my sister played before. I think it was a game called 999 created by a man name Kotaro Uchikoshi. If my memories serve me well. I remember that game being pretty gruesome
Cool Nine: I played that game as well and depending on the decision of the protagonist. The story either ended for the better or for the worst. Fortunately we aren't wearing bracelets or condition to only use certain doors by number combinations. Therefore I think we'll fair better than the characters of 999. Unless one of us here is secretly is serial killer. Us working together to find Karen's other half and escaping this place shouldn't be a problem
Danielle: Now that I think about it. Karen's execution concept is taken from a game called Danganronpa
Romio: I played that game during my last trip to Japan. It was scary but fun as hell. I just hope I don't end up like my boy Ishimaru
Xiaoyu: No one here better not dare attempt to hurt one another. Otherwise that person will see a really dark side of me. So Braddox what is your answer?
Braddox: Fuck it I'll play
Xiaoyu: Okay so now that everyone has agreed on playing Six Hours. We just now gotta wait for Karen to return to the auditorium
Danielle: I'm sure by now she's set everything up for Pelham's Execution. She'll probably going to make us watch Pelham die
Romio: She wouldn't be ripping off Danganronpa if she did otherwise. I really don't want to watch Pelham dying the worst way imaginable though
Minutes later Karen reappears in the auditorium. In order to hear the decision the combatants. Upon hearing they all decided to play Six Hours. Karen wearing a mix expression of excitement and disappointment. Accepts their decision and ends the tournament. Now Xiaoyu, Nara, and the others will now be tasked with finding her other half within six hours. Knowing if they fail that their lives are hers to claim. Karen then briefly goes over the rules of Six Hours before ordering them to take a seat in the auditorium. Now with everyone in their seats. They turn their attention over to the movie screen. Anticipating themselves for the terror they are about the witness. Xiaoyu and the others see Pelham on the screen. Dread inside of each of their hearts. They are about to witness Pelham's Execution
Pelham: Annoying little cur! How dare you use such a trick against me? Now I'll will make sure your death is long and agonizing one!
Pelham covers both her hands with a poisonous energy then charges after Xiaoyu with killer intentions. No longer surrounded by her barrier. Xiaoyu while unsure how activated the barrier in order to save herself. Prepares herself for Pelham's incoming attack covers her hands with her light powers
Pelham now in attacking range of Xiaoyu starts unleashing rapid hand strike at her opponent. Using both her martial art skills and light powers. Xiaoyu easily defends against Pelham's poisonous strikes. Xiaoyu then charges her right hand with a high amount of light energy, before performing a technique made famous by Bruce Lee. Xiaoyu strikes Pelham directly in her chest with a move called Six Inch Punch! Sending her opponent flying before crashing to the ground. Xiaoyu still in her battle stance. Looks down at Pelham as she lays on the ground unconscious. Karen after watching Xiaoyu knock out Pelham. Counts up to a full minute in her head. Before deeming Xiaoyu the winner and Pelham the loser
Karen: And the winner of the final bout of today is JIA XIAOYU! This match went almost as I had expected. The only difference being that Pelham lasted longer than I predicted. However seeing that black light power of yours was nothing short of amazing, amazing, AH-MAY-ZING!
Xiaoyu: Yeah I gotta figure out how I activated that power as well. Anyways now that I won my battle. I would like to get back to my boyfriend
Karen: Of course deary. Nara along with the other fighters should already be in the auditorium
Xiaoyu: I love how you call us "fighters" as if we are willingly competing in your tournament. Why I can't just kick your ass and get Lorenzo along with everyone else out of this place
Karen: Oh you just got finish fighting and you're already looking for another one? Silly detective that's not how any of this works. Unless you wish to risk breaking my rules? Trust me you most most most definitely don't want to do that
Xiaoyu: I wasn't afraid of you when we fought last night and I'm sure as hell aren't afraid now. I'm only cooperating with you until the right opportunity presents itself. Then I'm going to take your ass down. Now open a portal so I can get back to Nara and the others. I'm also taking Pelham with me
Karen: Oh Xiaoyu you sad little girl. Only you would worry about an individual who tried to kill you minutes ago
Xiaoyu: It's not that I care about that assassin but like Nara, myself, and everyone else that isn't you or Sinclair. Pelham is also a victim here. I rather she returns to the auditorium with me then me leaving her with you. Now stand back so I can hit Pelham with a healing ray of light. Pelhan returns to consciousness after being healed by Xiaoyu. Stands on her feet and turns her attention towards the women before her
Pelham: Hmph! So it seems like I was defeated
Karen: You are definitely the final loser of today assassin. Xiaoyu hit your ass with the Bruce Lee
Xiaoyu: I'm sorry it had to be this way Pelham. If so much wasn't at stake and you weren't trying to kill me. I wouldn't cared if I won or not
Pelham: Such annoying prattle! I don't need your reason nor your apology. You did what you had to do and that's al there is to it. Besides now that I'm fully recovered. I'm going to do what I should had done from the start
Covering her right hand with a purplish green color energy. Pelham shoots a glare at Xiaoyu before setting her sights onto Karen. Pelham then raises her right hand near her face and charges at Karen
Karen with an unimpressed look on her face watches as Pelham charges at her. Xiaoyu watches as Pelham goes to kill Karen. Finds herself paralyzed by shock caused by the assassin's reckless actions. Seconds before Pelham's right hand makes contact with her body. Karen opens a portal and twirls at the same time. Pelham misses her target as she falls into the portal. Now with Pelham inside of her portal. Karen snaps her fingers to close the portal before it vanishes. No longer in a state of shock but anger. Surrounding her body with an intense light energy. Xiaoyu proceeds to confront Karen about Pelham's whereabouts
Xiaoyu: What have you done to Pelham? Bring her back now or else!
Karen: Oh else what detective? This is MY tournament therefore I'm in control here. Pelham broke one of my most sacred rules... attempting to kill me. I sent her to a dark place until I'm ready to execute her. Now while I can do the same to you should you dare attack me. However instead of executing you alongside Pelham. Not only would I add another lost to Nara. I'll kill Lorenzo right before your very eyes. After all he's the very reason Nara and you are in my tournament. So Miss goody goody good sage. Do you really want to test me?
Xiaoyu: I would fight you until my very last breathe. Before I allow you to kill Lorenzo or endanger Nara. Karen this tournament is unjustified and puts the combatants in grave danger. If the tournament didn't have such tremendous stakes for the losers. Pelham would had never had attempted to kill you. I cannot allow your madness to continue
Karen: Oh Xiao, Xiaolly, Xiaoyu! Baby I can see right through you. It's not the tournament or how I run it that concerns you so much. It's the time you need to escape this place. Unlike the rest of the fighters in my tournament. Both your boyfriend and you allowed yourselves to be found and captured by Stanford. In order to rescue your fellow Detective Lorenzo and to take me down. While Okubi and the others go and defeat my Master Pruflas. Course once and if Okubi succeeds in defeating Pruflas and the rest of his disgusting demon cohorts. I'm pretty certain he expects Nara and you to either be completed with your mission. Therefore you don't have days to spend competing in my tournament
Xiaoyu: I should had known you were wiser than your appearance
Karen: Silly China girl thought she could hide her motives from Karen? Very funny but I'll tell you what Miss Detective. Since you're in a hurry to rescue your friend and escape from my tournament. Let us two girls make a deal?
Xiaoyu: I'm listening Caramel but it better not involve endangering the others more than you have already
Karen: Well since you're not interested in competing in my tournament. Perhaps you like to help me in another way? It's a very long story and one I don't care to explain to you. However after the death of my parents at the hands of Pruflas. Something happened to my body and I became two separate beings. One standing in front of you and another me hidden down here within the tournament
Xiaoyu: Are you trying to bullshit me Karen?
Karen: Do you really think I'm lying Detective? Perhaps we shouldn't make a deal after all then
Xiaoyu: Not so fast Karen! While I'm very suspicious of your story. It doesn't mean it's not true. Now please continue explaining to me about your other half
Karen: Well after the traumatizing events which made me the fabulous, cutesy, sexy bitch I am today. While apart of me became a total super villain. The purer side of me had split from my body. Wanting nothing to do with Pruflas and his fellow demons. Shortly after I pledged my loyalty to that son-of-a-bitch, becoming his only non demon servant. I along with my other half created The Underground Fighting Tournament. The tournaments original purpose was for myself and I to find a warrior strong enough to defeat Pruflas. Sadly after the first two tournaments. I realized no one would be capable of such a task. Which you could only imagine really pissed me off! Therefore I decided to take more drastic measures. My other half not willing to aid me in achieving our goal. Ran away from me, hiding herself within one of the many doors in this place
Xiaoyu: The very same doors you said were dangerous earlier
Karen: Not all of the doors are traps Xiaoyu. Otherwise they wouldn't be of use to either her or me. Remember one of those doors provide your means to escaping this place. Unless Okubi plans on teleporting Nara, Lorenzo, and you out of here?
Xiaoyu: So exactly what happens if I decide to help you find your other half?
Karen: If you decide to help locate my other half. Instead of having to fight in the tournament. You'll be playing game I call Six Hours! The game is pretty simple Detective. I will allow you six hours to locate my other half. If six hours past and my other half isn't located. You will forfeit your life to me! However in order for Six Hours to take the place of the tournament. The others must make the same deal with me. It wouldn't be fair to the others if I allow you to speak for them. Nara probably wouldn't mind since you're his girl but the others may feel otherwise. Men like Braddox and Damien would fair better in the tournament than playing the Six Hour game. So just be prepared detective that things might not go your way
Xiaoyu: I'll take my chances with the others. Just allow me the opportunity to explain the situation to them. If I can't convince them all to play Six Hours. Then I'll have no choice but to do things the long way
Karen: That's fine by me deary. I'll open a portal for you back to the auditorium. Then I'll go and prepare that bitch Pelham's Execution
Xiaoyu: WHAT? Is Pelham not going to be allow to play Six Hours?
Karen: Oh you silly naive little girl. THAT BITCH TRIED TO KILL ME! The fuck I look like giving that homely cunt a chance to escape this place. That privilege is only for you and the other combatants minus Sinclair who serves under me. Pelham broke one of my golden rules. I'm going to kill that bitch whether you like it or not. Now get ready to be reunited with your fellow combatants. Hopefully the time I finish getting Pelham's execution ready. Hopefully you convince everyone to play Six Hours. May the odds ever be in your favor Jia Xiaoyu
Karen immediately opens a portal and Xiaoyu reluctantly enters threw. Now with Xiaoyu out of her way. Karen begins setting things up for Pelham's Execution. The portal opens in the auditorium and Xiaoyu steps from out of it. Nara ecstatic to see his girlfriend again since the tournament began. Runs up to her and firmly wraps his arms around her. Xiaoyu places her hands around Nara's face and starts kissing him. Seconds after the couple makes out in front of their fellow combatants. Xiaoyu request Nara to releases her then follows up with a pluck to his forehead
Nara: BABE? What was that pluck for?
Xiaoyu: I can't believe you allow yourself to lose to Damien
Damien: HEY! Just because I'm flamboyant that doesn't mean I can't hold my own in a fight
Xiaoyu: Considering that my boyfriend is a Darken. There was almost no way he should had lost that fight. I bet you totally underestimated Damien and he outsmarted you. Probably kissed you during the match and threw you off. Allowing him to get the win over you?
Nara: That would be correct babe. I promise I'll do better next time
Cool Nine: I knew you were come out the victor with your fight against Pelham but speaking of the assassin. Why didn't Pelham return to the auditorium with you? Did you kill her?
Danielle: Oh my goodness! Is that the reason Pelham isn't here with the rest of us?
Syh: Even if Xiaoyu did kill Pelham during her fight with her. Least we not forget that Pelham is a hired killer?
Romio: That is very true
Braddox: Well good riddance if that is the case. Pelham is a killer and deserves whatever is coming to her
Cool Nine: Says the man possessed by a demon who murdered a group of sages back in his homeland
Braddox: It was self defense you snobby bitch! Also how the hell you know about my past? I didn't tell you anything about my past
Cool Nine: After I defeated Karen's experiment Sinclair earlier. I requested that Karen give me information on one of my fellow competitors. While I originally wanted more info on Xiaoyu. I decided to pick you instead Mr. Morse
Braddox: Well for your sakes Egyptian Beauty. Let's hope you're not my opponent in the second round of the tournament
Cool Nine: I most certainly hope so as well... for your sakes
Xiaoyu: COOL NINE! BRADDOX! Can the two of you please collect yourselves. First I didn't kill Pelham but sadly she is going to die
Nara: And why is that babe?
Xiaoyu: Sadly after I managed to defeat Pelham. Being the foolish goody two shoes. I healed Pelham from her injuries but instead of Pelham being grateful of being healed. Pelham made a failed attempt on Karen's life. Now she's going to be executed for her actions. That is why Pelham didn't return to the auditorium with me. However during my conversation with Karen, I learned about a possible way for us to escape this place, but it's a risk we all must be willing to take. Otherwise we would be force to compete against one another. Which would mean only two of the nine remaining fighters will have a chance of escaping
Syh: So what is this other way of escape?
Xiaoyu: Karen said if we decide to play Six Hours instead of competing in her tournament. If we find Karen's other half. All of us will be allowed to leave this place. I'm not sure if she'll just tell us where the elevator is at or not, but it's probably our only hope for the rest of us to leave this place
Romio: Karen's other half? Six Hours?
Damien: Sounds like a whole lot of nonsense to me
Danielle: Considering the craziness we experience in this only in a few hours. I wouldn't be surprise there's more than one Karen down here. However about this Six Hours thing. Why is it called that Xiaoyu?
Xiaoyu: It's called Six Hours because that how long Karen will give us to find her other half. Should we fail to find her other half within that time span. All of us here must forfeit our lives to her
Nara: ARE YOU SERIOUS! Baby! Don't we have a better chance of just fighting our way out of here?
Xiaoyu: Nara knowing the conniving ways of Karen. I don't think fighting our way out of here is the best way to go about things. Let's save that for our last resort if nothing else works out. In the meantime I think finding Karen's other half is more sufficient than us fighting each other
Cool Nine: While your intentions are just Xiaoyu. Let's not pretend you're not doing this just so you can rescue your friend Lorenzo. I know you made a deal with Karen while you two were alone
Nara: I swear Cool Nine why must you be so fucking problematic?
Cool Nine: I'm just stating facts Nara. Don't be mad at me for seeing through your girlfriend's schemes
Xiaoyu: Yes Cool Nine, I do want to rescue my friend but I also want everyone else to escape this place. Unless we all want to share the same fate as Pelham. So please stop trying to make me look like a selfish bitch. I care about the safety of everyone here. I couldn't save Pelham but I'll be damn if the rest of us die here
Braddox: So you want us to risk a guaranteed way of escaping this place by competing in Karen's tournament. Instead search for something or someone that may not exist? I don't feel comfortable in making such a reckless choice girl. I don't trust Karen as it is, but you want me to believe there's another her hidden within this place? I call bullshit
Xiaoyu: Braddox I understand your doubt but my experience as a detective. I know when a person's lying and telling the truth. Karen had said many fictitious things to us but I felt the truth in her words. The moment she began telling me about her other half. Not only do I believe Karen's story about her other self. I also believe her other self is our key to escaping this place. Because the Karen we been dealing with is the evil Karen. The good Karen is the one that's hiding. If we manage to find her within six hours. I'm certain we will escape this place, but in order us to have that chance. We all must agree to play Six Hours. Otherwise the majority of us will share the fate of the fighters before us. So what do you guys say?
Nara: Baby you already know I'm siding with you
Danielle: I'm afraid things may not work our in our favor, but I don't like my chances in the tournament either. I got lucky in my fight against Romio today. Sadly luck isn't something I can rely on. I'm the least experience fighter in this place. A girl like me will not get three consecutive wins. Even if I did manage to achieve such a thing. I have no idea who this "boss" Karen plans for us to fight. I rather take my chances aiding Nara and you finding Karen's better half. So it's safe to say I want to play Six Hours instead of fighting
Syh: My pride is bruised after my defeat to Braddox earlier today. I think playing Six Hours instead would be a more wiser decision for me. While I'm a very capable fighter my smarts are much more superior
Xiaoyu: I can testified to that claim of yours. I was surprise how well you help us escape the prison trap hours ago
Damien: Fighting is fun but if there's a better way of escaping. I guess I'm down for that even though the six hour limit fucking sucks
Cool Nine: Especially since we will have to forfeit our lives. Should we fail not to find Karen's other half by then. Yet I feel this is the best case scenario for all of us. So my answer is yes to playing Six Hours. Providing we get to explore the doors in this place
Xiaoyu: We pretty much have too in order to find Karen's other self
Romio: The same doors that have death traps?
Danielle: Not all the doors are booby traps Romio but your concerns are genuine
Romio: It's a big risk to take but I guess am willing to play Six Hours. I just hope you're right about this Detective. I want to get back home to my family
Braddox: I hate the whole fucking idea of this game. Sounds like some game my sister played before. I think it was a game called 999 created by a man name Kotaro Uchikoshi. If my memories serve me well. I remember that game being pretty gruesome
Cool Nine: I played that game as well and depending on the decision of the protagonist. The story either ended for the better or for the worst. Fortunately we aren't wearing bracelets or condition to only use certain doors by number combinations. Therefore I think we'll fair better than the characters of 999. Unless one of us here is secretly is serial killer. Us working together to find Karen's other half and escaping this place shouldn't be a problem
Danielle: Now that I think about it. Karen's execution concept is taken from a game called Danganronpa
Romio: I played that game during my last trip to Japan. It was scary but fun as hell. I just hope I don't end up like my boy Ishimaru
Xiaoyu: No one here better not dare attempt to hurt one another. Otherwise that person will see a really dark side of me. So Braddox what is your answer?
Braddox: Fuck it I'll play
Xiaoyu: Okay so now that everyone has agreed on playing Six Hours. We just now gotta wait for Karen to return to the auditorium
Danielle: I'm sure by now she's set everything up for Pelham's Execution. She'll probably going to make us watch Pelham die
Romio: She wouldn't be ripping off Danganronpa if she did otherwise. I really don't want to watch Pelham dying the worst way imaginable though
Minutes later Karen reappears in the auditorium. In order to hear the decision the combatants. Upon hearing they all decided to play Six Hours. Karen wearing a mix expression of excitement and disappointment. Accepts their decision and ends the tournament. Now Xiaoyu, Nara, and the others will now be tasked with finding her other half within six hours. Knowing if they fail that their lives are hers to claim. Karen then briefly goes over the rules of Six Hours before ordering them to take a seat in the auditorium. Now with everyone in their seats. They turn their attention over to the movie screen. Anticipating themselves for the terror they are about the witness. Xiaoyu and the others see Pelham on the screen. Dread inside of each of their hearts. They are about to witness Pelham's Execution
Pelham's Execution
An Assassin's Karma
Pelham on her knees and hands tied behind her back finds herself surrounded by a group of mutated looking beings. Each one of them holding riffles all aimed at her. While suppressing her inner terror, Pelham prepares herself for death. The mutated begin firing at her one at a time. Hearing the sound of the first riffle going off. Pelham was sure she was going to die but instead of being hit by a bullet. The assassin's face is covered with feces. Spitting the taste of shit out of her mouth, the mutated individuals fire more blobs of shit at her from their riffles. Each blast of shit representing the number of people she had killed. Pelham now covered all over with feces, covering the tears running down her face. Having humiliated their target to the point of tears. The mutated individuals are now ready to finish her off. One of the mutated shooters walks to the other side of Pelham and now standing behind her. Points the gun to the back of her head and blows her brains out. Pelham crumbles to the ground covered in blood and shit. Everyone in the auditorium who witnessed Pelham's death except for Cool Nine. Wear different expression of horror and anger on their faces. Karen let's out a cute and sadistic laugh, seeing the faces of the remaining fighters
Karen: Now that's out of the way. It's time for the first ever SIX HOURS game to begin!!! I wish you all the very very very best of luck! Your very lives depend on it!
Forbidden Update
Greetings fans of my blog series Forbidden. I just wanted to let you know that Karen Caramel's is coming soon. Also I have finished Chapter 71 but only the rough version. I'm waiting for corrections for both 71 and the previous chapter. Course I already posted chapter seventy due to circumstances. Anyways if anyone wants me to post the rough version. Please either comment or 1+ this post. I just need one person to do this for me. Otherwise I'll just wait until the perfect version is ready. So expect the current chapter 70 to receive changes in the future. Thanks for continuing to follow Forbidden in spite of my short comings. Peace and take care everyone
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