Sunday, September 10, 2017

Profile Karen Caramel


Broken Hearted Psycho

Name: Karen Loretta Caramel

Age: 27 years old

Gender: Female

Hair Color: Lavender with gray tips

Eye Color: Blue

Likes: Hosting The Underground Fighting Tournament, Repeating certain words to sound "cute", speaking in third person, her red glove, candies, practicing various magic, butter cream frosting, stuffed animals, violence, experimenting on captured fighters

Dislikes: Demons, weak people, ugly people, rap music, spinach, her kinder self

Magic Name: Karen has mastery over 30 different types of magic

Magic Powers: Control over the elements, portal summoning, uses various desserts as weapons, psychometric abilities, mind controlling magic, power augmentation, superhuman strength, memory manipulation, fortune telling, limited healing abilities, power reading, existing as two different beings

BIO: Prior to becoming the sadistic host of The Underground Fighting Tournament and one of Pruflas's Royal Servants, Karen was once a pure young woman. The only child of Jerome and Elsie Caramel, Karen was a special child. Due to being born a Mageus Soprano, a rare individual who can learn and master multiple magical abilities. Karen's parents were extremely happy happy when they first discovered their daughter was one. While enjoying a relatively normal childhood. Karen's life was drastically changed the day a demon named Pruflas entered her home

 Unaware of her parent's involvement in the crime world in Neo Aigosthena. Pruflas along with his gang of demon servants attacked Jerome and Elsie and slain the criminal couple. Witnessing her parents brutal deaths before her eyes. Karen screamed in terror knowing she would be next. However Pruflas had more sinister plans in stored for Karen. The demon had ordered his servants to violate the young Karen, taking away both her parents and innocence. It was this very moment Karen's hate for demons and dark side had awaken. After surviving her violation at the hands of Pruflas's servants. Aware of Karen's vast magical potential, Pruflas forced her to become one of his servants. While his other servant's doubtful of Karen's worth of serving their leader. The corrupted girl quickly showed her wicked ways, proving her capabilities to her demon comrades. Despite her apparent loyalty towards Pruflas. Karen had been plotting her revenge against her Master and his demons

 Now a fully grown woman and ready to set her revenge in motion. Karen began hosting a fighting tournament in Aigosthena, a state buried underneath the current Neo Aigosthena over five thousand years ago. In order to find a fighter strong enough to either aid her or defeat Pruflas for her. Working alongside Karen was her kinder self, due to Karen's mind and body separating into two versions of herself. The two Karen's worked together hosting the tournament. However unlike the good Karen who just enjoyed seeing fierce competitions amongst skilled sages, the evil Karen was pissed that none of the fighters possessed the power to defeat Pruflas. After the first two Underground Fighting Tournament not going as planned. The evil Karen decided to switch things up for the worst. Tricking her other self to help her build various traps to use against future fighters. Karen then added rules to her tournament, putting the lives of future competitors in danger. Karen's good half unhappy and fearful of her darker self. Decided to use the trap doors the two had build and went into hiding. While angered by the disappearance of her other self. Karen decided finding a fighter to kill Pruflas was a more pressing matter, but plans to find her other half and kill her someday

 Now in full control of how The Underground Fighting Tournament is ran. Karen along with the help of her comrade, the demon Stanford. Karen began kidnapping fighters who she felt had potential to defeat Pruflas. However after having host several tournaments. None of the competitors possessed the power required to kill Pruflas. Karen would allow only two of the fighters to leave her tournament, only after having erased their memories. The fighters that didn't perform well would become Karen's prisoners and used for her experiments. Years later during her nightly stroll in Neo Aigosthena. Karen encountered a man name Lorenzo and engaged him in battle. After she defeated Lorenzo and brainwashed him. Karen discovered that the detective had a very powerful friend named Jia Xiaoyu. Believing she may had finally found someone capable of killing Pruflas. Karen knew she needed to confront Jia Xiaoyu. After their encounter during the Elestial Market Massacre. Karen told Xiaoyu in order to rescue her friend that she needed to enter her tournament. A day later Xiaoyu, her boyfriend and partner Nara, and several other fighters arrived to Karen's tournament. After the demon Stanford had kidnapped them. Ready to see the fighters in action especially Xiaoyu. The latest Underground Fighting Tournament now begins 


1. Karen was eleven when Pruflas invaded her home and killed her parents. Along with having his demon violate her

2. Karen's clothing style is based on a clown

3. Karen is a Mageus Soprano a type of sage capable of learning various types of magic

4. Karen is the only human servant of Pruflas

5. Karen's hatred for demons stems from what Pruflas and his servants done to her as a child

6. Karen is a huge fan of Danganronpa and 999/The Nonary Game

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