Sunday, May 16, 2021

Mini Profile: Trevyn Aliyu & Romeo N'al

 The Artificial Angel

Name: Trevyn Aliyu

Age: 17

Skin Color: Medium Brown

Eye Color: Original Brown but after his transformation it's whitish yellow

Hair Color: Black

Height: 6'3

Weight: 223 Pounds

Powers: Inhuman speed, agility, durability, limited flight, regenerative ability, Holy light manipulation, able to sense the presence of demons

Likes: His mother, his country, going to the mall, his sneaker collection, making new friends

Dislikes: Evil people, corny jokes, mayonnaise

Short Bio: The son of Queen Aliyu of Nigeria, Trevyn lived a relatively fortunate life for many years. One unfortunate day both his friends and him were kidnapped by a group of evil scientists. In order to be used for their experiments to create Artificial Angel, to be used to exterminate the demon race. While Trevyn's friends did not survive the experiment. Trevyn survived and became an Artificial Angel. While he at first had no control over his powers. After fighting and being saved by Hellin, Trevyn learned to use his powers for good of his country and himself

The Laid Back Baby Blue Colored Tiger

Name: Romeo N'al

Age: 28

Skin Color: White

Eye Color: Citrine

Hair Color: Baby Blue

Height: 6'4

Weight: 255 Pounds

Powers: As a Beast Person, Romeo possesses the strength and the abilities of a tiger but times five. While Romeo doesn't study under any particular Magical Arts. Romeo is more than adequate in hand to hand combat and his animalistic nature is enough to deal with the average Sage

Likes: His cousin Rodrigo, being nude, going to the beach, exercising, pineapple pizza, playing volley ball

Dislikes: Hellin's yelling and threatening him, fighting, people who dislike pineapples on pizza, yams, boredom

Short Bio: Born and raised in the state of Beastia, one of the seventy five states of Mayland. Beastia is known to be the birthplace of life forms known as Beast People. Individuals who posses both human and animal characteristics. Romeo is a relatively happy go lucky type of guy and enjoy wearing little to no clothing at all. Despite his dislike for violence he has proven to be one of Hellin's greatest allies and vice versa

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