Tuesday, June 29, 2021

Profile: Nevin Silvers

 The Scion Of The Purple Flames

Name: Nevin Silvers

Age: 25

Date Of Birth: March 28

Height: 6'0

Weight: 210 Pounds

Magic Powers: Purple Flame Manipulation

Likes: His family, his clothing, apple pie, his friends Addison and Mona, Getting paid for his guild work

Dislikes: Fighting against troublesome sages, losing, red meat, traveling on the seas


Born and raised in Scotland, raised by his parents alongside his adopted sister Codye. Nevin lived a good and simple life living on a farm. At the age of ten his father Adam began teaching him how to wield and manipulate purple flames. The time Nevin was sixteen years old, he had become very proficient in the use of his purple fire magic. Now an adult, Nevin was given a choice to remain with his family and help his father maintain the farm or find his own path in life. Deciding he wanted to explore life in the country of Mayland. Nevin bid farewell to his family as he began his journey to Mayland. Eventually settling in Yumumbi, one of the 75 states within Mayland. Nevin worked in a local factory and despite enjoying the first few months in his new setting. Nevin was disappointed that he had little usage of his magic despite the work he put into becoming such a skilled sage. Feeling discouraged he began considering going back to his family in Scotland. One day while heading home from his shift, he heard two women talk about an underground fighting tournament that was going to take place in the state Rogue Town. Finally seeing an opportunity to put his skills into use. Nevin took time off his job and traveled to Rogue Town

 Arriving just in time to enter the underground fighting tournament. Nevin encountered several sages but a tall black male wearing yellow overalls named Addison Reed caught his attention. The two of them instantly became friends and promised regardless of what happened in the tournament that they would remain cool. While both men defeated their first opponents. They were defeated during the semi finals. Putting the loss they faced in the tournament behind them. Nevin alongside his friend Addison while planning their next move, the two men were met by a mysterious young woman by the name Mona. The woman approached the two men to form a guild with her as they will get to go on a lot of exciting adventures. Seeing no issue with the woman's offer both Addison and him decided to form a three man guild with Mona and thus began a life of adventures 

Monday, June 28, 2021

Brody Zhang


Brody Zhang is a young a cocky movie actor/sage hailing from Sacramento, California. Despite his profession and behavior in public. Brody is a well skilled Sage using various magic spells taught by his father, Bruce. Brody Zhang is also highly skilled in Tai Chi thanks to his mother Maggie. Brody Zhang is friends with King Onyx, James Del Soto, and Orsela Geno. However like most of her allies from The Mortal Realm, Hellin finds Brody to be absolutely fucking annoying

Sunday, June 27, 2021

Yura Mikan, The King's Right Hand Woman

 The Perfect Killer

A former assassin for hired turned into King Onyx's right hand woman. Yura was hired to enter the 5th Devilry Combat tournament during Onyx's reign in order to kill him. Fortunately when Yura had attempted to murder the King during the tournament. Not only did she fail but thanks to the King's telepathic powers. Onyx had learned of Yura's rough past and forgave her if she promised to serve him. Shortly after alongside her comrade and friend James. Yura has made her life's mission to serve Onyx as long as he remains King Of Mayland 

Saturday, June 26, 2021

Nikiema, The Imperfect Angel


The Imperfect Angel A.K.A. Heaven's Favorite Bitch

Nikiema is a creation of mine for my series FORBIDDEN

Art by the talented Nico_Artooo on Twitter

Brief Bio: After being slain by a demon when she risk her life to save a boy on a cruise ship. Nikiema peeked the interest of the God of The Heaven Realm and took her soul for himself instead of letting it travel to the Spirit Realm. Reborn as an angel but with her human memories and morality intact. Nikiema serves as an angel tasked to deal with troubles in the Mortal Realm/Earth 

Thursday, June 24, 2021

I Been Busy

 Hey gang anyways just wanted to update you guys on my Forbidden related projects. Between doing character commissions and working on my book. I haven't yet made the time to write out the profiles for James Del Soto, Okubi Dreamtime, Addison Reed, and Nevin Silvers. I will hopefully have basic profiles written for these characters and more sometime in July. Apologies to anyone who wished to learn more about these characters sooner

Okubi Dreamtime

Okubi is an extremely powerful half demon (Cambion) and wields mastery over a multitude of deadly elements. Alongside his/they servant and friend Eligos, a former demon now existing as a Spirit. Okubi travels the world as a Treasure Hunter


Wednesday, June 16, 2021

Angelina Murai, The Magical Girl

Angelina Murai

Age: 18 (Was 14 when she first became a Magical Girl)

Hair Color: Blonde

Eye Color: Baby Blue

Skin Color: Cream

Height: 5'5

Weight: 110 Pounds

Wish: That her neighbor's son survives his surgery

Powers: Angelina can summon her battle teddy bear name "Roberto" Angelina also wields a Yo-yo in battle, can summons pieces of candy for offense or to heal herself. Her ultimate attack is summoning a canon

Backstory: The daughter of an Italian Mother and Japanese Father, along with her younger brother Akira, Angelina lived a typical life of a girl in Shibuya City, Japan. One day while in school, Angelina received a phone call from her mother that their neighbor's son, Ren had gotten into a serious accident. While not too many things phased her. The news about Ren caused her sadness. Not only had she known Ren for a few years. The times she had babysat Ren it was nothing but a pleasant experience. After returning home, Angelina could hardly think about anything but Ren being in the hospital and would need surgery. However according to what her parents had told her. The chances of doctors saving the young boy's life were very slim. While in her bed silently crying as she feared that Ren was going to die. Angelina was visited by a divine spirit known as "Lady Magia". Lady Magia was a powerful spirit that visited young women throughout the globe but notorious for being frequent in the Asian Continent. Sensed Angelina's concerned for her young friend and wanted to make her an offer. After calming herself down by the Spirit's sudden presence in her bedroom. Lady Magia offered to grant a single wish to Angelina. In exchange she will receive magical powers and be tasked with fighting creatures from another dimension known as Monsters!

While cautious of the Spirit's offer, Angelina asked her to make sure Ren survives and Lady Magia nodded her head in approval as Angelina's wish was granted. Afterwards Angelina felt a divine sensation run through her entire body as she was made into a Magical Girl. Thankful that Ren's life was saved, Angelina was now tasked like many other girls who wish were granted by Lady Magia to fight monsters whenever they would appear. Despite initially regretting her decision to be a magical girl. After months of battling monster and making friends along the way. Angelina was grateful to being chosen by Lady Magia to become a Magical Girl

Tuesday, June 15, 2021

James Del Soto & Addison Reed


The Green Inferno Suplex

Addison Reed a member of Team Passionfruit alongside Mona and Nevin Silvers 

Saturday, June 12, 2021

Wednesday, June 9, 2021


FORBIDDEN ART + New Character

 Sorry I did not post these sooner when they were completed. I was busy working on my YouTube channel and just being all around lazy. Anyways check out the new art below including my newest original character, "Nevin Silvers"

Hellin & Orsela

Sour Candy Hellin

Expect more SOUR CANDY related character art plus another new OC sometime in July

And lastly here's my latest OC and surprisingly popular on Twitter, Nevin Silvers

While I'm still fleshing out Nevin's overall profile. He is a part human (Father) and Part Beasterian (Saiga Mother) and can manipulate purple colored flames 


Original Nevin artwork by the most talented artist to ever live and I dare you to say otherwise

VAIN - The Witch Of Torment

 VAIN Artwork by Anne_Luc