Tuesday, June 29, 2021

Profile: Nevin Silvers

 The Scion Of The Purple Flames

Name: Nevin Silvers

Age: 25

Date Of Birth: March 28

Height: 6'0

Weight: 210 Pounds

Magic Powers: Purple Flame Manipulation

Likes: His family, his clothing, apple pie, his friends Addison and Mona, Getting paid for his guild work

Dislikes: Fighting against troublesome sages, losing, red meat, traveling on the seas


Born and raised in Scotland, raised by his parents alongside his adopted sister Codye. Nevin lived a good and simple life living on a farm. At the age of ten his father Adam began teaching him how to wield and manipulate purple flames. The time Nevin was sixteen years old, he had become very proficient in the use of his purple fire magic. Now an adult, Nevin was given a choice to remain with his family and help his father maintain the farm or find his own path in life. Deciding he wanted to explore life in the country of Mayland. Nevin bid farewell to his family as he began his journey to Mayland. Eventually settling in Yumumbi, one of the 75 states within Mayland. Nevin worked in a local factory and despite enjoying the first few months in his new setting. Nevin was disappointed that he had little usage of his magic despite the work he put into becoming such a skilled sage. Feeling discouraged he began considering going back to his family in Scotland. One day while heading home from his shift, he heard two women talk about an underground fighting tournament that was going to take place in the state Rogue Town. Finally seeing an opportunity to put his skills into use. Nevin took time off his job and traveled to Rogue Town

 Arriving just in time to enter the underground fighting tournament. Nevin encountered several sages but a tall black male wearing yellow overalls named Addison Reed caught his attention. The two of them instantly became friends and promised regardless of what happened in the tournament that they would remain cool. While both men defeated their first opponents. They were defeated during the semi finals. Putting the loss they faced in the tournament behind them. Nevin alongside his friend Addison while planning their next move, the two men were met by a mysterious young woman by the name Mona. The woman approached the two men to form a guild with her as they will get to go on a lot of exciting adventures. Seeing no issue with the woman's offer both Addison and him decided to form a three man guild with Mona and thus began a life of adventures 

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