Monday, August 30, 2021

Thor's Move Set + Explanation

The Bohemian Thunder God Of Mystilia 

Move Set

1. Lazy Zap - Using minimal effort Thor shorts out a bolt of electricity from his left palm to his opponent. There's a 30% chance that the attack can cause temporary paralysis to his opponent

2. Rapture Swing - Covering his hammer Mjolnir in electricity. Thor lunges at his opponent with a vicious swing with his hammer

3. Jellybean Swing - Covering his hammer Mjolnir in electricity. Thor swings his hammer upwards as bounces off the ground to strike nearby opponent

4. Thunder Torpedo (In Air) - Surrounding Mjolnir in a electricity forcefield Thor charges towards his opponent from the sky in a torpedo like fashion

Destruction Arts

1. Bolt Rush - Covering his entire body in electricity Thor charges with Mjolnir in hand towards his opponent

2. Judgment - Thor instantly translocates himself into the air and unleashes a gigantic bolt of thunder at his opponent 


Saturday, August 28, 2021

Hellin Strongs - Fire Starter Move Set


Move Explanation

1. Red Murder - Infusing her left hand in red colored flames. Hellin performs a speedy straight forward punch

2. Sunburn Upper (Follow up to Red Murder) - Hellin infuses her right hand in orange/yellow flames as she performs an uppercut to her opponent

3. Burn With Envy - Hellin unleashes a green colored fire at her opponent

4. Cold Hell - Hellin takes a few seconds to charge up a blue/indigo ball of fire before unleashing a devastating stream of blue/indigo colored fire at her opponent

5. Lilith Flames - Combining both her telepathic and demonic powers. Hellin creates a purple colored pillar of flames from the ground

Destructive Arts

1. Hell Breeze - Hellin combines orange and green colored flames and unleashes a gigantic fireball at her opponent

2. Archeon - Hellin infuses red and blue flames in her right palm before she strikes the ground. Upon striking the ground a red, blue, and violet colored pillars of fire springs from the ground 


Thursday, August 26, 2021

Thor Of Mystilia

 The Bohemian Thunder God 

Name: Thor but uses the name "Teddy" as well

Age: Thor is over 5,000 years old

Powers: Thor commands the power of thunder/lighting but channels his immense powers in his hammer Mjolnir. Thor also possesses immense strength despite his lanky build. Thor can also fly and can manipulate the weather around him

Likes: Attractive beings, mangos, marijuana, watching old movies

Dislikes: Troublemakers, people who are easily angered

More info on Thor in the near future

Hit Points - Some Thoughts About King Of Fighters XV

Please check out my friend's video speaking on his thoughts of KING OF FIGHTERS XV 

Tuesday, August 24, 2021

Upcoming Character Redesign - SUNG JIN

 Sketch by me of Sung Jin's redesign

His current design

Drawn by my friend Devon and while no fault of his at all. While I was initially satisfied with how Sung Jin came out when Devon first completed him. After awhile I had sadly become to dislike this design but not the character. Thus I decided to redesign Sung Jin to more to my liking and he will soon be redrawn by a professional artist

Onyx Blade's Birthday drawing Livestream.

Melty Blood: Type Lumina - MIYAKO ARIMA TRAILER

Why There May Be Few KOF XV Newcomers - Responding to Onyxe Blade

Monday, August 23, 2021

A.B.I.torial: Melty Blood Character Designs Are Bland, And That's Perfec...

Mihoshi Yemaya Strongs-Rojas

 Mihoshi Strongs, The Thunder Diva 

Mihoshi is Queen Othello's first born and the elder sister of both Hellin & Orsela. While her mother is the personification of lust and her sister Hellin the personification of anger. Mihoshi is the personification of greed and never hides her love for money and gaining it. Mihoshi owns several businesses in the Underworld and currently 3 businesses in the Mortal Realm. While Mihoshi doesn't posses telepathy unlike her mother and sister, Mihoshi has a nearly unbreakable mental resistances to telepaths and her ability to manipulate electricity is second to none


1. Deadlier Than Zeus : Mihoshi shoots out a powerful blast of electricity from her palm. She is also able to do this while in mid air

2. Electri-Cution (The word Electric + Execution) Mihoshi grabs her target and electrifies them with high voltage red colored electricity 

3. Don't Touch Me: Mihoshi surrounds her body in neon blue electricity making her immune to physical attacks

4. Don't You Dare! : Mihoshi unleashes a bolt of lighting into the air to strike against an incoming foe

5. Diva: Mihoshi creates a drill shaped electric attack from her palm

6. Reflect: Mihoshi creates a shield made of electricity to reflect incoming projectiles


1. Thunder Seeker - Mihoshi creates a storm cloud in the air and the storm cloud crashes after her target as it shoots out three strikes of lightning 

2. Electric Piranhas - Mihoshi creates a portal made of electricity as a sworn of piranhas made of electricity comes out of the portal to strike Mihoshi's foe

Saturday, August 21, 2021

There May Be A Change Of Plan (FORBIDDEN RELATED)

 While I will do my best to keep up with the future events I have planned for FORBIDDEN in 2021 especially "Winter Is Coming". I recently learned that some of my OC's such as Mona, Angelina, Nikiema, and Romeo need to be redraw again by a different artist. Due to the fact their previous drawers despite all four characters belong to me. Added their signature to the drawings which will prevent me from properly using them in the near future. Thus I will have reinvest money to have those 4 characters redrawn along with future projects that need to be paid. Thus my timeline on certain things maybe off and as for Halloween perhaps only one of my OC's will get a Halloween theme outfit and it won't be Hellin since I given her more than enough attention for the time being. I'm looking to have either Sung Jin or Brody Zhang to receive a Halloween theme alternative look. Anyways just wanted to update you all on that particular matter. Also FORBIDDEN, the book is nearly on it's way to cross the finish line so stay tune for that update as well

KOF XV Screenshot Leak

 Not sure if anyone of you ladies and gents are aware but alleged screenshots of KOF XV have been leaking on the net. Below is Iori Yagami versus Yashiro Nanakase

SNK/Neo Geo Fighting Game Quiz

Friday, August 20, 2021

Detective Xiaoyu & Noella Concept Arts


Xiaoyu is a talented and beautiful detective born and raised in China. Using her high intellect and light base magic. Despite her young age Xiaoyu proves to be one of China's greatest detectives and defender


A beautiful Witch who posses otherwordly powers due to the magical rituals she was forced to endure as a child. While Noella is relatively a kind person she possesses a sadistic side of her 


Tuesday, August 17, 2021

Grand Highlander - WE ARE FINALLY DAREDEVILS Logos

 Grand Highlander is an amazing series created by KaizouWar

Check out his Twitter page for me information here -

Summer of Champions August 14th, 2021 Live from Texas City

My FORBIDDEN Road Map So Far

 Various events I have planned for FORBIDDEN once my book is released which I will be announcing the release date very soon. Anyways my ideal events below if everything goes according to plan

1. Red Halloween - A minor event where I hope to have a commission of Hellin Strongs + another OC to get Halloween theme alternate outfits

2. Winter Is Coming - During the Winter seasons I will focus on having characters commission that possess ice based powers + a short story on blog

3. A Heart Covered In Madness - New OC + a short story on the blog

4. Collaboration with fellow creator KAIZOUWAR - This is something I been wanting to do since Kaizou and I have become friends. Hopefully once my Mother/Editor and I take care what needs to be done for me. I can finally make the leap and discuss with Kaizou in a work to work together on a project

There will also be more stuff coming for FORBIDDEN in 2022 in Jehovah is willing and I'm not too busy with regular work and family. Thank you so much everyone for the continuous support to my blog and YouTube channel. Much love and have a beautiful and safe day everyone 

Sunday, August 15, 2021

Adeel Alvi's Skill Set

 Adeel Alvi, The Treasure Hunter

1. Panthera - A double speedy stab attack with his Kris Sword

2. Nox Thunder Tiger - Adeel summons his Nox monster, Nox Thunder Tiger to charge after his opponent

3. Yellow Wind - Adeel performs a jumping uppercut attack with his sword

4. Lavender Shield - Adeel summons a lavender colored magical shield to negate incoming energy based attacks


1. Yellow Twister - Adeel spins his body 360 with his sword sticking out to strike nearby foes. After three consecutive spins Adeel then does a sword thrust to end the assault

2. Yellow Justice - Adeel unleashes a gigantic blast of thunder shaped energy at his foe 

Forbidden Characters (Both Current & In Process)


NOTE: Characters bold in BLACK letters are completed characters. Characters bold in GOLD letters are characters mentioned in my book. Characters in BLUE letters are currently in the process but only exist in a concept art, name, or both

1. Hellin Strongs

2. Orsela Geno

3. King Onyxe

4. Lea Stallard

5. August Starfinder

6. Maxine Starfinder

7. Queen Billie

8. Princess Tillie

9. Othello Strongs

10. Koga Yukimaru

11. Johanna Lucifera

13. Lisa Alice

14. Apollyn

15. Levianthan

16. Ivan Volkov

17. James Del Soto

18. Anna Del Soto

19. Yura Mikan

20. Mihoshi Strongs

21. Thor

22. Xiaoyu

23. Nara Asanuma

24. Nikiema

25. Adeel Alvi

26. Jasim

27. Angelina Murai

28. Nevin Silvers

29. Mona

30. Addison Reed

31. Romeo N'al

32. Rodrigo Seval 

33. Arkan

34. Sung Jin 

35. Gennifer

36. Helly Anderson

37. Trevyn Aliyu

38. Queen Aliyu

39. Adewale Osefo

40. Maximillion Knox

41. Scylla Baros

42. Olivia Dumas

43. Noella

44. Darrius Dewglide

45. Shanna

46. Frankie

47. Seanix Del Soto

48. Vritra

49. Okubi Dreamtime & Eligos 

50. Anansi 

51. Keisha Lovell

52. Love 

53. Bevan

54. Brody Zhang

55. Lechon

56. Herrera

57. Red

58. Meghan

59. Candance Rochelle

60. Katy Hate 

61. Livonia

62. Gina Wyler

63. Victoria

64. Madame Xi

65. Haven 

66. Jude & Zade 

Frankie, The Undead Brawler


Name: Frankie Vance

Age: 67 (Mortal death at 42)

Species: Undead formally human

Powers: Frankie combines both his natural MMA (Mixed Martial Arts) skills plus the ability to manipulate purple colored miasma energy

Inspiration: Frankie is based on the Monster Of Frankenstien 

I hope in the near future to have Frankie drawn by an expert artist. Preferably during the month of October that's of course if Thor is already finished

Saturday, August 14, 2021

Thor Remasted Sketch

Current Thor Concept Art

Current Thor is wearing loose yellow track pants, messy style dreads, prayers beads, and bright yellow sneakers. His signature hammer Mjolnir is also present next to him unlike my previous sketch

Original sketch

Thor is currently the last character until Winter that I want to have commercially drawn by a professional artist. I'm hoping to accomplish this by late September/early October


Sunday, August 8, 2021

Queen Billie & Lechon Concept Art

Despite her gothic appearance, Billie is the loving Queen of a fairy tribe located outside of Texas. She is also responsible for giving some of her blood to August Starfinder after he was fatally injured by his sister Maxine when protecting her

A beautiful petite elf with busty breast from the Minty Elf Tribe. Lechon is a standoffish woman who detest interaction among outsiders. After Hellin, Scylla, and Orsela had saved her from a group of seedy Sages. Since that day Lechon has been training to protect herself wielding a halbard her grandfather made for her as weapon 


MoonManFlo - Dub Rn (Official Video)

Please check out this song it's really good 

Small Reminders

Saturday, August 7, 2021

Mini Profile - Adeel Alvi

 The Thrill Seeker

Art by Anne Luc on Twitter

Name: Adeel Alvi

Country Of Origin : Pakistan (Father and him moved to Mayland when he was 15)

Age: 26

Combat Abilities: Adeel is in the possession of the Nox Card "Nox Thunder Tiger" which he can summon to fight alongside him in battle. Adeel is also a skilled swordsman, hand to hand combat, inhuman reflexes, inhuman dexterity

Monday, August 2, 2021


 Bevan, The Lesser Ninja

Bevan is a young self proclaimed "ninja" from New York. Bevan ninja outfit consist of a simple light green Gi with a magenta colored belt wrapped around it. Bevan wears his hair in the traditional samurai hair style known as the "Chonmage". Magenta colored finger less gloves and footwear. Bevan also wears a fundoshi

Bevan's Spells

1. Summon Kunai - Bevan opens a small magical portal that shoots out two kunai at his target

2. Summon Bomb - Bevan while in the air summons a bomb in his palm before throwing it at his target

3 - Summon Tentacles - Bevan scarily summons two large tentacle arms from a magical portal to strike nearby foes

4 - That's Not An Izuna Drop - Bevan grabs his opponent but instead of doing an actual Izuna Drop. He instead position his butt on the opponent's head before driving them down to the ground

5. Generic Duo - Bevan performs a lunging knee strike before following it up with a forward punch

Super One - "I Saw This In A Popular Fighting Game" Inspired by the iconic Street Fighter character, Chun-Li's move "Hoyokusen". Bevan rushes to his opponent a flurry of kicks before doing a final kick to knock the enemy away. It's a really sloppy version of Chun-Li's super move

Super Two - So Random - Bevan creates a small portal the random unleashes three various things at his opponent. The following items are a fireball, a fake Nox Card, a dildo. The portal can also shoot out a rock, a waterball, food, a dizziness potion, and a chibi Hellin doll

GUILTY GEAR -STRIVE- Anji (Me) Versus Sol (Lockx05)

VAIN - The Witch Of Torment

 VAIN Artwork by Anne_Luc