Saturday, August 28, 2021

Hellin Strongs - Fire Starter Move Set


Move Explanation

1. Red Murder - Infusing her left hand in red colored flames. Hellin performs a speedy straight forward punch

2. Sunburn Upper (Follow up to Red Murder) - Hellin infuses her right hand in orange/yellow flames as she performs an uppercut to her opponent

3. Burn With Envy - Hellin unleashes a green colored fire at her opponent

4. Cold Hell - Hellin takes a few seconds to charge up a blue/indigo ball of fire before unleashing a devastating stream of blue/indigo colored fire at her opponent

5. Lilith Flames - Combining both her telepathic and demonic powers. Hellin creates a purple colored pillar of flames from the ground

Destructive Arts

1. Hell Breeze - Hellin combines orange and green colored flames and unleashes a gigantic fireball at her opponent

2. Archeon - Hellin infuses red and blue flames in her right palm before she strikes the ground. Upon striking the ground a red, blue, and violet colored pillars of fire springs from the ground 


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VAIN - The Witch Of Torment

 VAIN Artwork by Anne_Luc