Friday, October 29, 2021

Motivational Quote

How I gotta be when working on my FORBIDDEN projects


Profile - Angelina Murai


"You're only wasting your time fool! There's not a chance a worm like you could ever defeat me!" - Angelina Murai

Angelina Murai

Age: 18 

Hair Color: Blonde

Eye Color: Baby Blue

Skin Color: Cream

Height: 5'5

Weight: 110 Pounds

Powers: Angelina can summon a miniature canon. Angelina also wields a magical  yo-yo she named Aisyn the Brave. She can summon pieces of candy for offense or to heal herself. Her ultimate attack is summoning her teddy bear Roberto which can grow 20 times it's normal size

Allies: King Onyx, Hellin Strongs, Lea Stallard, Trevyn Aliyu, Orsela Geno, Xavian & Chia-Hao, Nico, Yurina, Romeo N'al, Jia Xiaoyu

Likes: Her family, Roberto (Magical Bear), studying, sightseeing, Osechi, Combating evil

Dislikes: Talkative people, perverted men, video games, hentai, dogs

Backstory - CANON STORY 

Angelina Murai is a descendant of powerful Sages who wielded orthodox magical powers. The daughter of a Japanese man and a Italian woman, Angelina lived a relatively normal life in Tokyo, Japan along with her younger brother, Akira. Both of her parents were often too busy going on business trips, so Angelina matured fast as she was her younger brother's primary caregiver. Despite not having much of a childhood, Angelina didn't mind because her parents taught her a lot of life skills that many children her age didn't know. At age twelve, she was good at managing money, cooking, laundry, painting, and sewing. Angelina often enjoyed helping Akira with his homework when their parents weren't around to do so, as well as cooking him his favorite meals. Because she was forced to step into an adult role as a child, outside of her younger brother, Angelina's behavior towards others was often very condescending and bitchy.

One day while on her way home from school, Angelina spotted her classmate, Nanase, running away from something. Ignoring her better judgment to simply mind her business and go home, Angelina went to see what was going on with Nanase. A few minutes later, Angelina spotted her classmate hiding behind some garbage in an alley. Confused by her classmate's unusual behavior, Angelina approached her to see what was wrong. As soon as Angelina reached her worried classmate, the two girls found themselves confronted by a man in a trench coat. In actuality, he was a demon with sinister desires for Nanase. Angry and afraid, Angelina quickly moved the terrified Nanase behind her. The demon glared at the girls and threatened to devour Angelina before making Nanase pay her "dues" to him. Despite knowing she couldn't fend off the demon, Angelina held firm as a hidden determination roared within her to somehow save Nanase and herself despite the odds being stacked against them. Suddenly, Angelina's body glowed in a sky blue colored light and transformed her out of her schoolgirl uniform into what could be best described as a Magical Girl outfit. The demon now only focused on Angelina with malice in his eyes. He lunged at her, but Angelina miraculously summoned a yo-yo out of thin air. She instinctively struck the demon, sending him crashing to the ground.

Realizing that she somehow possessed magical powers, Angelina decided to combat the demon. Despite the difficulty of the battle between them, Angelina emerged victorious as she slayed the demon and saved both Nanase and herself. From that day forward, Angelina decided she would be a protector of her country. She would battle various evils within Japan when she wasn't busy being a schoolgirl and taking care of her younger brother, who eventually grew old enough to do for himself. Now attending college, Angelina continues protecting Japan and sometimes other places on Earth, alongside heroes like Hellin, Orsela, Romeo, and Shanna.

Original Story/No Longer Canon 

Backstory: The daughter of an Italian mother and Japanese father, along with her younger brother, Akira, Angelina lived the typical life of a girl in Shibuya City, Japan. One day while in school, Angelina received a phone call from her mother that their neighbor's son, Ren, had gotten into a serious accident. While not too many things phased her, the news about Ren caused her sadness. Angelina had known Ren a few years, and had pleasant experiences babysitting him. Upon returning home, Angelina could only think about Ren being in the hospital and needing surgery. However, according to what her parents had told her, the chances of doctors saving the young boy's life were very slim. While in her bed silently crying and fearing that Ren was going to die, Angelina was visited by a divine spirit known as Lady Magia. Lady Magia was a powerful spirit that visited young women throughout the globe, but famously frequented the Asian continent. The Spirit sensed Angelina's concern for her young friend and wanted to make her an offer. After being soothed by the Spirit's sudden presence in her bedroom, Lady Magia offered to grant a single wish to Angelina. In exchange, she would receive magical powers and be tasked with fighting creatures from another dimension known as Monsters!

While cautious of the Spirit's offer, Angelina asked her to make sure Ren survived. Lady Magia nodded in agreement and Angelina's wish was granted. Afterwards, Angelina felt a divine sensation run through her entire body as she was made into a Magical Girl. Thankful that Ren's life was saved, Angelina was now tasked, like many other girls whose wishes were granted by Lady Magia, to fight Monsters whenever they appeared. Despite initially regretting her decision to be a Magical Girl, after months of battling Monsters, and making friends along the way, Angelina was grateful to have been chosen by Lady Magia to become a Magical Girl.


1. Angelina Murai is one of the few characters who had significant changes between her initial story and her final one

2. Angelina is inspired by the Magical Girl trope

3. Angelina has strong Italian features despite being half Japanese

4. Angelina is considered one of the most attractive woman in the Mortal Realm

5. Angelina is aware of Trevyn's crush on her but sadly the feelings are not mutual. She cares for him as a friend any nothing more

6. Angelina's yo-yo "Aisyn The Brave" is named after my Nephew

The Current Demon Warlords Of The Underworld

The Demon Warlords or simply Demon Lords is the prestigious title obtained by only the most powerful and scheming demons residing in the Underworld. While there have been many, many Demon Lords over millenniums, a new one always rises sooner or later because of the deceitful and power- hungry nature of demons. The current Demon Lords are Johanna, Leviathan, Koga, Othello, Lisa- Alice, Ivan, and Apollyn.

Johanna, The Demon Warlord of Pride: Rules the greatest empire that exists in the Underworld, Satan's Landing. Johanna is the direct descendant of Lucifer himself and succeeds the great demon Paimon as the current ruler of Satan's Landing, and she is the leader of the other Demon Lords in the Underworld.

Leviathan, The Demon Warlord of Envy: Second only to Johanna, Leviathan is an extremely powerful demon who has ruled over his empire, Sheol, for many centuries. Leviathan is the longest ruling demon. None of his underlings, during the course of thousands of centuries, have succeeded in taking over his throne. Despite being the Demon Lord of Envy, Leviathan is a very humble individual. Like most demons, he despises the beings of the Mortal Realm. He's often employed as Johanna's personal advisor to maintain order throughout the Underworld, whenever he's not busy with his own affairs.

Koga Yukimaru, The Demon Warlord of Greed: Koga is a powerful and tactical demon and ruler of the Jazan Empire, which is also known as Evil Japan because the population of Jazan, and nearby places, have a heavy feudal Japanese influence. Koga is a wise man, although not as knowledgeable of the Underworld's history as Leviathan. Koga also has a "friends with benefits" relationship with his fellow Demon Lord, Othello.

Othello Strongs, The Demon Warlord of Lust: Othello Strongs is the ruler of Babylon and the mother of Hellin and Mihoshi Strongs as well as the adoptive mother of Orsela Geno. Othello deceitfully took over Babylon from her late husband, Diablo Rojas. Othello proudly flaunts her body and is a deadly, almighty telepath and master of poisons. 

Lisa-Alice, The Demon Warlord of Sloth: She is a beautiful and powerful demon but extremely lazy. Lisa-Alice never intended to become a Demon Lord. Stolas, the former ruler of the Empire of The Damned, had gone mad with power. Lisa-Alice turned on him and killed him. Johanna then forced her to take his place and she thus became the new Demon Lord of Sloth. Despite her laziness, Lisa-Alice is an astute demon whose dream-based abilities are something truly horrifying. Lisa-Alice is also the elder sister of Apollyn, who she personally had a hand in making a Demon Warlord.

Ivan Petrov, The Demon Warlord of Wrath: Despite being half-demon, Ivan Petrov has proven himself stronger than most full-blooded demons due to being the son of Belial, the former ruler of Tartarus. He learned on his fifteenth birthday from his mother, Milana, that she'd been raped by Belial. Ivan made it his life's mission to someday avenge his mother by killing his father. At age 21, Ivan had traveled to the Underworld to exact his revenge. He confronted his father alongside the other Demon Lords. Johanna had ordered Ivan and Belial to fight to the death. The battle was gruesome. Despite Belial initially having the upper hand, Ivan managed to overcome, better yet, over-wrath his father and slayed him. Ivan had intended to return to Russia to be with his mother, but Johanna told him that his new home was the Underworld, and he would succeed his late father and become ruler of Tartarus. Ivan agreed to Johanna's conditions only if he was allowed to check in on his mother from time to time. The majority of the Demon Lords agreed to his condition. Thus, Ivan became the first half-demon ruler and the youngest Demon Lord.

Apollyn, The Demon Warlord of Gluttony: A happy-go-lucky demon, she is the daughter of the great Beelzebub. She possesses great and deadly dessert-based powers. While Apollyn has a gentle heart despite being a demon, the lass is not very bright outside of a few mundane things. Typically, demons like her would never be given the prestigious title of Demon Warlord, but her elder sister, Lisa-Alice, another child of Beelzebub and established Demon Lord, requested Johanna make Apollyn the official Demon Lord of Gluttony and put her in charge of Gehenna. This, of course, happened after Lisa-Alice killed the previous ruler of Gehenna. Johanna, reluctant to make a child-minded demon like Apollyn a Demon Lord, decided to keep her promise to Lisa-Alice. Thus, Apollyn became the Demon Lord of Gluttony. 

Forbidden Official Logo


The official FORBIDDEN logo

Apollyn - Demon Lord Of Gluttony

 Demon Lord Of Gluttony

Name: Apollyn

Occupation: One of the seven current Demon Lords in the Underworld + Adventurer

Age: 324

Species: Demon (Dessert Vampire to be exact)

Powers: Dessert manipulation and natural demonic fighting instincts + portals to and from the Underworld

Family: Beelzebub (Father)
             Omorelsa (Mother)
             Lisa-Alice (Elder Sister)
             Several other siblings 

Despite being one of the current seven Warlords of The Underworld. Apollyn is one of the most sweetest souls to ever live both figuratively and literally due to her natural dessert based powers. Being one of the many children of the great demon Beelzebub. Apollyn is a powerful demon but sadly not the brightest. It was ultimately due to her elder sister, Lisa-Alice's influence that allowed Apollyn to be selected by Johanna to become the Demon Lord of Gluttony. Whenever Apollyn is busy with her duties as a Demon Lord. She often ventures to the Mortal Realm to indulge in various desserts made by man and to spend time with her friends Detective Jia Xiaoyu and the sage Nara Asanuma 

Monday, October 25, 2021

Elemental Types In The FORBIDDEN Universe

 Like in many works of fictions there are various elements that characters of the FORBIDDEN/ONYXE verse where a characters(s) are mastered in one type of element or are skilled in multiple types of elements. Read below to see the types of elements and what characters used which ones


1. Plant - Plant element means one is able to manipulate plant based magic. Plant magic includes using flowers for offense and defensive abilities. Vines/roots, healing, and aroma based attacks. Rodrigo Seval is an example of a character who uses plant based magic

2. Aqua - As the name states Aqua magic is the manipulation of water based magic. Using water based skills such as heavy rain, creating a tsunami, whirlpools, water traps, and healing water. King Onyx and Scylla are highly skilled in Aqua/Water based magic

3. Fire - Fire based magic allows the user to use the deadly element in various ways. Common fire based spells are creating fireballs, flame carpets, humidity, and streams of fire. Hellin, James, Anna, and a plethora of other characters are highly proficient in fire based attacks

4. Thunder - Thunder or Lighting based magic allows the user to manipulate electricity and even more skilled Thunder user can create lighting storms, tracking lighting bolts, and thunderstorms. Mihoshi, Thor, and Adeel Alvi are highly skilled Thunder users

5. Love - Love is a type of skill that allows the user to manipulate emotions of their opponents and can be used to assist allies. Love magic also has a sub category known as LUST magic that allows user to use sexually explicit spells which Queen Othello and King Onyx are skilled in using

6. Martial Arts - While Martial Arts itself does not require any magical knowledge but infusing magic chi/ki into ones attacks greatly improve ones striking when battling against non hand to hand combat opponents. Even going as far as to neutralize their enemies elemental attacks. Romeo N'al is an example of a highly skilled Martial Artist

7. Telepathy -  While in most cases one is born a telepath it can be magically learned if the individual seeking to learn it possesses the necessary mental fortitude to learn it. Telepathy allows the users to read and manipulate the minds of others with very various mental effects. Queen Othello, Hellin, King Onyx are just some of the highly skilled telepaths known in the FORBIDDEN universe

8. Earth - Despite the name Earth magic is the type of magic that allows users to manipulate rocks, sand, minerals, and other earthen based abilities such as rock slides, avalanches, and earthquakes. Sung Jin is an example of a user of Earth magic

9. Poison - Considered the evil sister of plant magic, Poison magic is solely meant to inflict unimaginable pain onto the user's adversary. Poison magic includes creating toxic fogs, venomous strikes, acid blast, and at it's highest level incurable poison. Queen Othello is a God tier user of Poison magic 

10. Wind - Wind magic allows users to use wind based attacks such as tornado, whirlwinds, flight abilities, cyclones, and storms. Mona is an example of a wind user

11. Summoner - Summoner magic is where one can summon divine beast or various sought to either fight alongside them or to fight for the one summoned for them. Summoning back comes in many forms and an example of users of Summoning Magic is Orsela Geno and Adeel Alvi

12. Dessert - Dessert magic allows the user to fight with creating sweets or using already existing sweets to fight. Example of dessert magic are attacks such as Chocolate Shooter, Marshmallow Meltdown, and Deuce De Leche Twister. Apollyn is a user of Dessert based magic

13. Arctic - Considered the yang to the yin of Aqua Magic. Arctic magic allows the user to fight with ice based attacks such as shooting icicles from their hands, summoning snow storms, blizzards, and hailstorms. Seanix Del Soto and Yura Mikan are users of Arctic Magic

14. Light - Not to be confused with Holy Magic, Light magic allows the user to manipulate light energy and to use it both offensively and defensively in battle. Detective Jia Xiaoyu is a known user of Light Magic

15. Holy - Holy Magic allows the user to use divine powers blessed by the Lord Of Heaven himself. Holy Magic unlike other magic can only be learned by those who have a strong relationship with God. Holy Magic allows the user to highly proficient defensive attacks and but it does also offer necessary offensive attacks as well. As time went by mankind had learned to use their own version of "Holy" magic without the need to have a relationship with God. Unfortunately their version of "Holy" magic isn't as strong as those who do serve the God Of Heaven.  Nikiema is an example of a pure Holy Magic user while Trevyn Aliyu is an example of the variation of Holy Magic

16. Sinister - Sinister or "DARK" magic is the opposite of LIGHT magic by allowing user to manipulate darkness and use dark energy in battle. Sinister allows users to cast shadows, create shadow clones, disappearing arts. Yura Mikan is a user of Sinister based magic

17. Coffee - A very orthodox magic that are rare handful of individuals even use. Coffee magic as the name suggest allows the user to use various attacks with Coffee such as Coffee Blast, Caffeine Boost, Hot Coffee, and Ice Coffee. There's a joke that sages who decide to learn Coffee magic didn't have the skills to learn Dessert based magic

18. Miscellaneous - Not a magic type per say but it's a category given to magic users who either are versed in too many elemental skills or uses a type a magic that doesn't fall into the currently known magic types. Miscellaneous can consist of users who are teleporters, riders, telekinesis, make up magic, cyber magic, and other sought of hard to classify type magic skills/abilities. Okubi Vice and Lea Stallard are examples of magic users that fall into Miscellaneous 

Saturday, October 23, 2021

SFV CE💥 Tourniquet (Vega) VS UYU NL (Ryu)💥Messatsu💥

Queen Of Muay Thai

Old KOF XIV action with King 




Mona the leader of the group and acts like the Den Mother to Nevin and Addison. Despite her dainty appearance Mona is a very skilled combatant and has a strong sense of justice

A member of Team Passion Fruits and close friend of Nevin. Addison is very smart but can easily irritated at times. Addison fights with combining his green flame powers and deadly wrestling techniques

Half man and half Saiga. Nevin is a young and handsome sage who was taught by his father to manipulate violet colored flames. A bit of a hot head at times but is a loyal friend & reliable ally to his teammates



 The Reincarnation Of Kerena

Created by me and drawn by Pondersleuth

Original design

Drawn by Marty on Twitter

Name: Mona (Mona does not have a surname due to the circumstances of her birth)

Age: 22

Height: 5'9

Weight: 124 pounds

Species: Divine Being

Powers: Mona is a powerful elemental manipulator. Mona has control over fire, wind, water, and earthen based powers. Mona can also sense the presences of others and read auras. Mona possesses healing powers as well

Mini Info

1. Mona is the reincarnation of a powerful mage by the name Kerena who existed many centuries ago

2. Mona's inspiration is Pocahontas and Mother Nature

3. Mona is the team leader of a currently three person guild named Passion Fruits! The team consist of Nevin Silvers, Addison Reed, and herself

4. Kerena is a sage who sacrificed her life in order to save her people from a demon dragon name Tau. Kerena's soul had then went to the Spirit Realm from many centuries until it had eventually escaped

5. Kerena's soul would then enter a woman name Hyacinth which lead to Hyacinth giving birth to her which she named Mona 

Thursday, October 21, 2021

Seanix Del Soto + Skill Set

The Arctic Assassin

Seanix is a demon assassin residing in The Underworld. Known to many as the Arctic Demon Assassin, Seanix is deadly fighter who specializes in ice based attacks. He is also the younger half brother of James Del Soto

Skill Set

NOTE: Seanix is capable of more than just the below moves. The moves you see are just the ones I was able to draw out 

Skill Set Explanation

1. Deadly Elbow: Seanix performs a speedy elbow strike

2. Killer Edge (During Deadly Elbow) : If Seanix successfully hits an opponent with Deadly Elbow. He is able to perform a follow up attack by creating a blade of ice on his elbow to stab into his opponent

3. Arctic Stingers: Seanix creates two kunais made of ice and throws them at his opponent. Seanix can also throw the icy kunais into the air to attack airborne opponents

4. Cold Counter: Seanix goes into a defensive stance and if hit by any physical attack while in the stance. The opponent becomes instantly frozen

5. Cheap Attack: Inspired by Sub Zero from the MORTAL KOMBAT series. Seanix performs a super fast slide attack by covering his feet in ice

Divine Ruination

Icicle Drop: Using his ice powers Seanix creates a gigantic icicle in the sky to fall on his opponent

Arctic Aphrodite: Surrounding his body in a freezing icy aura. Seanix rushes his opponent and if they failed to block in time. Hits them with multiple icy tackles 


Wednesday, October 20, 2021

Only-Scams Coming Soon :) (G4P)

Othello Strongs Skill Set

 The Queen Of Babylon

Othello Strongs is the biological mother of Mihoshi and Hellin Strongs and the adoptive mother of Orsela Geno. She is the current ruler of one of the seven great empires of The Underworld, Babylon. Othello specializes in poison based technique and uses her telepathy and sexuality in battle without shame

Skill Set

NOTE: The below set of moves is not all the character is capable of in battle. These are just the moves I was able to draw on paper

Skill Set Explanation

1. Acid Geyser - Othello with ease summons a deadly geyser of acid to sprout from the ground before her

2. Toxic Love - Othello unleashes a fire ball infused with poisonous energy from her palm. There's a 20% chance that the enemy who failed to block the attack to receive additional damage from being poisoned

3. Sadistic Aroma - Othello blows out a cloud of poison from her mouth. If the opponent stands within or too close to the poison cloud. They will receive bleed damage until the cloud dissipates or they move away from it

4. Psychic Shield - Othello uses her telepathic powers to create a shield of psychic energy which is used to reflect incoming projectiles from her opponent

5. Black Mamba: This attack is used against an airborne foe. Othello turns her left arm into a black mamba snake as she grabs the opponent with it. The black mamba will fist bite Othello's foe before proceeding to slam them on the ground. Afterwards the opponent will suffer bleed damage a few seconds after from being bitten

F.Y.I. - I KNOW A BITE FROM A BLACK MAMBA IS FATAL! The attacks are written in game form therefore I did not make Black Mamba a "one hit" kill type of attack 

6. Exotic Kicks - Othello goes into a hand stand like stance before only using her left hand to balance her body as she performs several spinning kicks to her opponent


Vertigo Beam - Othello unleashes a colorful beam at her opponent. This attack has a 20% chance of causing her opponent confusion if the attack successfully hits them

James Del Soto's Skill Set

The 135th King's Right Hand Man

 James is King Onyx's best friend and the father of  the half demon Anna Del Soto. Like most demons, James specializes in the usage of fire power but with his own creative twist 

Skill Set

NOTE: The below set of moves is not all the character is capable of doing in a fight. It's just what I was able to draw on paper at the time

Skill Set Explaination

1. Hellfire - James releases a blast of fire from his palm

2. Sexy Uppercut - Grabbing his crotch/dick as James leaps into the air performing a fiery uppercut

3. Heat Aura - James surrounds his body in a fiery aura that enhances all of his fire based attacks

4. Somethin Hot - James randomly pulls out a bottle of Hot Sauce before his proceeds to drink it. Depending on the type of hot sauce James pulls out of his pocket. It will determine the effectiveness of his Devil's Wind technique

5. Devil's Wind (Only Possible After Using Somethin Hot) - James unleashes a gigantic blast of fire from his mouth that does multi hits with added effects depending on the bottle of hot sauce he has dranked

Regular Hot Sauce (Green Bottle) - James unleashes a gigantic blast of fire from his mouth but it can be blocked and leaves James vulnerable a few seconds afterwards if the attack is used on an opponent who blocked the attack. The probability of pulling a Green Bottle is 80%

Hell Sauce (Red Bottle) - If James drinks a red bottle he will unleash a gigantic blast of crimson colored fire from his mouth but unlike drinking regular hot sauce. Devil's Wind will become an unblockable attack so it's effective even against an opponent who's guarding. The probability of pulling a Red Bottle is 30%

Ecstasy Sauce (Violet Bottle) - If James drinks a violet bottle he unleashes a gigantic blast of purple colored fire from his mouth that's not only cannot be blocked but also heals James up a bit as well if he took any damage. The probability of pulling a Violet Bottle is 15%


Inferno Crash - James surrounds his entire body in flames as he charges towards his target. If he successfully strikes a target that wasn't guarding. Upon colliding with his target James will explode upon them but only causing harm to his opponent as they are sent flying to the air engulf in flames. 

I Love Cheese (Not All Of Course)

 I been eating a lot of cheese as of late and loving every minute of it. Course I gotta be careful not to go overboard lmao

Tuesday, October 19, 2021

【KOF98UMFE】 明日からロールバックβ版!KOF98予行練習配信 【KOF】

Seanix Del Soto

The Arctic Assassin

Seanix Del Soto created by me

3D artwork made by Kuzack -

NOTE: I'm currently in the process of having Seanix drawn by a talented friend of mine in a more standard art style. Nonetheless since I do fully own this 3D artwork. I feel it's fair to share this with my audience here


Saturday, October 16, 2021

Nari Concept Sketch & Future FORBIDDEN character ideas

 The Undead Shaman/Mudang

While still currently a concept. Nari is definitely a character I will like to introduce to the FORBIDDEN/ONYXE Verse in the near future. She'll also be my first Korean female character and second overall Korean character after Sung Jin


1. Luchador James & Seanix Del Soto

2. A Dragon Character that's inspired by Candy Corn

3. "Pop Star" Othello Strongs

4. A "Neko" Hellin

5. An Edgelord version of King Onyx

6. A Cyber Gunner character

TEKKEN 7 - Nina (Me) Versus Alisa (Justaspeck21)

Thursday, October 14, 2021

Ice Castle

My friend Damien's single "Ice Castle" Please give it a listen 

Sunday, October 3, 2021

Moonsheka's Salon EP. 5 | Keep It On The DL

LMAO!!! This shit had me on the fucking floor laughing 

Haven + Haven's Attacks & Magic


Haven is a young sage hailing from Romero Matcha City. Haven is skilled in the magical arts known as Hot Gaia which allows him to turn the negative energy emitting from the very earth into various forms of energy. The energy he wields in particular is either sea green, olive green, or even both at times

Below is some of the techniques Haven is capable of using in battle 



Sung Jin, The Meteoric Idol


Sung Jin is a popular solo Korean artist who specialize in the magic arts of Scoria. Allowing him to manipulate magma based abilities in battle which were taught to him by his father. Sung Jin is a relatively easy going man but becomes heartless in the heat of battle

Below are examples of what Sung Jin is capable of doing in a fight


1. Sung Jin is modeled after famous K-Pop singer WONHO

2. Sung Jin's powers is based on lava 

3. Sung Jin is multilingual as he speaks Korean, English, Japanese, and French fluently. Sung Jin also knows a few words in the demon language. He of course is not a demon just learned a few things from his demon friend living in France named Lola

4. Sung Jin wants to battle James Del Soto in the near future in order to test his magic against James's hellish abilities


Friday, October 1, 2021


Cynical Emerald

Haven is a character I bought from the artist Gasai on Twitter who work I admire very much. Fortunately unlike Jonah's original artist. I have 100% free reign with Haven. While I still have a few more things to do for FORBIDDEN. I'm super excited to flesh out Haven in the near future 


VAIN - The Witch Of Torment

 VAIN Artwork by Anne_Luc