Wednesday, October 20, 2021

James Del Soto's Skill Set

The 135th King's Right Hand Man

 James is King Onyx's best friend and the father of  the half demon Anna Del Soto. Like most demons, James specializes in the usage of fire power but with his own creative twist 

Skill Set

NOTE: The below set of moves is not all the character is capable of doing in a fight. It's just what I was able to draw on paper at the time

Skill Set Explaination

1. Hellfire - James releases a blast of fire from his palm

2. Sexy Uppercut - Grabbing his crotch/dick as James leaps into the air performing a fiery uppercut

3. Heat Aura - James surrounds his body in a fiery aura that enhances all of his fire based attacks

4. Somethin Hot - James randomly pulls out a bottle of Hot Sauce before his proceeds to drink it. Depending on the type of hot sauce James pulls out of his pocket. It will determine the effectiveness of his Devil's Wind technique

5. Devil's Wind (Only Possible After Using Somethin Hot) - James unleashes a gigantic blast of fire from his mouth that does multi hits with added effects depending on the bottle of hot sauce he has dranked

Regular Hot Sauce (Green Bottle) - James unleashes a gigantic blast of fire from his mouth but it can be blocked and leaves James vulnerable a few seconds afterwards if the attack is used on an opponent who blocked the attack. The probability of pulling a Green Bottle is 80%

Hell Sauce (Red Bottle) - If James drinks a red bottle he will unleash a gigantic blast of crimson colored fire from his mouth but unlike drinking regular hot sauce. Devil's Wind will become an unblockable attack so it's effective even against an opponent who's guarding. The probability of pulling a Red Bottle is 30%

Ecstasy Sauce (Violet Bottle) - If James drinks a violet bottle he unleashes a gigantic blast of purple colored fire from his mouth that's not only cannot be blocked but also heals James up a bit as well if he took any damage. The probability of pulling a Violet Bottle is 15%


Inferno Crash - James surrounds his entire body in flames as he charges towards his target. If he successfully strikes a target that wasn't guarding. Upon colliding with his target James will explode upon them but only causing harm to his opponent as they are sent flying to the air engulf in flames. 

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