Sunday, December 12, 2021

Kekoa, Warrior Of The Sea

Warrior Of The Sea


Name: Kekoa

Age: 245

Height: 6'2

Weight: 315 Pounds

Powers: Water based abilities + hand to hand combat

Species: Beasterian


 Kekoa is a native of the Island, Beastia, one of the two giant islands near Mayland with the other being Hawaii. Kekoa is a no nonsense type of dude and is an absolute monster in combat. Kekoa is also very good friends with King Onyx an the two often share adventures in the seas when Onyx isn't busy with his kingly duties

Author's Note: Originally Beastia was a part of Mayland but as of today I changed it to being it's own Island alongside Hawaii which is mentioned in Nara's profile 


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