Thursday, March 31, 2022

FORBIDDEN Characters Generic Win Quotes #1

 If my characters were in a fighting game. The win quotes below would be some of the things they say after defeating their opponents. None the quotes below will be character specific


1. Now that you lost choose a limb for me to tear off or I'll choose for you

2. You should be honored to have your flesh flayed by my beautiful flames

3. I killed stronger!


1. Don't stress too much over this loss. I was simply your better and that's all there is to it

2. Even without my Nox Cards. I would still be too much for you

3. How does it feel to know that nothing you attempted mattered at the end?


1. Hey jackass! Did you REALLY think you were going to beat me?

2. Yeah I fight dirty because what the fuck is even clean about a fight?

3. Okay now you get to choose the place that becomes your graveyard? The trenches or outer space?


1. Get out of my sight before I drown you!

2. I despise the weak now perish!

3. Nothing you could had possible done would had mattered against my water magic


1. See if you had just stayed down after the first punch. You wouldn't be such a bloody mess right now

2. As the Prince of Nigeria, I couldn't possibly allow myself to lose to a clown like you

3. Oh you want me to heal that broken jaw of yours? Not happening dumbass so scram


1. Betcha wished we ain't crossed paths right about now?

2. Don't let the good looks fool ya partner! I fought and won many battles and this was no exception

3. I can be your best friend or worst enemy so think about that the next time we meet


1. Consider me using my telepathy to make quick work of you an act of mercy

2. Don't be fooled by my enchanting appearance. I'm the 135th King of Mayland for a reason

3. Aren't you embarrassed to be this weak?


1. Did you really think I was merely a K-Pop Idol? May those burns on your body be a reminder to never underestimate me

2. If anyone asks who gave you such a beating. Tell them you had the honor of pissing off Sung Jin and payed the price

3. My powers are the wrath of the earth itself. There was no possible chance of you winning


1. Oh what's that deary? Can't beg for your life with a slit throat... HA HA HA!

2. Anyone who meets me DIES! It matters not if you're human, demon, beasterian, or whatever. It all ends the same for those who encounter Love

3. In a few seconds you'll just be another nameless corpse. Now say your prayers because it will be your last!


1. Blinded by the light? Don't cross me again

2. Don't let my ravishing appearance fool you. My skills are beyond your run of the mill detective

3. PATHETIC! Don't ever challenge me again!


1. Now for your punishment for wasting my time. Acid bath or do I just rip out your intestines?

2. Remember my gorgeous face as you drift away to the Spirit Realm

3. Imagine thinking a Queen such as myself would lose to a piece of shit like you?


1. Kicked your ass faster than I even anticipated. Well until next time we meet loser

2. I didn't even have to rotate between my various magical abilities to kick your sorry ass

3. Don't take this loss too hard buddy. Better me than my girl who kicked your ass

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