Sunday, May 29, 2022

筋肉男子の撮影風景49 ジジさんコラボ2 オフショット編

This Is Our Emergency

Arancini's Skll Set


Skill Set

Skill Set Explanation

1. Cosmic Rush: Arancini covers his upper body in cosmic energy as he performs a speedy tackle

2. Asteroid Kick (In Air): Arancini surrounds his left foot in blazing cosmic energy before coming downward towards his target to strike them

3. Globular Cluster: Arancini throws a cosmic energy projectile at his target(s) which explodes upon impact

4. Cosmic Dance: Arancini performs a quick handstand only using a single hand before spinning his body 360 to perform a powerful multi hitting kick attack surrounded in cosmic energy

DIVINE RUINATION A - Star Slash: Arancini unleashes a powerful crescent shaped blast made of blazing cosmic energy

DIVINE RUINATION B - Cosmic Blessings: Arancini summons three cosmic orbs around his body which increases the attack power to all of his special skills

EX Angel - The King Of Fighters All Star Artwork


King of Fighters 15 - Omega Rugal High Damage Combos

Monday, May 23, 2022

Chia-Hao Skill Set

 The Taiwan Brawler

Xavian (Left) & Chia-hao (Right)

Chia-Hao's Skill Set

Skill Set Explanation

1. Ki Blast: Chia-Hao shoots out a ki based projectile towards his target

2. Scribble Scrabble: Chia-Hao unleashes a multi punch attack which can be from 5 to 9 hits

3. Torpedo (In Air): While in the air Chia-Hao surrounds his body in a fiery ki energy before charging towards his opponent

4. Taiwan Pride: Chia-Hao gives himself an energy boost using his ki. After performing this technique, Chia-Hao gains armor when performing his next special attack

5. Murderous: Chia-Hao performs a leaping knee strike

DIVINE RUINATION - Chrysanthemum: Chia-Hao unleashes a flurry of powerful punches before finishing off his opponent with a burst of orange-yellow ki energy


Krizalid from The King Of Fighters 99. No copyright intended and Krizalid is the property of SNK

Future FORBIDDEN Characters Concept Art

 The latest batch of FORBIDDEN characters I created for my ongoing series

1. Theodore "Theo"

The son of a prestigious family in Thailand and the oldest of three siblings. Theo would go to school with his childhood friend Turbine who would then become lovers during College. Theo's magical abilities included superhuman dexterity and durability. Theo is also verse in a variety of different elemental spells and skilled in swordsmanship

2. Turbine

The son of a father who owns multiple restaurants in Thailand and a mother who was a former assassin. At the age of five Turbine's mother cursed him Violet Frenzy, which would trigger the desire to kill when he grows older. Thankfully once Turbine began school he met a boy by the name Theo and the two became fast friends. The would eventually become lovers during their college years and Theo would personally help Turbine overcome the curse his mother had placed on him

3. Toya Monet

Toya is a succubus that resides in Othello's empire, Babylon. Toya is the child of the Babylonian governor Yukry Monet. Toya is a very calculating woman and beyond her natural demonic abilities. Toya also wields brown colored flames with a cinnamon scent and is a telepath

4. Xin Xin

Xin Xin is an assassin turned bounty hunter after being rescued by August Starfinder and Setback a few years ago by her handlers. Xin Xin is a very bold Chinese woman and a proficient user of guns and hand to hand combat 

KOF XV 🔥 Bala (Ángel/K'/Blue Mary) vs Ludthinks (Mai/Athena/Yuri) 🔥 Steam

Nice Body


Friday, May 20, 2022



Elisabeth defeats Ash

Bonne Jenet defeats Mai Shiranui

Ryuji Yamazaki defeats Benimaru Nikaido 

UNLOCKED Full Episode: 101 "Welcome to the Chocolate City" | Love & Marr...

Arancini Renzi + Concept Characters


Arancini Renzi

A musician turned detective that was born in Italy but raised in Mayland. Arancini is a father of two boys and he uses cosmic themed magic 

NOTE: Concept characters are just that concept. They may or may not become actual characters in the FORBIDDEN/Onyxeverse. Just ideas in my head inspired by various media I have taken in over the years. Arancini is the only one that will become a full fledged character in the future

Thai Couple

Theodore "Theo" - The son of two wealthy parents who despite his easy upbringing was a very humbled individual. 

Turbine - A young Thai man who was raised by his mother to be a heartless assassin, but was saved by his father's intervention. Attending regular school Turbine met a boy named Theo. Eventually the two would fall in love and with Theo's help. Turbine would be able to break away from his wicked mother


Toya Monet: A powerful succubus who resides in Babylon. Toya wields cinnamon scented brown colored flames & possesses telepathic abilities 


Helena "Helly" Carmichael: A girl from Mayland who is a big fan of Hellin Strongs and even decided to learn fire magic because of her. Helly wants to someday become an impactful hero just like her idle 

Tuesday, May 17, 2022

Mistyak's "Gift Of Aya" Abilities

 Mistyak: The cousin of Nara Asamura who like many other members of the Asamura clan inherited the "Gift Of Aya". Mistyak possesses three unique abilities with each one listed below

1. Wrath Of Natron: Mistyak's eyes turn Rose Red as she is able to wield red colored water and if she submerges an opponent(s) in her water for long enough. The enemy/enemies will turn into stone

2. Wicked Possession: Mistyak's eyes turn Blue Violet as she is able to possess up to three individuals (the individuals will depend on their mental resistance. If they have a strong mental will it may prove difficult for Mistyak to control them or they will be able to resist her altogether). Upon a successful possession Mistyak can make those she possessed harm themselves or others

3. Witch Of Illusions: Mistyak's eyes turn Grayish Black as she is able to create powerful illusions. The illusions the Mistyak casts upon her target(s) affects their mentality to the point anything that happens in the illusion affects one's reality. Mistyak can only use this ability only after using her first two gifts in battle 

KOF XV 🔥 ET (Billy/Geese/Yamazaki) vs Thisdjukai (Heidern/Clark/Ralf) 🔥 PS5

Beautiful Explosion


Monday, May 16, 2022

Why No Black People in Video Games??

Lisa-Alice (Redesign)

 Demon Warlord Of Sloth

It seems like I always find myself redesigning Lisa-Alice like every couple of months. I need to get her commissioned soon (right after Trickie) so I can get a default design for her and stick with it

Past Concept arts for Lisa-Alice

Once In Memory : Wish Me Luck พรวันเกิด [Eng Sub]

Wednesday, May 11, 2022

Monique Sulfur Skill Set

The Power Witch

Monique Sulfur

Monique's Skills

Skill Explanation

1. One Woman Army - Monique performs a speedy and devastating punch. If this technique is charged Monique is not only able to withstand any projectile but the attack becomes unblockable

2. Eve Of Pain - Monique uppercuts the opponent into the air before jumping in the air in order to follow up with a slash like kick, sending her opponent crashing to the ground

3. Drag Em (Command Grab) - Monique grabs her opponent and slams their face onto the ground before proceeding to drag them by their face on the ground 

4. Earthquake Punch - Monique strikes the ground and causes the ground to shake which knocks down any grounded opponent on their back

DIVINE RUINATION: HEAVY LOAD - Monique carries three steel beams in her hands before throwing them at super high speed at her opponent 


Anna Del Soto's Skill Set

 Wielder Of The Sol Blades

Anna Del Soto

Anna's Skill Set

Skill Set Explanation

1. Hot Streak - Anna strikes her target with a speedy fiery stab using one of her Sol Blades

2. Solar Crescent - Anna swings one of her Sol Blades and unleashes a crescent shaped fiery blast

3. Hell Twister - Anna holds her arms out with each of her swords in hand and spins her body upwards, striking both standing and airborne opponents

4. Sneak Burn - Anna stabs one of her Sol Blades into the ground and underneath the ground a burst of flames shoots out

5. Falling Star (In Air) - Anna performs a dive kick with her left foot covered in cosmic energy

DIVINE RUINATION: SOLAR DRIVE - Anna leaps into mid air before holding both her arms forward with her swords in hand. A gigantic fiery aura surrounds her body as she charges towards her opponent(s)

Anna's Solar Drive is inspired by M.Bison (Vega In Japan) special move Psycho Crusher. M.Bison is from the Street Fighter series and is the property of Capcom. No affiliation with FORBIDDEN and no copyright intended

Tuesday, May 10, 2022

Sung Jin - Return From Service

 Check out the link here to read the short story of the character SUNG JIN. The story also features King Onyx & Nari

Sung Jin

アリサからやるSTEAM鉄拳7 Ranked Match

Madame Xi & Mistayak Asamura

The Seer Of Babylon

Madame Xi is a demon from Babylon who possesses precognitive powers. She is the direct counsel to Queen Othello Strongs & acts as a guidance as well as a second mother to Mihoshi, Hellin, and Orsela

Hawaiian Tough Girl Angel

Mistyak is the cousin of Nara Asamura and also a user of "Aya's Gift" Unlike her cousin, Mistyak is not a Darken but loves her cousin nonetheless. Mistyak is also my first lesbian character introduced to FORBIDDEN


Monday, May 9, 2022

원호가 선택한 다이어트 앰플 2+1

Gabrielle Labarga


Name: Gabrielle Labarga

Age: 25

Powers: Wielder Of The Scriptures Of Damnation 

The leader of TEAM SHOCK, Gabrielle is able to summon various familiars that are the souls of various individuals from different worlds that had died a tragic death when human. Gabrielle was forced by her father to take on such a power after the tragic passing of her mother

[ohhoho🧳] Vlog. 1 night and 2 days trip to Gapyeong l Gapyeong Cottage l...

VAIN - The Witch Of Torment

 VAIN Artwork by Anne_Luc