Monday, May 23, 2022

Future FORBIDDEN Characters Concept Art

 The latest batch of FORBIDDEN characters I created for my ongoing series

1. Theodore "Theo"

The son of a prestigious family in Thailand and the oldest of three siblings. Theo would go to school with his childhood friend Turbine who would then become lovers during College. Theo's magical abilities included superhuman dexterity and durability. Theo is also verse in a variety of different elemental spells and skilled in swordsmanship

2. Turbine

The son of a father who owns multiple restaurants in Thailand and a mother who was a former assassin. At the age of five Turbine's mother cursed him Violet Frenzy, which would trigger the desire to kill when he grows older. Thankfully once Turbine began school he met a boy by the name Theo and the two became fast friends. The would eventually become lovers during their college years and Theo would personally help Turbine overcome the curse his mother had placed on him

3. Toya Monet

Toya is a succubus that resides in Othello's empire, Babylon. Toya is the child of the Babylonian governor Yukry Monet. Toya is a very calculating woman and beyond her natural demonic abilities. Toya also wields brown colored flames with a cinnamon scent and is a telepath

4. Xin Xin

Xin Xin is an assassin turned bounty hunter after being rescued by August Starfinder and Setback a few years ago by her handlers. Xin Xin is a very bold Chinese woman and a proficient user of guns and hand to hand combat 

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