Wednesday, June 22, 2022

Are Team Awakened Orochi Wasted Character Slots? | RANT

Summer Seanix Concept Artwork

Summer Seanix 

The concept artwork for Summer Seanix Del Soto. While Summer Seanix is technically his own "character". He still shares everything that regular Seanix has from race, sexuality, and build. The only difference is that Summer Seanix's ice powers aren't as strong as regular Seanix but he possesses water based powers as well which default Seanix does not possess 

UPDATE: Summer Seanix is the default Seanix Del Soto. However Seanix experiences a weird phenomenon when he goes to the beach in Mayland. His ice powers become weaker but he gains the ability to manipulate water

Regular Seanix


My Monster in Law 2 UNCUT FULL-Gay Romance -Best gay Romance to watch 20...

Naked Man


Handsome Man


Bain + Mini Profile & Skill Set


Bain (Art by SuzumeYaoi)

Name: Bain Vasquez 

Country: Honduras 

Age: 50

Eye Color: Deep Blue (Turns pitch black when in Darken state)

Powers: Superhuman strength, agility, can ride on water, sensing weather changes, durability, and Darken state that magnifies his powers 

Occupation: Adventurer + A member of TEAM SHOCK

Skill Set

Skill Set Explanation

1. Darken Pulse: Using his darken abilities Bain shoots out a purplish-black energy ball at his opponent.

2. Harbinger: Bain holds his sword Vindicator out before him as he mercilessly charges towards his opponent.

3. Aqua Spell - Geyser: Bain stabs Vindicator (his sword) into the ground as a geyser of water sprouts out from the ground and strikes his target.

4. Aerial Harbinger (In Air): While airborne Bain charges towards his grounded opponent with Vindicator in hand. 


Ground Ripper: Bain ferociously swings Vindicator on the ground and causes a multitude of sharp spikes made of rocks and other minerals to raise from the ground and strike his target. 

WONHO 원호 'CRAZY' Dance Practice

Saturday, June 18, 2022

Lacey Evans - Like a Lady (Entrance Theme)

Don't care for Lacey Evans the wrestler but this was a banger of a theme for her

Newcomers Pai & Mingxia

 Pai - Super Photographer Gal

Pai is a young sage who is also a passionate photographer. Pai specializes in nature based magic

Mingxia - Scantly Clad Dessert Sage

Hailing from China, Mingxia is a cutesy sage that specializes in coffee and dessert based magic

Lapisara's Skill Set

Lapisara Pantiwa's Skill Set/Attacks

Skill Set Explanation

1. Ratchaphruek: Lapisara performs a back flip slash-like kick surrounded in a golden colored aura on her opponent. Inspired by Luong's super move from THE KING OF FIGHTERS XIV 

2. Krachiao: Lapisara performs a swift rising kick enveloped in a fuchsia aura that harms foes in close proximity & is able to reflect projectiles

3. Scorching Hyacinth (Okay In Air): Lapisara leaps in mid air and envelopes her left foot in a green colored aura as she charges towards her opponent to strike them with a powerful kick. The air version works in the same fashion just without Lapisara having to leap first since she's already airborne

4. Sky Rose: Lapisara swiftly performs a single arm handstand as she envelopes her right foot in a rose pink aura. Lapisara then springs herself into the air as she strikes with a powerful kick to any airborne opponent


Menacing Tulip: Lapisara performs a speedy kick with her left foot to her opponent. Lapisara then kicks her opponent into the air before finishing off the assault with a super powered version of her Sky Rose attack


Pants Down


BL Actor Reads His First BL Manga

Strong & Handsome


Dracomon Evolution Line

CITI(시티) - Today(오늘 하루만)-(You Make Me Dance.Ost)-[Han/Rom/Eng Lyrics]

Monday, June 13, 2022

The Greatest Lie Ever Told About Africans

COMPARISON || Inner Sailor Senshi 1st Attack - 90s vs Sailor Moon Crystal

STREET FIGHTER 6 - Chun-Li Moves, Stance, Combos, Supers (feat Notations) !

Street Fighter 6 New 20 Minutes Exclusive Gameplay (RE Engine 4K 60FPS HDR)

New Character LAPISARA & New Concept Art For Othello Strongs

 The Sapphire Of Thailand

A beautiful woman from Thailand who specializes in kicking techniques that are deadly against both spirits and non spirits alike

Queen Of Babylon

The mother of Mihoshi, Hellin, and Orsela and current ruler of Babylon. I finally drew a redesign for Othello that I absolutely love and can't wait to get commercial commission in the future 



White Miracle (Korean Ver.)


Sunday, June 12, 2022


Happy Birthday Zarina (Clip From My Twitch Stream)

Monique Sulfur - Profile


"If you tried a little harder you wouldn't have to try me, thought you were smarter" - Hazel A.K.A. Monique Samuels 

Monique Sulfur (The Power Witch)

Name: Monique Akeelah Sulfur

Alias: The Power Witch, Bloody Haze, The Brawler Witch

Age: 151

Species: Human (Magically Enhanced)

Hair Color: Medium Brown

Skin Color: Brown

Eye Color: Brown

Family: Christopher (Husband), Christina (Eldest daughter), Marcelino (Son), Carsyn (youngest daughter)

Height: 5'10

Weight: 147 Pounds (Her weight doesn't dictate her strength)

Powers: Monique possesses a nearly God like level super strength, regenerative abilities, durability, dexterity and agility. Monique also possesses a strong resistance to mental influence however Monique is not immune.

Likes: Her family, wine tasting, traveling, exotic animals, a good fight, sun bathing.

Dislikes: Dragons, her wayward siblings, boring people, kids misbehaving, video games (minus the ones on cellphones)

BIO: Prior to becoming a magically enhanced being that possesses God-like super strength, Monique was once a regular woman living a normal civilian life in New York with her family. Unaware of the horror that awaited the citizens of New York, one day Monique was out shopping alongside her parents Nyla and James, her elder siblings Marvin and Darrius in Downtown Manhattan; appeared a ravenous witch named Dragondra whose magic allowed her to control a multitude of dragons which she unleashed upon the civilians. While local sages in the area had eventually aided the defenseless civilians and managed to drive Dragondra, the damage was done as many civilians lives were lost including both of Monique's parents. Alongside her brothers, Monique was grief stricken by the death of her parents and wanted revenge. During the funeral for her parents, Monique along with Marvin and Darrius were approached by a group of mysterious men who were looking for people to recruit for their special project they called "D-Slay". The world is currently in a war against a madman named Akodomal and his cohorts which included Dragonda, the woman responsible for Monique's parents'deaths. The mysterious men offered the siblings a chance to avenge their parents if they would accept becoming a part of their D-Slay Project. While both Marvin and Darrius were hesitant to join the unknown men for their project, Monique immediately agreed if it meant she could get her hands on the bitch responsible for the death of their parents. Hearing the conviction in their sister's voice. The brothers agreed and all three of them left with the mysterious men upon the completion of the funeral.

Hours later the three siblings awoke completely naked laying on medical beds. They remembered being taken to a secret base and upon giving their consent to be experimented upon, Monique, Marvin and Darrius would be put to sleep by a magic spell. At first the siblings yelled in frustration and fear thinking they had been led astray by madmen; after hearing the leader of the group, Edward explain to them the severity of their situation and that now more than ever the world needs powerful beings to battle against the many evils to plague the mortal realm. Dr. Edward would also remind the siblings that they agreed to be experimented upon in order to gain the powers needed to seek revenge on their parents murderer. Once the siblings had calmed down they were separated as Dr. Edward ordered a group of scientists to take their assigned sibling in order to begin the experimentation. Marvin who would be undergoing the experiment named "Disturbia" would be supervised by Dr. Oda. Darrius who would undergo the experiment named "Ice Box" would be supervised by Dr. Harada and lastly Monique would undergo the experiment named "Queen Maker" which would be supervised by Doctor Edward himself. Upon the completion of each individual siblings experiment, Marvin would gain otherworldly like powers which allows him to project terrifying thoughts and trigger feelings of dread in his targets. Darrius would gain immense ice based powers, and Monique would obtain God-like super strength, regenerative powers, durability, dexterity, and agility. Having successfully received their magically enhanced powers the siblings would become agents of Dr. Edward's mysterious syndicate was given the task of tracking down the whereabouts of Akodomal and his subordinatesc along with other various tasks that Dr. Edward felt needed to be done for the benefit of the syndicate. While Monique would prove herself to be a quite dependable agent, all she cared about was finding Dragondra so she could get her revenge

During the ongoing event that was known as The Five Year War. Monique would go to various locations as ordered by her superiors in order to battle Witches (Evil Sages) as well as troublesome demons, goblins, orcs, and elves. Monique was also responsible for gathering intel on the whereabouts and movement of Akodomal and his subordinates. Months later Monique would finally find the location of Akodomal and confront the leader of the supernatural terrorist group. While Monique may have not had the combat experience to defeat Akodomal one on one, she would have at least been able to hold him off until help had arrived; Akodomal saw in Monique's eyes that despite the role he played in her parents' deaths. The God knew that Monique wanted revenge on his subordinate Dragondra and thus in order to continue his schemes uninterrupted, Akodomal gave Dragondra's location in order to ensure that Monique would not be a threat to his greater schemes. Consumed by rage she immediately left Akodomal to be and went to pursue the woman she wanted dead. Monique would find Dragondra hiding on the island of Esimo. Upon being discovered by the black woman dressed in tactical wear. Dragondra flung her long amber hair in disgust before summoning forth a multitude of dragons from around the globe in order to eradicate the threat before her. Despite the many dragons she had to battle and butcher, Monique managed to finally get her hands on Dragondra as the witch began to beg for her life. Remembering the agonizing screams of her parents who were killed by the dragons under Dragondra's control, the anger risen within Monique like a volcano as she mercilessly punched Dragondra to death, leaving the dragon controlling witch to nothing but squashed blobs of blood and organs. The dragons that remained alive after Dragondra's death and no longer under her control quickly attempted to fly away to their homeland. Monique still filled with rage, began to then target the fleeing dragons. Managing to kill 4 out of the 6 remaining, Monique would finally be stopped by a mysterious man named Naazim, a dark skin well built man dressed in business wear. Monique attempted to harm him, but Naazim was able to swiftly subdue the enraged woman. Knowing that she had used her powers for her own selfish desires and vengeance, Naazim had deemed Monique a Fallen Sage or what is also known as a Witch. He had no intentions of turning her over to the authorities and instead left Monique his business card, stating that they will meet again in the future. Shortly after her ordeal on Esimo, Monique would return to her benefactors only to discover that the majority of the scientists and agents were dead with the exception of a few which included Dr. Edward, Dr. Oda, and Dr. Harada. The ones responsible for such actions were no other than her elder siblings Darrius and Marvin, both which have become corrupted by their powers. Monique promised to help Dr. Edwards and the others any way she can but no longer wanted to continue serving directly under the syndicate. A few months after the Five Year War had ended thanks to efforts of heroes such as King Onyx, Hellin Strongs, and other sages around the globe, Monique would eventually meet her future husband in the self made businessman named Christopher Sulfur. The two married shortly after and had three beautiful kids together. While Monique really lucked out marrying a rich husband, she was still plagued by her past misdeeds and not to mention not knowing where Darrius and Marvin had disappeared to never ceased eating away at her mind. Still now as a mother and a wife the focus was on her new family first and foremost. Shortly after becoming accustomed to her new life. Monique would meet Naazim once again who was in need of her services. Monique would reluctantly join in the man's crusade in seeking out major threats in the mortal realm. Monique would become a part of Naazim's group of highly dangerous witches that included other individuals that had used their magical gifts for sinister purposes in the past yet weren't evil enough to be irredeemable with the exception of Gennifer; a necromancer who was too far gone in her madness but Naazim keeps her around solely due to the fact she makes for a better half ally than a full on foe. The group would be Okubi Dreamtime, Utakata Affogato, Goddess Hecate, Gennifer Blix, Scora Youth, and herself all under the reluctant leadership of Naazim. Whenever Monique isn't busy with being a loving mother and wife, the Power Witch is often partnered up with Utakata in dealing with threats around the globe under the orders of Naazim. While Monique will forever grieve the loss of her beloved parents, the woman is forever thankful to possess the divine like magical powers she has now in order to ensure her current family will never suffer such a tragic fate. Cause if a bitch tried to come for Mo's family she would sure as shit drag that motherfucker rather it be dragon, demon, or whatever!


1. Monique Sulfur is inspired by entrepreneur and television personality Monique Samuels

2. Monique also takes inspiration from characters like Vanessa from THE KING OF FIGHTERS series and She-Hulk from MARVEL COMICS

3. Monique is the mother of two daughters and one son

4. Monique's husband is based on former NFL star Chris Samuels who is the real life husband of Monique Samuels

5. Monique is a sage with nearly God-like super strength. Making her one of the fiercest physical combatants in the FORBIDDEN/Onyxeverse

6. Monique is normally paired with Utakata Affogato when going on missions ordered by Naazim

7. Monique likes to talk a lot which tends to annoy her fellow witches especially Gennifer and Okubi

8. Monique sometimes has nightmares of her brother Darrius and Marvin 

9. Monique only dresses formal when on missions but otherwise likes to dress in more showy clothing especially on dinner dates with her hubby 

WONHO 원호 'FACADE' Highlight Medley

Saturday, June 11, 2022

ALL Quirks explained - The My Hero Academia Power Guide

Love Love You HD Movie (Gay Thai movie)

Love's Skill Set

 Love, The Unhappy Ending

Love's skill set

Skill Explanation

1. Love Bite (Air Okay): Love throws a dagger at her target. Love can also perform this skill while in the air

2. Heart Stopper: Love performs a speedy but short range double palm strike to her target's chest

3. Killing Somersault: Love performs a backwards somersault kick. Inspired by Charlie Nash from STREET FIGHTER

4. Demonic Grenade: Love tosses a powerful grenade containing demonic energy. After a few seconds the grenade explodes and unleashes a pillar of hellish fire

5. Infiltration: Love performs a speedy dodge attack that allows her to evade a single projectile based attack

6. Lovely Surprise (During Infiltration): While performing her Infiltration dodge. Love quickly pulls out a dagger and performs a vicious slash


A. Blade & Bomb: Love throws a multitude of daggers at her target before pulling out an explosive and tosses it at her target making for a devastating assault

B. Unhappy Ending [Not Drawn]: Love creepily walks up to her target and if she catches them. Love will then proceed to bring her target to the ground before stabbing them multiple times

Angel Maxine - Wo Fie feat Wanlov the Kubolor & Sister Deborah

Open Vest


Street Fighter 6 New 10 Minutes Exclusive Gameplay (RE Engine 4K 60FPS HDR)

Handsome Guy


WONHO 원호 'CRAZY' Teaser

Thursday, June 9, 2022

King Onyx (Pride)

 The 135th King Of Mayland

Special King Onyx artwork commissioned for Pride Month. Drawn by the very talented Julia Dex on Twitter 

Resistance Katarina & Miss Fortune from League Of Legends: Wild Rift

Resistance Katarina & Miss Fortune splash art


Original FORBIDDEN Pride Artwork


King Onyx Drawn by Onyxe Blade

I currently commissioned the artist Julia Dex - on Twitter who is working on the professional version of this artwork. I sincerely hope it will be ready before the end of this month



WONHO 원호 'FACADE' Concept Film #3

Smoky Rainbow


Phuong - Mini Profile


Name: Phuong

Country: Vietnam

Hair Color: Peach

Eye Color: Light Brown

Age: 66 

Height: 5'9

Weight: 151 Pounds

Powers: Phuong uses ancient magic which he is able to use various spells in tune with nature. Also due to being part spirit Phuong is also able to use lesser spirits in combat and can potentially tap into the powers of The Spirit Realm

Mini Bio: Born in Vietnam prior to being birthed by his mother. Phuong was first discovered dead inside of his mother's womb. Thankfully two of the nurses responsible for delivering the baby possessed healing magic and hoped their magic could possibly revive the dead baby. During the short time that the baby was unresponsive. Phuong soul had gone to the Spirit Realm but miraculously the realm had rejected him and sent the soul back to his mortal body. While the two nurses were unable to bring the infant back to life with their magic. Before Phuong's mother could lose all hope a miracle took place as the baby had suddenly come to life. Phuong's mother was beyond grateful her baby was alive and appreciated all the nurses and doctors had done for her and her child. Due to Phuong's unnatural birth the child would be considered part human and part spirit

Wednesday, June 8, 2022

Outing/Dealing With DL Men

Phuong Skill Set

 Phuong Skill Set

Skill Set Explanation

Phuong's Skills

1. Nước Orb/Water Orb: Phuong possess the ability to form a ball of spiritual water in his palms before leaping into the air and throwing the ball of water towards his target.

2. Lunging Tiger: A speedy horizontal kick Phuong performs to cause harm to his target.

3. Dragon Breath: Golden colored fire Phuong breathes out from out of his mouth

4. Spirit Crescent: A somersault kick Phuong performs that is enveloped in spiritual energy.

5. Ghost Body: Phuong holds the ability to summon two spirits in time for a few seconds. During those few seconds Phuong is immune to projectile based attacks.

6. Whipping (While Airborne): A multi hitting whip like kicks Phuong performs while midair.


Divine Technique - Aura Bullets: Phuong holds the ability to open up a portal and unleashes several energy blasts towards his target.

Tuesday, June 7, 2022

Check Out คืนนั้นกับนายดาวเหนือ | Official Teaser EP.1 [EngSub]

Toya Monet's Skill Set


Skill Set Explanation

Special Skills

1. Burn To Ashes: Toya shoots out a blast of brown colored fireball at her target

2. Evil Thoughts: Toya uses her telepathic powers to increase the damage of her next special attack

3. Tears Of Hate (In Air): Toya throws two brown colored balls of fire from the air towards her target

4. Intestines Masher: Toya performs a speedy but short ranged kick. If the attack connects Toya presses her foot into her target's stomach as she drives them to the ground

5. Scornful (Command Grab): Toya grabs her target and sets her opponent ablaze in brown colored flames. Afterwards she tosses her target away from her as they fall to the ground

Unique Attacks

1. Twin Knuckle: Toya performs a swift two hit jab at her target

2. Falling Skyscrapper (In Air): Toya performs a diagonal kick from the air towards her target

Divine Ruination

1. Spell #197 - Curse Nails: Toya performs a magic spell as she summons a hand of a demon from above to strike her target. The demon hand strikes Toya's target and inflicts them with a curse which makes the target's HP (Health Points) decrease for a few seconds afterwards

VAIN - The Witch Of Torment

 VAIN Artwork by Anne_Luc