Thursday, June 9, 2022

Phuong - Mini Profile


Name: Phuong

Country: Vietnam

Hair Color: Peach

Eye Color: Light Brown

Age: 66 

Height: 5'9

Weight: 151 Pounds

Powers: Phuong uses ancient magic which he is able to use various spells in tune with nature. Also due to being part spirit Phuong is also able to use lesser spirits in combat and can potentially tap into the powers of The Spirit Realm

Mini Bio: Born in Vietnam prior to being birthed by his mother. Phuong was first discovered dead inside of his mother's womb. Thankfully two of the nurses responsible for delivering the baby possessed healing magic and hoped their magic could possibly revive the dead baby. During the short time that the baby was unresponsive. Phuong soul had gone to the Spirit Realm but miraculously the realm had rejected him and sent the soul back to his mortal body. While the two nurses were unable to bring the infant back to life with their magic. Before Phuong's mother could lose all hope a miracle took place as the baby had suddenly come to life. Phuong's mother was beyond grateful her baby was alive and appreciated all the nurses and doctors had done for her and her child. Due to Phuong's unnatural birth the child would be considered part human and part spirit

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