Friday, July 29, 2022

ZICO (지코) '괴짜 (Freak)' Official MV

Arkan (New Design)


Drawn by Gafou on Twitter

Thoughts On Design - Since I didn't fully realize what I wanted with Arkan besides a dragon anthropomorphic character. However overtime I became underwhelmed with Arkan's original design. I knew I wanted to get him redesigned as soon as possible. I'm very happy with the job Gafou did with redesigning the character

Original design 


Orsela Geno (New Design)


Drawn by Nico_Artoo on Twitter

Thoughts Behind The Design - I wanted to give something more care free and gave a summoner feel for Orsela. Also show off Orsela's lovely figure as well. The artist did an amazing job with Orsela's redesign

Original Appearance 

Thursday, July 21, 2022

Flo Milli - Bed Time (Audio)

Profile - Bain Vasquez

The Sea Fairing Avenger

Name: Bain Vasquez

Age: 50

Height: 6'2

Eye Color: Deep Blue (Turns pitch black when in Darken state)

Country: Honduras

Personality: Observant, bold, friendly

Favorite Food: Tamales

Powers: Superhuman strength, agility, can ride on water, sensing weather changes, durability, and Darken state that magnifies his powers. Bain also wields his trusted sword, Vindicator and can use the mighty broadsword in various ways

Species: Human (Darken)

Likes: His teammates, the seas, sunset

Dislikes: Cruel beings, kiwi, country music

Backstory: Born and raised in Honduras, Bain grew up in an orphanage after the death of his father at the hands of a demon and his mother disappearing. Despite growing up in an orphanage, Bain lived a relatively happy life alongside other orphan children. One day while playing on the beach alongside his friend during a festival, the sudden appearance of a creature known as the Typhoon Dragon had emerged and began causing havoc upon the people of Honduras. The Typhoon Dragon was eventually chased away but not before causing a great amount of devastation to the land along with several people being killed and others injured which included Bain. Upon waking up in the hospital, Bain tearfully swore vengeance upon the sinister dragon. Years had passed since that tragic day and Bain was nearly approaching adulthood. On his way home for running errands he spotted a demon girl named Shy being bullied by some of the locals. Despite his rocky feelings towards demon, Bain had a strong sense of right and wrong. He quickly moved to action and helped ward away the citizens antagonizing the lone demon. Shy had thanked Bain for helping her and told him she owed him a favor and to collect on it anytime. Bain paid the demon no mind as he continued his way back home

A month later while on his way home, Bain spotted a gypsy mumbling to herself about a returning threat upon Honduras. Immediately, Bain thought about the Typhoon Dragon and the catastrophe the beast had caused so many years ago. He refused to let such an incident befall his homeland once again. Bain would search for the demon Shy and upon finding her, Bain had a look of determination in his face as he asked the demon to transform him into a Darken. Shy had thought he would had come for sex or possibly a blessing to find a rare treasure. However seeing and sensing how serious the young man was before her, Shy relent and told Bain that once he becomes a Darken there is no going back. The man willingly accepted the consequences as Shy began the ritual. Upon the completion of ritual Bain felt demonic-like powers surging through his vein as he was no longer a regular human. Suddenly the sky outside had changed from sunny to gloomy with a sinister aura within the air. Bain was certain the dreadful Typhoon Dragon was about to make a return and hoped with his newly acquired Darken abilities, he would somehow would be able to prevent yet another great tragedy upon his homeland. Shy realizes that an impending danger is coming towards Honduras and even though she could just return to the Underworld, the demon had come to love Honduras and wanted to do whatever should could to protect the country. Quickly she hands Bain a broadsword forged by her late cousin called Vindicator. The demon hands Bain the weapon which the Darken handles with ease. Bain bids the demon farewell before making his way to the beach where the horror had begun so many years ago.

The locals having also sensed the disturbance in the air begin to panic as they head to find shelter; Bain continues to head towards the beach as he prepares to fight the menace that ruined his childhood. The Typhoon Dragon appears flying in the middle of the ocean as it begins forming numerous tornadoes in order to cause havoc. Bain grabs the nearest boat and goes into the ocean to confront the dragon in hopes of keeping it from going to the land. The dragon turned its attention onto Bain and began to attack the lone warrior. Bain had managed to maneuver the boat to avoid the first tornado but the second one struck the boat as Bain is sent hurling into the air. Expecting to crash into the ocean and potentially risk dying by drowning, Bain was shocked when he landed feet first and was walking on the ocean as it was land. Realizing that this was caused by his newly acquired darken abilities. Bain gripped his sword, Vindicator and began charging vigorously towards the menacing water manipulating dragon. The battle was long and tense and despite Bain's effort the dragon had managed to cause some damage onto the land but failed to take a single life. Bain with his weapon in hand managed to slay the dragon as he decapitated the vicious beast. Shortly after the people of Honduras celebrated Bain's victory as he had defeated the menace that had caused Honduras and its people so much pain. A few months later Bain would leave Honduras and begin a life traveling the vast seas. While exploring Malaysia, Bain would encounter a Spaniard woman summoner by the name Gabrielle alongside her two Taiwanese companions Da-Xia and Eaton. After some convincing Bain decided to join Gabrielle's team


[DKZ의 하루] DAY 19 - What's in my bag? 🦊👜📸 | GISEOK | VLOG

Tuesday, July 19, 2022

New Characters + Orsela's New Appearance Sketch

Maximillion Knox

The biological father of King Onyx and former lover of Othello Strongs. Maximillion Knox is an extremely powerful Grim Reaper type demon

Jesica Starry

Orsela Geno's New Look

Also concept art of Orsela's Nox cards & Arkan's sword



Wednesday, July 13, 2022

SHINJI'S BANKAI, Explained - From Friend to Foe | Bleach DISCUSSION

Orellana's Skill Set


Skill Set

Skill Set Explanation

1. Solar Pinch: Orellana throws a projectile of sunlight at her target. This attack does not cause burns but is harmful nonetheless

2. Blistering Heat: Orellana creates a ball of heat in her palm which scorches a target within range of the attack

3. Rising Sun: Orellana infuses her left palm in burning energy as she performs a multi hitting leaping uppercut

4. Solar Sneak (Counter Attack): Orellana goes in a cowardly stance and is hit by a standing physical attack. Orellana reveals she was only pretending to be scared. Orellana immediately surrounds her body in burning light energy which she uses to create an explosion which sends her enemy flying

5. Solar Ball (In Air) While in the air Orellana throws a burning energy ball towards her grounded opponent

6. Paraben Hammer: Orellana performs a speedy fist strike then follows up with a swift kick that knocks her opponent into the air


Even Sun: Orellana summons a burning energy ball in her left hand and a solar ball in her right hand. Orellana combines the two energy ball as she strikes her opponent. The opponent is first trapped inside a gigantic yellow solar ball before the orb changes neon red. Upon the ball changing from yellow to red it explodes with the opponent inside of it. The explosion sends Orellana's opponent flying towards the ground as they are engulfed in flames 


Handsome Asian Man


Bayonetta 3 - Release Date Revealed - Nintendo Switch


Tuesday, July 12, 2022


Orellana Alexandria

 The Sunshine Sage

Drawn by Iris Chu

Name: Orellana Alexandria

Age: 21

Nationality: Maylander

Hair Color: Soft Blonde

Eye Color: Dandelion

Skin Color: Light Vanilla

Height: 5'4

Weight: 110 Pounds 

Likes: Her family, gardening, improving her magic, sunset

Dislikes: Moths, pecans, darkness

Favorite Food: Butterscotch Pie

Powers: Sun Based Magic

BIO: Orellana is a kindhearted young lady from Paraben, one of the seventy states of Mayland. The daughter of a Maylander woman and a Swedish man. During her mother's pregnancy with her the God Helios from the Realm of Mystilia had decided to imbue his divine solar powers into the growing embryo. Upon the birth of Orellana the newborn showed immediate signs of magical abilities as her body glowed in a radiant energy like that of the sun. Growing up despite the various dangers in her country, Orellana alongside her brother Vira lived a relatively normal life as they had loving parents and were taught how to defend themselves at an early age. Now as an adult Orellana uses her magic to protect the citizens of Paraben as she continuously trains herself to become an even stronger sage

Pokemon Journeys Episode 116 Eng Subbed | Lance vs Diantha | Iris vs Cyn...

Wednesday, July 6, 2022



Gabrielle's Skill Set

 Scriptures Of Damnation Summoner

Onyxe Note: Unlike the previous skill sets I did for my other FORBIDDEN characters. I themed Gabrielle's move set on more of a RPG (Role Playing Game) style similar to the Final Fantasy & Persona series

Gabrielle's Skill Set

Skill Set Explanation

1. Summon Cheshire: Gabrielle summons Cheshire, a melting ice cream monster with blue flames to assist her in battle

Hot Temper - Gabrielle orders Cheshire to perform a burning tackle against the target. Cheshire can either go forward or in the air depending on Gabrielle's command

Sugar Scorch: Gabrielle orders Cheshire to shoot fire out from her mouth which burns a target within range of the attack

2. Ambush Kick: Gabrielle swiftly lunges in the air before performing a powerful forward kick

3. Summon Christine - Pysch Beam: Gabrielle summons her jellyfish like creature, Christine into battle as the creature shoots out a purple colored laser beam at Gabrielle's opponent

4. Christine's Protection: Gabrielle orders Christine to summon a protective energy shield. The shield protects Gabrielle for a few seconds which can reflect any incoming projectile from her opponent and send it back to them


Gabrielle's items are used to assist her in battle rather it is to recover damage, increase attack power, or calling upon an ally's power to aid her in combat

1. Potion: Medicine mixed with vanilla flavored milk inside of a small bottle. Upon drinking the medicine Gabrielle will regain 20 HP

2. Spicy Berry: A spicy fruit which upon consumption increases the attack of Gabrielle's next special attack by +10

3. Gladys Thunder: Gabrielle's calls upon Gladys to summon a lightning bolt to strike her opponent. This can only be done once and the lightning bolt cannot be blocked but can be avoided by Gabrielle's foe 


Burning Sweet Upper: Channeling Cheshire's powers, Gabrielle is able to unleash a powerful strawberry colored fiery hurricane against her opponent. This ultimate attack is inspired by Joe Higashi's "Hurricane Upper" from the King Of Fighters/Fatal Fury series

Monday, July 4, 2022

Messi The Puma is a Big Ol’ House Cat

이민혁(HUTA) _ BOOM | 비투비 | BTOB | 스페셜클립 | Special Clip | 퍼포먼스 | Performanc...

Redesign For JUDE & CADEN

 The Protective Uncle & High Potential Cambion Nephew

Backstory: Born and raised in the Dominican Republic, Jude lived a relatively normal life and avoided those with magic since he's had a dislike for magic ever since childhood. After College, Jude would work as an editor for a local Newspaper company and enjoyed his uneventful life. However it all changed when he received a phone call from his sister, Delilah. Upon visiting his sister, Jude was shocked that not only was his sister pregnant, but Delilah was minutes away from giving birth to her half demon child. Due to having had unprotected sex with a demon she met in Martinique, Jude assisted Delilah in giving birth to her baby which would be either his niece or nephew. Upon the baby exiting his sister's womb, Jude felt an unexplained but instant connection with his nephew. Jude would then clean up and lay his nephew down on the couch before discussing the situation with his sister. After a long talk, Jude would decide to stay the night in order to go with his sister and nephew to the local hospital. However while Jude was resting in bed, Delilah began to plotting the murder of her newborn baby. Knowing that despite being part demon that it takes over a month before a demon's regenerative abilities are properly active and even slower for that of a half demon, Delilah planned on beheading her baby and planned on lying to Jude that her infant had attempted to kill her.

Unfortunately right as Delilah was making her move to kill her baby. Jude had awoken and was horrified to witness his sister holding a knife above his nephew's body. Instinctively, Jude charged at his older sister and the two began to wrestle for control of the knife. Accidentally Jude had slit his sister's throat just as his nephew awoken from his sleep. While mortified for having unintentionally murdered his sister, Jude turned his attention to his nephew. Fearing that if he explained what happened to the authorities that they wouldn't believe him and he would go to prison, Jude did his best to rid of the evidence of his sister's murder that he could before taking Caden. Caden, a name he had given to his nephew, and himself left the DR. Fortunately there was a demon dressed in purple with unique yellow hair who was aware of the situation and had made Delilah's death look like a suicide. Jude with Caden would move to Mayland where he would start a new life together with his half demon (Cambion) nephew. Due to the unique bond Jude had developed with Caden, he would end up gaining an evil eye tattoo right beneath his clavicle as well as obtaining darkness based powers. Jude uses his newfound abilities to protect Caden from danger until he's old to protect himself.


Summer Seanix Skill Set

Beautiful Summer Demon

S. Seanix Skills

Skill Set Explanation

1. Cool Off: Seanix shoots out a blast of water at his target

1.5 Cool Off (Charged Version): If Seanix charges up his water ball. It turns to ice before he shoots it at his target. Which will then freeze his target if the attack on hit

2. Geyser Blast (Anti Air): Seanix shoots a blast of water from his palms into the air. Striking any airborne opponent within range of the attack

3. Aqua Spin: Seanix leaps off the ground as he surrounds his body in water. Seanix then charges at his target in a drill like motion

4. Aqua Toss (Near Foe): Seanix grabs his target before encasing them in a ball of water. Seanix while holding the ball of water his target is trapped within leaps into the air. Seanix then proceeds to throw the ball of water with his target still inside onto the ground. Upon the ball crashing to the ground it explodes causing damage to the target

DIVINE RUINATION - Deadly Drench: Seanix opens a portal of water above the target as he unleashes a ferocious downpour upon his target


Sunday, July 3, 2022

Gladys Skill Set

 Gladys Skill Set

Skill Set Explanation

1. Electric Whip: Gladys unleashes a whip like projectile of electricity towards his foe

2. Thunder Orb: Gladys creates an orb made of thunder and shoots it into the air. The orb then floats in the air until activated

3. Fatal Strike (After Performing Thunder Orb): Gladys activates the Thunder Orb placed in the air as the orb unleashes a vicious blast of electricity at his target

4. Shock Rocket: Gladys infuses his left foot in electricity as he performs a rising kick

5. Thunder Strike (In Air) Gladys unleashes a bolt of lightning from his hand to strike his foe from below

DIVINE RUINATION - Thunder Train: Activating his demonic aura, Gladys turns his electricity from yellow to red as he charges at his target like a wild train and strikes them viciously multiple times

Gladys Rabaso

The Electric Soldier

Bonus Design courtesy of the artist GCKADark on Twitter

Name: Gladys Rabaso

Age: 579

Hair Color: Platinum Blonde

Skin Color: Tan

Eye Color: Red (Typical Demon eye color)

Height: 6'0

Weight: 191 Pounds

Nationality: Brazilian

Powers: Demonic Powers + Lighting & Thunder manipulation

Family: Narina (Mother) Rico (Father) Gladys (Grandmother) Younger siblings (Gladys doesn't know them as of now) Gabrielle (Ally & lover) Bain (Ally) Eaton (Ally) Da-Xia (Ally)

Short Bio - Named after his deceased grandmother, Gladys Rabaso is a demon with some human blood running through his veins. Due to his mother, Narina only being a half demon while his father, the infamous Underworld Pirate Rico Del Soto is a full-fledged demon. Gladys was born in Sao Paulo, Brazil where he was raised by his mother and grandmother. Upon reaching legal adult age, Gladys would enlist in the Brazilian Army where he would serve for nearly 200 years due to being a demon and not aging the same way as humans. Eventually after serving his country's army for nearly two centuries. Gladys decided to retire in order to explore the world without restrictions. Shortly after he would meet a group of Treasure Hunters called TEAM SHOCK led by a gorgeous Spaniard woman named Gabrielle Labarga. After some convincing Gladys would eventually become the fifth member of Team Shock


The Seven Demon Princes of Hell | Story Explained

Meicoomon Evolution Line

VAIN - The Witch Of Torment

 VAIN Artwork by Anne_Luc