Sunday, July 3, 2022

Gladys Rabaso

The Electric Soldier

Bonus Design courtesy of the artist GCKADark on Twitter

Name: Gladys Rabaso

Age: 579

Hair Color: Platinum Blonde

Skin Color: Tan

Eye Color: Red (Typical Demon eye color)

Height: 6'0

Weight: 191 Pounds

Nationality: Brazilian

Powers: Demonic Powers + Lighting & Thunder manipulation

Family: Narina (Mother) Rico (Father) Gladys (Grandmother) Younger siblings (Gladys doesn't know them as of now) Gabrielle (Ally & lover) Bain (Ally) Eaton (Ally) Da-Xia (Ally)

Short Bio - Named after his deceased grandmother, Gladys Rabaso is a demon with some human blood running through his veins. Due to his mother, Narina only being a half demon while his father, the infamous Underworld Pirate Rico Del Soto is a full-fledged demon. Gladys was born in Sao Paulo, Brazil where he was raised by his mother and grandmother. Upon reaching legal adult age, Gladys would enlist in the Brazilian Army where he would serve for nearly 200 years due to being a demon and not aging the same way as humans. Eventually after serving his country's army for nearly two centuries. Gladys decided to retire in order to explore the world without restrictions. Shortly after he would meet a group of Treasure Hunters called TEAM SHOCK led by a gorgeous Spaniard woman named Gabrielle Labarga. After some convincing Gladys would eventually become the fifth member of Team Shock


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