Tuesday, January 31, 2023

Origins Of The Underworld & The Mortal Realm

 Origin of The Underworld and The Mortal Realm

by Onyxe Blade

Everyone knows the story of how Lucifer challenged the Heavenly King and fell from grace and thus became Satan. Alongside Lucifer were his fellow angels who grew tired of their creator. Knowing their creator's plan of creating new lifeforms known as humans, Lucifer and his like-minded brethren challenged the Heavenly King, only to be cast out of Heaven as they fell into the world below the land of mortals. This place would be known as the Underworld, the home of the former fallen angels transformed into monstrous beings known as demons. Angered that their former ruler discarded them like yesterday's newspaper, led by Satan, the demons plotted against the Heavenly King and the impending birth of his new creation known as mortals. Satan and his cohorts devised a scheme to ruin the Heavenly King's creation. The Heavenly King created the first group of humans: two heterosexual men, two heterosexual women, two male homosexuals, and two female homosexuals. The heterosexuals jobs were to maintain the garden and procreate while the homosexuals tended to the animals of land, air, and sea. The mortals lived happily in the Garden of Salvation unaware of Satan's schemes against them. Luckily, a goddess by the name of Persephone, who unlike the Heavenly King, did not abandon Mystilia to create their own realm and species of people, but took interest in her fellow God's creation. Sensing that something sinister was going to befall them, but didn't know when or the source of the incoming evil, Persephone performed a spell on them she called "Saver of Innocence". She used it on the mortals, knowing that it would prove beneficial in the near future. 

Satan made his move and corrupted the mortals into performing sinful acts such as adultery, lying, and murder. Satan even intended for one of the male homosexuals to rape one of the heterosexual men. Fortunately, thanks to the spell Persephone placed upon the mortals awhile ago, despite being plagued by several sins, the sin of rape would never exist in a pure mortal. Witnessing the corruption of his creations, the Heavenly King ordered his angels to cast them out of the Garden of Salvation. He was furious that they allowed themselves to be corrupted by the devil by eating from the Sacred Tree, which he commanded them to never eat from, no matter the reason. These events led to the beginning of mortals living life according to how they saw fit; no longer living to please a God that never gave them a say in being created in the first place. A few centuries later, other gods and goddesses from the realm of Mystilia would also create their own sentient beings on the mortal realm such as beasterians, fairies, elves, orcs, goblins, and other mystical creatures. Persephone then granted the beings of the Mortal Realm magic alongside her fellow goddess Hecate. This brought rise to the age of magic, which further pushed the Heavenly King away from attempting any re-bonding with his creations. Now having access to magic, the beings of the Mortal Realm no longer cared to acknowledge their creator, and lived life on their own terms. 

Of course, life in the Underworld was nothing short of chaotic as demons turned on one another when an enormous power struggle erupted in the Underworld. Each demon had his or her own reason for wanting to be the supreme ruler of their realm. Ultimately, it was Satan alongside his other high ranking demons: Leviathan, Lilith, Beelzebub, Belphegor, Mammon, and Satavorus. Of course, there were many powerful demons in the hellish realm and it took great effort from Lucifer and the other Demon Warlords to do their best to maintain some sought of order. However, over time, the Demon Warlords plotted and schemed against one another and many wars broke out in the demon realm; along with the ongoing battle against the beings in the mortal realm and the eventual arrival of the goddess Persephone to the Underworld. The goddess became something of an unwanted rival to Satan as she made it her duty to keep the demon tyrant in check from going too far and she controlled the amount of demons that could go hunting for mortal flesh.

With the aid of her fellow goddess, Hecate, Persephone granted a magical increase for the mortals, giving them even greater knowledge of magic to use against their opposition. Such actions even resulted in some mortals being born with magic, who are referred to as Naturals. Unfortunately, due to being plagued by sin, the mortals were not only threatened by demons, but became a danger too themselves. Many of them developed their own ambitions and that caused many conflicts. This eventually led to the first of many wars in the Underworld. 

Satavorus wanted absolute control of the Underworld and knew he needed to kill both Satan and Persephone to achieve his goal. Many demons sided with Satan and Persephone while others sided with Satavorus. During the climax of the war, Satavorus killed Persephone, who became Satan's lover over the course of their many centuries together. While Satan was devastated to lose the woman he loved, he managed to avenge her by finally driving off Satavorus before resigning himself to a part of the Underworld no demon could reach, and acting as the god of that realm. Meanwhile, Satan's descendants became responsible for maintaining order in the realm alongside demons who either remained loyal to Satan, such as Leviathan, or demons that managed to rise to power by any means necessary, such as Koga Yukimaru and Othello Strongs. The current ruler of the Underworld and its capital, Satan's Landing, was the demon Johanna Lucifera. While Persephone tragically lost her life to Satavorus during the war, the goddess was not without her own backup plan. Before her death, she performed a spell that would allow her to reincarnate into a powerful soul regardless to whether it was mortal or demon. 

Many centuries later, mortals made great advances in magic, technology, and other areas to improve their way of life. A country by the name of Mayland only had a handful of States, but grew over time until it became 75 known States. While many countries had their own way of operating, Mayland was the first and only country to operate on a unique rulership system in which one must prove oneself the strongest among others in order to rule the land as they saw fit. Mayland's first ruler was a mortal woman named Anuli, simply referred to in legend as The First. Anuli served as Mayland's ruler and protector for years as she hosted a tournament called The Devilry Combat to find a suitable replacement to her throne. Unfortunately, no one managed to best Anuli in battle and the Queen eventually passed away due to old age. Since Anuli never had any lovers or descendants, other mortals and sages battled among one another and the strongest became Mayland's next ruler. No matter the method of one becoming Mayland's future King or Queen, all rulers were to continue the tradition of The Devilry Combat Tournament. Many centuries and many rulers later, Mayland would be ruled by King Onyx Carnival, the 135th ruler and the country's first half-demon to rule over it; succeeding the previous ruler, Queen Ida. Demons were viewed as the natural enemy of mortals; however, over the past numerous centuries, demons and humans managed to form more positive relations despite not all humans and demons sharing the same values. They still viewed one another as predator and prey. Thankfully, the positive outweighed the negative; along with King Onyx proving himself as one of Mayland's most suitable rulers. Hopefully, such actions will bring demons and mortals closer together in time.

Monday, January 30, 2023

Sara Libel - Skill Set


Skill Set Explanation

Trait - Earth Cry: Sara strikes the ground and creates a miniature geyser made of rocks and debris to strike her opponent

Special Attacks

1. Hardcore: Sara performs a speedy elbow strike

2. Boom (During Hardcore): After striking her opponent with her elbow, Sara uses her other hand the unleash a burst of geo energy against her opponent

3. Earth Spell - Tremor Stomp: Sara stomps the ground and creates three earthen spikes to strike her opponent

4. Geo Blast (In Air): While in the air Sara unleashes a beam made of geo energy at her opponent 


Geo Plume: Sara strikes the ground as she creates three gigantic geysers made of earthly material to strike her opponent 

Sunday, January 22, 2023

Something Old & Something New LOL

 Below are sketch/Concepts for my two FORBIDDEN characters. One of them being the Demon Warlord Of Greed, Koga Yukimaru and the other a new character I created during the weekend Pella Inverno 

Koga Yukimaru

Also while going back and forth between Gennifer Blix and Shao Ziya being my next character to get professionally drawn. I decided to go with Shao Ziya but I do have about three days before reaching out to the artist. Therefore if anyone wants to object to either Gennifer or another FORBIDDEN I haven't gotten drawn professionally yet. Now is the time or otherwise I'll stick to my plan

Wednesday, January 18, 2023

Profile: Mignardis


"My hatred towards mankind can never be diminished; however, I refuse to behave like the monster I was forced to become by the very same beings." - Mignardis 

Name: Mignardis (Doesn't recall her surname nor does she care to remember)

Alias: Myrta, The Goddess of Bitterness, Okubi's Unintentional Maid 

Age: Over 300,000 years old. Physical appearance is that of sixteen years of age

Species: Goddess, but has been weakened to her human form. Nonetheless, Mignardis is still considered a God

Country: Originates from the extinct country Saladite, but currently resides in England

Hair Color: Caramel/Sandy Brown

Eye Color: Red (Note: while Red eye color is common for a demon, Mignardis red eye color is because she was transformed into a Goddess. Her original eye color when she was a mortal was brown)

Skin Color: Porcelain

Height: 5'7”

Weight: 122 Pounds

Powers: Mignardis is an extremely powerful man-made Goddess. Possessing God-level durability, control over red energy that's hotter than the sun, superhuman agility, strength, and high resistance to various spells.

In her full Goddess state, Mignardis can unleash red and black colored energy beams and create wormholes.

Allies: Mignardis doesn't consider anyone her ally. However, she has grown to respect Okubi and Eligos

Likes: Cleaning around Okubi's castle, running errands in London, sneakers, Bangers & Mash

Dislikes: Mankind, train delays, Hellin Strongs, King Onyx, Unloyal, Lourdes


The Birth Of Bitterness

Before becoming the devious Myrta, the Goddess of Bitterness, Mignardis was once a normal young girl who hailed from the country of Saladite many centuries ago. Mankind was still young and plagued with demons, dragons, other beasts, and toyed with by various gods and goddesses, from the realm of Mystilia, and lastly abandoned by their creator, the Heavenly King. Various citizens throughout the Mortal Realm fought using magic in order to defend themselves. A group of people from Saladite intended to create a God of their own to combat the evil that plagued their world. One of the people of the group decided to use his daughter, Mignardis, to be the vessel in creating their own god. Mignardis pleaded with her father to not force her to undergo such experimentation. Her father ignored her pleas as he and his followers stripped Mignardis naked and placed her on a table and began their ritual. 

Using their magical knowledge, Mignardis's father and his followers forced a high level of magic inside of Mignardis that caused the young girl unimaginable pain. She screamed out for them to stop, but her cries fell on deaf ears. Mignardis's soul was consumed by bitterness and hatred as her skin changed from porcelain to red with black zigzag patterns around her body. The ritual was complete and Mignardis's father and his followers were proud to have created their own god. They quickly learned that turning a mortal into a god came at a great price. Immediately, Mignardis slaughtered her father's followers right before his eyes with a blast of red energy, burning their bodies to a crisp. Mignardis's father began berating his daughter. He demanded that she obey him. One should know that no mortal can command a god! 

Mignardis, who now referred to herself as Myrta, the Goddess of Bitterness, used her divine powers and flayed her father's skin nice and softly; allowing him to feel the pain he forced his only child to endure before she ended his miserable existence. Normally, this is where one's revenge would end, but Myrta’s hatred wasn't limited to just those who transformed her, but to all mankind. Myrta, growing taller by the minute, unleashed her rage upon the rest of the people of Saladite. Within an hour, Saladite and its people became extinct. Myrta then terrorized neighboring countries such as Indonesia and Malaysia. Fortunately, Sages from around the Mortal Realm arrived in the two Asian countries. With their combined efforts they managed to drive away Myrta, forcing her to retreat to her own realm before they sealed the goddess away from invading their realm. Hecate also aided the mortals by using her own magic to strengthen the protection between Myrta's realm and the Mortal world. The Goddess of Bitterness would spend multiple centuries within her own realm, festering in her hatred towards mankind.

The Events Of Red Ambitions

During her imprisonment in her own realm, an individual named Lourdes, from Earth 911, made her way to Earth 135 upon learning of Myrta and her devious history. Lourdes made plans to use the citizens of Earth 135 in order to bring forth Myrta and unleash the goddess's chaos. Lourdes kidnapped a multitude of civilians residing in China including Mayland's current ruler, King Onyx. This led to a team of heroes consisting of Hellin Strongs, Orsela Geno, Scylla Baros, Anna Del Soto, and Lea Stallard working together to find Onyx and the cause behind the disappearances in China. Eventually, the heroes learned about the Sorceress Lourdes, who hailed from another world, and her intentions to bring forth Myrta, the Goddess of Bitterness. After locating Lourdes's pocket dimension hidden within China, Hellin alongside Orsela, Shi Yi Jie, and Onyx's alternate universe self, Unloyal, found the kidnapped civilians in Lourdes's dimension as well as Shi Yi Jie's daughter, Mei, and Onyx. The heroes then confronted Lourdes, but they were unable to stop her before she completed her ritual to bring forth Myrta from out of her dimension. Lourdes used the souls of those she kidnapped, except Onyx and Mei, along with her own soul as tribute to bring forth Myrta into her dimension. The heroes banded together and managed to defeat the ravenous goddess. Myrta retreated to her realm once again while all the souls used to bring her forth returned to their proper bodies, including that of Lourdes. Hellin then killed Lourdes before escaping the Sorceress's pocket dimension and returning to their proper worlds. 

While Myrta was far from defeated, the battle against Hellin, Onyx, and Unloyal did weaken the goddess severely. Despite her efforts, Lourdes proved to be an inadequate host for the goddess. Thus, she ended up abandoning the Sorceress, which allowed the heroes to emerge victorious. While resting in her realm, Myrta was suddenly attacked by Okubi, who learned about the incident in China, thanks to Onyx, and knew they needed to act quickly to finally rid the Mortal World of the looming threat of Myrta. The two battled, but because Myrta was not at her full strength, Myrta suffered defeat at the hands of Okubi as she transformed before them into her original human form. Okubi, who originally intended to kill Myrta once and for all, decided to spare her life and take her back to their home in London. Shortly thereafter, Mignardis began living with Okubi and Eligos in London. She underwent "reformation" as she lived among the mortals that she despised. While her hate for mankind never went away, over time, thanks to Okubi and various others, Mignardis learned to combat her destructive desires in order to properly live in the Mortal Realm.


Mignardis name comes from the word Mignardise, which means a bite size dessert.

Mignardis's original hairstyle was going to be based on the character Miss Bellum from The Powerpuff Girls, but halfway through getting Mignardis properly drawn I decided to base her hairstyle on the character Mignon Beart from The King of Fighters Maximum Impact.

Mignardis is the first character I created with red eyes that is not a demon. Mignardis's red eyes are caused by the effects of being transformed into a goddess.

While Mignardis is indeed a goddess, although a manmade goddess and not a natural one, the gods of Mystilia do not consider her one of their own. They see her as a perversion of a true god. Fortunately for them, Mignardis doesn't give a fuck about their opinions of her.

Mignardis speaks with a naturally condescending tone. However, usually it's not an indication of her mood, but one of the many side effects of being transformed into a goddess.

Mignardis's human form is the way she originally looked before becoming a goddess. The only difference is that her breasts were smaller and her original eye color was brown.

Saladite is a fictional Asian country. Originally, Mignardis was going to hail from Yugoslavia but I didn't feel comfortable in writing about the destruction of a real place even in fictional media. Thus, I created Saladite to fulfill that purpose.

Mignardis was originally 5 feet and 5 inches but I changed her to 5 feet and 7 inches. Even correcting that detail in FORBIDDEN - Red Ambition which is a free story on my WattPad page:

Mignardis wears sneakers despite how they throw her outfit off. She can function in heels, but detests wearing them when running errands.

Mignardis became Okubi's unintentional maid. This was because she cleaned up various parts of Okubi's castle whenever they were away on their Treasure Hunting assignments or assisting Naazim. However, Mignardis would attack anyone who refers to her as Okubi's maid since she is NOT their official maid; just enjoys cleaning to pass the time. 

Sunday, January 15, 2023

Saturday, January 14, 2023

Lisa-Alice Skill Set


Skill Set Explanation

Trait - Dream Sphere: Lisa-Alice shoots a light purple colored sphere shaped energy ball from her palm at her target. If the attack manages to hit her target it has a 25% chance to put them asleep

Special Attacks

1. Nightmare Knuckle: Lisa-Alice infuses her fist in demonic energy before rushing at her opponent with a powerful punch. Nightmare Knuckle does extra damage to a target that is asleep

2. Divine Spell Elemental Roast: Lisa-Alice performs a spell which allows her to create a large size sphere shaped attack that's infused with water, electricity, and fire energy

3. Divine Spell Rock Rain: Lisa-Alice performs a spell that turns the moisture in the air into two solid rocks that drop on her target

4. Moon Grenade: Lisa-Alice shoots a moon colored energy ball from her palm towards the air. This attack is meant to be used against opponents trying to jump in on her

5. Nap Time: Lisa-Alice falls asleep and while unable to attack this allows her to slowly recover from any damage she takes during battle. Lisa-Alisa can wake herself up at will in case an opponent tries to attack while she rests 


Realm Of Nightmares

Lisa-Alice grabs her target and places them in her special realm of nightmares. Using the opponent's actual fears and torment to inflict physical damage upon them 

I Don't Get The Sylvie Paula Paula Hate... / Predictions: KOF XV Season ...

Lisa-Alice, The Demon Warlord Of Sloth


Drawn by KiLlEr ArTiSt on Twitter

Mini Info

Name: Lisa-Alice 

Age: 734

Race: Demon

Powers: Lisa-Alice is a highly skilled user in magic and manipulates dream and nightmare based abilities


Monday, January 9, 2023

She Who Eludes Death

She Who Eludes Death 


by Onyxe Blade

On a serene Tuesday evening at the Elysium Diner located in Magius, one of the seventy-five states of Mayland, a woman with apricot colored skin, caramel colored eyes, and luxurious long brown hair past her shoulders wore a red sweater dress with black boots. She enjoyed her meal consisting of a mango burger, french fries with blueberry sauce, and seltzer water. She checked the various notifications on her cellphone. Sadly, none of them were of any interest; mostly gossip ranging from celebrities around the world, the top five sages of Mayland of the month, and, of course, the usual anti-demon propaganda. The woman thought that with the country's current ruler being half-demon, and a competent one at that, such egregious stories shouldn’t be much of a thing. But, she was well aware that despite the progress made over the many centuries, long before her time, there would be mortals and other entities that would always dislike demons and wish for the end of their existence. Placing her phone back inside her purse, the woman continued enjoying her meal. Having finished her burger and most of her water, the woman attempted to finish off the few remaining fries on her plate. The sound of her phone ringing inside her purse ceased the attention to her food as she reached into her purse. Quickly attaching her earphones, the woman answered. Her good friend, Edu Omen, was on the line.

Woman: Hey, Edu, it's good to hear from you, bud. How are the wife and kids doing?

Edu: All is well with us, Sara. and I'll tell Beth that you said hello as always. Anyway, that's not the reason I called you, amiga. Earlier, I picked up a sinister aura in New Mexico while doing some construction work. If I had to take a guess, it seems to be somewhere near the Pecos River. Of course, maybe my Natural magical ability to sense certain impending dangers could be off. I honestly don't know why I even told you this now that I think about it. Maybe I was better off keeping this to myself.

Sara: Why would you say that, Edu? I trust your powers, even if you may be wrong this time. Considering all the shit that happens in our country, I don’t doubt that something sinister could be brewing around the Pecos River. I'm going to investigate. At worst, if you're wrong, next time I go out to eat, I demand that you send me money on the Ty Ty app to pay for my food.

Edu: Agreed. But, you gotta promise me one thing, amiga. If I'm right and some kind of danger is brewing over there, get the fuck out of there asap! Don't fight an unnecessary battle, especially if you're alone. I know you're a very skilled sage, Sara, but I love you dearly, friend, and don't want to lose you like I’ve lost so many others.

Sara: I can't make such a promise, Edu, but I will do my damnedest to survive. After all, it's what I do best. Anyway, let me pay for my bill and tip the waiter before heading to New Mexico, Talk to you later tonight.

Edu: I fully expect to hear from you, my friend.

The phone call ended as Sara grabbed two more fries dipped in blueberry sauce before picking up napkins to clean her hands. Sara alerted her waiter before getting up from the table. She then exited the diner and prepared for her trip to New Mexico. Sara is not a teleporter nor did she have Princess Lea Stallard on speed dial. Thankfully, Mayland has a nice selection of teleporters and portal openers, one of them being her associate named Tearle Stevens. After rushing home and changing into her black bodysuit that had a gelatin-like look with yellow orb accessories on various parts of her outfit and yellow boots, Sara placed her hair in a ponytail before contacting Tearle to teleport her to New Mexico. Otherwise, she would have needed to spend a little over four hours to have a Rider take her from Magius to New Mexico, or use a ton of modern transportation. Neither was ideal since Sara felt certain that Edu was correct about something sinister going to happen. Sara met up with Tearle who was getting ready to go out with friends for some adult rated fun. Tearle told Sara his price and she paid before he created a magical portal that would place her within a reasonable part of New Mexico. 

Stepping out of the portal, she was in the state of New Mexico and now she needed to hurry over to the Pecos River. Less than a half-hour later, Sara encountered a demon boat rider who took her over to the Humidler Island, a unique place located fifty meters from the Pecos River. Upon arriving on the island, Sara thanked the man for his services before he left the woman to handle whatever business she had on the seemingly deserted island. Sara spotted the N'up Cave on the island. She didn’t sense anything sinister from where she stood. The Sage was no fool and suspected that whatever evil Edu felt would surely be discovered within the cave. Sara took a moment to gather herself before venturing towards the cave. 

Once inside the cave, Sara spotted the usual creatures that one expects in such a place. None of them frightened her since she could easily blast them from existence with her shockwave magic. Exploring deeper inside the cave, Sara saw a gigantic blue-ish green egg surrounded in a sinister aura, but not one of demonic nature. Realizing the Edu was indeed correct as the egg in front of her started cracking open, she was forced to stand her ground as she watched a white and blue stuffed-like rabbit hatch before her. The creature had a twisted smile with various parts of its body having what appeared to be stuffing oozing out from it. In reality, it was white colored acid. Sara recognized the creature as being a Hazard Doll, creatures created by the God Akodomal during the horrific event known as the Five Year War. The creature before her was one that Akodomal couldn't hatch in time before his demise at the hands of heroes of the Mortal Realm. Nonetheless, it was only a matter of time before such a monstrosity would hatch on its own. Regardless of its creator no longer being alive, the monster before her was intended to serve its creator's will and that was the destruction of life on the Mortal Realm. 

Sara readied herself for battle as the Hazard Doll roared viciously, ready to strike. Sara unleashed a shockwave from her hands that knocked the beast several inches away from where it originally stood, but she was unable to knock it off of its feet. She quickly unleashed another shockwave. The creature sidestepped the attack and prepared one of its own. Swinging its arms violently, white acid flew throughout the cave as Sara hastily dodged the acidic attack. Despite Sara's best efforts, some acid managed to strike her in the back. Her suit diluted the effectiveness of the acid, but it damaged her skin nonetheless. Sara attempted to continue her battle against the monster, ignoring her pain, but a painful memory hit her. She remembered years ago when she was just a young woman in the army that it took her and fifty other sages to take down one of Akodomal's Hazard Dolls. Now she was forced to fight one of these monstrosities on her own. She realized that she bit off more than she could chew. At the same time, she didn't regret confirming her friend's concerns about the evil in New Mexico. Rising to her feet, she prepared for what would possibly be her last stand against an extremely powerful adversary. Suddenly a strong gust of wind passed by Sara and headed towards the Hazard Doll, moving faster than the human eye could see. 

A voice screamed out "FIVE SEASONS SLASH!" In an instant, a mysterious figure performed five fatal slashes against the monster. Appearing before Sara was a fair-skinned woman with obviously dyed sky blue hair, brown eyes, and wearing a revealing kimono that had two swords and a beautiful umbrella with unmistakable Japanese influence. The woman flipped her hair in a sassy manner as she watched the Hazard Doll rip apart before her eyes. Sara was stunned by how the person before her had arrived in time to save her life. There was no mistaking that this one was one of King Onyx's Seven Royal Guards, Odessa Crestfallen. The Hazard Doll was defeated and dead and Sara was thankful she survived yet another near-death encounter in her life. Odessa made her way over to the injured woman and helped her get off the ground. Before Sara could even begin to utter one word, Odessa spoke and answered whatever questions the woman may have for her.

Odessa: First and foremost, you should thank your sweet ass that I happened to make Humidler Island my training ground for tonight. Otherwise, you would 100% be in the dead category. Don't you know it's beyond stupid to take on those monsters by yourself? Anyway, you should know who I am given that my boss currently rules over this country. Mind telling me your name, and why you felt the need to go to such an extreme method to commit suicide?

Sara: The name's Sara Libel and very funny, Crestfallen, but I didn't come here to get myself killed. My friend, Edu, sensed something evil within New Mexico, so I decided to investigate it to confirm his suspicions. While I'm very thankful for the rescue, don’t make me out to be off my fucking rocker. So, you weren't sent here to Humidler Island on Onyx's orders?

Odessa: Nope! Onyx had no clue about anything going down here. Otherwise, he would’ve sent Hellin and her team to handle the situation. So you got really fucking lucky I decided to make this place my hangout for the night.

Sara: I am lucky indeed, but how did you even get here? I know for a fact teleportation is not one of your powers.

Odessa: It sure ain't. Thankfully, my ex-boyfriend is good at creating portals to places he's been. It's a good thing we fucked here a few years ago. Anyway, I know you aren't a teleporter or you would’ve had some sense and got yourself the hell out of here when you first encountered that monster.

Sara: My friend, Tearle, can also create portals. And no I didn't fuck him cause he's gay. Speaking of which, I need to contact him and see if he's able to open a portal to get me, well us, back to Magius. I pray he's done having his "fun" and is able to respond to my text message... shit, my back stings.

Odessa: Why don't you hold off on contacting your friend at the moment. I got some medicine on me that's great for healing burns. It also allows me time to flap my gums about some of my recent adventures before you grow tired of me.

Sara: Lordy... I would appreciate some medicine right now. First, let me text my friend, Edu, to let him know that I'm safe and that he doesn't have to pay for my next meal at the diner.

Odessa: Girl, are you stupid? Didn't you risk your life in order to prove his suspicion? You better get a free meal out of it.

ストリートファイター6 世界1位覚醒ジェイミー 踊るように戦う 最高峰のリーチ

Sunday, January 1, 2023

FORBIDDEN Character Surnames

 Just a quick list of surnames for some of my FORBIDDEN characters both well known, minor, and still being fleshed out

Mei Duangsanit (Lapisara's best friend)

Mariah Antebellum (The Rider/Hellin & Orsela's friend)

Adama Aliyu (Queen Aliyu/Trevyn's Mother)

Pai Ongaram

Onyx Carnival

Marisol Vinson

#RHOP : Candiace opens up about Gizelle's accusations on Chris, if there...

Can All Monsters Be Traced Back to Tiamat?

VAIN - The Witch Of Torment

 VAIN Artwork by Anne_Luc