Wednesday, January 18, 2023

Profile: Mignardis


"My hatred towards mankind can never be diminished; however, I refuse to behave like the monster I was forced to become by the very same beings." - Mignardis 

Name: Mignardis (Doesn't recall her surname nor does she care to remember)

Alias: Myrta, The Goddess of Bitterness, Okubi's Unintentional Maid 

Age: Over 300,000 years old. Physical appearance is that of sixteen years of age

Species: Goddess, but has been weakened to her human form. Nonetheless, Mignardis is still considered a God

Country: Originates from the extinct country Saladite, but currently resides in England

Hair Color: Caramel/Sandy Brown

Eye Color: Red (Note: while Red eye color is common for a demon, Mignardis red eye color is because she was transformed into a Goddess. Her original eye color when she was a mortal was brown)

Skin Color: Porcelain

Height: 5'7”

Weight: 122 Pounds

Powers: Mignardis is an extremely powerful man-made Goddess. Possessing God-level durability, control over red energy that's hotter than the sun, superhuman agility, strength, and high resistance to various spells.

In her full Goddess state, Mignardis can unleash red and black colored energy beams and create wormholes.

Allies: Mignardis doesn't consider anyone her ally. However, she has grown to respect Okubi and Eligos

Likes: Cleaning around Okubi's castle, running errands in London, sneakers, Bangers & Mash

Dislikes: Mankind, train delays, Hellin Strongs, King Onyx, Unloyal, Lourdes


The Birth Of Bitterness

Before becoming the devious Myrta, the Goddess of Bitterness, Mignardis was once a normal young girl who hailed from the country of Saladite many centuries ago. Mankind was still young and plagued with demons, dragons, other beasts, and toyed with by various gods and goddesses, from the realm of Mystilia, and lastly abandoned by their creator, the Heavenly King. Various citizens throughout the Mortal Realm fought using magic in order to defend themselves. A group of people from Saladite intended to create a God of their own to combat the evil that plagued their world. One of the people of the group decided to use his daughter, Mignardis, to be the vessel in creating their own god. Mignardis pleaded with her father to not force her to undergo such experimentation. Her father ignored her pleas as he and his followers stripped Mignardis naked and placed her on a table and began their ritual. 

Using their magical knowledge, Mignardis's father and his followers forced a high level of magic inside of Mignardis that caused the young girl unimaginable pain. She screamed out for them to stop, but her cries fell on deaf ears. Mignardis's soul was consumed by bitterness and hatred as her skin changed from porcelain to red with black zigzag patterns around her body. The ritual was complete and Mignardis's father and his followers were proud to have created their own god. They quickly learned that turning a mortal into a god came at a great price. Immediately, Mignardis slaughtered her father's followers right before his eyes with a blast of red energy, burning their bodies to a crisp. Mignardis's father began berating his daughter. He demanded that she obey him. One should know that no mortal can command a god! 

Mignardis, who now referred to herself as Myrta, the Goddess of Bitterness, used her divine powers and flayed her father's skin nice and softly; allowing him to feel the pain he forced his only child to endure before she ended his miserable existence. Normally, this is where one's revenge would end, but Myrta’s hatred wasn't limited to just those who transformed her, but to all mankind. Myrta, growing taller by the minute, unleashed her rage upon the rest of the people of Saladite. Within an hour, Saladite and its people became extinct. Myrta then terrorized neighboring countries such as Indonesia and Malaysia. Fortunately, Sages from around the Mortal Realm arrived in the two Asian countries. With their combined efforts they managed to drive away Myrta, forcing her to retreat to her own realm before they sealed the goddess away from invading their realm. Hecate also aided the mortals by using her own magic to strengthen the protection between Myrta's realm and the Mortal world. The Goddess of Bitterness would spend multiple centuries within her own realm, festering in her hatred towards mankind.

The Events Of Red Ambitions

During her imprisonment in her own realm, an individual named Lourdes, from Earth 911, made her way to Earth 135 upon learning of Myrta and her devious history. Lourdes made plans to use the citizens of Earth 135 in order to bring forth Myrta and unleash the goddess's chaos. Lourdes kidnapped a multitude of civilians residing in China including Mayland's current ruler, King Onyx. This led to a team of heroes consisting of Hellin Strongs, Orsela Geno, Scylla Baros, Anna Del Soto, and Lea Stallard working together to find Onyx and the cause behind the disappearances in China. Eventually, the heroes learned about the Sorceress Lourdes, who hailed from another world, and her intentions to bring forth Myrta, the Goddess of Bitterness. After locating Lourdes's pocket dimension hidden within China, Hellin alongside Orsela, Shi Yi Jie, and Onyx's alternate universe self, Unloyal, found the kidnapped civilians in Lourdes's dimension as well as Shi Yi Jie's daughter, Mei, and Onyx. The heroes then confronted Lourdes, but they were unable to stop her before she completed her ritual to bring forth Myrta from out of her dimension. Lourdes used the souls of those she kidnapped, except Onyx and Mei, along with her own soul as tribute to bring forth Myrta into her dimension. The heroes banded together and managed to defeat the ravenous goddess. Myrta retreated to her realm once again while all the souls used to bring her forth returned to their proper bodies, including that of Lourdes. Hellin then killed Lourdes before escaping the Sorceress's pocket dimension and returning to their proper worlds. 

While Myrta was far from defeated, the battle against Hellin, Onyx, and Unloyal did weaken the goddess severely. Despite her efforts, Lourdes proved to be an inadequate host for the goddess. Thus, she ended up abandoning the Sorceress, which allowed the heroes to emerge victorious. While resting in her realm, Myrta was suddenly attacked by Okubi, who learned about the incident in China, thanks to Onyx, and knew they needed to act quickly to finally rid the Mortal World of the looming threat of Myrta. The two battled, but because Myrta was not at her full strength, Myrta suffered defeat at the hands of Okubi as she transformed before them into her original human form. Okubi, who originally intended to kill Myrta once and for all, decided to spare her life and take her back to their home in London. Shortly thereafter, Mignardis began living with Okubi and Eligos in London. She underwent "reformation" as she lived among the mortals that she despised. While her hate for mankind never went away, over time, thanks to Okubi and various others, Mignardis learned to combat her destructive desires in order to properly live in the Mortal Realm.


Mignardis name comes from the word Mignardise, which means a bite size dessert.

Mignardis's original hairstyle was going to be based on the character Miss Bellum from The Powerpuff Girls, but halfway through getting Mignardis properly drawn I decided to base her hairstyle on the character Mignon Beart from The King of Fighters Maximum Impact.

Mignardis is the first character I created with red eyes that is not a demon. Mignardis's red eyes are caused by the effects of being transformed into a goddess.

While Mignardis is indeed a goddess, although a manmade goddess and not a natural one, the gods of Mystilia do not consider her one of their own. They see her as a perversion of a true god. Fortunately for them, Mignardis doesn't give a fuck about their opinions of her.

Mignardis speaks with a naturally condescending tone. However, usually it's not an indication of her mood, but one of the many side effects of being transformed into a goddess.

Mignardis's human form is the way she originally looked before becoming a goddess. The only difference is that her breasts were smaller and her original eye color was brown.

Saladite is a fictional Asian country. Originally, Mignardis was going to hail from Yugoslavia but I didn't feel comfortable in writing about the destruction of a real place even in fictional media. Thus, I created Saladite to fulfill that purpose.

Mignardis was originally 5 feet and 5 inches but I changed her to 5 feet and 7 inches. Even correcting that detail in FORBIDDEN - Red Ambition which is a free story on my WattPad page:

Mignardis wears sneakers despite how they throw her outfit off. She can function in heels, but detests wearing them when running errands.

Mignardis became Okubi's unintentional maid. This was because she cleaned up various parts of Okubi's castle whenever they were away on their Treasure Hunting assignments or assisting Naazim. However, Mignardis would attack anyone who refers to her as Okubi's maid since she is NOT their official maid; just enjoys cleaning to pass the time. 

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