Sunday, April 16, 2023

Menhit - Skill Set

 Menhit's Skill Set

Skill Set Explanation


Meteor Strike: Menhit creates a ball of fire in her palm and charges at her target. The charged version increases the size of her fire ball and does greater damage

Special Attacks

Rage Spark: Menhit creates a giant spark of fire onto the ground

Mesmerizing Kick: Menhit performs an acrobatic kick infused in magical energy. This attack works as both a physical attack and able to reflect projectiles

Heat Orb: Menhit places an orb made of heat onto the battlefield. The max amount she can place is two at a time (only for a game/RPG sense but can do this limitless canonically). The orbs themselves do zero damage to Menhit's opponents but it's necessary in order for her to perform the following Special Attack

Detonate!: Menhit makes the Heat Orb(s) she placed on the battlefield explode dealing damage to her opponent if they are in the vicinity of the explosion

Solar Aura: Menhit envelopes her body in a sunny energy allowing her to gradually heal herself from any damage taken in battle


Judgment Blitz: Menhit creates a ball of fire in front of her foot before kicking it like a soccer ball. The fireball grows vastly in size upon being kicked as it charges towards Menhit's target

Thursday, April 13, 2023

Princess Diana

Forbidden - Welcoming The Foreigner

 Forbidden - Welcoming the Foreigner

by Onyxe Blade

Within the Bijarim Forest located in South Korea, Hellin Strongs, the Princess of Babylon and one of the many defenders of the Mortal Realm, easily annihilated a terrifying beast known as the bulgasal, which she engulfed in yellow and black flames. The bulgasal is a vicious creature with the body of a bear, trunk of an elephant, skin of a snake, limbs of a tiger, and teeth like a hacksaw. Worst of all, the bulgasal is a somewhat immortal creature impervious to being slain by a common man. Fortunately, there is nothing common about Hellin, and she is a demon with immense powers. Slaying a bulgasal proved effortless for Hellin's, and she was disappointed that the creature proved not to be much of a challenge. Of course, the locals were thankful that the monster wouldn’t be terrorizing their community, at least until another bulgasal appeared. 

Stepping from behind a tree, only a few inches from where Hellin stood, appeared a gray-skinned woman with short green hair with a section of her bangs dyed magenta. Dressed in a beautiful purple yukuta with mulberry colored flowers, the woman stared at Hellin with her yellow eyes as she awaited a response.

Hellin: Oh wow, Nari, you were so quiet I almost forgot you were here in the forest with me.

Nari: Well, as a self-proclaimed champ of hide and seek, I'm very good at being quiet. Plus, I didn't want to disturb your battle against the bulgasal. Also, thanks again, Hellin, for coming to Korea to handle this problem. I know such things are usually beneath you, but I didn't want the creature causing any trouble for my fellow Koreans.

Hellin: Well, first of all, Nari, you make me sound like a vapid bitch who thinks she's too good to battle the likes of a bulgasal. Second, you mainly should thank your buddy, Onyx, for answering your text message and requesting me to handle this problem. If only the people of Korea knew how valuable it is having a Gwisin living among them. If it wasn't for your ability to sense these types of creatures, who knows how many innocent lives would be claimed by the bulgasal. Anyway, now that my business here is finished, do you want to come with me back to the Royal Lands or would you rather stay here?

Nari: Nah, I'll definitely come with you to see Onyx and the others in Mayland. Besides, my Seobeom is busy running some personal errands and Sung Jin is still on tour. Therefore, my only option, besides utter boredom, is coming to hangout with Onyx.

Nari then walked over to Hellin and grabbed hold of her hand. Hellin opened a portal and the two women stepped in as they left the Bijarim Forest, appearing seconds later in the throne room of Onyx's castle. Hellin and Nari were greeted by Onyx, Orsela, James, Yura, and Anna. To Hellin's dismay and Nari's confusion, Unloyal, the version of Onyx from Earth 911, also appeared. He was alongside a pre-schooler boy who wore a red and black striped sleeveless hoodie. The pre-schooler’s hoodie matched Unloyal's hoodie, but with a white t-shirt underneath and black shorts, and red and black sneakers. Lastly, there was a tall peach-skinned male with short curly hair stopping right below his shoulders. 

The peach-skinned male wore a white t-shirt that barely hid his chiseled physique, tan joggers, and white and gray sneakers. Unlike everyone else in the room, the mysterious man had a nervous energy about him. Hellin also noticed that his eyes had an unorthodox blue color not seen in a human, or at least not one she's ever met. While happy to not sense any sign of trouble among her group of friends, the appearance of Unloyal alongside the child in his arms and the mysterious man left her with questions that needed answers.

Hellin: Onyx... what the hell is that cretin, Unloyal, doing here?

Unloyal: I would say it's good to see you as well, Lady Onyx, but I would be lying.

Nari: Why are there two Onyxes in the room?

Onyx: Hey Nari and Hellin. Glad the bulsagal situation is handled. Anyways, Nara, this is Unloyal. He is me from another universe and vice versa. With him is his little buddy, Untrue, and this tall android he brought along with him is Mario, who comes from a different universe of his own. I'll explain the whole "alternate Onyxes" thing to you later Nara. Right now, I need Unloyal to explain why he suddenly decided to pop up in our world.

Unloyal: Well, as I was about to explain earlier before Lady Onyx and zombie girl popped up, this tall hunk you see standing before you is Mario. He's an android from Earth 2118 and was created along with many other androids to serve the humans of his reality. Mario, formally known as Model 372D, was created to serve the x-rated desires of whoever was in possession of him. I would say the obvious word, but my mother told me I better stop saying adult stuff around Untrue. I won't, but I'll make a half-hearted effort to watch my tongue around the little guy, as I do most things in my life.

Untrue: Yeah, no bad words, Uncle.

Hellin: Ugh! I‘d rather mop the ocean than listen to this cretin talk.

Orsela: Too bad Unloyal possesses immunity to telepaths, but perhaps Mario wouldn't mind you reading his mind.

Yura: It damn sure would speed up the process. The faster this situation is handled the sooner the King and I can get back to issues concerning our world.

Hellin: Mario, I know we just met a few minutes ago, but can you trust me enough to allow me to read your mind? It will make things much faster and I'll be spared hearing the grating voice of Unloyal.

Unloyal: Grating voice? I sound the same way that Onyx does. So, if you think my voice is grating then you feel the same about his voice. Hey, Onyx, your so-called friend hates the way you sound.

Onyx: She is only referring to you, and your voice is slightly deeper than mine. Now please stop being insufferable for like five minutes, and let Hellin read Mario's mind as I intended to do before her arrival.

Unloyal: Fucking losers! Anyways, Onyx, hold Untrue for me while I go take a sh--, I mean #2. James, walk me to the bathroom.

James: What? I only answer to the Onyx of my world. I don't serve just any Onyx, and especially not you!

Unloyal: Please! There are much worse Onyxes within the different worlds. Either you take me to the bathroom or I will personally find your room and take a shit on your bedroom floor.

James: You little piece of sh--

Anna: Dad! Let's just take Unloyal to the bathroom. The sooner we get this foolishness out of the way the better.

James sighed, but decided to follow his daughter's advice. The two of them escorted Unloyal to the bathroom after Unloyal handed Untrue over to Onyx to watch. Hellin then walked over to Mario to soothe the worrisome man before entering his mind in order to understand his presence in her world. Reading the android's mind, Hellin saw a vision of him being poorly treated by an elderly man by the name of Ernest Celestin. Ernest, like many others in Mario's world, used him to satisfy his sexual desires. 

Something in Mario snapped because he ended up strangling Ernest after dealing with his abuse one too many times. Hellin also discovered that Ernest was Earth 2118's version of Onyx, and a very bad one at that. Hellin felt no sympathy for the old pervert's death, but understood that Mario's actions put him in grave danger because androids simply existed to serve the humans of his world's every whim. Retaliating against mistreatment was a punishable act. Androids who retaliated against their owner(s) were deemed defective, and would be euthanized and their parts used to make newer androids. 

Knowing his ill fate, Mario went on the run, but a warrant had already been issued for his arrest. Fortunately for him, the android encountered Unloyal who had world-jumped into his world. Unloyal did not intend to rescue Mario. Upon seeing the cops pursue Mario and Unloyal's nature to be a dickhead to practically everyone he met, Unloyal decided to take Mario with him to fuck over the chances of his pursuers getting a hold of him. Shortly afterwards, Mario stayed with Unloyal and his folks for a bit, but Mario did not feel quite comfortable living among Unloyal and his rambunctious siblings. Not to mention that Queen G, Unloyal's mother, did not want any male in her home that wasn't one of her boys or Untrue. That led to Unloyal bringing Mario here to this world. Hellin ceased her connection with Mario and stepped away from him. She then shared the information she obtained via telepathy to everyone else in the room, minus Untrue. Now that everyone understood Mario's backstory and why Unloyal brought him to this world, Hellin walked over to where the others stood as Onyx began to speak.

Onyx: Well, Mario, although you're not from this world, I have no qualms with you being here. I'm sure everyone in this room, and those not in the room, shares my sentiments. I'm sorry for all the misery you were forced to endure in your world, and I wish there was a way to help your fellow androids. However, my world has problems of its own such as dragons, witches, evil demons, and so forth. If you wish to remain in our world, that is fine with me. I have the necessary resources to get you settled here, and you will not be forced to live the life here that you did in your own world. 

However, once Unloyal returns from the bathroom, I will have to firmly let him know that he cannot bring any more of your kind to my world. Until further notice, you will be the only foreigner that I knowingly allow to be in this world. Well, there's also Kthanid, but that's a different situation entirely, considering his brother, Cthullu, is still an issue my comrades and I are still handling. Anyways, the choice is yours if you want to stay here in our world. Otherwise, I'll let Unloyal know you do not wish to be here.

Mario: I can't go back home to my world. Despite the dangers that inhabit your world, at least I'll have a chance to live the life I desire for once.

Yura: So, we'll take that as a yes. Well then, Mario, welcome to our world, and we hope you have a better experience here than the world you originated from.

Unloyal returned to the throne room along with James and Anna. Untrue immediately reached out for Unloyal. Onyx walked him over and handed the child over to his uncle.

Unloyal: So, what's the cyborg's decision?

Mario: For the seventeenth time, I'm an android!

Unloyal: Tomato, toe-mah-toe! Anyway, what's the damn verdict?

Hellin: He's staying, so you can get going already… unless you wish to be burnt to a crisp.

Onyx: Mario will be staying here with us, Unloyal. My friends and I will take it from here.

Unloyal: Oh, thank fucking God.

Untrue: Language!

Unloyal: My bad, Untrue... I mean, thank goodness! Anyway, the kid and I are out this joint. I'll be seeing you losers again sooner than later. Say bye-bye, Untrue.

Untrue: Bye-bye everyone.

Everyone politely responded goodbye back to Untrue, while barely hiding their irritation with Unloyal. Unloyal then teleported from Onyx's castle with Untrue in his arms as they returned to their proper world. Now with Unloyal and Untrue having exited the castle, Onyx ordered Yura to tell his chefs to prepare lunch as everyone proceeded with the rest of their day.

VAIN - The Witch Of Torment

 VAIN Artwork by Anne_Luc