Sunday, April 16, 2023

Menhit - Skill Set

 Menhit's Skill Set

Skill Set Explanation


Meteor Strike: Menhit creates a ball of fire in her palm and charges at her target. The charged version increases the size of her fire ball and does greater damage

Special Attacks

Rage Spark: Menhit creates a giant spark of fire onto the ground

Mesmerizing Kick: Menhit performs an acrobatic kick infused in magical energy. This attack works as both a physical attack and able to reflect projectiles

Heat Orb: Menhit places an orb made of heat onto the battlefield. The max amount she can place is two at a time (only for a game/RPG sense but can do this limitless canonically). The orbs themselves do zero damage to Menhit's opponents but it's necessary in order for her to perform the following Special Attack

Detonate!: Menhit makes the Heat Orb(s) she placed on the battlefield explode dealing damage to her opponent if they are in the vicinity of the explosion

Solar Aura: Menhit envelopes her body in a sunny energy allowing her to gradually heal herself from any damage taken in battle


Judgment Blitz: Menhit creates a ball of fire in front of her foot before kicking it like a soccer ball. The fireball grows vastly in size upon being kicked as it charges towards Menhit's target

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