Monday, June 26, 2023

FORBIDDEN Update 06/26/2023

 Hey everyone and thank you for viewing my blog as always. Anyways here are some future updates for FORBIDDEN

1. Wendy Brinefall official artwork coming soon. Profile maybe two weeks after Wendy's reveal

2. Summertime Hellin Strongs

3. A new original story is on the way

Lastly below are two newly created FORBIDDEN characters. One is Kelsey Lambert, a mysterious woman who has allied herself with Capella and company. The second is a muscular man named "Urah" for the moment whose backstory is still in progress. Here is there original artwork below

Monday, June 12, 2023

The King Of Fighters XV - Goenitz Trailer

Life Update As To Why I Haven't Streamed

Profile: Capella Germanotta


"I'm the son of an assassin. Best believe if you choose to fight me, you better be prepared to die!" - Capella Germanotta


Drawn by Nyacoii

Name: Capella Germanotta

Age: 27

Country: Born in Italy but resides in Mayland

Alias: The Merciless Moon

Hair Color: Platinum Blonde

Eye Color: Pale Yellow

Skin Color: Beige

Height: 5'11”

Weight: 181 Pounds

Powers: Moon-based energy, translocation, knowledge of various spells

Allies: Deon Sanchez, Wendy Brinefall, Kelsey Lambert, Eugene Toffee (Guardian)

Likes: His teammates, traveling, watching the moon, Negroni (Italian cocktail), exercising, money

Dislikes: Indecisiveness, boring battles, Wendy's scolding, overly spicy foods


Capella is the child of the assassin Estelle Germanotta who conceived him while on assignment in Tunisia. Returning to Italy shortly after completing her assignment, Estelle contemplated aborting her child, but had to keep a low profile. Estelle decided to have the baby and give him up for adoption. She worked until almost time to give birth, as well as having to dodge rival assassins. Estelle gave birth to her son, Capella, in a private hospital in Verona, Italy. Upon holding her baby in her arms, Estelle immediately decided against giving up Capella. His mother taught Capella basic survival skills and the use of magic in self-defense. While Estelle didn't want to admit how much she enjoyed motherhood, the life of an assassin was something she was never going to give up. She feared the day an enemy would discover her and her son. The thought of death never scared Estelle, but the mother in her couldn't allow her actions to cause Capella's life to be in danger. Estelle ultimately decided to send her son off to an acquaintance who resided in Mayland. Someone she knew she could trust to continue raising her son for her, and that person was her childhood friend and former guide mate, Eugene Toffee. Capella was reluctantly sent to live with Eugene in Cadence, Ariso, one of the seventy-five states that make up Mayland. Capella hated Eugene at first, but eventually warmed up to Eugene once he realized the man meant him well and only wanted to keep him safe. 

Capella also met his best friend, Deon Sanchez, and the two boys bonded over their love of magic and less than favorable upbringings. One night while returning from a carnival with Eugene and Deon, they saw a demon harassing a mortal woman. Eugene quickly went into action to aid the woman. Eugene did his best to fight the demon as the woman managed to get away. The angry demon overwhelmed Eugene and prepared to go in for the kill. Seeing his guardian's life in danger triggered something within Capella. His usually dull-colored yellow eyes instantly glowed bright like the moon in the sky. Capella unleashed a powerful moon-like blast and knocked out the demon; surprising both himself and his friends by the unexpected attack. Capella was momentarily paralyzed with confusion until Deon snapped him out of it. 

After arriving home, Eugene hugged and thanked Capella for saving him, but the young man was still confused by the moon-like attack he used earlier, considering he was never taught such magic by his mother. Eugene then concluded that Capella was a type of sage known as a Natural and he more than likely inherited his moon-based abilities from his father; whoever that may be because that's a mystery only Estelle could solve. Deciding not to dwell on the "how," Capella decided instead to focus on honing his inner magical powers. 

Years later, Capella along with Deon and two other sages named Wendy Brinefall and Kelsey Lambert became a team as they ventured across Mayland taking on various missions. During this time, Capella honed his natural moon magic as well as improving his knowledge of various other spells. Disappointed, his mother ceased contacting him when he turned fourteen for reasons unknown to both Eugene and him. Capella knew she was alive and that's all that mattered. In the meantime, Capella focused on becoming stronger and protecting his loved ones.


Capella's name is inspired by the star of the same name.

Capella means "She-Goat" and the brightest star of the northern constellation of Auriga.

Originally, Capella was going to be a flamboyant man with an afro and medium brown colored skin. However, during the design process, I changed my mind and made Capella more masculine and changed his race from black to white. I was much more satisfied with the final design compared to when I first drew him.

Original Design

4. Capella's original design would later be resurrected in the design for the character "Candy Sin".

5. Capella's favorite drink Negroni is a traditional cocktail from Italy.

6. Capella joins the list of Natural magic users such as Da-Xia, Eaton, Lea Stallard, and other sages of the FORBIDDEN series.

7. Lastly, my desire when coming up with Capella's backstory was to create something wasn’t complicated.

Saturday, June 10, 2023

Capella's Skill Set


Skill Set Explanation


Moon Strike: Capella covers his left hand in moon based energy and performs a short ranged strike. This attack is able to nullify a single projectile. This can also be used as a regular attack


1. Ice Spell - Freezing Orb: Capella uses an ice spell and creates a massive orb of ice that strikes nearby opponents

2. Moon Bomb: Capella throws an energy ball that blows up on the opponent upon impact

3. Fire Spell - Leaping Blaze Kick: Capella performs a forward flip slash kick attack which is infused with fire

4. Moon Blast (Near Foe): Capella grabs his opponent and uses his moon based magic to create a blast which sends the opponent crashing to the ground


Devastating Moon Combination: Capella creates three small moon energy orbs infused with three different elements. Combining the orbs together to create a giant sphere before charging towards his opponent 


Profile: Candy Sin


"A nice and juicy penis brings me so much joy. Well, that and exterminating those who dare stand in JJ's way." - Candy Sin

Name: Candy Sin

Alias: The Pink Clad Connoisseur of Cum and Extermination, Vicious Femboy, Pink Catastrophe, Another Onyxe

Age: Somewhere in the mid-forties, but it really doesn't matter due to Candy Sin appearing in his early twenties. Thanks to his unorthodox existence

World: Earth 5097

Hair Color: Hot Pink

Skin Color: Vanilla Latte

Eye Color: Sky Blue

Height: 5'7”

Weight: MY WEIGHT IS FINE! The cheeseburgers are going to my ass and thighs

Powers: Superhuman strength, durability, cum manipulation, water manipulation, solar manipulation, self-healing, create small wormholes, aura sensing

Likes: His creator/mother, JJ, attractive men with nice penises, playing with semen, sleeping, eating junk food especially bacon cheeseburgers, cartoons, drawing, naps, train rides, onanism

Dislikes: Condescending people, math of any form even basic math, enemies who put up a fight, rap music, missing his mother

Allies: Dr. Emerson, JJ, Clarice Baranello


Candy Sin, like JJ before him, is another clone created by Dr. Emerson, using the DNA of her deceased son, Onyxe. Unlike JJ, Candy Sin was not created using the Velvet Asteroid, an otherworldly rock the doctor obtained during her mission in space several years prior. The doctor, with the assistance of JJ, instead captured two divine beings by the names of Bhairava and Shangyang then fused them with Onyxe's DNA in order to create a new clone of her son. The experiment was a success. Unlike JJ, who possessed the better qualities of the doctor's deceased son, Candy Sin inherited some of Onyxe's more negative qualities such as being whiny, porn-obsessed, and having an appetite for fatty foods. All was not lost; however, because Candy Sin also inherited Onyxe's love for drawing, helping, and being well-mannered, for the most part, along with the fact of having god-like powers because of the divine beings used to create him.

Candy Sin was tasked as acting as a subordinate for his creator and elder brother, JJ; tasked with assisting them against threats of various obstacles such as assassins who wanted Dr. Emerson and JJ dead. Despite his faults, Candy Sin loved his creators and the feeling was mutual. It caused him great sadness when Dr. Emerson passed away years later of old age. However, he promised his creator/mother that he’d always serve and protect JJ from danger. Whenever Candy Sin wasn’t busy assisting his big brother, the lad was often searching for quality gay porn and men to fornicate with in order to collect their semen within himself.


1. Candy Sin is another alternate of Onyxe; however, because of his makeup, Candy Sin is also Bhairava and Shangyang respectively.

2. Candy Sin's appearance is inspired by the following

A. Onyxe Blade (Myself)

B. The character Melona from The Queen's Blade series

C. The femboy/effeminate man

D. Cotton Candy 

E. The unused concept for the character "Capella"

3. Candy Sin hates having to use effort, but is a very capable fighter despite his sissy appearance.

4. Candy Sin's mastery of semen, water, and solar energy was influenced by the Mortal Kombat character Kotal Kahn who wields sun-based abilities, blood-based abilities, and a self-proclaimed War God.

Capella Germanotta Official Artwork

 Capella Germanotta

Drawn by Nyacoii

Thursday, June 1, 2023

Candy Sin's Skill Set

 Candy Sin's Skill Set

Skill Set Explanation


Goo Whip: Candy Sin creates a white substance with his hand and moves it like a whip. Goo Whip works both as a swift close ranged attack and is able to negate projectiles

Special Attacks

1. Wet Sensation: Candy Sin envelopes his body in water and charges towards his opponent

2. Where The Sun Shines: Candy Sin creates a beam of solar energy on the battle field

3. Flamboyant Kick: Candy Sin performs a ballerina like kick

4. White Trap: Candy Sin spits up a white colored substance that transforms into a ball and moves towards the target. If the ball hits a non blocking target while the target takes no damage. They become trapped within the ball for a few seconds

5. Gaping Hole [Candy Sin must have 50% HP or less] : Candy Sin opens a wormhole in the air as it unleashes a stream of rainbow colored solar energy

6. Self Pleasuring: Candy Sin surrounds himself in pink colored water as he gradually heals himself from any damages during battle


Burning Sensation: Candy Sin opens a wormhole and unleashes several colorful balls of fire towards his target

Candy Sin Official Artwork


Drawn by Nico_Artoo 


Profile: JJ


"Ethics and science must never go hand-in-hand. That is something I learned from my mother, and I shall never stray from those beliefs." - JJ

Name: JJ

Alias: The Velvet Experimenter, Unethical Violet, Another Onyxe

Age: Somewhere in his mid-fifties. Never looks his age due to his unnatural existence 

World: Earth 5097

Hair Color: Honey Blonde and Black

Skin Color: Mocha

Eye Color: Medium Brown

Height: 5'8”

Weight: 151 Pounds

Powers: Extremely high intellect, energy manipulation, matter manipulation, durability, self-healing, temperature immunity, aura sensing

Likes: His mother/creator, science, history, experimentation, taking care of Candy Sin, information gathering, pineapples, caramel coffee

Dislikes: Pedophiles, weak minded individuals, drug addicts, Candy Sin being a nuisance, motorcycles, marijuana, cats

Allies: Dr. Emerson, Candy Sin, Clarice Baranello 


JJ is a clone created by Dr. Gilda Emerson with the usage of her deceased son Onyxe's DNA, who passed away due to cancer, along with a mystical rock called the Velvet Asteroid that Dr. Gilda Emerson obtained from her mission to space several years prior. Having stored her son's body inside of a freezer within her home/laboratory, instead of giving him a traditional burial, Dr. Gilda Emerson combined Onyxe's DNA and the Velvet Asteroid in order to create a new son, which resulted in JJ's birth. The doctor was beyond ecstatic to have her son back even if it wasn't the actual Onyxe. Nonetheless, JJ filled the part of her heart that had shattered upon Onyxe's untimely passing several months ago. However, while JJ shared all of Onyxe's positive features, including a high intellect, because of the effects of the Velvet Asteroid, JJ lacked the emotions of sadness and empathy. With his other emotions intact, JJ fulfilled Dr. Emerson's need as her newly created son. Over the years, Dr. Emerson took more risks in her field of science, which would be seen as unethical by many, including fellow scientists.

JJ possessed unearthly powers because he was partly created by an asteroid. JJ loved his mother very much and had no problem with her actions. He believed they were just. The duo even kidnapped people who were viewed as the scum of the earth such as pedophiles, women beaters, and gangbangers. The main reason for the experiments was to test different theories on how the human body could combat various diseases and how to pinpoint certain hereditary diseases within mankind. This allowed Dr. Emerson and JJ to create various vaccines to prevent such things as sickle cell disease, auto-immune disease, deformities, asthma, and other diseases that could affect humans at conception. 

Such vigorous and ruthless experiments were driven by the death of her first son who she dearly missed and she regretted her putting work before her son. Eventually, this led to the creation of yet another Onyxe clone by the name of Candy Sin. Because she already used the Velvet Asteroid to create JJ, both the doctor and JJ took a crazier approach in creating Candy Sin. They used Onyxe's DNA and infused it with two divine beings known as Bhairava and Shangyang. Happily to now have two sons by her side, Dr. Emerson continued her endeavors until time finally caught up to her. Eventually, she passed away of old age, which caused JJ to feel angry, but he understood that death happened to those who were merely human. He decided to store his mother/creator's body in a freezer next to the one where Onyxe was placed. JJ would take it upon himself to care for both Candy Sin and continue his mother's ambitions. JJ has also taken up dealing with various troublemakers of his world, acting as some sort of anti-hero, much to his chagrin.


JJ was inspired by the Fate/EXTRA CCC character BB -

JJ also takes direct inspiration from me (Onyxe Blade).

JJ's design theme was "purple" as it is the dominant color of his design.

The color "purple" was my favorite color growing up.

JJ is able to manipulate energy and matter which he uses to create green electricity, green fire, and other deadly space or star themed attacks.

While JJ is not normally a cruel person, he has great disdain for pedophiles, drug addicts, abusers, rapists, etc. Those type of people JJ will show zero mercy to, and would use such people for his cruelest experiments.

VAIN - The Witch Of Torment

 VAIN Artwork by Anne_Luc