Monday, June 12, 2023

Profile: Capella Germanotta


"I'm the son of an assassin. Best believe if you choose to fight me, you better be prepared to die!" - Capella Germanotta


Drawn by Nyacoii

Name: Capella Germanotta

Age: 27

Country: Born in Italy but resides in Mayland

Alias: The Merciless Moon

Hair Color: Platinum Blonde

Eye Color: Pale Yellow

Skin Color: Beige

Height: 5'11”

Weight: 181 Pounds

Powers: Moon-based energy, translocation, knowledge of various spells

Allies: Deon Sanchez, Wendy Brinefall, Kelsey Lambert, Eugene Toffee (Guardian)

Likes: His teammates, traveling, watching the moon, Negroni (Italian cocktail), exercising, money

Dislikes: Indecisiveness, boring battles, Wendy's scolding, overly spicy foods


Capella is the child of the assassin Estelle Germanotta who conceived him while on assignment in Tunisia. Returning to Italy shortly after completing her assignment, Estelle contemplated aborting her child, but had to keep a low profile. Estelle decided to have the baby and give him up for adoption. She worked until almost time to give birth, as well as having to dodge rival assassins. Estelle gave birth to her son, Capella, in a private hospital in Verona, Italy. Upon holding her baby in her arms, Estelle immediately decided against giving up Capella. His mother taught Capella basic survival skills and the use of magic in self-defense. While Estelle didn't want to admit how much she enjoyed motherhood, the life of an assassin was something she was never going to give up. She feared the day an enemy would discover her and her son. The thought of death never scared Estelle, but the mother in her couldn't allow her actions to cause Capella's life to be in danger. Estelle ultimately decided to send her son off to an acquaintance who resided in Mayland. Someone she knew she could trust to continue raising her son for her, and that person was her childhood friend and former guide mate, Eugene Toffee. Capella was reluctantly sent to live with Eugene in Cadence, Ariso, one of the seventy-five states that make up Mayland. Capella hated Eugene at first, but eventually warmed up to Eugene once he realized the man meant him well and only wanted to keep him safe. 

Capella also met his best friend, Deon Sanchez, and the two boys bonded over their love of magic and less than favorable upbringings. One night while returning from a carnival with Eugene and Deon, they saw a demon harassing a mortal woman. Eugene quickly went into action to aid the woman. Eugene did his best to fight the demon as the woman managed to get away. The angry demon overwhelmed Eugene and prepared to go in for the kill. Seeing his guardian's life in danger triggered something within Capella. His usually dull-colored yellow eyes instantly glowed bright like the moon in the sky. Capella unleashed a powerful moon-like blast and knocked out the demon; surprising both himself and his friends by the unexpected attack. Capella was momentarily paralyzed with confusion until Deon snapped him out of it. 

After arriving home, Eugene hugged and thanked Capella for saving him, but the young man was still confused by the moon-like attack he used earlier, considering he was never taught such magic by his mother. Eugene then concluded that Capella was a type of sage known as a Natural and he more than likely inherited his moon-based abilities from his father; whoever that may be because that's a mystery only Estelle could solve. Deciding not to dwell on the "how," Capella decided instead to focus on honing his inner magical powers. 

Years later, Capella along with Deon and two other sages named Wendy Brinefall and Kelsey Lambert became a team as they ventured across Mayland taking on various missions. During this time, Capella honed his natural moon magic as well as improving his knowledge of various other spells. Disappointed, his mother ceased contacting him when he turned fourteen for reasons unknown to both Eugene and him. Capella knew she was alive and that's all that mattered. In the meantime, Capella focused on becoming stronger and protecting his loved ones.


Capella's name is inspired by the star of the same name.

Capella means "She-Goat" and the brightest star of the northern constellation of Auriga.

Originally, Capella was going to be a flamboyant man with an afro and medium brown colored skin. However, during the design process, I changed my mind and made Capella more masculine and changed his race from black to white. I was much more satisfied with the final design compared to when I first drew him.

Original Design

4. Capella's original design would later be resurrected in the design for the character "Candy Sin".

5. Capella's favorite drink Negroni is a traditional cocktail from Italy.

6. Capella joins the list of Natural magic users such as Da-Xia, Eaton, Lea Stallard, and other sages of the FORBIDDEN series.

7. Lastly, my desire when coming up with Capella's backstory was to create something wasn’t complicated.

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