Monday, December 23, 2024

George Michael - Cowboys and Angels (Audio)

Profile: Caspian Voyage


"There is nothing wrong with morals, hell even the lowliest of individuals have some sort of code of conduct. However if you constantly base your choices on (right or wrong), you limit your experience of living. I won't leave any room for regret so every second of my life has gotta be explosive and nothing less" - Caspian Voyage

Real Name: Chalarm Aarden

Alias: Caspian Voyage 

Age: 329 Years Old

Species: Human

Hair Color: Carnation Pink

Eye Color: Brown

Skin Color: Apricot 

Height: 6'3

Weight: 221 Pounds

Powers: Explosion type magic which allows Caspian to manipulate atomic nuclei and radiation. Caspian also possesses durability and intermediate super strength

Allies: Brutality, Jingxuan, Mei-hua

Likes: Adventures, collecting colorful dice, money, sex, alcoholic beverages with a sweet taste, poker, ice cream flavored body butters

Dislikes: Boredom, rigid people, losing friends, King Onyx

Backstory: Charlarm Aarden better known by his alias Caspian Voyage, is the son of a Thai woman and a Dutch man. His parents met while his mother was on an assignment in the Netherlands and the two would end up falling in love before his mother would become pregnant and give birth to him. At a young age Caspian was taught magic by his mother and gambling by his father. These skills would prove beneficial throughout Caspian's early life and upon reaching adulthood. He would enlist in his country's military and serve for over ten years, allowing him to hone both his magical skills along with gaining knowledge of the world itself. It was during his military years where Caspian would earn his unique name from his fellow soldiers.

Shortly after, Caspian would decide to move from his homeland to the country of Mayland where he would become an agent of the Royal Lands whom duties were to defend Mayland from various threats and especially protect Mayland's current ruler, Queen Ida. It didn't take long for the Queen to notice Caspian and his incredible magical prowess. Ida desired to make Caspian one of her Royal Guards who work directly under her and live in the castle. Caspian didn't care for the idea of becoming a Royal Guard at first but after some convincing from Mayland's Queen, the sage gladly took on the role and was thankful for the many privileges he received as a Royal Guard. For the many years Caspian served Ida, the two unexpectedly formed a pretty solid friendship. Sadly Caspian was unaware of Ida's devious schemes that involved a former acquaintance of hers. That individual being a retired Japanese assassin named Tobirama Senju. 

While on a personal mission in Singapore, unable to assist Ida in defending her crown in the upcoming Devilry Combat Tournament and returning to Mayland a few days later, Caspian heard the news of Ida's defeat and death at the hands of Cambion by the name Onyx Carnival. Caspian was furious that his friend was slain in combat but understood that it was the risk of being a ruler of Mayland. One never knows when their time is up and very often it's a sad ending. Nonetheless, after meeting with Onyx who was still getting his feet wet being the newly crowned ruler of Mayland, Caspian decided to end his services for Mayland and would instead move to Thailand. Shortly after, Caspian would get involved with the magical underworld society (Not to be confused with the actual Underworld, the realm of demons). Caspian would meet other witches who either went into ventures for themselves or worked with others to accomplish their goals. Eventually labeled a witch himself due to his unsavory life choices, but Caspian didn't care what others thought of him. Fulfilling his own desires regardless of moral beliefs is all that mattered to him

Living a life unburdened by morality Caspian only seeks to live a fulfilling life and to discover new wonders of this ever changing world


1. Caspian Voyage is another AI adopt that was transformed into an official character and drawn by an professional artist 

2. Earlier when coming up with Caspian's magical abilities. I considered making his abilities based on Astragalomancy. However I decided to save that for a different character in the future. Thus I made Caspian's power Explosion type magic

3. Caspian's real name is Chalarm Aarden. His mother is Thai and his father is Dutch. Caspian Voyage is his alias as stated in his bio

ELISA'S THOUGHT - I think there's a lot more to his growth and his story, very stoic which comes from his decade long service in the Military. I also think he dislikes King Onyx because of the death of the Queen, but if he really knew what the Queen did (reference: "Sadly Caspian was unaware of Ida's devious schemes that involved a former acquaintance of hers.") do you think he'd be as mad?

Also he's lived a million years, I fear if he found out now, he wouldn't care as much.

Profile Gerasim Paladine


"I'm not rigid enough to not believe in gray areas. However, my form of justice is simple. I'm the Savior Blue Knight and I extinguish all evil that dare crosses my path!" - Gerasim Paladine

Art by Nico_Artoo

Name: Gerasim Paladine

Title: Captain of the Iron Force 

Age: 202

Country: Scotland

Species: Human

Height: 6'2"

Weight: 220 lbs

Hair Color: Brown

Eye Color: Brown

Skin Color: Beige 

Powers: Gerasim is a skilled swordsman and wielder of the Savior Blue broadsword. Gerasim is also skilled tactician, possesses enhanced durability, and exhibits spell-binding charisma & bravado. Gerasim is also able to unleash blue colored energy from his sword against adversaries 

Allies: Meredith Bellis, Tabatha Smollett, Jerome Evermore, Porsha "Chocolate" Cookie, Mordred 

Likes: His parents, being a protector of justice, bubble baths, Torta Caprese, his subordinates, traveling

Dislikes: Villainous beings, his armor shattering in a compromising area on his body during grueling battles, seagulls, hot places

Backstory: The leader of the heroic guild known as IRON FORCE, Gerasim is the son of a Scottish swordswoman and an Ecuadorian sage. Destined to become a great hero, despite his Ecuadorian siblings (whom he has only met a couple of times) and father being sages, Gerasim would follow in his mother's footsteps and train in the ways of a knight. He attended a prestigious knight school within his homeland. After graduating from the academy, Gerasim was given a mystical broadsword called "Savior Blue," a special sword that can only be wielded by an individual with pure intentions and a genuine desire to vanquish evil. Over the years, he has been combating villainy throughout the European region, mainly in his homeland of Scotland. Gerasim would one day stumble upon a mystical cave during his adventures in England. There, he would miraculously free a powerful knight from ancient times, the Black Knight Mordred, who was imprisoned by the witch Morgana centuries before Gerasim was even born. 

Many years later, a tragic event known as The Five Years occurred. Gerasim, along with Mordred and other heroes, aided in the battle against the evil god Akodomal and his cohorts. Shortly afterward, Gerasim would start forming his own guild with Mordred by his side. Over time, Gerasim would recruit warriors like Jerome Evermore, a powerful brown-skinned sage named "Chocolate," and eventually younger warriors such as Tabatha and Meredith. Together they would form the IRON FORCE guild, combining their skills in order to combat various evils around Europe. While Gerasim doesn't have much going on in his personal life, he is nonetheless grateful for his guild and being another vessel of good in the endless battle against evil.


1. Gerasim, like many previous FORBIDDEN characters (Cecelia, Liliana, Meredith, Bass), was an AI adopt from DeviantArt but was drawn by a professional artist for his official look.

2. Gerasim was originally Italian/Scottish when first mentioned in Meredith's Profile. However upon working on his backstory I changed him to Ecuadorian/Scottish.

3. Despite being a cisgender male character, Gerasim is heavily influenced by Queen's Blade in terms of battle damage. Unlike most FORBIDDEN characters (male or female), whenever Gerasim takes damage, his armor will shatter in compromising areas such as his genitals, buttocks, chest, and thighs. Much to his chagrin, his armor tends to break regardless of how sturdy it is.

4. Gerasim is fluent in five languages: English, Spanish, French, Japanese, and Portuguese.

5. In the future, when I make an alternate version of Gerasim, that version will be the one that followed in his father's footsteps to become a sage 

Tuesday, December 17, 2024

Profile: Alise Evans


"My Wonderland was taken from me many years ago, but I created a new Wonderland. Although this one isn't perfect, I won't allow anyone to ever take my Wonderland from me ever again. Therefore I made it my mission to eliminate all threats to Wonderland both in the world of humans and my current Wonderland" - Alise Evans

Art by Nico_Artoo

Name: Alise Louise Evans 

Age: 18

Country: England/Wonderland

Alias: The Homicidal Protector Of Wonderland, The Pretty Executioner, Wielder Of Crimson Salvation

Hair Color: Blonde

Skin Color: Porcelain 

Eye Color: Blue

Height: 5'5

Weight: 122 Pounds 

Powers: Alise can summon a magical sword called "Crimson Salvation" which can be used like a traditional sword and shoots reddish pink projectiles. Crimson Salvation possesses great durability and gains increased striking power depending on Alise's mental state. Alise can create a doppelganger of herself and as well as shoot small bolts of electricity from her hands without the usage of her weapon. Lastly Alise can enter both her "Wonderland" as well as the "real world" 

Favorite Food: Lemon Cream Cheese Pie

Likes: Her Wonderland, people who don't cause trouble, stuffed animals, tea parties, merry-go-rounds

Dislikes: Destructive people, troublesome beings in Wonderland, bugs, Lady Cheshire's demeanor and riddles, fire

Backstory: The sole child of the rich and popular entrepreneur couple Martin and Luna Evans, Alise was born into a life of privilege and comfort. However unlike most children her age and with a similar background, Alise did not indulge in her parents riches but instead disconnected herself from the real world as she often stayed in her room, living in her fantasy world she called Wonderland. While her parents were a bit concerned about Alise often keeping to herself, they were also confident as she grew older she would break away from her fantasy. Unfortunately such a day would never come since a man from Martin's past would soon turn the life of the Evans family into ashes.

Alise stayed at home playing in her "Wonderland" in her bedroom as usual while her parents went out to town for her mother's 38th birthday. While out in town, Martin ran into his former friend and business partner Derrick Bumble. Upon seeing him, old memories of Derrick's abuse towards him swelled up in Martin like a boil ready to burst. Derrick recognized Martin and would approach him for help as he had fallen on hard times since they ended their partnership. Martin instead sucker-punched Derrick and told him to stay away from him. While Derrick laid on the ground with a busted lip, the man plotted to find Martin and make him pay. The night while in their cottage, Martin and Luna had fallen asleep on their couch while watching television prior. Alise was still in her room playing with her dolls and having a tea party. Derrick had found Martin's home and while under the influence of alcohol set the cottage on fire.

Martin would be the first to be rudely awakened by the hellish flames and Luna followed. The flames having consumed so much of the living quarters that escape for Martin and Luna were next to impossible. While the couple begrudgingly accepted their gruesome fates, they could not bare their only child suffering the way they were going to by the flames. Martin and Luna shouted out for Alise and after a few attempts succeeded in getting their daughter's attention. Alise stepped out of her room, horrified by the fiery sight before her as and worse her parents trapped within the fire. They harshly yelled for Alise to escape the cottage via the back door. While it was hard for the little girl to abandon her parents, she knew she didn't want to be burned alive and reluctantly left her parents behind as she made her escape

Upon escaping the hellish flames as the echoes of her parents screams rang in her head, Alise was shocked to see a man outside her now destroyed home with regret on his face. The man apologize to her for his unforgivable actions and regretted that his decision led to the death of her parents and the destruction of her "Wonderland". While most children in Alise's situation would have been brought to tears upon such a revelation. Instead Alise felt an unimaginable rage as she summoned a red colored sword with a cracked heart at the bottom of the blade held together by a silver hilt from out of thin air. The girl then unleashed her fury on the man before decapitating him. A mystical power had awoken within her due to tragedy, Alise would fade from out of the real world into a mystical place that looked like something from out of a fairy tale. This place would become Alise's new Wonderland but unlike the one she had before the fire consumed it. This Wonderland wasn't nearly as peaceful but it would have to do. Years later Alise would grow up while retaining her child-like mindset. Becoming a lolita dressed executioner that protected the new Wonderland from troublemakers as well as having the ability to return to London in order to murder people she deemed evil

Robbed of her childhood and her loving parents had shaped Alise into becoming the beautiful Homicidal executioner of evil. While she sometimes dwells on the life she once had, at least in her newly found Wonderland, Alise has the means to protect it from all dangers and she won't think twice about beheading any scum that dear threatens her Wonderland.


1. Alise is based on "Pocahontas"... I'm kidding she's based off "Alice In Wonderland" hence her name being an alternative spelling of "ALICE"

2. Alise's design inspiration are the following

- Alice from "Alice In Wonderland" obviously 

- White Rabbit also from "Alice In Wonderland"

- Lolita fashion

3. Alise's weapon "Crimson Salvation" is inspired by the villain of "Alice In Wonderland" which is "The Red Queen"

4. Coming up with a unique backstory for Alise Evans was really difficult. I was even considering asking my mother to help come up with a unique backstory for the character. However I felt that as Alise's creator it was ultimately my responsibility to create her origin. Therefore I took inspiration from American McGee's Alice but made well thought out steps to insure that my Alise's backstory was different compared to the backstory he created for his version of Alice

5. Alise also takes a minor inspiration from the London serial killer "Jack The Ripper" 

6. Alise is the first fully fleshed out FORBIDDEN character from another universe that isn't an alternate of Onyxe/Onyx of the ONYXEVERSE

7. Alise is the third FORBIDDEN character that was inspired by a fairy tale. The first being Love who was inspired by the fairy tale "Juniper's Tree" and the second being the duo Zeke & Lugor who were inspired by "Little Red Riding Hood & The Big Bad Wolf" 

8. Despite her feminine appearance Alise is a surprisingly vicious fighter and her mental state is questionable at best due to the trauma she endured as a child. Not having the proper guidance as a young child as she reached adulthood. In spite of her age Alise has many child-like tendencies and whenever she loses her cool. The mental defects within her rises to the surface. On the flip side whenever she's not in combat or searching for someone "evil" to kill. Alise is rather poised and even seems more mature than someone twice her age

9. Unknown to Alise at the time the young girl possessed the ability to create her own dimension. Unfortunately her powers were triggered by tragedy and upon creating her actual Wonderland. Due to corruption of her sanity her Wonderland isn't as peaceful as she would have desired. Thankfully she possesses the ruthlessness required to maintain order in her own realm 

ELISA'S THOUGHTS: Wonderland had always been her escape, as an only child with no one else to play with, she conjured this world where she's possibly got friends and her family and protection. Her coping mechanism has always been "Wonderland" but it's been stripped from her. The place once filled and created with a child-like naivety, is now a wasteland.  

Saturday, December 7, 2024

FORBIDDEN - Character Redesigns & New Challengers

 Hey everyone first and foremost. I want to say a huge THANK YOU to everyone who has supported my blog and followed my FORBIDDEN series. I apologize for updates being so slow but a lot has been going on in my everyday life. Thus it hindered me from being as active as I would have liked. I hope 2025 will be a much better year for FORBIDDEN and myself. Anyways below is updated concept designs for established characters as well as new characters coming in the future

1. Sung Jin - The young and handsome Korean idol who possessed lava based magic. Sung Jin has gained a new design for a new era as many K-Pop Idols constantly reinvent themselves. Sung Jin's new design is inspired by WONHO's "Blue" era

2. King Onyx Carnival - Onyx recently received an updated design so the chances of his "Pink Supernova" concept design isn't something I'm rushing to have done but it's a cool outfit concept nonetheless. It may be implemented in the future. However I want to complete more original characters before revisiting King Onyx once again

3. Tharcisio Garrido - A half human half elf that hails from Brazil. While I do not have everything set up for Tharcisio in full detail. I have been wanting to introduce a half human half elf character to my FORBIDDEN series for a long time. So I definitely hope to get Tharcisio drawn by a professional artist in early 2025. Hopefully by that time I will have Tharcisio's powers/back story already in place so I can have his profile available shortly after his official design is completed 

4. Eligor Raphael & Sir Crispin - Eligor comes from Earth 100 a magical earth that shares similarities with Earth 135. Eligor is a reformed evil wizard that decided to become a farmer after ending his villainous ways. During the years he was neighbors with a mysterious man named Lord Taylor and his cat, Sir Crispin. While Eligor did not care for Sir Crispin, he greatly admired Lord Taylor and harbored romantic feelings for him. Unfortunately one evening Lord Taylor did not return home which led Sir Crispin to seek out Eligor. Upon learning about Lord Taylor's disappearance. The two would travel together in order to find Lord Taylor who had disappeared somewhere in Earth 135

A small skill concept for Eligor (Not finalized)

6. Queen Othello Strongs - The mother of Mihoshi, Hellin, and Orsela and the current ruler of Babylon. Othello is the promiscuous Queen who possesses an array of deadly abilities but is best known for her telepathic and poison based powers. Othello is another character I want to give an updated design in 2025

Othello's Concept for her updated design

7. Livonia (Surname will come later) - Livonia is a demon hunter that hails from England. Livonia's desire to deal with dangerous demons led her to being the first human to reside in The Underworld. However due to the Miasma and being a human in a realm full of dangerous beings. The Underworld's current ruler, Lady Johanna forbade Livonia for remaining in The Underworld unless she underwent the transformation into a Darken. Reluctant at first since Livonia felt becoming a Darken was just a discount version of being a demon. Fortunately both Lisa-Alice & Nikiema would work together in order to make Livonia a special type of Darken. After being killed by Lisa-Alice in order to begin Livonia's transformation into a Darken. Nikiema would use her holy powers to aid in Livonia's resurrection. Thus unlike other Darkens. Even when tapping into the darkness within her soul. It would never take over Livonia's sanity thus she is always in control over herself. Along with becoming a Darken, Livonia's weapon magic has greatly enhanced


Thursday, November 28, 2024

Hellin Strongs - Candy Corn Sage Skill Set


Candy Corn Sage

Type: Demon/Magical Girl


Skill Set Explanation


Sweet Demon Charge: Hellin immerses her body in a sphere-shaped candy corn colored fire ball and charges towards her opponent. Hellin can also perform this ability while airborne. This attack is also safe on block and easy to use in combos


1. Hard Candy (Okay In Air): Hellin uses her magic wand and shoots out a giant candy corn projectile at her opponent. Hellin can also perform this attack while airborne

2. Candy Corn Stroke: Hellin swings her wand downwards and creates a stroke of candy corn colored energy. This attack is a short ranged attack that is also able to negate incoming projectiles

3. Candy Corn Drill: Hellin raises her wand in the air and creates a candy corn colored drill that rises from the ground

4. Candy Corn Bomb: Hellin uses her wand to create a levitating energy sphere that colors represents that of a candy corn. After a few seconds the sphere explodes. However if Hellin is struck before the sphere detonates then it will disappear 


Sweet Disaster: Candy Corn Hellin raises her wand towards the air as she summons a multitude of candy corn shaped projectiles to fall from the sky onto her opponent. The opponent is buried under all the candy corn, Hellin reverts back to her normal self. Enraged Hellin then unleashes a stream of fire towards the candy corn. Burning both the giant pieces of candy corn and the opponent buried beneath it

Sunday, November 24, 2024

Angelina Murai Skill Set [REDEFINED]


Type: Magical Girl


Skill Set Explanation


Vanity Wings: Neon blue energy shaped wings sprout from Angelina's back. While her wings are active Angelina can fly around the battlefield for several seconds. Certain Special Attacks may even become altered or gain new attacks while Vanity Wings is active


1. Love Tap: Angelina summons her yo-yo named "Aisyn The Brave". Angelina then can fling Aisyn The Brave forwards or diagonal 

2. Lone Angel (In Air/Vanity Wing): Angelina uses Aisyn The Brave to strike forward while airborne 

3. Sky Diver (In Air): Angelina performs a downward kick while in the air

Sky Diver (In Air/Vanity Wings): A stronger version of Sky Diver only accessible when Vanity Wings is active. If Angelina successfully strikes her opponent it will cause them to pop up into the air for additional damage

4. Magi Cannnon: Angelina summons a small magical cannon that shoots out a ball shaped projectile

5. Magi Spark (Near Opponent): Angelina grabs her opponent and then creates a sphere of magical energy between them before the energy explodes onto the opponent sending them flying 

6. Rabbit Bite: Angelina performs a leaping knee strike

7. Grace (During Rabbit Bite/Vanity Wings): During the hit animation of Rabbit Bite. Angelina is able to cancel the animation mid strike in order to perform various follow ups


Collera Roberto: Angelina summons Aisyn The Brave (her yo-yo) and strikes the opponent. If the first strike is successful. Angelina strikes the opponent two more times before the opponent becomes stunned. Angelina then summons a giant pink colored teddy bear named Roberto who rushes towards the stunned opponent. Grabs and devours them

Sunday, November 17, 2024

FORBIDDEN - Character Designs Update 11/17/2024


Saint Hellina

This is the Winter/Christmas themed Hellin Strongs

Saint Hellina's candy corn shaped weapon "Cynical Blue"

James Del Soto. The sexy, charismatic right hand man of King Onyx. Like his daughter Anna who received a design update a few months back. This is my planned redesign for James Del Soto in the future

A special winter themed alternate form for Scylla Baros. This version of Scylla retains her water and serpent summoning abilities but gains control over the element of ice as well. Scylla's skin also turns icy blue and her blonde hair now white as snow


A beautiful dark skin huntress that resides in Greece. Empowered by Artemis, Atalanta is able to summon a magical arrow for combat

While the name is undecided at this time. This character is of Hispanic origins and is part elf. 

Thursday, November 7, 2024

Saturday, November 2, 2024

Skill Set - Estelle Celosia


Type: Summoner




Protect Thy Friend: Rudy hops in front of Estelle and creates a ruby colored energy shield. While Rudy is out for a few seconds. He protects Estelle for all incoming projectiles. However that's only if Estelle is standing behind where Rudy created the shield. If Estelle leaves Rudy's side during the battle. Estelle is vulnerable to being struck by a projectile


1. Novan Fall: Estelle summons a meteor-like familiar from above and calls upon them by name to strike her opponent

2. Fairy Light: Estelle summons a petite fairy as the creature surrounds their body in a pink colored sphere. If the opponent is close enough to the fairy when she creates her sphere. The opponent will take damage

3. Electric Serpentes (In Air): While in the air Estelle summons a snake-like familiar which electrocutes her opponent upon contact

4. Rocket Ride: Estelle summons a miniature rocket beneath her legs and she rides the rocket towards her opponent

5. Serene Slash: Estelle creates a crescent shaped energy blade that strikes opponents within range


Diva Stomp: Estelle can perform a stomp attack while her opponent is on the ground


True Friendship Beam: Rudy unleashes a ruby colored energy beam at the opponent however the beam is minuscule in terms of powers. Estelle embraces Rudy from behind and tells him "I'll share my strength with you". Empowered by his friend's words, Rudy's energy beam grows ten times in size and absolutely obliterates the opponent

Thursday, October 31, 2024

Hellin Strongs - Candy Corn Sage


Candy Corn Sage 

Drawn by Nico_Artoo

Candy Corn Hellin is a special form which Hellin receives by being affected by the Sweet Stone 


VAIN - The Witch Of Torment

 VAIN Artwork by Anne_Luc