Tuesday, December 17, 2024

Profile: Alise Evans


"My Wonderland was taken from me many years ago, but I created a new Wonderland. Although this one isn't perfect, I won't allow anyone to ever take my Wonderland from me ever again. Therefore I made it my mission to eliminate all threats to Wonderland both in the world of humans and my current Wonderland" - Alise Evans

Art by Nico_Artoo

Name: Alise Louise Evans 

Age: 18

Country: England/Wonderland

Alias: The Homicidal Protector Of Wonderland, The Pretty Executioner, Wielder Of Crimson Salvation

Hair Color: Blonde

Skin Color: Porcelain 

Eye Color: Blue

Height: 5'5

Weight: 122 Pounds 

Powers: Alise can summon a magical sword called "Crimson Salvation" which can be used like a traditional sword and shoots reddish pink projectiles. Crimson Salvation possesses great durability and gains increased striking power depending on Alise's mental state. Alise can create a doppelganger of herself and as well as shoot small bolts of electricity from her hands without the usage of her weapon. Lastly Alise can enter both her "Wonderland" as well as the "real world" 

Favorite Food: Lemon Cream Cheese Pie

Likes: Her Wonderland, people who don't cause trouble, stuffed animals, tea parties, merry-go-rounds

Dislikes: Destructive people, troublesome beings in Wonderland, bugs, Lady Cheshire's demeanor and riddles, fire

Backstory: The sole child of the rich and popular entrepreneur couple Martin and Luna Evans, Alise was born into a life of privilege and comfort. However unlike most children her age and with a similar background, Alise did not indulge in her parents riches but instead disconnected herself from the real world as she often stayed in her room, living in her fantasy world she called Wonderland. While her parents were a bit concerned about Alise often keeping to herself, they were also confident as she grew older she would break away from her fantasy. Unfortunately such a day would never come since a man from Martin's past would soon turn the life of the Evans family into ashes.

Alise stayed at home playing in her "Wonderland" in her bedroom as usual while her parents went out to town for her mother's 38th birthday. While out in town, Martin ran into his former friend and business partner Derrick Bumble. Upon seeing him, old memories of Derrick's abuse towards him swelled up in Martin like a boil ready to burst. Derrick recognized Martin and would approach him for help as he had fallen on hard times since they ended their partnership. Martin instead sucker-punched Derrick and told him to stay away from him. While Derrick laid on the ground with a busted lip, the man plotted to find Martin and make him pay. The night while in their cottage, Martin and Luna had fallen asleep on their couch while watching television prior. Alise was still in her room playing with her dolls and having a tea party. Derrick had found Martin's home and while under the influence of alcohol set the cottage on fire.

Martin would be the first to be rudely awakened by the hellish flames and Luna followed. The flames having consumed so much of the living quarters that escape for Martin and Luna were next to impossible. While the couple begrudgingly accepted their gruesome fates, they could not bare their only child suffering the way they were going to by the flames. Martin and Luna shouted out for Alise and after a few attempts succeeded in getting their daughter's attention. Alise stepped out of her room, horrified by the fiery sight before her as and worse her parents trapped within the fire. They harshly yelled for Alise to escape the cottage via the back door. While it was hard for the little girl to abandon her parents, she knew she didn't want to be burned alive and reluctantly left her parents behind as she made her escape

Upon escaping the hellish flames as the echoes of her parents screams rang in her head, Alise was shocked to see a man outside her now destroyed home with regret on his face. The man apologize to her for his unforgivable actions and regretted that his decision led to the death of her parents and the destruction of her "Wonderland". While most children in Alise's situation would have been brought to tears upon such a revelation. Instead Alise felt an unimaginable rage as she summoned a red colored sword with a cracked heart at the bottom of the blade held together by a silver hilt from out of thin air. The girl then unleashed her fury on the man before decapitating him. A mystical power had awoken within her due to tragedy, Alise would fade from out of the real world into a mystical place that looked like something from out of a fairy tale. This place would become Alise's new Wonderland but unlike the one she had before the fire consumed it. This Wonderland wasn't nearly as peaceful but it would have to do. Years later Alise would grow up while retaining her child-like mindset. Becoming a lolita dressed executioner that protected the new Wonderland from troublemakers as well as having the ability to return to London in order to murder people she deemed evil

Robbed of her childhood and her loving parents had shaped Alise into becoming the beautiful Homicidal executioner of evil. While she sometimes dwells on the life she once had, at least in her newly found Wonderland, Alise has the means to protect it from all dangers and she won't think twice about beheading any scum that dear threatens her Wonderland.


1. Alise is based on "Pocahontas"... I'm kidding she's based off "Alice In Wonderland" hence her name being an alternative spelling of "ALICE"

2. Alise's design inspiration are the following

- Alice from "Alice In Wonderland" obviously 

- White Rabbit also from "Alice In Wonderland"

- Lolita fashion

3. Alise's weapon "Crimson Salvation" is inspired by the villain of "Alice In Wonderland" which is "The Red Queen"

4. Coming up with a unique backstory for Alise Evans was really difficult. I was even considering asking my mother to help come up with a unique backstory for the character. However I felt that as Alise's creator it was ultimately my responsibility to create her origin. Therefore I took inspiration from American McGee's Alice but made well thought out steps to insure that my Alise's backstory was different compared to the backstory he created for his version of Alice

5. Alise also takes a minor inspiration from the London serial killer "Jack The Ripper" 

6. Alise is the first fully fleshed out FORBIDDEN character from another universe that isn't an alternate of Onyxe/Onyx of the ONYXEVERSE

7. Alise is the third FORBIDDEN character that was inspired by a fairy tale. The first being Love who was inspired by the fairy tale "Juniper's Tree" and the second being the duo Zeke & Lugor who were inspired by "Little Red Riding Hood & The Big Bad Wolf" 

8. Despite her feminine appearance Alise is a surprisingly vicious fighter and her mental state is questionable at best due to the trauma she endured as a child. Not having the proper guidance as a young child as she reached adulthood. In spite of her age Alise has many child-like tendencies and whenever she loses her cool. The mental defects within her rises to the surface. On the flip side whenever she's not in combat or searching for someone "evil" to kill. Alise is rather poised and even seems more mature than someone twice her age

9. Unknown to Alise at the time the young girl possessed the ability to create her own dimension. Unfortunately her powers were triggered by tragedy and upon creating her actual Wonderland. Due to corruption of her sanity her Wonderland isn't as peaceful as she would have desired. Thankfully she possesses the ruthlessness required to maintain order in her own realm 

ELISA'S THOUGHTS: Wonderland had always been her escape, as an only child with no one else to play with, she conjured this world where she's possibly got friends and her family and protection. Her coping mechanism has always been "Wonderland" but it's been stripped from her. The place once filled and created with a child-like naivety, is now a wasteland.  

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