Wednesday, January 24, 2024

Over || Lindsay Lohan (Lyrics)

Profile: Ajani Bedouin


"Hey, the name is Ajani, but you may also call me The Breeze of Harmony. I'm peaceful like a summer breeze, but I become like a hurricane against all evildoers."

Name: Ajani Bedouin 

Species: Human

Race: Black

Age: 335 years old (Age of Death) 507 years old (When resurrected) 

Country: Madagascar 

Height: 5'11”

Weight: 225 Pounds

Hair Color: Jet Black

Eye Color: Brown

Skin Color: Medium Brown 

Magic: Wind Harmonization Magic

Likes: Warm weather, fishing, helping those in need, traveling, mango salad

Dislikes: Troublemakers, people who disrespect nature, the sound of styrofoam, yams

Allies: Hina, Se Hoon, Mazoor, Naazim, Gennifer


Ajani is a handsome African man hailing from the country of Madagascar. He was trained by his parents in using the divine magic called Wind Harmonization, which allows the user to draw energy directly from the earth itself. At the age of fifteen, Ajani used his magic to protect a Cambion woman from being targeted by a group of demon hating mortals. Ajani eventually befriended two Korean twin sages named Hina and Se Hoon along with a demon named Mazoor, and the four of them formed a team. Having someone like Mazoor as their ally was taboo because of the hatred demons still received during that time. However, neither Ajani nor the Korean twins shared the disdain for demons as their fellow humans. Despite the many dangers that loomed within their world, Ajani enjoyed his life, especially because of his loving family and comrades. Sadly enough, it was about to come to an end. 

One day a powerful mythical dragon named Malderus, The Thunderstorm Dragon, had appeared within a village in Guyana. Thankfully, Ajani and his allies were visiting the country when the attack happened and quickly lent their assistance to the residents to battle against the ferocious dragon. Unfortunately, despite their best efforts, Malderus proved more powerful than any of them could have imagined. The dragon managed to cause great destruction and slayed several Guyanese sages. 

Refusing to allow Malderus' destruction to continue, Ajani decided he was going to perform a sacrificial spell that would put an end to the Thunder Storm dragon, even at the cost of his own life. Performing the technique called Sacrificial Tempest, Ajani's body glowed in an intense sea green colored light as he created a gigantic twister that surrounded both Malderus and himself. The dragon, unable to counter the effects of the wind user's attack, began feeling its life force exiting its body. The same consequences began happening to Ajani. Unlike Malderus, who tried to struggle against it, Ajani embraced his impending death, knowing that his comrades and the rest of Guyana would be safe. Within minutes, Ajani's allies and the remaining Guyanese sages watched helplessly as his and Malderus' life force was sucked out of them by the powerful twister. Ajani and the dragon dropped towards the ground, but Mazoor caught his comrade’s lifeless body as Malderus hit the ground hard. The Guyanese sages began destroying what remained of Malderus. Afterwards, Mazoor returned to the Underworld and the twins went back to Korea and retired from being active sages.

Many years later, a man named Naazim along with his acquaintance, Gennifer, the Necromancer, traveled to Ajani's resting place in Guyana, and Gennifer used her taboo magic to bring the once dead wind sage back to life. At first, Ajani was naturally shocked and even terrified that he was alive and naked in front of these two strangers. Naturally, he worried why he was brought back to life and what were the strangers’ intentions for him. While Gennifer gave off the vibe of a menace, Naazim despite his unique appearance, was friendly and calmly explained why he ordered the necromancer to bring him back to life. 

Learning that greater threats were coming to their world soon, Ajani understood why Naazim decided to have him resurrected; to bring powerful deceased sages from the past back to life. While Ajani remembered being at peace for the many years he was dead, the sage did not linger too long on being taken from his would-be eternal slumber and readied his mind for the present. Naazim gave Ajani new clothes to wear that suited him. Ajani then returned to his home in Madagascar. While thrilled to see it was still as beautiful as he remembered, the thought of reconnecting with his friends had crossed his mind. Ajani decided to make the most of his second chance at life and focus on his training to prepare for the new threats that were yet to come.


Ajani is yet another adoptable AI character that I had drawn by professional artist Anne_Luc.

Ajani is the first adoptable character who received no changes from his design; merely just redrawn by a professional artist.

Before receiving the name AJANI BEDOUIN, his name was "Fahryn" which was inspired by my youngest brother of the same name.

Ajani was originally going to be from The Congo/Zaire, but I decided to make him from Madagascar instead.

Ajani is one of my many wind user based characters. The other characters that wield wind based magic are Trickie Mirage, Adewale, Da-Xia.


Tuesday, January 23, 2024

FORBIDDEN - Coming To An Understanding

 FORBIDDEN - Coming To An Understanding

Story by Onyxe Blade

One day ago, King Onyx stopped by the Harmony Church located in Arundel; a famous church that's been around for over thousands of years. It served as the home for some of the most powerful priests and nuns of Mayland. He paid a visit to Mother Charisse, as he did from time to time, ever since learning about his biological birth mother, Rosemary Evermore. She was a human woman who wielded immense divine power, blessed by the Heavenly King himself. Rosemary ended up falling in love with a Grim Reaper named Maximillion Knox, and the two conceived Onyx. However, because of the unholy union between a nun and a grim reaper, the birth of Onyx proved to be anything but a happy moment. Instead, the child possessed powers so great that it was physically killing Rosemary to give birth to him; even after Knox ripped away a portion of Onyx's powers and placed it inside Othello's womb, his former lover who had betrayed him and had married King Diablo of Babylon, it still wasn't enough to save Rosemary's life and she died in the process of giving birth to Onyx. Even moments before her death, Rosemary never once regretted giving birth to her son and she wouldn't change a thing if she could do it all over again. Sadly upon the death of his wife, Knox abandoned Onyx, leaving the child to be raised by another. It was only after Onyx ruled as Mayland's King for over a century, did he learn the truth of his birth mother.

Ever since then, Onyx visited the Harmony Church whenever his busy schedule allowed in order to pay his respects and to get a sense of the life his mother lived before she met his father. While Onyx has learned to overcome many obstacles and hardships because of his status as King, the one thing that always ate away at him, besides his adoptive father's death, was knowing that he was the cause of his mother's death. No matter how much time passed, he lived with that guilt. That’s the reason he hadn't been able to bring himself to visit his mother's grave located in the Eden Forest, which was only two miles from the church. Having been to nearly every place within his world and visiting all seventy-five states of Mayland, Onyx avoided the Eden Forest for over a century, but that was about to change.


King Onyx, while still wearing pink, wasn’t dressed in his usual flamboyant attire. Instead, he wore a proper pink colored tailor-made suit as Othello, who wore a see-through purple night gown, put a tie around the collar of Onyx’s shirt.

Othello: All this time, Onyx, and you still don't know how to put on a tie yourself. I mean, for goodness sake, you're a telepath. Literally just download someone's memory of properly putting on a tie.

Onyx: I mean, I could do that, but it's more fun to have you do it for me.

Othello: I swear, if I didn't view you as a son, I would have told you to fuck off already. Anyway, are you sure you're finally ready to visit your mother's grave?

Onyx lowered his head, knowing that he wasn’t fully ready to face his mother, even with her already being long dead. However, after yesterday's conversation with Mother Charrise, Onyx promised that he'd finally go to her gravesite in the Eden Garden. Othello knew Onyx wasn't ready, no telepathy required, but understood the young man's conviction to see it through despite the heartbreak it would inevitably cause him. A portal opened within Othello's throne room. It was none other than Hellin and Orsela who just returned from a mission in the Mortal Realm. While both women knew that Onyx was going to visit Babylon today, they were both surprised to see Onyx... well, dressed up.

Hellin: Hey Onyx, we just finished assisting Xavian and Chia-Hao with a situation in Taiwan. What's the occassion?

Orsela: Yeah, as long as we have known you, never once have we seen you dressed, well, so proper and masculine.

Onyx: Well girls, I'm going to a gravesite today. Did y'all really expect me to wear see-through shorts that expose my jockstrap and a shirt? 

Hellin: A gravesite? You haven't reported any casualties as of late. Who are you going to visit?

Othello: You ask too many questions, daughter, but it's not someone either of you know who Onyx is going to visit, but you have definitely heard the name quite a few times.

Without any additional hints from Othello, Orsela immediately knew who her mother was referring to.


Hellin: ONYX'S MOTHER?! You are going to go visit your mother's grave located at the Eden Garden?

Onyx: Yes girls, that's why I wasn't in my castle earlier today, which is why Yura gave you two the mission briefing in my place. I needed to go for a walk to get myself together before coming here to Babylon to get myself ready. Now, if you two don't mind, please save the questions for later this evening when you both come by for dinner. In the meantime, I wish to enjoy these few moments before finally going to visit my mother.

Hellin: Understood... but you know that we're here for you.

Onyx: I know, Hellin and Orsela. I appreciate you both more than words can describe.

Othello: Okay, Onyx, you're all set and looking devilishly handsome in that custom-made pink suit I had made for you. Anyway, Onyx, I hope you get the most out of your visit and please be safe. I still think you should have James accompany you, knowing that you got folks out there who want you dead simply for being a half-demon running a world mostly full of mortals.

Onyx: I'm one of Mayland's longest reigning rulers for a reason. I can take care of myself. Once I finish visiting my mother, I'm going back to my castle immediately, so there's no need to worry.

Onyx hugged and placed a kiss on Othello's cheek before bidding the girls farewell. He opened a portal, leaving the Underworld and going back to the Mortal Realm. Appearing in front of the entrance of the Eden Garden, Onyx held the flowers he purchased earlier and walked confidently into the forest, ignoring the inner pain to the best of his ability. Minutes later, he arrived in front of his mother's beautiful copper colored headstone surrounded by angelic decorations. Despite it being a grave stone, it was the most beautiful thing Onyx had ever laid his eyes upon. Bending down to place the flowers in front of his mother's headstone, Onyx did his best to fight away his tears, but the storm of emotions dwelling inside him emerged victorious and tears run down his face like waterfalls. "Oh mother, I'm so, so, so sorry that I killed you! If I know my existence would be the cause of your untimely demise, I would have wished myself to never have existed. I avoided you for so many years because I couldn't handle the guilt of the role I played in your death, Mother! I'm so sorry that I killed you. I wish I could go back in time and save you from ever having me... from ever meeting Knox! If only you never fell in love with a demon, you would still be alive today... I know it!"

Tears continued rolling down his face, but quickly ceased upon sensing the presence of another entering the garden. Normally, this would cause Onyx to be on high alert since it was probably an assassin attempting to claim his life, thus ending his reign as King. Unfortunately, Onyx would have preferred it was an assassin instead of the individual he knew was present along with him in the forest. 

A tall and muscular man with short white hair dressed in a black suit appeared in front of Onyx, who was still kneeling in front of his mother's headstone. The individual was none other than Maximillion Knox... his father. Onyx had met Knox a few months prior when he went to the Underworld to rescue a demon that Knox had planned to execute. It was then that Onyx finally met his biological father. However, unlike Rosemary, who made Onyx's heart swell with guilt, Knox caused Onyx to feel anger and resentment. He knew that Knox abandoned him because his mother died in childbirth. While Onyx would have loved to respond by attacking his father for having the gall to show his face once again, he wouldn't dare needlessly cause havoc at his mother's gravesite. Raising himself off of the ground, Onyx stared coldly at his father as he awaited an answer.

Knox: Hello, son, it's good to see you again.

Onyx: Why are you here?

Knox: I visit your Mother's gravesite every year on her birthday and sometimes just because I miss her, just like today. I didn't expect you to be here, but I'm guessing Charrise must’ve finally convinced you to see your mother.

Onyx: You know Mother Charisse?

Knox: Charisse was one of your mother's students and my personal favorite of the ones she taught.

Onyx: Well, I paid my respects to my mother and now I bid you both farewell.

Knox: Onyx! Onyx, please just give me a few minutes.

Knox reached out and grabbed Onyx by his arm. Resisting every urge to punch his father with all his might, Onyx took a moment to be rational and decided to simply pull his arm from his father's grasp.

Knox: I know you harbor a lot of resentment towards me and I would be a lying bastard if I said it wasn't warranted. However, I dearly wish to rectify the pain I’ve caused you for so many years.

Onyx: Pain? What pain? Thanks to you abandoning me, I was able to be raised by my father, Tobirama Senju. I had a great childhood without you and it’s thanks to Tobirama that I grew up to be the man that I am today. He and Othello are all the parents I ever needed. I don't want anything from you, but to leave me the fuck alone! The only parent I regret not knowing is the woman buried beneath this ground. You, on the other hand, can--

Before Onyx could finish his sentence, he sensed faint demonic auras, yet they were apparent enough for him to notice them within the forest. Knox also sensed it and immediately summoned his scythe before positioning himself next to Onyx.

Knox: COME ON OUT YOU MOTHERFUCKERS! Did you lowly bastards really think you were going to sneak up on MY SON, especially with ME being here with him?

Four demons dressed in ninja-like attire appeared before Knox and Onyx. It didn't take a genius to figure out that the demons were sent to kill Onyx. Unfortunately for them, Onyx was not alone. The demons stared venomously at both men with killer intent.

Onyx: I can defend myself. If I were really in a crisis, my  mental connection with Hellin would immediately alert her and she'd rush to my side. Besides, whoever hired these fuckers to track me down in order to assassinate me just wasted their money.

Knox: ONYX! You are my son, whether you like it or not! I wasn't there for you when I should’ve been but, dammit, I'm here now! I'm going to be a father now, starting with protecting my baby boy. Save your energy, I’ll handle these bastards.

Knox firmly gripped his scythe as his eyes glowed red. Immediately, without warning, Knox moved at a speed faster than both sound and light. He slashed the demons down one by one, leaving them not a shred of a chance to defend themselves. Knox then performed a spell that ripped the hearts out of each demon before setting the hearts ablaze in neon green colored flames. Onyx, who used his telepathy to make sure no other beings were in the garden, was amazed by the high level of ability his father displayed in order to protect him. Now with the demons disposed of, Knox made his scythe vanish before walking back towards his son.

Onyx: Thank you... Dad. Things are still not good between us, but I have never been afraid to say "thanks" when it was deserved. I appreciate you protecting me simply because I'm your son.

Knox: The pleasure was all mine. I know you may not believe me right now, but I genuinely love you and I'm so proud to know my son is the first ruler of Mayland with demonic blood in his veins; along with your mother's holy blood inside you as well. I sincerely hope, within time, you will let me in and I can make up for lost time. Lastly, before I go, there is one thing I want to tell you and please make sure you listen carefully. I know how you feel about your mother's death, but I assure you it wasn't your fault. Even if you were able to go back in time, your mother would stop at nothing to make sure she had you and only you. Rosemary loved you the moment you were an embryo inside of her body. Please know that she would be hurt beyond belief to hear her only child regretted his existence and blamed himself for her death. Now and forever, you are your mother... and my favorite person. Please continue to live on and keep making us proud. I need to get back to the Underworld, I still have business to attend. However, I want you to go first, so I know you got back to your castle safe and sound.

Onyx: Okay I will, but first…

Onyx abruptly ran over to his father. To Knox's surprise, Onyx wrapped his arms around his dad's body and laid his head on his chest. "Knox--- I mean, Dad... it's going to take me some time to forgive you and let you in my life. However, I want you to know that I do love you very much and if you ever need me, please don't hesitate to seek me out."

Knox bent his head towards Onyx and planted a kiss on his head. Onyx then released his father from his grasp and opened a portal back to his castle.


Monday, January 15, 2024

Defeating Miss Rizal

Toya Tyrannus Skill Set


Type: Demon

Skill Set

Skill Set Explanation


Rising Malice: Toya creates a mini portal on the ground which spits out a ball of golden fire upwards


1. Flames Of Contempt: Toya summons a ball of golden fire in her hand before throwing it at her opponent

2. Light Of Hate: Toya summons a golden flame in her palm. Once completed Toya's left hand glows in a golden aura

3. Blazing Disdain (Only Available After Light Of Hate): Toya performs the same motion of her technique Flames Of Contempt. However instead of throwing a single projectile, Toya throws out two golden colored fireballs at her opponent

4. Fake Love (In Air): Toya surrounds the lower half of her body in golden flames while in the air. Toya then spins downwards in a drill motion towards her opponent

5. Despair: Toya summons a ball of golden flames in her palm before charging mercilessly at her opponent

6. Demonic Privilege: Toya summons a portal from behind her which teleports her anywhere on the battlefield


Damnation Ceremony: Toya rushes at her opponent and grabs them mercilessly by their neck. Toya then slams them hard onto the ground and sets her hand gripping the opponent in a golden blaze. The flames turn into a pillar of golden fire which envelops Toya's opponent burning them within while she lets out a menacing laugh 


Ajani Bedouin Skill Set


Type: Wind/Light


Skill Set Explanation


Windy Veil: Ajani summons a sea green colored gust of wind around his body. Upon the trait's activation Ajani gains powered up versions of certain special attacks


1. Windy Torpedo: Ajani surrounds himself with wind taking the shape of a giant bullet and charges towards his opponent. The Windy Veil version of Windy Torpedo changes the color of the attack from gray to sea green and does more damage and hits

2. Windy Spire: Ajani surrounds himself with wind taking a cone shape and performs an upwards strike. The Windy Veil version of Windy Spire changes the color from gray to sea green. Along with doing more damage and hits

3. Wind Shot: Ajani throws a sphere shaped blast of wind at his opponent

4. Torturing Wind: Ajani creates a sea green colored ball of wind in his palm before striking the ground. Upon the sphere of wind hitting the ground it transforms into a twister that strikes closed ranged opponent multiple times upon contact 


Windy Judgment: Ajani summons wind beneath his opponent's feet that blows them high into the air. Ajani then creates two giant sea green colored hands made of energy that surrounds his airborne opponent. The two giant hands shoot out a stream of wind blasting the opponent from both sides

Sunday, January 14, 2024

Profile: Toya Tyrannus


"I'm Toya and I serve as Babylon's Ambassador. However, my truth is that I serve only myself. I'm not bound by the laws of the Underworld, the morality of the mortals, nor do I fear the divinity of the heavens. I'm Toya and my golden flames shall set ablaze any obstacle that dares stand before me!"

Drawn by Nico_Artoo

Name: Toya Tyrranus

Age: 294

Race: Demon

Realm: The Underworld

Hair Color: Jet Black

Eye Color: Red 

Skin Color: Dark Brown

Powers: Common demonic abilities such as super strength, durability, agility, regenerative powers, hearing, sight, and sense. Toya can also manipulats golden color flames, empathic abilities, and create portals 

Allies: None

Likes: Herself, Babylon, the color gold, nail care, darkness, killing lesser beings

Dislikes: Queen Othello and her daughters, angels, people she can't manipulate

Favorite Food: Komodo Dragons 


A descendant of Satavorus, the very rival of the divine demon, Lucifer, Toya Tyrannus is the daughter of Mojave Tyrannus who served as an Ambassador of Babylon during King Diablo's reign. Upon King Diablo's death and the rise of his widow, Queen Othello, Mojave reluctantly continued to be Babylon's Ambassador; not wishing to have himself and his family executed by Othello. However, he began grooming his 13th child, Toya, to take his place as Babylon's Ambassador. Toya was practically raised around Othello's biological daughters, Mihoshi and Hellin, and her adopted daughter, Orsela. Because of her duty, Toya served the daughters, but held contempt for each and every one of them and, especially, their mother. As time flew by and the girls grew into women, the formalities between them began to dissipate since neither Toya nor Othello's daughters did little to hide their dislike for one another. They cooperated solely for the benefit of Babylon. While as respectable as necessary towards Othello, she solely did this for the benefit of Babylon and nothing more. For if Othello ever proved unworthy in Toya's eyes to rule over the Queendom, Toya would not think twice to scheme on bringing about her demise.

Unlike most demons in the Underworld who commonly used orange-red colored fire, Toya, through vigorous training and her disdain for feeling ordinary among demons who she felt were beneath her, succeeded in changing the color of her flames from its common color into a vibrant gold color. Toya also proved over the years to be a much more adequate Ambassador for Babylon compared to her father who received praise throughout the Underworld for his work. While she appreciated being known for her competence, Toya’s ultimate goal wasn't to garner favor from others, but to be aware of what deception lies within her fellow demons. The truth of the matter was that Toya trusted no one but herself and firmly believed that all knowledge was power. While thankfully being born into privilege along with her prestigious title, Toya didn't have any personal hardships. However, her individualist nature birthed a devious heart. Toya anticipates the day when she can transform Babylon into what she believes it should be, and will do whatever it takes to achieve her ambitions.


1. Toya, in terms of beauty and skin complexion, is inspired by singer Tweet and model Naomi Campbell.

2. Toya is also greatly influenced by Tanya from the Mortal Kombat series Midway era.

3. Toya, because of her profession, is capable of speaking eloquently; however, Toya often speaks down to people she has no need for. While she only uses curse words during extreme anger, Toya's vocabulary is sharper than a knife with her often using big words that go over the average person's head.

4. Toya is considered the rival of Mihoshi, Hellin, and Orsela, and she's only four years older than Mihoshi.

5. Toya's favorite foods are komodo dragons. Often she travels to Indonesia, at least once a week, and feasts on at least two adult komodo dragons. Toya gained a hatred for the reptilians after seeing them brutally devour a calf. Make no mistake, Toya did not care about the calf, but there’s just something about the far superior preying upon something much weaker than itself, which is also why Toya treats nearly everyone around her equally... like shit.

6. While Toya has hardly any need for her hand-to-hand combat, she is proficient in Parkour, which allows her to use an intense amount of acrobatic moves in combat.

Thursday, January 11, 2024

ข้างกายที่เป็นเธอ Beside You | EP.1

Newly discovered Thai BL series "Beside You" The series is ONLY in Thai language at the moment. No subtitles but hopefully in the future for non native speakers 

Tuesday, January 2, 2024

Ajani Bedouin


The Winds Of Perseverance

Official Artwork drawn by Anne Luc

AI Adopted Art

While not my original plan due to the speed of the assigned artist (ANNE_LUC) Ajani has become my first FORBIDDEN character introduced for 2024. Unfortunately Ajani's backstory will take some time so don't expect a profile for the character until late Winter 

Monday, January 1, 2024

The Fighters that Fought SNK's Monopoly in China

Mario Skill Set


Type: Warrior/Spirit

Skill Set

Skill Set Explanation


Guardian Lash: A quick short ranged strike that works both for a good combo started and is able to reflect incoming projectiles


Savior Strike: Mario does a quick run while holding his staff. He then stops in his track and performs a powerful strike with his staff

Aid From Yudi: Mario raises his staff above his head as he opens a portal to the spirit realm. Yudi's ghostly hand emerges and shoots out a projectile at Mario's opponent

No Man's Sky: Mario extends his staff diagonal which allows him to hit an airborne opponent

Rain Drop Kick [In Air] Mario performs a downward kick with his foot infused in spiritual energy

Frenzy Feet: Mario holds his staff above his head as he leaps off the ground. Spinning his staff above him like a propeller, Mario spins his body as he performs several deadly kicks


Blue Salvation: Gripping his staff Mario rushes to the opponent and performs several brutal strikes. The opponent while reeling from the painful strike. Mario charges his staff with the aid of Yudi and unleashes a powerful blue colored blast to finish off the opponent 


Profile: Mario Emancipazione


"Inside this staff resides the soul of King Yudi. The former King of Zaire has chosen me to wield the staff that once belonged to him, and I vow to live up to his …our expectations!"

Name: Mario Emancipazione (originally Model 413)

Age: Appears in his early 20's, but Mario has only existed for 5 years

Species: Android

Original World: Earth 2118

Skin Color: Peach

Hair Color: Brown

Eye Color: Icy Blue

Height: 5'11”

Weight: 210 Pounds

Powers: Wields a divine three section staff called "Ayelala's Sapphire" that gives its wielder access to unique magical abilities. Residing in the staff is also the spirit of King Nazebi's elder brother, Yudi, which aids Mario in battle. Mario is also trained in open-hand combat.

Allies: Nazebi, Onyx, Hellin, Nari, Unloyal, Untrue, James, Anna, Petronie, Yanick

Likes: The color blue, cool weather, learning Italian, hanging out with Princess Petronie, training, protecting Zaire, sugar cookies, baths

Dislikes: His past


Prior to becoming a resident of Earth 135, Mario was originally an android from Earth 2118. Like his fellow androids, his only purpose was to serve the needs of their owners. A man by the name of Ernest Celestin had purchased model 413 AKA "Mario" for himself in order to please his sexual desires. At first, Ernest’s commands for Mario were pretty tame but as time passed, Ernest became more deviant and cruel towards Mario. Mario tried to endure the abuse in order to not suffer the fate of being "canceled" like so many of his kind for disobeying their owners. One day, Mario had enough of Ernest's cruelty and ended up murdering him. Shortly afterwards, Mario went on the run from the law and knew if he was captured that he would be "canceled!" Surprisingly, before his captors could catch up to him, a duo, not from his world, named Unloyal and Untrue rescued Mario. Mario was both confused and somewhat disturbed that Unloyal looked like a much younger version of his owner, Ernest. Mario later discovered that Unloyal and Ernest were alternate universe versions of each other. 

Unloyal then brought Mario to Earth 135 where he met yet another alternate of his former owner by the name of King Onyx Carnival. Mario was welcomed to the new world and Onyx and his friends did their best to make Mario feel comfortable in a world foreign to him. Mario worked as a cashier in a local supermarket in the Royal Lands. While Mario was beyond grateful for his new start in life and being rescued from his cruel original planet, Mario also felt guilty knowing that his fellow android brothers and sisters continued to be at the mercy of their creators, which brought him great sadness.

One evening after getting off from work, Mario was surprised to see both Onyx and James waiting for him outside. Onyx and James were going to Zaire, a country within the continent of Africa and the home of King Nazebi, the younger brother of the deceased King Yudi. Onyx figured Mario would love to accompany them as well as visit a new place within their world. Upon arriving in Zaire, the trio were greeted by King Nazebi's Defense Force along with his children, Prince Yanick and Princess Petronie. While King Nazebi wasn't too fond of Onyx, he respected the half-demon King of Mayland for not only being a strong leader, but also because of his friendship with his elder brother, Yudi, when he was alive. Nazebi had promised Yudi upon his tragic death to remain in contact with Onyx. 

While Onyx and Nazebi discussed various issues within their world, Mario felt an unusual presence calling to him. Onyx and James walked off with Nazebi and his elder son, Yanick. Princess Petronie, the younger child of King Nazebi, noticed the shy Mario and offered to take him on a tour around her father's palace. During the tour, Petronie showed Mario many unique places within the palace, but it was the Treasure Room that truly piqued Mario's interest. Upon entering the room, Mario saw various relics, but the thing that caught his eye was a sapphire and silver colored three section staff. That very staff possessed the same unique presence that Mario felt when he first arrived in Zaire along with Onyx and James. Mario approached the staff. Princess Petronie stopped Mario as she told him that was a sacred staff that once belonged to her uncle and if anything were to happen to that staff, her father would execute the one responsible. Not wanting to cause trouble, Mario respected Petronie's order and left the staff alone. Yet, the mystical weapon that once belonged to King Yudi continued to have a strange hold on him.

Spending the night at King Nazebi's castle along with Onyx and James, Mario slept in one of the many guest rooms and everything felt like a typical night. The strange sensation from King Yudi's staff became stronger to the point where it awoke Mario out of his sleep. Guiding the young man into the Treasure Room, which normally was inaccessible to anyone who wasn't Nazebi or his children, the room opened itself to Mario without caution. Entering the room once again, Mario immediately approached the staff and removed it from its placeholder and held it in his hand. Just then, King Nazebi appeared in the Treasure Room and was filled with rage upon seeing his brother's cherished weapon in the hands of an outsider, especially one he just met. Nazebi was ready to kill Mario where he stood, but was stopped upon seeing his brother's spirit appear beside Mario, protecting the man from harm. Nazebi then realized that his brother had chosen Mario to become the new owner of his beloved weapon. 

Later that morning, Nazebi and Onyx had a discussion concerning Mario being chosen by his deceased brother to wield his staff. Onyx worried that Nazebi would go against his brother's wishes and take the staff from Mario by any means necessary. Onyx even blamed himself for unwittingly bringing Mario to Zaire where all of this became possible. However, before things became even more complicated, Mario spoke up for the first time since Onyx had known him with conviction in his voice. Mario asked if he could remain in Zaire with King Nazebi and his family and learn how to properly wield King Yudi's staff. Nazebi agreed with Mario's request since it would not only mean his brother's staff would remain in Zaire, but he would also be able to oversee the young man's training. Onyx also accepted Mario's decision and promised to check up on him from time to time before James and he returned to Mayland. Mario remained with Nazebi and his family and began his rigorous training.

Several months later, Mario transformed into a competent fighter. He wielded the staff, Ayelala's Sapphire, as if it was an extension of himself. Joining Nazebi's Defense Force, like King Yudi during his time, Mario became a symbol of justice and fought valiantly against troublemakers in Zaire and various other parts of Africa. He became close friends with Petronie and many others within the Defense Force. Despite being from another world, Mario never felt more at home since becoming a resident of Zaire. Over time, he even began to witness King Nazebi's kinder side and the two went on to become good friends. Nazebi even began to understand why his brother had chosen Mario to inherit his weapon. Despite Mario not originally being a warrior, the man possessed a warrior's soul and had the heart to be a proper warrior of justice. No longer feeling weighed down by his less than stellar past, Mario now yearned to be a proper defender of justice and made the most of his new start in life.


1. Mario's last name "Emancipazione" means "emancipation" in Italian. This last name was given to him by King Onyx.

2. Mario, despite being an android and thus no true nationality, possesses the appearance of an Italian man.

3. While Mario is an android from Earth 2118, which means he's an artificial human, few months after arriving in Mayland, his biology received changes that made him more human than machine. Mario maintains his android-like features, especially his eyes, and the barcode behind his neck. However, his reproductive organs have become more authentic than when he was originally created. 

4. Mario being a staff-wielder was inspired by Tanya from Mortal Kombat 1 (2023). Prior to that, I was struggling to think what kind of fighter/magic user Mario would be since he came from a world where magic did not exist.

5. Early on, I thought to not make Mario into a combative character and to simply keep him as a civilian within Earth 135. The decision was changed when I decided I wanted to do more with Mario's character than the initial story he was introduced in, “Welcoming The Foreigner".

6. Creating Mario's story that led him to wielding a magical staff that once belonged to Zaire's former ruler, King Yudi, was quite a challenge. It took me a little over a week from conceptualizing the story to writing it out from my head onto the computer for the story to make sense.

7. Mario was intended to be my first character for 2024, but his artist, Anne Luc, completed him within 24 hours, thus Mario ended up being my closing character for 2023.


VAIN - The Witch Of Torment

 VAIN Artwork by Anne_Luc