Wednesday, January 24, 2024

Profile: Ajani Bedouin


"Hey, the name is Ajani, but you may also call me The Breeze of Harmony. I'm peaceful like a summer breeze, but I become like a hurricane against all evildoers."

Name: Ajani Bedouin 

Species: Human

Race: Black

Age: 335 years old (Age of Death) 507 years old (When resurrected) 

Country: Madagascar 

Height: 5'11”

Weight: 225 Pounds

Hair Color: Jet Black

Eye Color: Brown

Skin Color: Medium Brown 

Magic: Wind Harmonization Magic

Likes: Warm weather, fishing, helping those in need, traveling, mango salad

Dislikes: Troublemakers, people who disrespect nature, the sound of styrofoam, yams

Allies: Hina, Se Hoon, Mazoor, Naazim, Gennifer


Ajani is a handsome African man hailing from the country of Madagascar. He was trained by his parents in using the divine magic called Wind Harmonization, which allows the user to draw energy directly from the earth itself. At the age of fifteen, Ajani used his magic to protect a Cambion woman from being targeted by a group of demon hating mortals. Ajani eventually befriended two Korean twin sages named Hina and Se Hoon along with a demon named Mazoor, and the four of them formed a team. Having someone like Mazoor as their ally was taboo because of the hatred demons still received during that time. However, neither Ajani nor the Korean twins shared the disdain for demons as their fellow humans. Despite the many dangers that loomed within their world, Ajani enjoyed his life, especially because of his loving family and comrades. Sadly enough, it was about to come to an end. 

One day a powerful mythical dragon named Malderus, The Thunderstorm Dragon, had appeared within a village in Guyana. Thankfully, Ajani and his allies were visiting the country when the attack happened and quickly lent their assistance to the residents to battle against the ferocious dragon. Unfortunately, despite their best efforts, Malderus proved more powerful than any of them could have imagined. The dragon managed to cause great destruction and slayed several Guyanese sages. 

Refusing to allow Malderus' destruction to continue, Ajani decided he was going to perform a sacrificial spell that would put an end to the Thunder Storm dragon, even at the cost of his own life. Performing the technique called Sacrificial Tempest, Ajani's body glowed in an intense sea green colored light as he created a gigantic twister that surrounded both Malderus and himself. The dragon, unable to counter the effects of the wind user's attack, began feeling its life force exiting its body. The same consequences began happening to Ajani. Unlike Malderus, who tried to struggle against it, Ajani embraced his impending death, knowing that his comrades and the rest of Guyana would be safe. Within minutes, Ajani's allies and the remaining Guyanese sages watched helplessly as his and Malderus' life force was sucked out of them by the powerful twister. Ajani and the dragon dropped towards the ground, but Mazoor caught his comrade’s lifeless body as Malderus hit the ground hard. The Guyanese sages began destroying what remained of Malderus. Afterwards, Mazoor returned to the Underworld and the twins went back to Korea and retired from being active sages.

Many years later, a man named Naazim along with his acquaintance, Gennifer, the Necromancer, traveled to Ajani's resting place in Guyana, and Gennifer used her taboo magic to bring the once dead wind sage back to life. At first, Ajani was naturally shocked and even terrified that he was alive and naked in front of these two strangers. Naturally, he worried why he was brought back to life and what were the strangers’ intentions for him. While Gennifer gave off the vibe of a menace, Naazim despite his unique appearance, was friendly and calmly explained why he ordered the necromancer to bring him back to life. 

Learning that greater threats were coming to their world soon, Ajani understood why Naazim decided to have him resurrected; to bring powerful deceased sages from the past back to life. While Ajani remembered being at peace for the many years he was dead, the sage did not linger too long on being taken from his would-be eternal slumber and readied his mind for the present. Naazim gave Ajani new clothes to wear that suited him. Ajani then returned to his home in Madagascar. While thrilled to see it was still as beautiful as he remembered, the thought of reconnecting with his friends had crossed his mind. Ajani decided to make the most of his second chance at life and focus on his training to prepare for the new threats that were yet to come.


Ajani is yet another adoptable AI character that I had drawn by professional artist Anne_Luc.

Ajani is the first adoptable character who received no changes from his design; merely just redrawn by a professional artist.

Before receiving the name AJANI BEDOUIN, his name was "Fahryn" which was inspired by my youngest brother of the same name.

Ajani was originally going to be from The Congo/Zaire, but I decided to make him from Madagascar instead.

Ajani is one of my many wind user based characters. The other characters that wield wind based magic are Trickie Mirage, Adewale, Da-Xia.


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