Monday, January 26, 2015

Forbidden Chapter 17

Forbidden Chapter Seventeen - Battle At Yukimaru Castle. The Capture Of Okubi & Eligos

Having entered through the orange door requested by Lisa Alice. Possessing the modified body of the once decease Oni Guard. Carabia arrives to the end of his path. Standing in front of a sunset orange colored door. Carabia can already sense the power of the enemy that awaits him. None the less with his acquired body. Carabia is certain he can handle his target. Not only does he posses the knowledge to fight a general. During his time prior to his death. Carabia himself served as general to Lord Paimon. After taking a moment to mentally prepare himself. Carabia enters through the door. Once inside the room of his opponent. Carabia finds himself in a room resembling a medieval castle. From the other side of the room. Carabia spots his target. The woman across the woman posses the appearance of a middle aged woman. Snow white colored curly hair. aero blue eyes, creamy vanilla skin, and dressed in an elegant outfit, showing off her cleavage. Upon spotting her enemy, the woman stares a Carabia with raging contempt. Sensing the woman's desire to annihilate him. Carabia positions himself for battle. Before the two enemies begin their fight to the death. The woman first decides to introduce herself

Cameron: Greetings my good sir. Before we begin with your massacre. Please allow me to introduce myself. My name is Cameron Farah Cinderburg. The royal general of Lord Koga Yukimaru. As punishment for entering my Master's Castle uninvited. I have been order to kill you. However there's just one problem. YOU ARE NOT ISAMU KITA! I was expecting to kill him! Who in the hell are you?

Carabia: Ha ha ha... HA HA HA HA! Who am I should really be no importance to you. Unless you sole wish to know the name of your killer. If so my name is Carabia Bavent. Along with my friends Lisa Alice and other lesser individuals. We have came here to retrieve Princess Hellin. Unfortunately you fools decided to make things difficult. Now we have no choice, but to kill you all!. Despite me personally not caring for chivalry let alone much for women. Even I must admit killing a woman of your beauty. It would be a quite a shameful lost to the Underworld. So I'll give you a choice. Either abandon your Master and move on with you life. Or--

 Before Carabia could finish giving Cameron and ultimatum. Cameron springs an attack against Carabia. Sensing Cameron's attacks moments ahead. Carabia easily deflects her attack with his sword. While unharmed the demon spirit is indeed very pissed!

Carabia: Consider my previous offer null and void! No matter how attractive one's appearance maybe. Stupidity has the power to make even the most beautiful very hideous! I only offer mercy once and you have chosen death! Now I will show you what becomes of those who challenge Carabia

Cameron: If you think for a second I will be the one who dies here. Then you having another thing coming you insufferable cur! No one who has ever challenged me. Has ever survived against my Silks & Swords magic. Prepare yourself to total annihilation!

 As Carabia begins his battle against Cameron. Both Lisa Alice and Isamu prepare to go up against Eisei. Mindful of Okubi's previous warning. Lisa Alice devise a strategy to deal with the fearsome demon samurai. Luckily with Isamu by her side. Lisa Alice formulates a perfect plan to deal with Eisei

Lisa Alice: Alright Isamu now that we're here. We need to figure out the best way to fight against Eisei. While Okubi can be a pain in the ass. When Okubi considers someone dangerous. I would be a fool not to heed his warning. So before we go rushing off to our possible demise. I need to figure out a proper strategy to handle such a dangerous opponent

Isamu: Why do we need to a strategy? Planning out things are for loser... well except for you of course Ms. Martinique. Everything you do is simply genius.

Lisa Alice: Oh wow that's very kind of you Isamu. A lot of demons view my thoughts as foolish. However since you feel differently. I have a plan that involves you greatly. What if you enter the room first. Fight Eisei and test out his ability. Using my powers I will keep track of your aura and vitality. Should I sense you are in any danger of dying. I will enter and aid you in taking down Eisei. By then I would have figured out any and all of Eisei's weaknesses. Course that's is if you think you can handle him alone?

Isamu: Well that really depends on you Ms. Martinique. Do you believe I can accomplished such a task?

Lisa Alice: Isamu out of all the demons I ever meet in my life. I can say without a doubt you're the very best of them. My faith in you is bigger than anything I can imagine. So as long as you believe in yourself. I too will believe in you. So if you're ready to fight Eisie. There's just one thing I need to tell you first

 Grabbing Isamu by his head. Lisa Alice brings Isamu to her chest area. As the nervous demon lays his head on her breast. Lisa Alice begins to speak to Isamu in a rare language. Only spoken by very few demons. As Isamu listens to the words of the woman he admires. Lisa Alice reveals her true intentions to the young impressionable demon. Not only does Isamu learn the truth about "Miss Martinique". Isamu also discovers her true intentions. Once Lisa Alice had finished sharing her deepest desires with Isamu. Lisa Alice then kisses Isamu for a few seconds, After a satisfying kiss with Isamu. Lisa Alice pulls herself away from Isamu. Having learned the truth about his precious "Miss Martinique". Isamu immediately feel a surge of anger towards her. Not only has Isamu believed in a lie for years. The very woman Isamu had confide in about his brother's death. In fact was the same demon who had murdered him. However knowing the reason why Lisa Alice killed his brother Otto. Isamu knew he had no right to be angry with her. Not only were Lisa Alice actions justified. Isamu was madly in love with Lisa Alice. Ever since he was a young demon growing up in Herodias. While learning the truth about Lisa Alice and her past. Isamu had also discovered Lisa Alice's love for him. Along with her true reasons for coming with Okubi to Jazan, After the love in his heart had diminished his anger. Isamu was now focus on making Lisa Alice's desires a reality.

 Seeing Isamu react the way she had hoped. Lisa Alice was happy she had told her now fiancee the truth. Taking a moment to collect himself. Isamu then bids his fiancee farewell and enters through the green door. Arriving to the other side of the door. Isamu finds himself placed in a dungeon like setting. Surrounded by multiple corpse of fallen demons. Isamu begins sensing the pressure of an approaching demon. Gripping his sword and entering into his battle stance. Nearly seconds later Isamu is faced against his opponent. Standing before Isamu is a 7'5 foot tall demon. Eisie posses long and spiky grayish white hair, pistachio colored skin, and menacing scarlet red eyes. Covered in a traditional samurai armor. Wielding a odachi blade nearly as big as him. Now with his target standing before him. Eisei stares menacingly down at his opponent. In order to sense his enemy's resolve. Isamu staring back at Isamu with equal malice. Eisei easily determines the level of bravery Isamu posses. Having inspected his opponent to the fullest. The giant demon samurai is nearly ready for battle. However like his fellow generals. Eisei first decides to introduce himself

Eisei: The name's Eisei better known as Eisei The Despair Maker! Throughout my life I have travels the many depths and realms of the Underworld. In search of powerful enemies to fight. Never in my twelve thousand five hundred thirteen years of living. Have I ever meet a demon with such conviction. Especially one as young as you. So tell young warrior. What are your reasons for invading Lord Koga's Castle?

Isamu: Before I answer your question Eisei The Despair Maker. I have a question of my own. Why does a demon of your powers serves and individual like Koga? While I'm certainly young. Even I can sense the difference of power between Koga and you. A demon of your capabilities has no need for a man like Koga. So before we engage in battle. Tell me why do you serve him?

Eisie: To answer your question young warrior. I don't serve Koga because he is stronger than me. I serve him because of his values. Since the beginning of my existence. The Underworld was a battlefield. However it was a battlefield of demons who value honor and tradition. As multiple centuries have passed. Demons began to venture out of the Underworld. Along with non demons entering to our world. Overtime the Underworld began to change. While forever remaining a blood soaked battlefield for power. However both value and tradition has longed vanished. Even when one demon fought to destroy another in a quest for power. They did it in a fashion that showed their honor. Over the last centuries. Demons have abandon such values. Now destroying one another with this "any means necessary" mentality. Absolutely lacking the proper etiquette of warfare. Not only have many natural born demons lost their way. The rise of half demons and darkens have also aided the disgraced of the Underworld. Back to Koga Yukimaru. A man who not only remember the days of old. Koga is a man who still values those traditions. Unlike his fellow Demon Lords, Koga desires to bring back the Underworld of old. Unfortunately as long as demons like Othello, Hellin, and Okubi exist. The Underworld will continue it's fall to ruin. This is why I proudly serve Lord Yukimaru. In order that we together can save the Underworld from it's path of destruction. Anyone who stands in Koga's way. Shall fall victim to my blade. Now tell me your purpose before we commence with your funeral

Isamu: My funeral? Talk about a joke! As for sharing my reasons for being here. I came here to bring of end Koga's life! Old farts like Koga and you have no place in this Underworld. It isn't the Underworld hasn't changed for the worst. The two of you just couldn't accept what the Underworld has become. The Underworld isn't going to ruin as you two like to believe. Instead the Underworld has become even greater with time. Not only are pure demons becoming bolder. The Underworld now posses other unique life forms such as half demons & darkens. Too busy being stuck in an era that has long ended. Neither you nor Koga can see what greatness the Underworld has become. Since you have decided to defend Koga. I shall be force to eliminate you first! Course this should be a blessing for you. A demon who has long out lived his worth. Time to be taken out of your misery! Once I'm through with you. I'm going straight for Koga. It's time Jazan gains a new ruler!

Eisei: So your intentions are to take Koga's throne? How typical and even more so pathetic! Furthermore you dare talk to me like I'm some insolent child! I will show you why they call me Eisei, The Despair Maker! Course I do not wish to kill so easily. Were I to use one of my demonic arts against you. Speaking to you would had been even more pointless. Thus I have a proposition for you. Seeing that you too wield a sword. I challenge you to a traditional sword fight. No demonic transformations, no magic, or anything that doesn't involve our swords. Let's see if you have the guts to accept such a challenge!

Isamu: Do I have the guts? You bet your sickly green looking ass I do. If theirs one thing I like more than turning into a triceratops. It's hacking and slashing fools with my cool ass sword. Now that's settle. Time we get to some good o' sword fighting!

 Raising theirs swords. Isamu and Eisei prepare for battle. Meanwhile in the purple room. During his battle against Koga's general Momochi. Okubi has fallen victim to Momochi's Cherry Blossom Illusion. Okubi left completely defenseless due to Momochi's illusion. Eligos watches in horror as his Master stands motionless like a mannequin. Meanwhile Momochi watches on with glee. Patiently waiting for Okubi to be consumed by his nightmare


Momochi: Cease your yelling you obnoxious spirit. As I already told you. Your Master Okubi is under the spell of my SAKURA SAKKAKU! No amount of yelling you attempt to do shall free him of his fate. Once any being falls under my spell, death is certain! So if I were you my dear little pest. I would take one final look of your beloved Master then leave! There's nothing you can do for him now. Should you take my suggestion. The memories of Okubi shall remain with you until you perish as well. HA HA HA HA HA!

As the feeling of hopelessness begins to consume Eligos. Tears forming around the blue demon spirit's eyes. However before Eligos actually begins to cry. A light goes off in his head. Something that may just help him rescue Okubi. Wiping the few tears away from his eyes. Eligos turns his attention over to Momochi

Eligos: OKUBI WILL NOT DIE! Not is I can do anything about it!

Momochi: Oh my goodness you're so damn hard headed. Exactly how do you plan to rescue your Master from his nightmare?

Eligos: Easily by doing this!

Moving at a high pace speed. Eligos makes his way over to Okubi. Momochi unleashes and attack against Eligos, but his attack fails as Eligos phases through it

Eligos: Silly nancy boy! Only Spirit Touchers like Lisa Alice and my Master can harm me. Something you are clearly not!

Momochi: Oh whatever! It's not like you pose a threat to me either

Eligos: Oh don't be so naïve. I'm a spirit after all. While not nearly as strong as when I was a living demon. Even as a demon spirit. I have many tricks up my sleeve. Luckily I quickly remember a certain trick. One that may save my Master from your illusion

Momochi: So you're planning to posses him? What a foolish move on your part. Once you posses your Master. Whatever becomes of him. Worst will happen to you! Meaning once Okubi is consumed by his nightmare. Not only will Okubi's soul abandon his body. Unable to ever return. You will permanently be erased from existence. So by all means posses your pathetic Master's body. I love nothing better then killing two birds with one stone

Eligos: For your sakes Momochi. Let's hope you're right. Otherwise I'll see to it that you'll regret not killing Okubi when you had the chance!

Ending his brief conversation with Momochi. Eligos moves over to Okubi in enters Okubi's body. Once inside of his Master's body. Eligos finds himself in an unknown dimension. A place that kinds of reminds him of Medieval times. Floating through a strange town. Eligos notices a group of people walking towards North. Searching for Okubi in this strange place. Eligos moves himself closer to the crowd of people. Hoping to learn of any info that may help him find his beloved Master. Once Eligos is in hearing distance. Eligos remains quite in order that he can hear the people speak

Male Merchant #1: Move faster ye. I don't want to miss watching the witch burn

Male Merchant #2: Don't ye rush me. I'm still tired from thy trip from earlier. We're moving at a fine pace. I too want to see the witch burn so stop your nagging kay

Male Merchant #1: Fine kay sorry. I just never seen a male witch get executed! I wonder if there screams are as heartbreaking as a female witch?

Male Merchant #2: I bet his screams will be even better than thy women. Now stop ye talking and keep movin

Eligos: "A male witch? Can these men be talking about Master Okubi? I just have to follow these people and be patient. I sincerely it isn't the Master who's being executed. He barely survived his last near execution"

 Continuing to follow the town folk to a nearby church. Once the people had arrived to the execution area. Everyone had gathered around orderly. Awaiting to watch the next Witch Trial. Keeping himself not too far behind from the crowd. Eligos had watched worriedly as a female executioner approached the podium. Eligos was greatly annoyed that the executioner looked exactly like Othello, but with black hair and red eyes instead of multi colored blonde hair and silver eyes. Standing on the podium was a unknown figure with a white sheet over his head. Along with both hands and feet tied with rope. Judging by the unknown figure's skin color and height. Eligos painfully knew the man under the sheet was indeed his Master Okubi. Once the executioner approached the covered man and removed the sheet. Revealing Okubi's face to the audience. Eligos knew had he been still a living demon. He would had vomited ten times over. Not only was his Master in a horrifying predicament. The Okubi he saw before him was not the Okubi he knew. Not only did this Okubi worn a defeated look on his face. His Master's skin had a very dead look to them. Wearing nothing but a raggedy brown dressed filled with holes. Okubi stood void of emotions as he awaited to be executed. Now with all the towns people present. The Executioner was nearly ready to burn Okubi alive. However much like Queen Othello. The Executioner had a few words to say before burning Okubi alive

Executioner: Here stands before you the witch Okubi. Found guilty of numerous crimes against humanity. Okubi has been brought here today to be burned! Evil such a Okubi cannot be allowed to exist on our world. That's we have all gather here today to watch the witch burn!

 The towns people yelled and cheered in agreement. Wearing a sadistic smirk on her face. The executioner lights a fire around the twigs and branches surrounding Okubi's feet. The fire slowly but surely began to blaze. Witnessing his Master about to be executed before him. Knowing that Okubi cannot save himself. Fighting through his own terror. Eligos swiftly moves himself towards the crowd. Approaching Okubi on the fiery podium. Having realized that no one including the executioner sees or hears him. Eligos position himself in front of the face of his Master. As the fire grows higher around Okubi. Eligos immediately begins to scream out his Master's name


 Despite his forceful, but heartfelt pleading. Eligos's cries falls on death ears. Only a matter of seconds before the flames begins to burn Okubi alive. Eligos makes one final plead for his Master's life

Eligos: Master Okubi I'm sorry I could not save you. I have failed you as your loyal servant. All those years you fought to survive and this is how it ends for you? Here I thought you would live forever. Silly stupid foolish me! I should had known destiny was never on your side. The odds were always against you! Yet you managed to best each and everyone of them... until now. I just wish we could had spent more time together Master. The best days of my life were living beside you. Even when you were too hurt to treat me kindly. However you had changed from that damaged individual. Even before you received your Mother's forgiveness. I'm just so angry that you weren't strong enough to break Momochi's illusion. Angrier I wasn't strong enough o save you. Well before your soul abandons your body and I perish from existence. I just want you to know I enjoyed the time we spent together. Never did I even once regret saving you on that very day. The very day you had wanted to end your own life. I just wished you were stronger... that we were stronger! Well I guess this is farewell my dear Master & friend. May the devil at least allow you a better life as a spirit then mines.

 Eligos then kisses Okubi on top of his forehead. Just before the flames are about to burn Okubi alive. Something awaken deep from within Okubi. Immediately the sky above releases a tidal wave of water from the skies. Not only putting out the flames that threaten Okubi's soul. The wave washes away all of his onlookers and the executioner. Only thing now remaining is Eligos and Okubi. Free of his bondages and his body reverting back to it's normal appearance. Now standing before his demon spirit servant. Okubi wears a smile as bright as the sun in the skies

Eligos: Master Okubi?

Okubi: Thank you for saving me Eligos. I appreciate it so very much my friend. Had you not come to rescue me. I would had lost my soul in this nightmare. Now please my dear servant. Exit my body so I can go and finish dealing with Momochi. I'm going to make him pay for his arrogance!

Eligos: As I knew you would. Make him pay dearly Master Okubi

Okubi: I will make certain of that Eligos *smiles*

Back at the purple room. Momochi awaits to see Okubi's spirit leaves his body. Exiting out of Okubi's body nearly seconds later. Eligos stares at Momochi angrily, but in reality is very happy. Eligos does this in order to throw Momochi off. Giving Okubi the element of surprise

Momochi: So I take it you weren't able to save Okubi? Good thing you left when you did. His spirit should be about ready to exit his body. Not that I appreciate you still existing of course

Eligos: I wasn't able to save him you say? I wouldn't be so sure of that

Momochi: What? Oh hell with this. I'll just strike him down---


Summoning a waterfall out of thin air. As Okubi's attack nearly lands on his target. Momochi is able to dodge Okubi's attack without much trouble. Having successfully risen to his feet. Okubi is ready to take down Momochi

Okubi: So you manage to dodge my attack? Good! I was only trying to create some space between us

Momochi: Yippy for you! Not that create space will do you much good. My glorious petals can covered this entire room if I desired it. Course I won't need to use such power to take you out. I already seen what an easy mark you are

Okubi: An easy mark eh? Don't think because I was caught in your illusion. That you have what it takes to beat me. It just took me a bit longer to adapt to you then most of my other prey. Now I shall show you what I'm really capable of

Momochi: As if I would actually give you a fighting chance? Now feel the wrath of my DARK AZALEAS

A swift movement with his fan. Momochi summons a flurry of Azalea petals towards Okubi. Having already predicted the type of move Momochi would use. Okubi swiftly summons three clones of himself. Using the first clone as a sacrifice. Okubi along with his two other clones avoid the Azaleas. Momochi realizing that Okubi is capable of creating clones of himself. The General begins to regret not killing him when he had the chance

Momochi: So you can summon clones? Had I known you posses such a cowardly trick. I would had finished you off earlier

Okubi: Oh don't say that. Had you killed me when you had the chance. I wouldn't be able to show you my other tricks. Now prepare yourself Momochi. Because what I'm about to do next. Isn't going to be very nice. While this fight was amusing say the least. I can't waste anymore time dealing with you. Not only do I still next to rescue Hellin. I need to reserve enough power to fight Koga

Momochi: Stupid cur! Do you really think you're leaving this room alive? Even if you "somehow" managed to defeat me. Koga is WAY out of your league. It would be much less painful if I killed you instead

Okubi: While what you say about Koga may indeed be true. I know for a fact that you won't be killing me. Now enough with this tedious chit chat. It's time I put an end to you

Momochi: Not if I put you down first! PETAL MIXTURE!

 Holding his fan in his right hand. Momochi summons a multitude of petals of different colors. The colorful petals spin all around Momochi. The General's face changes from a human look into a demonic appearance. Momochi stares sinisterly at Okubi, preparing his deadly attack. While Eligos watches in great terror. Okubi and his clones remain calm

Eligos: Master Okubi what are you going to do? Momochi has summoned so many petals. Even with you clones. It's going to be impossible to avoid all of those petals

Okubi: Eligos! I'm literally surprised you haven't figured out what I'm going to do next. Then again I rarely use this technique. Takes a good amount of power to do it. However considering my opponent. It may just be the move to defeat Momochi. As for Momochi's petals. I just need to time my Shadow Portal right. Once this arrogant imbecile unleashes his attack. I will open a portal quick enough so my clones and I avoid damaged. Now cease your worrying so I can concentrate on my fight

 Heeding his Master's words. Eligos becomes quite as Okubi prepares to finish of Momochi. Having summoned enough petals for his ultimate attack. Momochi is now ready to strike

Momochi: Say your prayers lily boy! Now feel the rage of my MILLION PETAL ANNIHILATION!

 A swift swing of his fan. Momochi uses the surrounding petals and creates a tornado with them. The petals rapidly move towards the direction of Okubi and his clones. Standing their ground as Okubi waits for the right moment to open a portal. Okubi then creates a wall of water. In order to hide his next move from Momochi. Seeing the wall of water created by Okubi. Momochi is not only unimpressed. The demon begins to laugh mercilessly at Okubi's attempt to defend against his attack

 Momochi: Foolish cur! Nothing you can summon can stop my petals from annihilating you. Whether it be a wall of water, fire, or even steel. These demonic infused petals can cut through anything! Just accept your defeat and die!

 Ignoring Momochi's cruel words. Okubi then summons three more clones of himself. Everything having gone the way Okubi planned. Okubi then opens a portal and grabs two of his five clones. Leaving the other three as sacrifices. Momochi's Million Petal Annihilation cuts through Okubi's wall of water. Striking the three clones Okubi had summoned seconds ago. Once the petals have cut Okubi's clones to shreds. Momochi's face reverts back to it's humane form. The first two of Okubi's clones immediately poof away once fallen tot he ground. Leaving the remaining clone to play the part of the dead Okubi. Helping his Master succeed in his trick. Eligos moves to the fallen clone on the ground.


Momochi: While I didn't think I would need to resort to that technique. All the same Okubi has been slain. Lord Koga is going to be so please with me. Hopefully he might finally let me play with his body

Eligos: Stupid demon! Do you really think my Master would be killed by such a pansy technique? The wall of water he created wasn't to block your deadly petals. If was to allow him to escape without you seeing him

Momochi: Escape to where exactly? Don't you dear try to trick me! I can smell that body on the floor is indeed the real Okubi

Eligos: Oh is that so? Well would a real decease demon body do this?

 Eligos then touches to mutilated Okubi clone's forehead. Causing the clone to poof away upon contact. Seeing the clone vanish with his very eyes. Momochi becomes extremely worried about the real Okubi's whereabouts

Momochi: So if that wasn't the real Okubi I just used my most powerful technique on. Exactly where did the real Okubi go?

Eligos: Well to answer that question my dear boy. Why don't you just turn around?

 Hearing the sound of a portal opening from behind him. Momochi begins to turn his body around very carefully. Once turning his body around completely. Standing before Momochi is Okubi and his two clones. Okubi and his clones each hold a ball of energy in their left palm. Clone A holding a ball of water. Clone B holding a ball of fire. Finally the real Okubi holding a ball of dark energy. Having realized what Okubi had done. Momochi begins to throw a hissy fit

Momochi: I KNEW IT I KNEW IT!!! Yet more cowardly tricks up your sleeves! What's next? A Seduction Pose? Never have I faced an opponent I hated so much! What an absolute annoyance!

Okubi: Well if you find my clones and portals annoying. I certainly don't think you're going to like this next part. Now it's time for my lovely clones and I to defeat you! So any last words before you go bye bye?

Momochi: Dammit lily boy... I WON'T LET YOU KILL ME!

Okubi: Eligos! Please be a dear and call out this wicked technique of mine

Eligos: It will be my pleasure! General Momochi Airi! Get ready to feel the wrath of Master Okubi's Adalia's Wrath!

 Immediately after Eligos calls out his Master's attack. Okubi and his clones begin run towards Momochi at high speed. Seeing how fast Okubi and his clones are moving towards him. Momochi quickly swings his fans. Summon razor shape petals to strike Okubi and his clones. Nearly reaching their mark. The shape petals summon by Momochi attempt to get in their way. Using the energy balls in their left palms. Okubi and his clones destroy the petals before them. Witnessing the incredible power Okubi posses. Momochi's thoughts of winning have completely perished. Now replace with unimaginable fear. Nothing left standing in their way. Okubi and his clone prepare to strike down Momochi

Okubi: Time to die! ADELIA'SWRATH!

 Using the energy balls in each of their palms. Okubi and his clones strike Momochi directly in his chest. Unleashing a gigantic orb made of fire, water, and darkness against the demon. The orb then begins growing greater in size. Having served their purpose. Okubi's cone poof away, leaving the real Okubi to finish Momochi off. After holding the ball of energy against Momochi's chest for a few seconds. Okubi releases the deadly orb sending Momochi flying with it. Moving at a high velocity. The orb sends Momochi crashing to the other side of the purple room. Upon creating a crater shaped hole on the wall. The orb vanishes leaving only a severely injured Momochi. The defeated General sticks to the wall unable to move. Eligos flies over to his Master, congratulating him for his glorious victory

Eligos: YOU DID IT MASTER! I knew you would best that fiend. Course apart of your victory was due to Momochi's arrogance. Had Momochi taken you more seriously. Things made not had ended so well

Okubi: I 100% agree with you Eligos. Having gotten caught in Momochi's illusion early on. I was at his complete mercy. Course thanks to you. I was able to avoid such a grim fate. After you helped freed me from his illusion. Everything else was pretty easy. Now that I have emerged victorious. All that's left to do is to finish him off

Eligos: It's about time we eliminated this pest. Afterwards we can go and help the others. Hopefully they are still alive by then

Okubi: Well I don't much care for him. I'm somewhat concern about how Isamu is fairing against Cameron. As for Lisa Alice and Carabia. Despite how powerful Eisei is. I'm certain Lisa Alice will be able to defeat him. Not so much with strength, but with her wits. If there's one thing I know about Lisa Alice. The woman is a crafty individual. Lisa Alice will use any dirty trick in the book to achieve her goal. Personally between me and you Eligos. I'm starting to feel Lisa Alice is hiding something

Eligos: As you should. Both that woman and Carabia are always plotting and scheming. I'm just grateful they haven't stabbed us in the back... yet! Should things not turn in our favor. I'm certain Lisa Alice and Carabia will turn on us

Okubi: Well let's hope you're wrong for their sakes. Anyways back to the task at hand. Time for me to kill Momochi

 Okubi along with Eligos makes his way towards Momochi. Brutally injured and unable to move. Sensing Okubi's malicious intent feet away. Momochi is certain he is about to be killed

Momochi: "I won't beg no matter how much I really want to. I just never imagined I would be in this predicament. All my life I have fought to stray from such a fate. Now I found myself about to face death. Despite my pure demonic blood. My heals won't heal fast enough before that child kills me. I should had just abandon Koga a long time ago. I thought if I had remain loyal to him and his cause. Perhaps someday he would fall in love and marry me. How foolish could I had been. Thinking a man like Koga could ever fall in love with me? I curse the day I ever meet him. Had no allowed myself to be swayed by his words. I could had been enjoying a wonderful life as an theater actor. Anyways I choose to become one of his Generals. Now I must suffer the consequences for failing in my duties. Now as I lay stuck in this damn wall. I hope to the devil that my death maybe quick. Luckily Okubi doesn't strike me as the torturous type. Course I would rather he spare my life. Regardless I will not beg for my life. There's nothing more ugly than an undignified death"

 Now standing in front of his target. Okubi summons his ice rapier. As Okubi prepares to finish Momochi off. Out of nowhere the purple room becomes pitch black. Using his nautical demonic powers. Okubi begins to look around the darkness. Hoping to find the cause of the black out. Suddenly Okubi sense the aura of a powerful individual behind him. Before Okubi had a chance to strike. The unknown figure unleashes a spell that knocks Okubi out. Walking up moments later. Okubi finds himself in an unknown room. Stripped out of his fancy skin tight body suit. Okubi now wears a raggedy brown t-shirt and an ill fitted loincloth. Attempting to move his limbs. Okubi realizes his arms and legs are bounded to a wall. Not only can't Okubi move anything but his head. The bars that detain Okubi cut him off from his magic. Along with suppressing many of his natural demonic powers. Unable to break free of his bondage. Okubi immediately begins to yell out for Eligos


 Okubi then continues to look around the room. He spots a container nearly the size of his chest. Inside the container is no other than his friend/servant Eligos. Not only has someone managed to captured him. Eligos had also shared his Master's fate. Keeping his eyes glued on his captured servant. Okubi notices the container which holds Eligos is a Spirit Captured Jar. A jar made millions of years before his birth. As the name already states. The container is made to captured spirits. Used to captured ravenous spirits that refused to pass over. Forcing himself to look away from Eligos. Okubi then begins to examine the rest of the room. At a few seconds have passed. Okubi realizes that he's inside of Koga's Laboratory. A room many high ranking demon hold within their castle. In order to conduct experiments to further their agenda. Experiment usually performed by their servants. Fortunately majority of Koga's servant were or are being killed. None the less with Lord Yukimaru still alive. Okubi's life is in grave danger. A few short seconds later the laboratory room door opens. Entering the laboratory is no other than Koga himself. After a quick inspection of the laboratory. Koga turns his attention to the captured Okubi. As Koga slowly began moving towards him. Okubi gives Koga a glare that would had paralyzed a weaker individual. Unfortunately such a look would not faze Koga. Once standing in front of his newly captive. Koga places a hand on Okubi's face. Then from Okubi's face. Koga moves his hand further down Okubi's body. Stopping just below Okubi's belly button. Never since his sensei Takeda Tobirama. Has any man ever touched Okubi in such a strange manner. The feeling of Koga's hand against his bare skin made Okubi very uncomfortable. Upon seeing "that look" in Koga's eyes. Okubi was no longer able to keep his emotions in check

Okubi: Either kill me or get your filthy hands off me! I'm not some tramp you can use for your amusement! If you plan to torture me then do just that. Touching my body in such a manner without consent is tactless!

Koga: Looks like someone doesn't know how nice and soft his skin is. Despite being only a half demon. Like your mother you too posses lovely a lovely body. How could I possibly harm such a marvelous body?

Okubi: Aren't you the same man who threaten to kill me earlier?

Koga: Indeed! However seeing like this now has changed my mind. At least about you anyways. Should my other Generals fail me like Momochi. I will just have to kill your friends myself. As for you my little Okubi. I have something else planned for you. Using my Gamon Tamashi! I will torture you until I force your soul into submission. Once I have ownership of your very soul. I shall make you into my most valued servant. Your existence from that point on will be to please my every desire

Okubi: Vulgar! I would rather die than become your servant

Koga: Well too bad you don't have a choice in the matter. Once I begin using my spell on you. Either you will submit to my or die resisting. Either outcome will be fine with me. Now to begin with you torture!

Meanwhile back in the orange room. Carabia had just slain Cameron who struggle for her survival. Despite being one of the Underworld's most feared assassins. Prior to becoming one of Lord Yukimaru's Generals. Cameron had never fought a demon of Carabia's pedigree. While Carabia was possessing a modified version of a Oni Guard. Using both his knowledge of the dark arts and skill in battle. Carabia managed to not only to defeat and kill Cameron. Carabia had also humiliated her. No matter what technique Cameron tried to use on him. Carabia had countered each and every of her tricks. Within the green as Isamu and Eisei continued their sword battle. While early on in battle. Isamu had managed to keep up with the legendary warrior demon at first. However as the battle went on Isamu had began to struggle. While Isamu had the heart of a champion. The young demon did not posses the required power to defeat a demon of Eisei's level. As Isamu struggles to not receive anymore slashes to his body. Eisei decides to mock Isamu for ever challenging him

Eisei: So tell me boy? Do you now regret ever having challenged me? While you mouth may say "no". I can smell the fear leaking through you like the blood from your wounds

Isamu: Fuck you! What you're smelling is me about to finish you off!

Eisei: Your talk is cheap and meaningless. Had you possessed the power to finished me off. I would already be dead. Course the only reason you're alive is because I was holding back. Despite my words before our battle. I didn't really want to kill you. Hoping I could sway you into becoming one of Lord Koga's servants. However upon realizing how weak and useless you are. I had decided to end your worthless life

Isamu: The only worthless life he is you! As for serving Koga? Even if I was worthy to do such a fucking thing. I would never serve a man who murdered my father!. Now then let's get back to this fight. Unless you want to surrender now and suffer a quicker death?

Eisie: As if I would surrender to a weakling like you! Having seen how weak and pathetic you are. I have decided to go back on our deal from earlier. Attempting a more honorable battle with you was a mistake on my part. Instead I shall end you here using my most deadliest technique. While using such an attack is unnecessary on a weakling like you. The pain this attack will cause is well worth it!

Isamu: Arrogant bastard! I'll fucking show you how weak I am!

 Charging towards Eisei with intense speed. As Isamu prepares to strike Eisei with his sword. Raising his right hand before him. Eisei unleashes a powerful blast of wind against Isamu. Blasted by Eisei's attack. Isamu crashes to the ground writhing in pain

Eisei: Only weakling behave like this when suffering through pain. I think it's time I finish you off now

Isamu: Dammit! No matter how hard I tried. I just could fucking beat you! The worst part about this isn't even dying. Having failed her is most excruciating pain I ever felt

Eisei: Surely you are referring to Princess Hellin. I didn't expect you would have those feelings for her?

Isamu: Are you fucking stupid? I don't even know Hellin to have feeling for her. The woman I speak of is much more wonderful. Had I managed to defeat you. I would one step closer to starting my life with her. Unfortunately I'm too hurt to continue this fight. FUCK!

Eisei: Well now that you have spoken your peace. As meaningless as it was. Time to be exterminated!

 However before Eisei can make any attempt to kill Isamu. Lisa Alice appears from behind Eisei and bites his neck. Having successfully bitten Eisei's neck. Lisa Alice then releases Eisei. Allowing him to fall to the ground. Once having dealt with Eisei. Lisa Alice rushes over to Isamu's side

Lisa Alice: Hey Isamu are you feeling alright? Well then again you are bleeding all over your body. So I take you're not alright

Isamu: I feel much better seeing you beautiful. Exactly when did you enter the room? I thought the plan was for me to defeat Eisei

Lisa Alice: Well obviously that plan wasn't working out. Besides I only wanted you to test Eisei's powers for me. I never actually intended for you to fight him on your own. Just enough for me to get close enough to him. Having successfully used my PARALYZING BITE on the fucker. Not only did my bite temporary cut him off from healing. It will give us just enough time to finish him off!

Eisei: Cowardly bitch! Had I known that you were outside the door. I would had swiftly ended your boyfriend's life. Allowing me to drag you in and deliver you a slow and painful death!

Isamu: Now that this loser mentioned it. Exactly how did you managed to keep your presence hidden for so long?

Lisa Alice: A trick Carabia had taught me. The trick is to remain as still as possible. Allowing your aura to avoid detection from powerful demons like Eisei. After I had successfully managed to stay undetected long enough. My aura had went into a dead state. Allowing me a few moments of movement without detection. Combined with my invisibility spell. I was able to enter the room and bite Eisei without either of you noticing. Thankfully for you my dear fiancée. I arrived just in the nick of time. Now then Isamu my dear. Bite into my arm and suck my blood. My blood will help speed to process of your healing. Afterwards we can take care of him

 Back at the dungeon where Hellin was once held captive. After having fully healed and cleaned up by Anna. Changing into the clothes Anna had brought for her. Hellin notices the outfit is a bit showy for her taste

Hellin: Why do I get the feeling my mother picked this outfit out for me? Anna you know how much I hate these kind of clothing

Anna: My deepest apologies Hellin. However the Queen insisted you wear this. Your mother wouldn't allow me to bring an outfit more to your liking. I guessing she did this so you would attack me

Hellin: My mother only pulls stunts like this when she's pissed off with you! Exactly what did you do to piss my mother off?

Anna: I told Okubi and his friends about you being captured. I also help rescued Okubi from the execution your mother planned on him

Hellin: How dare you side against my mother! I should kill you right here and now

Anna: Please don't that Hellin. I didn't exactly betray your mother. I never once even brought any harm to her. Had the Queen's attempt to kill Okubi were successful. I would had never been able to rescue you

Hellin: Then so fucking be it! Anna you do not go against my mother for nothing and no one. Even if it is to help me. While you my servant. Your loyalty is to Babylon first. Next time you freely oppose my mother for any reason. If she doesn't kill you I WILL! Now brief me on the situation at hand so that I can go and find Koga.

Anna: Well currently Okubi and his friends should be fighting the Generals

Hellin: Then they're already dead! Those punks don't have the power to defeat a General

Anna: Um Lady Hellin? That's actually not true at all

Hellin: Anna are you calling me a liar?

Anna: No Hellin! I would never. Just based on what I have seen. I know Okubi and his friends can handle anything

Hellin: Yet you have to intervene in order to save this Okubi from my mother's schemes.

Anna: Well I didn't really do all that much

Hellin: Will you just shut up! Now before you even pester me about it. Let me quickly use my telepathy to locate my other "rescuers"

Anna: Lady Hellin please be careful when using your telepathy. Don't allow yourself to latch onto anyone's emotions

Hellin: Anna do I look like an amateur to you? I know my telepathy isn't as amazing as my Mother's or the current King of Asira. Besides I'm only using my powers to locate these friends of yours. Now once again shut up so I can concentrate

 Using her telepathy Hellin locates the whereabouts of several individuals. While searching for her rescuers, Hellin accidentally stumbles on the thoughts of Okubi. Who is currently being tortured by Lord Koga. Releasing a ear wrenching scream from her mouth. Anna quickly moves to console her Master

Anna: Hellin are you alright?

Hellin: Did I sound "alright" to you? I hate when you ask me dumb questions. While searching for any remaining individuals within the castle. Not only did I manage to find that bastard Koga. I also felt a feminine looking male being tortured

Anna: Oh no! That's must be Okubi. Exactly what's is happening to him?

Hellin: From what I was able to pick up. Koga is using his GOMON TAMASHI or simply TORTURE SOUL on your friend Okubi

Anna: Hellin we have to hurry up and save him. Okubi can only endure that kind of torture but for so long

Hellin: Rescue him? Wasn't it his job to rescue me? Far as I'm concern Okubi can die! It's not like I need him or anyone else to defeat Koga. Besides this is the very same man my mother wanted dead. Now that I know Koga's location. I'll allow him to finish off Okubi. Then afterwards I will go and kill Koga

Anna: ...

Hellin: What in the hell is your problem now?

Anna: Lady Hellin while I do not wish to anger you. I cannot help but to be upset by your response. Okubi and his friends risked their lives to come save you. If they hadn't allow themselves to be capture. Taking out majority of Koga's army. I would had never been able to come and save you. Hearing what you just said about Okubi is truly disheartening. After everything your mother had put him through. Okubi had still decided to come to Jazan and help me rescue you. Speaking of which hadn't it been for the respect he had for me. Okubi would had never bothered coming to Jazan. Hellin as much as you may not want to hear this. You owe it to Okubi to save him


Anna: Normally you yelling at me would had terrified me. Especially considering I know how dangerous you are. However these past few days I learned something. I learned that doing the right thing isn't always easy. Even if doing the right thing may get you killed! After meeting Okubi and seeing him action. His actions had taught me to stand up for what's right. As much as I care about you Lady Hellin. I care about you as if you were my sister. That being said I don't agree with anything you had said. Wanting to kill Lord Koga is what I expect from you. After what that bastard has done to you. If anyone is going to kill Koga. It had better be you. Just not at the cost of someone else having to die. So please Hellin I beg of you. Please let's go and rescue Okubi. It would be only fair since he would had did it for--

Hellin: Okay Anna please shut up already! Unlike my mother I don't really want Okubi dead. I just don't care for his existence either. However as much as I hate to admit it. Your feelings do matter to me. Therefore like Okubi, I shall go and rescue him only for you!

Anna: Oh thank you thank you Lady Hellin. I knew that you would---

Hellin: Anna stop talking now or I'm going to rip your head off. Just grab your bag and let's get moving. Based on what I had felt. Okubi doesn't have much time left

 As Hellin and Anna make their way to Koga's Laboratory. Carabia had arrived to the green room. Opening the door to where Lisa Alice and Isamu had fought Eisei. Carabia pleasantly finds his comrades feasting on the body of Eisei

Carabia: Looks like you and your fiancée are enjoying a good meal

Lisa Alice: Oh Carabia am I glad to see you. Based on your appearance. I can see that you utterly demolished that Cameron chick. Serves the stupid bitch right

Carabia: You should had seen my L.A. I utterly embarrassed the lass before killing her

Isamu: Yo Carabia! Wanna a bite of Eisei? Never I imagined this motherfucker would taste so good. I just wished I had a bottle of honey barbeque sauce on me. None the less this bastard is delicious

Carabia: Thanks but no thanks. Even if I was still an actually living being. I would allow any part of that fiend inside of my body. Now my dear L.A. Please rid me of this pathetic body. So I can go back to my glorious spirit form

 With a snap of her finger. The modified Oni Guard body becomes a pile of dust. Lisa Alice then goes back to eating Eisei

Carabia: Seeing as we successfully defeated our Generals. I wonder where in the world is Okubi and that loser Eligos?

Lisa Alice: That is a good question. Surely if we could had defeated our Generals. Okubi must had killed his several times over. Now I don't know if I should be concerned or annoyed?

Isamu: Well once we're finished eating this sonabitch. We'll just go to the purple room and check on Okubi

Before Lisa Alice and Isamu could finished feasting upon Eisei. A unknown voice has entered into their heads. Lisa Alice, Carabia, and Isamu listen on to what the unknown voice has to say

Hellin" "There is no need for that! Greetings riends of Okubi. This is Princess Hellin. The woman you all miserably failed to save. Course thanks to Anna I'm alive and well. During his battle with the General Momochi. Okubi and his servant Eligos were captured by Koga. While I'm on my way to save him. Anna had bugged me to let you all know of Okubi's current condition. Now hurry the fuck up and meet us on the thirteenth floor at Koga's Laboratory. That is all"

Upon delaying Okubi's whereabouts to the others heroes. Hellin exits their minds as she and Anna go after Okubi

Lisa Alice: Isn't life wonderful? We had originally came here to rescue this Hellin check. Only to learn that it's Okubi who now needs saving

Carabia: Which by default means Eligos needs to be save. Oh I cannot wait to rub this in his face. Anyways off to the thirteenth floor we go

Isamu: Oh c'mon I'm not all the way finished

Lisa Alice: Isamu unless you're planning to eat Eisei's dick and ass. There's practically nothing left of him to eat. Not get off your greedy ass and let's go rescue Okubi. The sooner we save Okubi and kill Koga. The sooner Jazan becomes my kingdom!

Shortly after alerting the others to Okubi and Koga's location. Hellin and Anna finally arrive to the thirteenth floor. Using their natural tracking abilities. The two woman ran to the laboratory. Hearing the cries of a tortured Okubi. Hellin and Anna knew they were only seconds away from their destination. Standing before the laboratory door. Using her demonic strength, Hellin punches the laboratory door down. Hearing the door being knocked down. Koga immediately stops his torture on Okubi. Turning over to the two female intruders. Seeing both Hellin and Anna standing at the laboratory. Not only is Koga angry to see Hellin fully recovered. Realizing that Okubi and the other heroes were only a distraction. Allowing Hellin's servant to rescue her without much trouble. Koga now must face a very angry Princess who desires revenger!


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VAIN - The Witch Of Torment

 VAIN Artwork by Anne_Luc