Sunday, July 5, 2015

Forbidden Chapter 28

Forbidden Chapter Twenty Eight - Hellin's Onslaught

 Meanwhile back in the Luger Forest. Hellin had just killed the demon Ethan. Furious about losing another loved one to Hellin. Cynthia can no longer control her blood rage. The demoness swiftly transforms from her humane state to her true demonic self. Thrilled to have caused Cynthia such grief. Hellin too changes into a more demonic appearances. 

Hellin: Seems like the wood manipulator meant a lot to you Cynthia

Cynthia: BITCH! I'm going to make you pay for killing Ethan! I'll will fucking fry you to ashes!

Hellin: Don't be so upset darling! I give you my word you'll be joining him shortly

Zar: Hellin please don't take this the wrong way. When you talk in your demonic form. Your voice is so damn evil

Hellin: I'll take that as a compliment

Angelina: I encountered many demons in my days and I must say Hellin's voice is the most sinister yet

Zero Black: As sinister as her voice maybe. The princess nor neither of you will be claiming Cynthia or my life. 

Cynthia: The three of you motherfuckers are going to die here! Now feel the fury of my DEVIL'S WIND FIRE!

 Cynthia holds both her hand up before her, releasing a massive stream of fire towards the heroes. Hellin quickly maneuvering herself before Angelina and Zar. Hellin responds to Cynthia's attack with her technique HELLFIRE NOIR!. Now with both Hellin and Cynthia in a flame war. Angelina and Zar sets their sights onto Zero Black

Angelina: Now to deal with you demon

Zero Black: Neither one of you have a prayer against me

Angelina: Well let's just see about that! SAVAGE GRAPEFRUIT MINIONS!

 Angelina swiftly summons a bunch of grapefruit looking creatures. Watching the ravenous fruits coming towards him. Zero Black uses his Negative Wind technique. Causing the grapefruits to rot away upon contact. Having successfully countered Angelina's attack. Zero Black was unaware of Zar who had managed to sneak behind. Using his technique Surprise Slash, Zar delivers a furious slash against Zero Black's back. Crashing down to the ground. Zero Black turns to see who attacked him. The demon is very shock to see Zar standing over him. Watching his blood dripping off the hunter's wolf claws. 

Zero Black: How is this possible? No way can a mortal sneak pass a demons detection

Zar: I'm no ordinary man demon. Besides I did use my Surprise Slash after all. A technique perfect for surprising my enemies

Cynthia: Hellin you fucking bitch! How long do plan fighting a losing battle?

Hellin: Bitch it is you who's prolonging the inevitable. Now watch as my black flames consume both you and your fire

 As the battle of fire continues between the two demoness. Hellin begins to gain the upper hand against Cynthia. Pushing back her scarlet flames with the force of her black flames. Worried that Hellin may end up killing her. Cynthia prepares to activate her Demon Talent

Hellin: It's over Cynthia! In a matter of seconds. My glorious black flames will swallow you hole. Turning into a pile of worthless ashes. Now any last words before I end your insignificant existence? 

Cynthia: Do you really you have me beat? Bitch I'm the Queen of Fire! No demon of the Underworld flames can rival mines. Now I will show you exactly why I'm the Master of Fire

 At an instant Cynthia's eyes glows in a unique bright red light. Having activated her Demon Talent. Now with her own fire powers greatly increased. Cynthia can also control the flames of her enemy.  

Hellin: What in lucifer did you just do?

Cynthia: I just reveal my superiority! Now watch as I take over your black flames and use them to annihilate you!

 Using the ability of her Demon Talent. Cynthia takes control of Hellin's black flames and combines it with her own. Knowing that Hellin is in potential danger. Angelina orders Zar to assist Hellin

Angelina: Zar don't worry yourself with Zero Black. I can handle him from here. Hellin can really use some assistance right now

Zar: Tch! I really wanted to end this bastard. Too bad his wound had already started healing. Anyways be careful Angelina. Christof made Zero Black his lieutenant for a reason

Angelina: Something tells me Zero Black won't be giving me any trouble. Now hurry up and go help Hellin

Zar: I will go help Princess Hellin. Just make damn sure nothing happens to Ivory

Angelina: You have my word Wolf Hunter. Now go and help my friend. I can handle the dark manipulator on my own

Zar: I surely hope you're right. That bastard Christof didn't make Zero Black his lieutenant for a reason

Angelina: I'm much more capable than I appear. Now leave me be and assist Hellin

 Zar leaves Angelina to go and help Hellin against Cynthia. Zero Black immediately rises to his feet. Having grown tired of holding back. Like his fellow comrade Cynthia. Zero Black transforms into his demonic appearance. Sensing the bloodlust in her opponent's body. Angelina too changes from her humane form into her demon self

Angelina: So you really are going to continue fighting? Have you not realized it yet? My friends and I are going to put an end to your Master's dark ambitions. We will not allow Coram to fall victim to the evil that plagues it!

Zero Black: It is your resistance that is futile! You and your allies interference does nothing but delay the inevitable! No longer shall I hold back my fury upon you lesser beings. Now you will known the fury of the dark!

Angelina: Do your worst demon!

 While Angelina prepares for battle against an enraged Zero Black. Both Hellin and Zar continue to dodge Cynthia's flames. Struggling to find a opening against the blazing demon

Hellin: I swear this bitch is so fucking annoying! I never expected such a lowly demon to be this troublesome

Zar: Not only does her fiery abilities keep us at a distance. The balls of fire we're dodging are going to cause a wildfire within the forest. If only anyone here knew water based magic

Hellin: That's probably the smartest thing you said today Wolf Boy.

Zar: Please don't tell me you possessed water based abilities but haven't used them

Hellin: Now isn't the fucking time to ask me a stupid question! Anyways I have a dear friend who shouldn't be too far from here. I need you to keep Cynthia distracted while I contact her

Zar: I know of your telepathic abilities. However how exactly will this friend be of use to us?

Hellin: I'm going to order her to cause heavy rain throughout Coram. Now just keep Cynthia busy while I contact her via telepathy 

Zar: Make it fast demon. I'm only a mortal after all. My wolf speed can only dodge Cynthia's flames for so long

Hellin: I'll do the fucking best I can. Just make sure you don't die out there

 In spite of his annoyance with Hellin's dark tone. Zar does what was asked of him. The Hunter than uses the technique WIND SPEED! Increasing his agility in order to dodge Cynthia's deadly flames. While Zar keeps Cynthia busy, Hellin immediately uses her telepathy to contact Anna. Currently fighting against the Four Forbidden Warlords. Fighting alongside Yura and her estranged father James. Going up against the Warlord Sidney Jamerson. As Anna was about to summon her tarot monster Estrild. Suddenly a familiar voice enters inside of Anna's head

Hellin: (Anna I'm in need of your assistance)

Anna: 'Hellin where are you? Are you alright?"

Hellin: (I don't have time for stupid questions right now. Just hurry up and summon one of your tarots that manipulates water. Have them caused a heavy rain throughout Coram)

Anna: "Hellin but what about the others? Some of our friends fighting abilities will be impaired by the heavy rain"

Hellin: (Anna, Luger Forest is about to go up in blaze. Please just do as I asked. Not because you are my servant, but because you are my friend)

Anna: "I'm summoning Nineve right now. Please come help us when you're finished with your opponent"

Hellin: (Count on it!)

 After ending the telepathic conversation with Hellin. Anna puts away her Estrild tarot card and pulls out Nineve instead.

Anna: My apologies to everyone in advance. However my master is in need for some heavy rain. Now my loyal ally Nineve. I request of you to summon a great fall of rain throughout Coram

 Back within the Luger Forest. Zar who done his best job to keep Cynthia distracted. Had been struck in his left leg by Cynthia's fireball. After his hard crash to the ground. Zar holds his injured leg in pain. Unable to defend against any incoming attack from Cynthia.

Cynthia: Now it's time I end you once and for all Wolf Hunter

Hellin: Cynthia my dear stupid girl. Perhaps you should take a look at the sky

Cynthia: Oh like I would be.... WHY IS IT RAINING?

Hellin: Don't look at me. It's not like I use water based magic. Course I most certainly have a friend that does. Knowing my telepathy would had been wasted on you. I decided to contact my dear friend Anna instead. Anna has many tarots monsters she can summon. One in particular that specializes in water based magic. I bet you wish your were Adele right about now. Setting fire to the rain. Unfortunately for you my worthless demon. Not even your hellish flames can stand up against this rainfall

 In a matter of seconds after Hellin finishes mocking Cynthia. The momentary drizzle swiftly turns into a heavy downpour of rain. The rain snuffing out Cynthia's hellish flames. Hellin can now finish off Cynthia for good. Moving at a speed faster than lightning. Hellin appears before Cynthia and knocks her to the ground. Not giving Cynthia a chance to push her off. Hellin immediately starts ripping out Cynthia's organs within her body. Screaming in agonizing pain as Hellin kills her. Hellin then uses her demonic strength to crush Cynthia's head. Hellin having killed off two of their three adversaries. All that remains left and Zero Black. As Hellin rushes to Zar's aid. They both watch as Angelina struggles to fight against Zero Black's dark powers. Knowing her telepathy isn't strong enough to posses Zero Black's mind. Hellin starts thinking a different approach to take the demon down.

Hellin: "I already know I can't control a mind a strong as Black's. However perhaps a nice illusion will do the trick"

 Having nearly exhausted herself in battle. Angelina attempts to finish Zero Black off with her attack LILITH'S FURY However Angelina has hit by Z.B.'s LIFE CORRUPTION! A powerful blast of dark energy that sends Angelina flying. Writhing in great pain as she lays on the ground. Angelina can feel her life force slowly leaving her body. Realizing Angelina is in danger of dying. Hellin springs her illusion on both Zero Black and Zar

Zero Black: Now that I have taken you out succubus. I can now focus on killing both The Hunter and The Princess of Babylon

Ivory: You go right ahead and do that Black.

Zar: Ivory? How... when did you manage to wake up?

Ivory: Don't be so damn dense Zar. Did you really think I'll be unconscious forever?

Zero Black: But my attack from earlier. I hit you directly with it. Even if my attack wasn't fatal. Considering you are merely a mortal. There is no way you can recover so soon

Ivory: Aren't you glad to see me alright Black? Here I thought you really cared about me. I guess my friends were right about you. You're nothing but Christof's bitch!

Zar: Ivory get away from him!

Ivory: Zip it Zar! The girls and you have done your part. I will deal with this toothless bitch myself

Zero Black: Ivory you know you can't defeat me. Not do I wish to bring you anymore suffering. Just surrender yourself to Christof and i'll see to it your life is spared

Ivory: The hell with you and that bastard stepfather of mines. Instead I'm to make an example out of you. I'll cut your head clean off your shoulders and bring it to Christof

Zero Black: Ivory please do not threaten like that

Ivory: It's more than a threat, IT'S A PROMISE!

Zar: Ivory wait! DON'T DO IT!

 Ignoring Zar;s warning, Ivory pulls out her knife and starts running towards Zero Black. Having accidentally attacked Ivory earlier. Despite his loyalties to Christof, Zero Black's love for Ivory is causing him eternal conflict. Knowing for certain Zero Black and Zar as under her illusion. Hellin makes her moves to finish off Zero Black. Moving at a speed faster than lighting. Hellin positions herself standing right behind Zero Black. Ready to end the mighty demon's life. Suddenly out of nowhere Zero Black drops to his knees. Reverting from his demonic form back into his humane appearance. At this very moment Hellin realizes Zero Black has officially surrender.

Zero Black: Do what you must Ivory. I can't bring myself to fight you nor your comrades any longer. Just kill me now so I don;t have to answer to Christof later

Hellin: Pathetic! I was really looking forward to killing you. Unfortunately a love struck fool like you doesn't deserve death by my hands. Instead I'll leave you for the real Ivory to deal with

Zero Back: All of this was a trick? I should had known Ivory couldn't recover so soon

Hellin: Well now you'll have time to sleep on your failure

 Baring her demonic fangs, Hellin quickly digs her sharp teeth into Zero Black's neck. Having infused her fangs with a sleeping toxin. Upon removing her teeth from Z.B.'s neck. Zero Black falls down to the ground asleep. Now with Zero Black being put to sleep. Hellin rushes to go check on Angelina.

Hellin: Angie are you alright? Do I need to rush you to Lisa?

Angelina: I'm fine Hellin. Thanks to your crafty illusion. I was able to chant a spell, reversing the effects of Zero Black's attack. My life is no longer in danger, but I'm truly tired. Unfortunately rest is not an option at this time. We need to get out of here and find Lisa. I have a feeling our friends can use our help. However iI must say this rain happened at a very fortunate time. Without it would still have Cynthia to contend with

Hellin: Well thankfully I was able to get in contact with Anna

Zar: Ivory are you alright?

Hellin: Looks like the real Ivory has finally awoken. Good now she and Wolf Boy can deal with Zero Black. Hey Princess enjoyed your nap?

Ivory: Annoying demon! Always with the bitchy remarks

Zar: Well I'm glad to see you are well my friend

Ivory: I see both Cynthia and Ethan are very much dead. However Zero Black is merely asleep

Hellin: Zero surrendered after the illusion I cast upon him. He could bring himself to "kill" you. Therefore I decided to show him some mercy. I'll leave the two of you to deal with him. In the meantime both Angelina and I are going to help our friends. The two of you need to go and recuperate

Zar: I can definitely use some rest after being nearly burn to death

Ivory: I'll search for some herbs to heal your burn Zar. Afterwards the two of us will find some help in locking Zero Black away. Thank you for not killing him Hellin

Hellin: I had a feeling you cared about him. Course like myself your country means more to you

Ivory: I knew from jump Black was never as vile as Christof other demons. I just wished he had join me when I first discovered the truth about my Stepfather's ambitions. Anyways I wish you and your friends good luck

Hellin: I just hope I get to fight Christof as well

Angelina: Don't hold your breathe on that one Hellin. Something tells me Christof has a different demon to answer too

 Only a few blocks away from Quenn Adama's castle. Okubi who had just managed to escape death from Adama. Due to the unexpected rescue from his nemesis Queen Othello. In search for his fellow comrades. Okubi's eyes become filled with terror as he witnesses the destruction throughout Coram. Not only does Okubi senses severals powerful individuals miles away. Okubi sense the presence of a dragon. The very dragon his comrades and him spotted earlier during their travel to Coram. Certain his friends are in the middle of the conflict. Okubi hurry himself towards the middle of Coram. However merely five minutes of traveling. Okubi once again runs into Christof and his demons Rage and Falen

Falen: So the water manipulator lives?

Rage: I had already expected you to be dead. Queen Adama isn't exactly a push over

Christof: Well that's my wife for you. A truly incompetent bitch!. Exactly how did you managed to escape? Let alone remove the anti magic collar placed on you?

Okubi: I was rescued by an enemy. One who had a bigger bone to pick with your wife than me

Christof: That fucking snaky slut Othello! After I'm through with all you fucking heroes. I'm going to make damn sure Othello suffers. Even if I have resurrect the bitch just to kill her again

Okubi: As if you will even have the chance. I owe you for what you done to me back at the alley

Christof: I should had killed you when I had the chance. Now I will make you suffer for defying your fate

Okubi: My only fate is to kill you

Christof: Falen! Rage! Let's give prissy boy here the beating of his life

Okubi: Neither you assassin nor your speedster frightens me. Especially now that I have aid from above

Christof: Aid from above?

Falen: THE RAIN!


 Using the surrounding water caused by the rain. Okubi creates watery ropes to capture his enemies. Surprising enough Okubi fails to capture both Christof and Falen. However unknown to the three demons. His main target was Rage. Upon having been caught by Okubi's watery binds. Rage feels the water tightening itself like steel on his limbs. Okubi now prepares to finish Rage off


Christof: Dammit Rage it's just water. 

Okubi: Oh trust me Christof it's not just water. The things I can do with water is beyond your imagination. I sacrifice the proficiency of my water binds against Falen and you. In order to make certain I captured Rage. After I capture you speedster. I increased the water's density. Making my water harder than steel. Now watch as I end Rage's worthless life

Falen: NO!

Rage: Don't let him kill me!


 Wearing a sinister grin on his face. Okubi makes a quick movement with his right hand. Causing the binding water around Rage to rip his body into pieces. Witnessing the death of Rage before her eyes. Falen immediately cry out in anger. Meanwhile Christof merely wears a look of annoyance

Falen: YOU BITCH! Rage was my lover!

Okubi: Do I look like I care? It's not my fault he was stupid enough to fight against me. Besides what the hell do I look like no taking your speedster out first? Now I will target you next and finally get my revenge on Christof

Christof: Rain was reported in today forecast. I'll make sure to kill whoever caused this rain myself. In the meantime I need to ensure you cannot perform no more water based attacks

Okubi: Oh you're going to put on another anti magic collar on me?

Christof: Not at all bitch! A demon as old as I'm has many tricks up his sleeves. Instead I will offer up a tribute! Falen if you don't mind

 Right before Okubi's very eyes. Christof digs his hand in Falen's chest. Ripping out the demon's beating heart. Shocked by her master's actions. Falen stares at Christof with disbelief as she begins to die

Christof: Sorry love, but I no longer have use for you. 

Okubi: YOU MONSTER! That was your comrade

Christof: Was being the key word. Besides Falen was the weakest of my minions. Well besides those fuckers Victor and PaulAnyways now that I have her heart. I'll offer it as a tribute to disable your water based magic for the duration of our battle

Okubi: Not if I kill you first!

 Right as Okubi prepares to unleashed a watery attack upon Christof. Holding Falen's heart in his right hand. Christof crushes her heart to pieces. At that very moment, Okubi feels himself being cut off from his water based powers.

Christof: How does it feel to lose your greatest ability?

Okubi: Not nearly as bad as killing your own comrade. I absolutely loathe men like you

Christof: You mean men who will do whatever it takes to achieve there goal? All of this shit and you and your fucking friends fault! Had you fuckers just stayed out of my way. I would had never needed to kill Falen. Now I''m going to make you all pay for interfering with my plans

Okubi: Like hell my friends and I would stand back while the citizens of Coram were sacrificed. A man with you ambitions deserved to be stopped at every corner. The last time we fault. I underestimated you . Now that I know your true capabilities. I swear on my mother and father's name I will kill you!

Christof: I have cut you off from your water powers. What else can you possibly do to me?

Okubi: Well to correct you cur. I'm unable to use neither my water or fire based magic. However I still have my greatest ability at my disposal

Christof: Your seduction poses? Ha! That harlot magic won't work on me

Okubi: Fool! I have my wits and my darkness! Now prepares yourself Lord Christof. I'm going to kill you 


Okubi: You are welcome to try but know you will fail


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VAIN - The Witch Of Torment

 VAIN Artwork by Anne_Luc