Thursday, January 21, 2016

Profile: Futanari Akuma


Name: Futanari Akuma

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Likes: Traveling, her parents and her kid sister Yuma, plums, salt and vinegar chips, carrot juice, classic Japanese cartoons, fighting, capturing wanted criminals, her unique hair color

Dislikes: Criminals, indecisive people, mashed potatoes, her crying sister, people assuming she's has a penis due to her name, traveling by sea, bad WI-FI

Magic Name: Alnilam 

Magic Powers: Futanari can release a silver purple mist from her mouth. Causing her enemies to feel temporary aroused This can affect heterosexuals and homosexuals alike. However Futanari must have two targets in order feel this magical effect to work. Also not everyone is affected by her magical mist. Futanari's second power is unleashed when she's really angry or pushed to her limit. Futanari's silver hair changes to midnight purple. Along with her multi colored ends glowing as bright as the sun. Futanari's gains strength that can rival most demons. However even without unleashing her full power. Futanari's magic gives her incredible strengths and durability.

BIO: Born and raised in Okinawa, Japan. Futanari was born into a very loving family. Five years later after her birth.  While playing with her parents at a local park. A hermit not from Japan had approached her parents. After introducing himself to Futanari's parents. Assuring them that he means them no ill will. The Hermit then had said to Futanari's parents "the girl is destined for a dangerous life". Fearing for their daughter's future. The Akuma's asked the Hermit how can they prevent such a disastrous future? The Hermit had told the Akuma's he will perform a special prayer for their daughter. However The Hermit true intentions were to bestow sagacious powers upon the young Futanari. After having performed the special prayer. The Hermit takes his leave and tells Futanari's parents. She'll be able to fight against future evils. While Futanari's parents appreciated the Hermit's blessing. They decided to enroll their daughter in Martial Arts. Fourteen years later after having been blessed by the Hermit. Futanari had never once encountered a life of danger. However The Hermit's words would soon come into reality. 

One day while coming home from school. Futanari witnessed two of her fellow classmates being kidnapped. Instead of simply screaming for help. Futanari instantly grabbed a nearby bike and pursue the kidnappers. Once she managed to get close enough to the drivers. Futanari leaps off from her bike and jumped before the car. Futanari immediately activates her magical powers. Striking the car with a powerful strike. Causing the vehicle to become immobilized. The kidnappers immediately exit the car. Pulling out their guns against Futanari. While most humans would be paralyzed by the sight of a gun. Futnari was thrill to have a reason to fight the crooks. After dodging several shots fired her way. Moments before the kidnappers could reload their guns. Futanari had already gotten close enough to attack. Shock to see the young woman standing before them. Right before they even had a chance to react. Futanari had unleashed severals powerful strikes against the crooks. Knocking them both out in less than ten seconds. 

Shortly after returning her fellow classmates back to their families. Along with bringing the crooks to the authorities. Impressed by Futanari's bravery and fighting skills. The Japanese Police Force had suggested that Futanari look into becoming a Bounty Hunter. Loving the idea of becoming a hero. Futanari immediately told her parents her desire to become a Bounty Hunter. While at first Futanari's parents rejected the idea of her becoming a Bounty Hunter. After some time of convincing her parent's to change their minds. Futanari's parents agreed to their daughter's desires. Only if she stayed in school and kept up her grades. Futanari promise to stay in school and keep up with her grades

Now as a Bounty Hunter of Japan. Futanari went on various missions, capturing many wanted crooks and sages alike. Between her natural fighting skills and her magic. Futanari had yet to face a foe who she couldn't defeat. Futanari's luck against her targets continued until a month after her seventeenth birthday. After being assigned her latest target. A mobster by the name Satomi Yamakagashi. Futanari had began her investigation. Shortly after finding Yamakagashi at one of Japan's shadiest night clubs. Yamakagashi who had recognized Futanari due to having captured his former colleagues. Futanari found herself battling against Yamakagashi's henchmen in the nightclub. While Futanari was busy fighting for her life. Yamakagashi had made his escape. Despite emerging victorious against her many foes, Futanari never felt so defeated in her entire life. The thought of having allowed Yamakagashi escaped bothered her dearly. Returning to HQ with her first fail assignment. Futanari had feared they would take away her Bounty Hunting privileges. However instead of punishing Futanari for her failure. Futanari's superiors rewarded the young sage instead. Increasing her rank from a local Bounty Hunter to a Shogun

Futanari was beyond thrilled to become a Shogun, but also realized how vital it was for her people to capture Yamakagashi. According to the intel she had received. Yamakagashi had traveled his way into the country of Mayland. Once the proper arrangements were completed. Futanari was ordered to begin her travel to Mayland. In order to find Yamakagashi and bring him back to Japan. While Futanari has never been outside of Asia. The young Marshal wanted to prove her worth. Along with the fact she spoke English and other common Mayland languages rather well. Futanari knew getting around Mayland wouldn't be such an issue. However finding exactly where Yamakagashi was hiding would prove a challenge. None the less Futanari was ready to get the job done. After bidding farewell to her family and friends. Futanari jumped on the next plane to Mayland


1. My character Futanari Akuma is inspired by RWBY character Yang Xiao Long. Although only by design and her hand to hand combat skills. Futanari's personality is much different compare to Yang's

2. The original surname I had intended for Futanari was "Itu" and not "Akuma" I decided on Akuma after completing Futanari's design

3. Futanari will be the youngest of the heroes introduced in Forbidden. Previously that title was held by Jia Xiaoyu

4. Along with Angelina, Kira, and Hisako. Futanari is another hero from Japan

5. While Futanari's hair is mostly silver. The ends of her hair is a mixture of pink, red, light yellow, neon yellow, chartreuse, green, light blue, and blue. Even if Futanari were to shorten her hair. The ends of her hair will always be multi colored

6. Futanari's younger sister Yuma is six years younger than her

7. Futanari along with Nara and Angelina are the only heroes who have both of their parents alive and well

8. However unlike the other heroes of Forbidden. Futanari is the only one that had a happy childhood

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