Sunday, April 10, 2016

Forbidden Chapter 43

Forbidden Chapter Forty Three

Arctic Blaze

 The Eater standing before the two remaining women. Cautious of any sudden movements by Asasah. Both Hellin and Xiaoyu wonder what happened to their teammates. Xiaoyu extremely worried about her friends safety. The detective decides to confront the deadly demon about her friends whereabouts

Xiaoyu: Okay you fucking monster! What have you done with my friends?

Hellin: Xiaoyu are you trying to get us fucking killed! We cannot help the others at this point. Let's try to save our own asses. Unless you want to end up like them as well?

Xiaoyu: Motherfuck your survivalist mentality right now! If this bitch killed Apollyn, my boyfriend, and the rest of our friends. Not even Asira and Satan themselves can stop me from obliterating this bitch!

Hellin: If you wish to get fucking eaten. That is your fucking prerogative. I have zero intentions of dying on this bridge

Asasah: Is that what you really think demon of the Strong Bloodline!

Hellin: You can smell my direct bloodline?

Asasah: Indeed my young demoness. It's the very reason I haven't casted you away with the others

Xiaoyu: "Casted away with the others"? So you didn't kill our friends?

Asasah: Not yet my dear succulent mortal. I merely used my Sleeping Bite technique on each one of them. Taking them out of the way until I'm done with you two. If you don't believe me lovely. Feel free to use your light magic on this bridge

 A part of Xiaoyu feels reluctant to proceed with Asasah's suggestion. Fearing she may see something she won't like. However in order to know the status of her beloved friends. Xiaoyu raises her right hand into the air. Emitting a powerful yellow light from her hand. Breaking through the thick darkness. Xiaoyu is able to see Tremaine Bridge clear as morning. Both Hellin and Xiaoyu are immediately shocked by what they see. Witnessing their teammates laying unconsciously on the bridge. Each with vampire like bite marks in their necks. Angelina and Brutality being the deepest of the bunch. Seeing their friends in such a helpless states. Realizing how truly fearsome the enemy before them. Hellin and Xiaoyu realize why only a fool would enter the Tremaine Bridge at night. Course unlike Asasah other victims throughout the centuries. Neither Xiaoyu or Hellin intend to be her next meals

Xiaoyu: I can't believe their healing factor didn't counter act your sleep inducing bite

Asasah: I have been eating demons for centuries. I know how much toxin I must inject into my demon and darken victims. Course I never had the pleasure of biting an angel. I wonder what the orange haired is doing so far away from Heaven? Regardless I make certain my pray doesn't have a fighting chance. 

Hellin: Then why haven't you done the same to us?

Asasah: I was just about to explain why you two bitches are still standing. Unlike your unconscious friends behind me. Which the majority of them are filthy demons. I don't have a strong craving for demons. Despite it was the reason I was created. However the taste of mortal flesh really wets my appetite. Nothing satisfies me more than devouring a mortal. Watching their face immersed in fear. Seconds before I begin feasting on their flesh. The moment you fools enter the bridge. I caught your scent and knew eating you would be an absolute treat. Which is why I removed your friends from action. The exception being the demon beside you of course. Unlike you who I simply cannot wait to eat. I want to rip that bitch apart! Had it not been for her demon ancestors. I would had not ended up being the last of my kind! 

Hellin: So that's why you kept Xiaoyu and I around? In order to eat her alive and exact your pitiful revenge by killing me. My ancestors created you creatures in order to serve them. The price of rebelling against one's creator is death!

Asasah: Forgive us Eater for wanting to be more than attack dogs. Upon being created and faithfully serving The Strong Clan for years. My fellow Eaters had hoped that your ancestors would give us our independence. Yet years of servitude wasn't good enough for those motherfuckers! They wanted us to serve them for all eternity! That was a life us Eater could not accept. We then decided to escape. Only for your ancestors to hunt us down. Recapturing us and killing those that lead the escape. We Eater did not desired to live a life of complete servitude. It was our right as demons to exist on our own terms. Unfortunately we were created by the most selfish and ruthless clan of demons. That is when we Eaters decided to fight back against our creators. Once The Strong clan realized that we were much stronger than imagine. Your cowardly ancestors called for the aid of others demons within the Underworld. Together slaughtering every Eater they encountered. My mother knew it was only a matter of time. Before the demons found her and I. Unknown to the rest of the Eater. My mother was able to open a portal to Asira. Unfortunately her portal could only take a single demon at a time. Continuing to eluded our pursuers. Eventually my mother and I were discovered. My mother who had already accepted her grim fate. Refused to let me die along with her. Immediately opening a portal to Asira. My mother threw me through her portal. Moments before her death. I was alone and the last of my kind. All thanks to your fucking ancestors. Forced to survive in a strange world. I trained myself to be a efficient predator. In the beginning I only targeted demons. Not because it was my purpose, but due to pure vengeance. Over time I learned that demons were not very welcome on Asira. Thus my encounters with demons became less and less. That's when I decided to hunt other living beings within Asira. That's when I discovered the joy of eating mortals. Anyways that is why I didn't put you asleep with the others. Now that you know my intentions. It's time to end your worthless existence!

 While remaining in her demonic form. Without completely transforming into her true form. Finished explaining her intentions to Hellin and Xiaoyu. The Eater is now ready to attack. Hellin attempts to use her telepathy against Asasah. Only for her mental powers to have no effect. Asasah comes straight for Hellin. Striking Hellin with a powerful uppercut. Hellin is sent flying into the air. Turning her attention onto Xiaoyu. Asasah bares her fangs and charges for Xiaoyu. The detective quickly unleashes a light beam against the Eater. Only for her attack to completely miss it mark. Thanks to Asasah using her demonic reflexes to avoid her attack. Xiaoyu then attempted to create a light barrier around herself. Only for Asasah's right hand to grasp her neck. Xiaoyu had underestimated the speed of her demonic foe. Fortunately Hellin who had recovered from Asasah's attack. Rises from the bridge grounds. Hellin surrounds her body in a carmine colored aura. Along with changing into her demonic form. Right before Asasah could attempt anything fatal against Xiaoyu. Hellin leaps into the air, delivering a powerful kick to Asasah's face. The Eater is force to release Xiaoyu, crashing to the ground. Hellin then rushes towards Asasah. The Princess unleashes a fury of deadly strikes towards Asasah's body. Finishing off her attack with a blast of demonic energy. Asasah falls hard onto the bridge ground. Tumbling several inches where she once stood.

Hellin: Now do you realize your limits? The only reason you survived for centuries isn't because you were strong. It's the fact all of your prey were weak! I on the other hand am your superior!

Asasah: Arrogant little bitch! You are no difference than your ancestors! Thinking you are better than any other demon in existence. The Strong Bloodline are too proud for their own good. However I will recommend you for using Succubus Drive Technique the way you did. Otherwise I would had already been feasting on your mortal friend

Xiaoyu: Grotesque hearted bitch! Why don't you feast on this… LIGHT SEAL!

 Xiaoyu strikes the bridge ground with her right hand. Summoning a seal of light beneath Asasah. The Eater is now trapped inside a cylinder of light energy


Xiaoyu: While you were too busy arguing with Hellin. I took the opportunity to create a Light Seal to contain you. Now I'm not the type of girl to speak ill of the dead. I do agree with Hellin to an extent about your previous victims. Unfortunately there is a time where even the deadliest meet their match. Anyways it's time we end you once and for all

Hellin: I'm going to deliver you a death so painful! Even once you journey into the Spirit Realms. It will continue to pain you. Now prepares yourself for my Armageddon Sphere!

 Focusing her demonic energy into her left hand. Hellin begins creating a ball of carmine colored energy. Surrounded by black colored miasma. The ball of energy continues to grow within her palm. Eventually becoming five times bigger than her hand. Hellin's appearance becomes even more demonic. Skin changing red and her fangs grows twice in sizes. Now with her sphere at full power. Hellin charges at the defenseless Asasah with a killer intent. However what neither Hellin or Xiaoyu knows. Asasah is not as helpless as she appears. Asasah watches Hellin coming towards her. The Eater waits patiently until Hellin is close enough. Seconds before Hellin can attempt to finish her off. Asasah unleashes a giant burst of demonic energy. Breaking out of Xiaoyu's Light Seal. The burst of Asasah's aura also pushes Hellin away. Sending Hellin crashing into Xiaoyu. Knocking both women onto the ground. Despite the surprising events that happened before them. Hellin and Xiaoyu quickly rises to their feet. Witnessing before them a even more grotesque Asasah. The once pale skin woman in the pale turquoise dress. Now transformed into a gigantic spider lion like creature. Acid dripping from her fangs. Along with a boa constrictor for a tail. The sight of Asasah's true form causes Xiaoyu to scream in horror

Xiaoyu: AWWWW!

Hellin: IMPOSSIBLE! How did you manage to break from Xiaoyu's seal?

Asasah: The power that resides within me. Is far greater than any seal created by a mortal! Now it's time I finally do away with you. Then I can begin to enjoy my snack. Afterwards I'll either save your friends for another night. Unless I decide to rip them apart instead. Now to do away with you demon of the Strong Bloodline! DEVASTATING GAZE!

Staring directly at Hellin with her evil eyes. Hellin is not only unable to move her body. The demon is also under an incredible amount of pain. The high level of pain causes Hellin to cry in silence. Now with Hellin unable to defend herself. Asasah lifts her snake tail above her body. Ready to finish Hellin off for good. Despite being absolutely terrified of the fully transformed Eater. Xiaoyu refuses to allow Hellin to be harmed. Asasah springs her boa constrictor tail to strike Hellin. Xiaoyu quickly pushes Hellin down to the ground. Taking the bite from Asasah's snake tail in Hellin's place. Xiaoyu's arm completely covered in blood. The young detective crumbles to ground reeling in pain. Assuming Xiaoyu would be too scared to aid Hellin. Asasah had gravely underestimated the mortal's bravery

Asasah: NO! I didn't want you to become bitten by my snake. Now the poison from it's bite will kill you. Before I can even enjoy devouring you! My entire plan is fucking ruined! Damn you little bitches! I'll just settle for tearing you whores apart instead!

Xiaoyu: Despite how painful the bite from Asasah. My healing abilities are doing a great job fighting off the poison. Unfortunately it won't be enough to save us from being killed

Hellin: Dammit! This is Razel all over again, but this time without Okubi to aid us

Eligos: I wouldn't count on that if I were you

Xiaoyu: Eligos is that really you?

Eligos: In the flesh.. well spirit my dear beautiful China woman

 Eligos suddenly appears before the defeated Hellin and Xiaoyu. Asasah while stunned by Eligos's sudden appearance. Remain unbothered due to him being merely a demon spirit. Unfortunately Eligos is not the threat Asasah is soon to face. Appearing from out of nowhere. A barrage of ice spikes falls down towards the Eater. Following right behind his servant. Okubi appears before both his fallen teammates.

Okubi: Looks like I got here just in time. I should had just dealt with The Eater. Once I learned about her from the town's people. Anyways I'm here now and ready to kill

 Asasah recovering from Okubi's surprise attack. The Eater turns her attention to her unexpected adversary. Filled with an abundance of rage. Asasah let's out a vicious scream. Before confronting Okubi on the bridge.

Asasah: DISGUSTING LITTLE INTRUDER! How wasn't I able to sense your presence before?

Okubi: What a stupid question to ask. I simply mask my presence from you

Asasah: A half demon! Especially one as young as you. Shouldn't be able to mask their presences from a demon of my power! Something is very off about you boy. Nevertheless I will kill you just like the rest

Okubi: That's you damn problem right there. I'm above the rest of the weaklings you have slaughtered. Now it's time for your punishment… ICE RAPIER!

 Okubi swiftly summons his ice rapier into his hand. Okubi prepares himself for combat. Asasah extends her snake tail over her head. Asasah opens the mouth of her snake tail. Releasing a geyser of acid towards her opponent. Okubi counters by summoning a Dark Portal before him. The portal opens and sucks in the acid. Asasah is immediately stunned by the level of skill Okubi displays

Xiaoyu: Okubi am I beyond relied and thankful that you came here

Okubi: I was hoping you guys would had made it to Neo Aigosthena before dark. However once I learned the trains are down. Added it took Mariah a few hours to meet me in Alfreda. The time Mariah had reached Onyxe's castle in the Royal Lands. It would had already been evening. Once you all had read my letter. I knew nothing would had stopped any of you from getting to Neo Aigosthena by nightfall. The downside to such a journey. An encounter with The Eater of Tremaine Bridge was inevitable. I feared that The Eater would be too much for any of you to handle. That's is the reason Eligos and I came out here. Now please hurry up and heal yourself Xiaoyu. Then do the same for Hellin. In order to kill this demon. I'm going to need Hellin's assistance

Hellin: Why don't you just use your new fancy powers Okubi?

Okubi: Because I don't want to waste such power against the likes of her. I rather reserve my new found powers. Against more dangerous enemies like Pruflas. Now stop arguing with me and let me keep this demon busy. Once Xiaoyu has healed you. Immediately aid me in battle

Hellin: Tch!

Asasah: I don't know how you acquired such vast power in spite of your age. However I'm willing to make a deal with you

Okubi: Such as?

Asasah: Despite how much it pains me to let go of food. If you are willing to cease your fight against me. I'll be wiling to let you take the mortal back. Along with two of your unconscious allies. I'll keep the rest and that bitch on the ground! I will have my revenge against her!

Okubi: Wow Hellin you truly are an unsavory cunt aren't you?

Eligos: Geez what a surprise

Okubi: Not now Eligos. Anyways while a chunk of me would love to leave Hellin for dead. Not only is your deal pitiful. Believing I would willingly abandon any of my friends. Including the quote on quote "bitch on the ground". I didn't come here to bargain with you demon. I came here to slay!


Okubi: That would require you beating me in combat. Unfortunately I have no intentions of losing to you demon

Eligos: Tear her apart Master Okubi

Asasah: Annoying little Demon Spirit! I'll have you eat those words soon enough

Xiaoyu: I'm 100% Okubi. Working on Hellin now


Okubi: That is not for you to decide… INFERNO FORCE!

 Okubi releases a deadly blast of fire from his palms towards Asasah. The Eater unleashes a blast of energy from her mouth. Countering Okubi's flames as the two attacks clash. The impact causes an explosion on the bridge. Surrounding both the heroes and Asasah in a cloud of smoke. Unfazed by the thick smoke surrounding them. The demons continue their battle. Okubi leaps into the air. Still with his ice rapier in hand. Asasah uses her snake tail to defend herself. Okubi swings his ice based weapon at Asasah. Only for his attacks to be deflected by Asasah's tail. The smoke begins to clear up around the bridge. Asasah's sees a sight that sends her into a shock. Not only was The Eater battling a clone of Okubi. The real Okubi is now standing beside a fully healed Hellin. Asasah temporarily distracted by the false Okubi. Hellin create a Doom Dagger in her palm. Immediately throwing her dagger into the false Okubi's body. The dagger pieces the clone's body. Causing it to explode seconds later. The explosion causes Asasah minor damage, but the damaged wasn't Okubi and Hellin's main goal. Still reeling from the effects of the explosion. Okubi and Hellin make their next move. In order to keep their strategy unknown to Asasah. Okubi allows Hellin to enter his mind

Hellin: "Well that was fun. I always fantasized about blowing you up"

Okubi: "I bet you think of me often Princess! Now open a portal and get Xiaoyu to the other side. We'll need her to defend our unconscious friends very shortly"

 Hellin quickly opens a portal. Pushing Xiaoyu through it. Asasah recovers from the explosion. The Eater has become beyond infuriated with both Okubi and Hellin


Hellin: May we just kill this bitch already?

Okubi: Ready for a double team murder?

Hellin: Born ready!

Asasah: I won't let you two escape! WEB OF---


 Okubi opens a dark portal over the head of Asasah. The portal opens, releasing a waterfall amount of acid towards Asasah. Watching the wave of acid falling from the sky. Xiaoyu instinctively creates a humongous barrier of light. Protecting both herself and the unconscious heroes. Unable to escape or defend herself in time. Asasah screams in agony as she is drench in her own acid. The Eater writhe in great pain. Asasah's naturally healing abilities starts to kick in. However neither Okubi or Hellin plans on allowing Asasah to heal. It is time for them to finish The Eater for good.

Okubi: Hellin get ready


 Hellin summons two demonic butterfly blades. Holding one in each hand. Okubi then positions himself behind Hellin. Okubi quickly drops down to the ground. Position his body into the pose known in yoga as the Halasana Pose a.k.a. Plough Pose. However this is no yoga position Okubi is performing. In reality Okubi is performing the Seduction Pose known as Charity! A pose that allows the user to power up a fellow ally. The ally in this case being Hellin. Instantly causing a surge of energy runs through Hellin's body. Surrounded by a powerful crimson aura. Hellin is ready to finish off Asasah

Okubi: Take her down Hellin!

 Hellin takes off at a inhuman speed. Moving faster than even lightning itself. Asasah trying to heal from her burns. One of The Eater's arm are cut off! Asasah given zero time to react to losing a limb. Hellin moving at a godly speed. Slashes off several more of Asasah's limbs. Losing limbs faster than she can heal them. The Eater has finally realized a terrible reality. "No matter how touch you are. There exist individuals stronger than you". Asasah has more than meet her match in Okubi and Hellin. No longer in the Seduction Pose Charity. Okubi now back on his feet. Prepares a deadly attack of his own.

Eligos: Make peace with Satan now Asasah. Because in the next few seconds. You'll no longer be a member of the living world. No one crosses Master Okubi and lives to tell about it! Angering the princess of Babylon also leads to a short life. Tonight is the night your victims shall be avenged!


 Okubi surrounds his body in a menacingly cold aura. Freezing the portion of the bridge he stands on. Having completely immobilized Asasah. Hellin immediately takes into the air. Preparing a devastating attack to match Okubi's 


 While suspended in the air. Hellin surrounds her body in a extremely hot fiery aura. Okubi's body now ten times colder than Antarctica. Hellin hotter than even lava itself. The two demons prepare a sinister charge towards Asasah. Rushing towards the defenseless demon. Okubi and Hellin's next attack will be the end of the infamous Eater of Asira. Xiaoyu increases the power of her barrier. Preparing for the impact of Okubi and Hellin's attack

Okubi: Time to die monstrous demon!

Hellin: Time to pay the price for your foolishness! No one dares make an enemy of the Strong Clan and lives!


 Okubi rushing towards Asasah's like a speeding bullet. Covered in sheer coldness. Hellin drops down from above. Coming towards Asasah like a great meteor. Unable to anything to avoid the inevitable. Seconds before Okubi and Hellin exterminate her. Asasah let's out a final scream. Both Okubi and Hellin crashes into Asasah without mercy. Causing a powerful impact upon contact. Destroying both Asasah and a huge portion of Tremaine Bridge. Xiaoyu's barrier barely surviving the impact. Manages to keep herself protected. Along with the rest of the unconscious heroes. After having completed their devastating tag team attack. Okubi and Hellin finds themselves sixty feet below ground. Surrounded by dirt, rocks, and what little remained of Asasah's dead body. Xiaoyu rushes to the destroyed part of the bridge. Sticking her head down low as possible. Without losing her balance and falling off the broken bridge.

Xiaoyu: OKUBI! HELLIN! Are the two of you okay?

Hellin: I swear for such a smart girl Xiaoyu. You truly ask the most retarded of question. Okubi and I are demons. Falling a few feet off a bridge isn't going to kill us

Okubi: We are find Xiaoyu, but thanks for your concern. Hellin and I will be up very shortly. Quickly uses your powers to wake up the others. The noise we made here is going to draw some type of attention. Even if no one is brave enough to check Tremaine Bridge until the morning

Hellin: Nonsense! Despite how much of the bitch we destroyed. The Eater's head still remains… barely! I'll leave it as proof of her death. No longer will traveling across the Tremaine Bridge at nightfall will be forsaken. Once the bridge has been repaired anyways


Anna: Well I guess so much for us defeating The Eater with team work. Well not from any of us anyways

Nara: I'm just glad my girlfriend is still in one piece. Thank fucking goodness you showed up when you did Okubi

Angelina: Now this is what one calls a blessing. Things would had turned out more grim. Had Okubi now arrived when he did

Lisa: THANK YOU FUCKING ASIRA FOR BRINGING THIS MAN INTO OUR LIVES! We would had been fucking demon chow. Had you not shown up Okubi

Apollyn: Apollyn is so so so so so so happy Okubi buddy came to the rescue

James: So much for me protecting my daughter. At least I can return to Onyxe in one piece

Brutality: Has anyone notice with The Eater's demise. Tremaine Bridge… what's left of it. Isn't nearly as dark as it once was?

Okubi: Obviously demonic effects created by Asasah to capture her prey. Thanks with the combine teamwork with Hellin, Xiaoyu, and I. Asasah is no more

Anna: Oh my goodness! I'm so so sorry Hellin. I should had realized you also took down The Eater

Hellin: I don't need the admiration of you losers. Please continue giving credit to your "precious leader"

Anna: Oh don't be like that Hellin

 Anna walks over to Hellin. Kissing her Master and friend on the cheek

Anna: You're just as important to this team of heroes

Angelina: Now that we are all alive and well. I guess it's time to get to Neo Aigosthena now

Okubi: Indeed, but not in the way any of you would expect. During my time in Neo Aigosthena. Eligos and I learned about several different shady activities taking place.

Nara: Meaning what exactly?

Xiaoyu: Meaning Pruflas isn't our only concern baby

Okubi: Nor can all of us work to defeat Pruflas

Hellin: What is this fucking nonsense you're spouting Okubi? Pruflas is one of Janiel's generals. Defeating an enemy of Pruflas's power will require all of us

Okubi: That maybe true Hellin, but unfortunately not all of us can focus our efforts. In order to take down a single evil. There is too much sinister things taking place in Neo Aigosthena

James: You can say that shit again! Kidnapping, dark sages, and various secret societies all hidden within Neo Aigosthena. That state is a cesspool of shady activities

Hellin: Shady activities Onyxe should had dealt with years ago

Okubi: Onyxe is only one person and he has other places of Mayland to worry about. There is simply no way he could combat the various crimes. Taking place within Neo Aigosthena

Brutality: Yet you think we can?

Okubi: We are demons after all Dela. At least the majority of us. Xiaoyu's detective skills will also come in handy in such a unlawful place. Furthermore while we are the goods guys. We don't posses the same morals of traditional heroes

Hellin: Meaning we'll do what is deemed necessary. In order to accomplish our goals. Some here more than others obviously

Okubi: Which is exactly why each one of you are given a different task. These task will be found in each of your hotel rooms. Also just to let you know. Not all of your hotels are in the same place. I have booked you guys rooms in different parts of Neo Aigosthena.

Anna: So not all of us will be traveling together to tackle on this different task?

Okubi: That's the whole point of this conversation Anna. We all cannot be in the same place

Xiaoyu: Understood, but who will be going after Pruflas?

Okubi: I will deal with Pruflas myself. I'll send for backup when the time comes. In the meantime it's time you guys get to your rooms. Once you are safe inside of your rooms. Prepare yourselves for bed and tomorrow morning. Open the draw beside your beds. It will detail your exact mission within Neo Aigosthena. Anyways have a goodnight and I'll see you all soon enough

 Without any warning. Okubi summons three portals. Each portal leading to a different hotel within Neo Aigosthena. Portal A sucks in Xiaoyu, Nara, and Apollyn. Portal B takes in Lisa and Brutality. Portal C takes a hold of Hellin, Anna, and James. The only hero remains is Angelina

Angelina: Okay talk about odd? Why didn't I get sucked in with the others

Okubi: Because I want you to travel with me Angelina. Unlike the others who needs to rest up for their upcoming missions. The mission for Eligos, you, and I starts now

Angelina: So where are we taking off too?

Okubi: A club called Urban Pythons. A very shady nightclub that's drawn the attention of a girl I been following. If we don't get there shortly. That girl will not survive that night

Angelina: Then let's end this chit chat and get a move on.

Okubi: By the way Angelina. I have exhausted myself earlier against Asasah. If things get as chaotic as I expect. I'm going to need you to do majority of the fighting

Angelina: I'll be thrilled to get some blood on my hands. Also who is this girl you been pursuing?

Okubi: Her name is Futanari Akuma! A Marshal from Japan

Angelina: A Japanese! Don't worry I can keep my personal feelings to myself. Let's just get going already

 Okubi opens a fourth portal. Angelina runs into it with Okubi and Eligos following behind. While the other heroes are enjoying a well deserve rest. Okubi along with Eligos and Angelina's night. Has only begun


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VAIN - The Witch Of Torment

 VAIN Artwork by Anne_Luc