Sunday, August 27, 2017

Forbidden Chapter 70

Forbidden Chapter Seventy

Unexpected Resolution

 Ozriel succeeded in forcing a battle between himself and James to not only obtain the usage of Lisa for his ritual to escape Pruflas's Dimension, but also to kill James and all the heroes trapped in his Rings Of Judgment. Okubi along with his mother, Ophelia, and Eligos were forced to stand on the sidelines and watch as James and Ozriel prepared to fight. James knew well the high stakes of his battle against Ozriel; should he lose to the sadistic angel not only would he die, but so would Angelina, Apollyn, Brutality, Futanari, and Tobirama. Not to mention Ozriel being able to switch places with Lisa in Pruflas's Dimension. James surrounded his body in a fiery aura then charged Ozriel head-on


 A blazing James holds out his right hand, prepares a devastating fiery punch. Ozriel unfazed by the incoming attack. Holds out his left palm, preparing an attack of his own


 Ozriel creates a big burst of wind from his palms, blows James away before being struck. James spiraling in the air before heading towards the ground, manages to land on his feet despite taking such a powerful blow. Okubi along with his mother and Eligos are relieved to see James holding his own against Ozriel so far

James: Nice trick bitch! Sadly it's going to take more than that to take me down

Ozriel: I'm just toying with you demon! Once I become bored of you. I will deliver your final judgment. Now let's see how well you handle my next attack

 Ozriel summons a golden bow into his left hand, aims his weapon at James. Magically a bunch of holy arrows appears in between Ozriel's bow. Ozriel then performs his HOLY ARROW RAID attack. Firing off multiple holy energy arrows towards James. Watching as the many arrow moving towards him. James takes a quick look at Okubi and the others before making his move. First James infuses his right hand with a fiery aura, hits the ground beneath him. Afterwards James covers his body in flames once again. However unlike James's Heat Seeker where he covered his body in yellowish orange flames. The color of the flames surrounding James were lava red. James running towards Ozriel as the arrow come after him. Manages to dodge each and everyone of Ozriel's holy arrows. James is nearly in attacking range of Ozriel. Disappointed that none of his arrow managed to hit James. Ozriel wasn't worried about being hit by James. Right as James was about to crash into him, Ozriel uses his Angelic Shift to teleport out of harm's way. Causing James to crash wildly on the ground. While Okubi and Eligos watch in concern. Ophelia notices Lisa who was placed under a trance by Ozriel. Starting to show signs of consciousness. Ozriel teleports himself where James had landed, body suddenly becomes engulf in fire. Surprising not only himself but Okubi, Ophelia, and Eligos as well. James while still on the ground turns his over to the burning Ozriel, with a sadistic smirk on his face. Okubi confused by how Ozriel just started burning. Asks James what had happened

Okubi: James? Not that I'm complaining but how did Ozriel suddenly become engulf in flames?

James: Well before I started charging at Ozriel. I used a technique I call Hot Spot. I place a small portion of my fiery energy into the ground beneath me. And if my opponent lands on the spot I place my fiery energy in. They will immediately become set on fire. I didn't even think that cocky angel would land on the spot. Talk about getting lucky

Eligos: I never imagine you being so resourceful Mr. Del Soto. I guess I underestimated the Right Hand Man of Mayland's current ruler. Now please go finish that arrogant angel off

 Now off of the ground, James covers both his hands in flames. Walking over to the still burning Ozriel, James prepares to finish him off. Okubi along with Ophelia and Eligos watching James walking towards Ozriel. Senses that something isn't quite right with Ozriel despite currently being burnt alive. James only seconds away from him, Ozriel makes his move. Using his holy powers, Ozriel instantly puts out the flames burning him. Along with healing his entire body from the burns. James along with Ophelia and Eligos surprised by Ozriel's healing. Okubi knowing that Ozriel had something planned. Thought to himself if only he could had fought the angel instead. The fight would had long ended. Now filled with an unimaginable anger. Ozriel is ready to make James suffer

Ozriel: HOW DARE YOU DEMON! If I knew you were capable of such trickery. I would had killed you sooner. Now prepare yourself for divine judgment! KARMA SHOT!

 Ozriel lifts up his right hand, holds his middle and index finger like a gun. Shoots a beam of light through James's shoulder blade. Causing James to collapse to the ground, holding his shoulder in agonizing pains as blood starts running down. Okubi, Ophelia, and Eligos watches as James is at Ozriel's mercy. A surge of anger hits Okubi, knowing he cannot do anything to prevent Ozriel from harming James. Suddenly feels a terrifying surge of pain in his head. Forcing him to drop to the ground. Seeing his Master laying on the ground, writhing in pain. Eligos starts to panic

Eligos: MASTER OKUBI! What is going on? What's causing you such pain?

Ophelia: It's his curse from the Dark Dream Trial! Seeing James in danger must had trigger something in him. This is all your fault Eliogs! Now step aside so I can try to help my son

James: Okubi?

Ozriel: You're worried about the wrong demon James. Now it's time I finish you off before you can regenerate from your injury

James: Even if you managed to kill me motherfucker. Along with the others trapped in your rings. Just know that Okubi won't fucking allow you to take Lisa

Ozriel: I know that half demon won't keep his word. Which is why once I'm finishing killing you and your friends trapped in my rings. I plan on teleporting Lisa and myself away from here. Allowing me to perform my ritual before Okubi and his mother can stop me. Now any final words before you die?

James: Suck my dick!

Ozriel: I absolutely loathe you demons. Killing you and your friends is going to be an absolute pleasure

 Ozriel summons a long sword covered in golden colored flames, prepares to decapitate the injured James. However before Ozriel could even swing his sword towards James's neck. Lisa who had broke out of her trance, flies over to Ozriel and punches him in the face. Sending him crashing down to the ground. Lisa then turns around and see James bleeding from his shoulder blades. Bends down to help her injured comrades

Lisa: James what the fuck happened to your shoulder? Did that asshole I just punched did this to you?

James: No Lisa it was the tooth fairy

Lisa: Don't get fucking smart with me jackass! No move you fucking hand from your shoulder so I can heal you

James: I swear it's absolutely comical that a fouled mouthed bitch like you is an angel. Now hurry up and heal me before that bastard gets up

 Lisa uses her holy powers to heal James's shoulder blade, Ozriel rises up from off the ground. Carrying his sword in hand and filled with rage. Ozriel stares at both James and Lisa with bad intentions

Ozriel: I took too long to kill that damn demon. It allowed you the opportunity to break free from my trance but no matter. Once I eliminate each and everyone here in this forest. I will recapture you and escape from this dimension

Lisa: Who the fuck are you and what's your problem?

Ozriel: I'm like you an angel but unlike you. I don't deserve to suffer in this dimension. Which is why I'm to make you switch places with me

Lisa: Choke on a dick assface

Ozriel: I can't believe Lord Asira allows such a trashy angel like you to exist in his Kingdom. It's just further proof what a pitiful God Asira has become

James: Oh by the way I been meaning to ask this question. Why did the God Asira name the planet he created after himself? I mean isn't it kinda confusing? Why not call it Earth or something else besides his name?

Lisa: James please shut the hell up

Ozriel: Why don't you both shut up! Now James get ready to die and don't worry about me killing you Lisa. I need you alive in order to perform my ritual. Course that doesn't mean you can't afford a few injuries to that body of yours

 Ozriel raises his sword in the air as he ready to strike James and Lisa. However before Ozriel could harm either of them. Ozriel feels a agonizing sensation piercing through his back to his stomach. Standing behind him was an enraged Okubi having stabbed his sword Neurotic Pegasus into the angel. Ozriel shocked by Okubi managed to sneak up on him starts to speak

Ozriel: H--How? How did you manage to hide your demonic presence from me?

Okubi: Curse power allows me to do a lot. Plus it was easy since you were distracted by James and Lisa. Which works for me since it not only prevents you from harming them. In your current state you can't activate you Rings Of Judgment to kill my other friends

Ozriel: Dammit! I knew the numbers game would eventually beat me. I was a fool to think I truly had a chance

Okubi: A fool indeed. Now get ready to die Ozriel

 Hearing Okubi say Ozriel's name immediately made Lisa remember, a mission that her Lord had given her many years ago. Lisa rose up from the ground and ordered Okubi not to kill Ozriel. Confused by Lisa's demand Okubi keeps his sword inside of Ozriel. Okubi turns his attention over to Lisa and starts questioning her

Okubi: Lisa what the hell do you mean "don't kill him"? Do you have any idea what this cur has put of through? I have no intention of sparing this degenerate's life

Lisa: Okubi please just listen to me. I know Ozriel has caused us a lot of trouble. However Asira had tasked me many years ago. Telling me the day I meet an angel name Ozriel. To make sure he is finally liberated from his prison

Okubi: So Asira foreseen your encounter with Ozriel?

Lisa: He's a God after all and Asira is known for his foresight. Please Okubi I know you're pissed but Asira had ordered me to make sure Ozriel returns alive. What happens to him after I liberate him is not my problem. However in order for me to perform my task. I cannot allow you to kill Ozriel. Which means you need to pull your sword from out of him

Okubi: ... FINE! However I'm going to keep real close to him. In case he attempts to do anything foolish. I also want him to release our friends in his Rings Of Judgment

Lisa: Trust me once I do what I need to do to Ozriel. Those rings around Angie, Lynn, Dela, Futanari, and your sensei won't pose any threat. Now please remove your sword out of Ozriel's body

 Okubi does as Lisa requested and removes his sword from out of Ozriel. After Ozriel heals himself once again. The angel stands before Lisa and prepares himself for whatever Lisa has planned for him

Lisa: It took me a minute but upon hearing your name. I remembered everything Asira had told me about you. Self confidence can be a very dangerous thing. Like losing a fight to a powerful demon and being forced to live in his dimension. Fortunately for you all that ends now

Ozriel: Are you going to kill me?

Lisa: The fuck? If I asked Okubi not to kill you. What makes you fucking think I plan on doing the same? However what I'm about to do to you will be a form of death. Now shut up and let me do my thing

 Lisa places her right hand on Ozriel's pec and starts to glow. James and Okubi watch as Lisa begins draining the holy energy out from Ozriel's body, placing the energy inside of her. While Ozriel feels no type of pain, he feels himself becoming less angelic by the second. Scared by what's happening to him, Ozriel attempts to move away from Lisa, but finds himself unable to move. Five minutes later Lisa removes her hand off of Ozriel's pec. James and Okubi unsure of what they have just witness. Asks Lisa what she had done to Ozriel

James: Lisa? What exactly did you do to Ozriel?

Okubi: Something seems very off about him. Almost as if you strip the angel from out of him

Lisa: That's exactly what I did boys. In order to free Ozriel from Pruflas's Dimension required one of two things. Either for him to switch places with another angel or for him to become a human. Since I sure as fuck wasn't going to switch places with him. I needed to remove the holy powers from out of him. Turning him back into a human. Which was requested by Lord Asira

Okubi: So you're telling me that Asira wanted you to save Ozriel by turning him into a human?

Lisa: Yes since Ozriel has longed lost Asira's favor. He would have no place in Heaven. At the same time Lord Asira felt bad about the centuries Ozriel was forced to live inside of Pruflas's Dimension. Thankfully he can finally leave this place. Since Pruflas's curse only affected him when he was an angel. Now as a human the curse has been neutralized

Ozriel: So I can finally leave this place but I'm no longer an angel. I must live my life as a mortal

James: Well being a mortal is better than being dead motherfucker! We should still kill you for trying to kill us earlier but fortunately for you. We're not going to kill you in your current state

Okubi: Agreed! Killing you would be pointless since you're no longer an angel. Now allow me to open one of my portals for you back to Neo Aigosthena. Now that you been rid of your curse. There is no reason for you to remain in this dimension

Ozriel: How will I make a life from myself as a mortal? I have no money, no home, or any powers? I'm completely useless in my current state

Lisa: Sounds a whole lot like "Not my problem". All I had to do was turn you from an angel into a human. Now that my job is done. Whatever happens to you next is none of my concern

Okubi: There is a place in Jordy Blue called Falleria. Search for a man name Ivan Meeks and tell him Okubi sent you. That old man owes me a favor. Also here is five hundred dollars for yourself. I can't believe I'm being so charitable to a man. Who tried to kill my friends not too long ago. Being around a bunch of do gooders has really soften me. Now once I open my portal for you. Get inside and start a new life. If I ever catch you doing something evil. I will bring upon you the most agonizing death you can ever imagine. Do I make myself clear?

 Ozriel nods his head at Okubi showing that he understood. Okubi then opens a portal for Ozriel and watches as he enter. Once Ozriel is inside of the portal. Okubi closes the portal behind him. Seconds after Ozriel had left Pruflas's Dimension. Eligos and Ophelia along with Angelina, Apollyn, Brutality, Futanari, and Tobirama all come running towards Okubi, James, and Lisa. After everyone finishes conversing about the battle with the former angel Ozriel. Okubi and his friends decides to rest up a bit, before making their way back to Pruflas's Fortress. Now that their weren't anymore distraction to stand in their way. Okubi and his friends can finally resume their purpose for coming to Pruflas's Dimension. Which is to kill Pruflas and his servants

Okubi: Now that we all rested up. It's time we start heading back to Pruflas's Fortress. Hopefully we won't encounter any problems on the way there

Futanari: I can't wait to see Yamakagashi. I'm going to kick his ass and then once you guys are finish with Pruflas and his demons. I'm going to bring that man back to Japan so that he answer for his crimes

James: I just can't wait to avenge my wife and my sister in law by killing that bastard Ulric. Along with the way The Order treated my daughter prior to selling her to Othello. I can't wait to make that son-of-a-bitch pay!

Angelina: The faster we defeat Pruflas and his servants. The quicker we can get back to Xiaoyu and Nara. Then we can go and help Hellin, Anna, and Team Rose if they haven't already defeated Iron Zabel

Brutality: I just hope our friends live long enough for us to be able to help them

Tobirama: I'm fairly confident the others will be fine until we return

Okubi: Okay now that everything is settle. Let's get a---

Ophelia: Okubi just wait a minute!

 Okubi cut off mid sentence by his mother. He along with his teammates turns to his mother. In order to find out what Ophelia needs to tell them

Ophelia: Okubi before you go and confront Pruflas. There is something very important I need to tell you. As you already know I been keeping secrets from you. Not because I don't love you but because I was ashamed of my actions. However I feel if I don't tell you and your friends this now. It will impact your battle against Pruflas. So can you all just give me a few minutes to explain. I promise I won't take too long

Eligos: Take all the time you need Lady Ophelia

Okubi: Eligos quite! Mother please proceed

 Ophelia holds her head down for a few seconds. Giving herself enough time to compose herself. Raising her head towards Okubi and his friends. Ophelia begins telling them the truth about Pruflas and her relationship with him



 Residing in his castle within the center of The Royal Lands. King Onyxe lay restlessly in his bed. Having traveled to Neo Aigosthena hours ago. In order to address the massacre that had taken place the night before at Neo Aigosthena's yearly event, the Elestial Market. The King had also meet with Neo Aigosthena's Mayor and senators. Hearing their anguish about the tragic event and that demons were responsible for the massacre. Knowing that many do not like King Onyxe due to him being a demon himself. Learning that the massacre was caused by demons didn't help matters. Fortunately unknown to Neo Aigosthena's Mayor and Senators. Had it not been for Okubi and his friends attending the Elestial Festival. The situation would had been much worst. Course the reason the massacre had happened in the first place, was because Okubi and his friends were present at the Elestial Market. All of them targeted by a demon assassination group called The Order and by Pruflas's servants. While Okubi and his friends succeed in taking down The Order assassins and fighting off Pruflas's servants. Many innocent sages and bystanders were killed because of it. Knowing all of this had really taken it's toll on the King's mind. Still laying in his bed Onyxe thinks about Okubi, his best friend and Right Hand man James, and the others. Knowing that they are currently in the process of taking down Pruflas and his gang and Iron Zabel. 

 Having also sent Yura along with Oriana with her summoning Ricky and Hisako to Neo Aigosthena. In order to aid Hellin and her team against Iron Zabel. Onyxe couldn't help but wonder would they be enough to take down the nefarious cult leader? Onyxe unable to allow himself to fall asleep due to having so much on his mind. Decided that he would also travel back to Neo Aigosthena. In order to find and help Hellin and her team against Iron Zabel. However all the people Onyxe had trusted to watch over his Kingdom during his absence weren't present. Yet that would not stop him from going to help Hellin and the others. Knowing that there was one individual who would watch over his Kingdom during his absence. That person being his father, the Grim Reaper Knox. Onyxe had taken a quick shower and put on his special espionage suit. Before writing a quick letter to his father and used his telepathic powers to send a mental message to his father. Without saying a word to any of his servants within his castle. Onyxe had disappeared from the Royal Lands, making his way towards Neo Aigosthena

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 VAIN Artwork by Anne_Luc