Monday, October 2, 2017

Forbidden Chapter 72

Forbidden Chapter Seventy Two

Fated Confrontation

 Inside of his Fortress looking outside of his window, Pruflas holds a glass of blood infused wine in his hand. Gracefully sipping his drink Pruflas looks outside of his fortress window. Standing a few feet behind him are his Royal Servants Poisonous One, Lita, Natan, Satomi Yamakagashi, along with the recently captured and brainwashed Ulric, the former leader of the Underworld assassin guild The Order. Knowing that a battle is heading his way, Pruflas turns to speak to his loyal subjects

Pruflas: Good afternoon my loyal servants. I hope you all had a wonderful morning. I gathered you all here to let you know our enemies are near. Last night after I was bitten by my stepson's clone. Due to his newfound powers he gained the ability to access my dimension. Allowing him and his friends to come here in order to kill me. However despite my stepson and his allies successfully defeating my minions and dealing with Ozriel. Neither he or his friends shall succeed in killing me

Natan: We are going to make damn sure of that boss. I can't wait to get my hands on those shitheads. My baby Lita and I are going to make those heroes pay dearly for coming here

Lita: I personally hope to get my hands on that deco orange haired angel. That little bitch pisses me off

Yamakagashi: I just can't wait to use my newfound magic on that damn Shogun Futanari. I'm going to kill that bitch in the worst way possible

Poisonous One: I just wish to redeem myself for Lord Pruflas. I'm going to punish that Darken Tobirama for tricking me. However my Lord there is something I wish to ask of you?

Pruflas: What would you like to ask Mohammad?

Poisonous One: Since Okubi and his comrades are near perhaps we shoudl summon Karen and Stanford to aid us?

Pruflas: Don't be an even bigger fool Mohammad. Stanford is more than likely dead and killed by Karen nonetheless. Besides that foolish girl is too busy with her waste of a tournament. That little cunt really believe she'll find someone strong enough to kill me. I bet the mortal shit doesn't even realize I know of her traitorous ways

Natan: After we take care of Okubi and his pathetic friends. I think we should do to Karen what we did to her parents many years ago

Pruflas: Splendid idea Natan but us now prepare for the arrival of my stepson, my wife, and the rest of his pathetic allies. They worked very hard to get to his point, but they will soon discover that their efforts were in vain. Now my Royal Servants get yourself in position for the enemies. Also make sure to prepare Ulric for his upcoming bout. It's unfortunate he didn't willingly give himself to my power, but even in his current state. I have use for him

 Traveling through the forest drawing closer to Pruflas's Fortress. Okubi with his mother, Ophelia and Eligos walking by his side. While the rest of his comrades only inches behind them. Thinking about the danger they are about to face. Okubi suddenly stops walking in order to converse with his friends and fellow heroes

Okubi: Sorry to suddenly stop when we are so close to the enemy's base. However be we proceed to fight Pruflas and his minions. There is something I like to say to each of you here

Angelina: Is something wrong Okubi?

Ophelia: Sweetie is what I revealed to your friends and you earlier still bothering you?

Okubi: No mother while it still on my mind it doesn't really bother me. It changes nothing how I feel about Pruflas. I'm still fully committed to killing him. However it's the rest of you that has me feeling rather worried

Tobirama: In what way Okubi?

Okubi: Before I tell you all what's troubling me. Please understand this is not me questioning your fighting capabilities. However unlike the previous enemies we have fought together against. I feel Pruflas is a threat beyond anything we have faced. Even more dangerous than Goddess Razel, Queen Adama, Christof, and the dragons we encounter on our journey. Along with his Royal Servants which are nearly as strong as my Stepfather. I can't help but have this bad feeling one or more of you might die. I just been through so much with you guys and the thought of losing any of you scares me

Eligos: Master...

Angelina: Oh Okubi it hurts my heart to know you're so worried about us but do understand. None of us here are exactly weak and has defeated powerful foes. Yes sometimes the enemy gets the better of us but we always manage to emerge victorious

Lisa: If you're worried about Pruflas and his bitches giving us too much trouble. While our encounter with Ozriel wasn't exactly stellar. Trust when I say we are prepare to take down your Stepfather and his fucking cronies

Brutality: I agree with Lisa and I'm not afraid of putting my life on the line. I didn't come here not to aid with killing Pruflas and his servants. I will not rest until all remaining members and associates of The Children of Ruin are dead!

James: Not only I ain't afraid of risking my life. I didn't come all this fucking way not to get my revenge on that motherfucker Ulric! After that bastard killed my wife, sister in law, and emotionally tortured my daughter for centuries. I will see to it that son-of-a-bitch pays with his miserable fucking life! So take whatever thought you have in your head about me not helping take this fuckers down

Futanari: That goes for me as well Okubi... minus the profanity of course. I came all the way from Japan to Neo Aigosthena in order to complete my task. That is to find Satomi Yamakagashi and bring him to justice. I will not stop until I completed my mission. So please allow me to aid you in this battle against your Stepfather

Tobirama: I don't have any real reason to fight other than protecting you Okubi. Therefore I cannot allow you to fear for my safety. I shall fight alongside you rather you like it or not

Apollyn: Apollyn won't allow Okubi buddy to fight alone. Besides if Xiaoyu buddy found out Apollyn didn't help Okubi and other buddies. Xiaoyu buddy won't allow me to eat delicious snacks for a very very long time. Apollyn doesn't want that to happen so Apollyn will fight beside you

Ophelia: It seems to me son you have some very loyal friends. While I understand your concern for their safety. They too have their reasons to fight

Eligos: Besides with all of us working together. It's Pruflas and his lackeys that need to worry about their survival

Okubi: While none of your words soothes any of my concerns. I cannot help but respect each and everyone of your convictions. Therefore I will not convince or force any of you not to fight alongside me. Just promise me whatever happens we all will survive

 Okubi having spoken his peace sticks out his right hand before his friends. Ophelia immediately places her left over her son's. Angelina, Apollyn, Brutality, Futanari, James, and Tobirama walks over to Okubi and Ophelia, placing each of their hands over theirs until everyone's hands is stacked over each other. Now with everyone standing together Okubi opens a portal beneath everyone's feet

Okubi: If you all are as ready as you say you are. There is no reason we should continue to travel on foot. I shall take us directly inside of my Stepfather's Fortress. Be prepare to fight the moment we arrive inside the fortress. I know that bastard is just as ready for us

 The portal immediately engulf everyone standing beneath it and vanishes just as quickly. Seconds later the portal reopens inside of Pruflas's Fortress. Okubi, Ophelia, Eligos, and the rest of the heroes found themselves standing before Pruflas. Staring at the tall suited demon with malice in their eyes. Okubi steps in front of his mother and friends with Eligos at his side. Standing face to face with his Stepfather for the very first time. Okubi immediately begins to speak

Okubi: At last we finally meet father

Pruflas: It would had been sooner my son but your clone had that honor instead

Okubi: Some honor that must had been. Considering I can't sense my clone in this place at all

Pruflas: Your clone bit me and I killed it but that doesn't mean I want the same for you. Unless you decide you're going to be problematic

Okubi: Don't think for a damn minute just because you're my Stepfather. I won't show you any mercy. I don't care how loving you are to my mother. The fact you're one of the members of The Children of Ruin along with the other evil acts you committed. I have no intentions of doing anything less than killing you... father!

Pruflas: Just like your father there is no reasoning with you Okubi and just like that bastard! I will make certain you end up just like him

Ophelia: Don't you dare speak about Boris like that Pruflas! My husband was a hero unlike you

Pruflas: Oh Ophelia my darling wife my love... how many times must you break my heart? After all I have done for you. Even after you chose that mortal over me. I did nothing but loved you. Waiting for centuries until you finally decided to marry me. Course it only happened because after you lost your one true love. It's like no matter what I do for you Ophelia it's just never enough! I even allow your corpse to physically exist in my dimension. However instead of loving and respecting me as your husband. You accompany your son and his friends to kill me. I always knew my greatest weakness was the love I have for you Ophelia, but I will not allow myself to be a fool for you anymore. This is the last time you break my heart Ophelia. Now it's my turn to break yours. Starting with the death of your son

Ophelia: Pruflas if you---

Okubi: Mother please do not worry about me. I just feel sorry you're going to be a widow for the second time, but before I kill you Stepfather. Do tell me where are you hiding your servants? I know you're not alone in this fortress

Pruflas: If nothing else Okubi you are a very perceptive. My servants are all scattered around within my fortress. Waiting for my to send your friends for them to kill

James: So Ulric is in this motherfucker! I was worried you may had killed that motherfucker before I had the chance

Pruflas: Oh no Mr. Del Soto, I made certain to keep your former Master alive just for you. However he isn't exactly the same Ulric that you remember

James: The fuck do you mean by that?

Pruflas: You shall see soon enough. Now Okubi and friends if you're all ready to die. Let me you were each of my servants are located. On the third level of my fortress. My servants Lita and Natan shall be waiting for whoever decides tot die by their hands

Lisa: Fantastic! I been itching to fight that bitch and her fuckboi. Brutality care to join me?

Brutality: It will be my pleasure

Pruflas: On the six level of my fortress Ulric can be found

Okubi: James that's your cue. Angelina go with James to provide him protection in case Ulric is more than he can handle

James: Fine by me but Angelina keep your distance. I want to beat that motherfucker on my own as much as possible. Just watch my back if things get dicey

Angelina: Not a problem Del Soto

Futanari: What about Yamakagashi?

Pruflas: I was just about to tell you his location Shogun. Located in the basement level of my fortress is where you will find your mobster

Okubi: Okay Apollyn you will go with---

Futanar: NO! I don't mean to cut your off Okubi and please forgive my harsh tone, but I wish to fight Yamakagashi alone

Okubi: Futanari that is foolish and unnecessary. It would be better if you allow Apollyn to battle alongside you

Futanari: Perhaps but it wouldn't be the way I want to fight him. Unlike the rest of you here who is fighting to kill. I simply wish to defeat Yamakagashi in order to bring him to justice. If Apollyn battles alongside me. I cannot guarantee Satomi Yamakagashi will survive. Therefore I beg of you to allow me to combat him alone. I know you're scared of me dying but I ask you to trust me

Okubi: I'm seriously angered by your demand Futanari but I respect your desire to combat Yamakagashi alone. Therefore only you will head to the basement. Apollyn you will go with James and Angelina to deal with Ulric

Apollyn: Okey dokey

Pruflas: So now that your friends know where their targets are at. I think it's best if they get moving

Okubi: You guys heard my Stepfather. Go find those bastards and make them regret their very existence! Futanari I wish you the very best of luck against Yamakagashi

 James, Apollyn, Angelina, Lisa, Brutality, and Futanari leaves Okubi, Ophelia, Eligos, and Tobirama in order to seek out their assigned targets. Shortly after most of Okubi's friends have disappeared within the fortress. Okubi and those who remain continues to confront Pruflas

Okubi: So now that my friends are off to take down your minions. Where do you want to die?

Pruflas: Ha ha ha you arrogant piece of shit! If you wish to fight me. You'll have to reach the final level of my fortress. That's if you manage to survive my little surprise for you

Tobirama: Surprise?

Eligos: What is he talking about?

Okubi: Everyone get behind me

 Suddenly Pruflas's body starts glowing in a pale lavender light, becoming brighter by the second. Okubi having sensed something was off about Pruflas upon meeting him now realizes this is his clone. Meaning the real Pruflas is waiting for them at the final level of the fortress. Immediately spreading his hands apart Okubi summons a forcefield made of water and fire. The Pruflas clone glows until it starts violently vibrating before exploding. Despite the impact the explosion creates within the entrance of the fortress. Okubi's forcefield successfully protects Tobirama, Eligos, his mother, and himself from harm. A few seconds after the smoke had cleared Okubi drops his forcefield

Okubi: I should had known sooner but it matters not. I knew that bastard wouldn't reveal himself so easily. Now before the four of us goes to the final level. I want the three of you to promise me something. No matter what happens up there do not get yourselves involved. I don't know the full extend of Pruflas's powers and I don't want any of you to get hurt. Even though this curse of mines grants me great power. I don't want to become overly too reliant on it. I just want the three of you to keep an eye on each other. Leave defeating and killing Pruflas to me... understood?

Tobirama: I will do my best to appease your wishes Okubi but if I feel you're in grave danger. I will not hesitate to get involved in the battle

Ophelia: I have faith in you my son but if Pruflas manages to get the better of you. I will not just stand by and watch you die

Eligos: While I'm merely just a demon spirit. I will do whatever I can to aid you if needed

Okubi: I appreciate each and every one of you more than words can say. I just hope It doesn't get to that point. Now let's get moving I have a demon to kill


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