Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Forbidden Chapter 73

Forbidden Chapter Seventy Three

Futanari VS Yamakagashi

 After Pruflas tells the heroes of Satomi Yamakagashi's location within his fortress, alone Futanari makes her way towards the basement. In order to confront the very man she chased all the way from Japan to Neo Aigosthena and knowing that failure isn't an option, Futanari hopes to defeat Yamakagashi without killing him. She to bring the notorious mobster to justice. Heading closer to the basement of the fortress, Futanari thinks back to her first encounter with Yamakagashi over a month ago. It was back in a nightclub located in Hakone, Japan where Futanari first meet Satomi Yamakagash. Wanted for his multiple crimes, Futanari was assigned to find and take Yamakagashi in. Unfortunately for the young Shogun upon entering the nightclub, Yamakagashi had recognized her due to having arrested his associates of Japan's criminal underworld and immediately ordered his grunts to kill her. While forced to battle against the wave of grunts, Futanari was unable to stop Yamakagashi from escaping. Having failed her assignment Futanari feared that may end up losing her job, returning to headquarters without Yamakagashi, Futanari was certain her superiors would fire her, but the young sage's surprise she was given an promotion.

Despite having failed her assignment not only was this was her very first failed mission, not only has Futanari proven herself as one of their best Shoguns, they also felt she was the only one worthy of bringing Yamakagashi to justice. Now able to travel all over the world for high ranking criminals, a week later Futanari's superiors had learned that Yamakagashi was currently in Neo Aigosthena, a state in the country of Mayland. Immediately they sent Futanari over to find and capture him. Shortly after arriving to Neo Aigosthena, Futanari had encountered Yamakagashi for the second time in a nightclub. Similar to their last encounter, Yamakagashi had hired protection to stop Futanari from capturing him. While fighting for her life against a pair of assassin sisters, Futanari was aided by the demons Okubi and Angelina; despite the added assistance, Satomi Yamakagashi with the usage of his newly obtain blood base magic managed to escaped being captured once again. Feeling discouraged about losing her target, Okubi had ensured Futanari that they will find him. The Shogun decided to stay with Okubi and his friends until she found Yamakagashi. Following the events of the Elestial Market Massacre, battling against the demon assassins of The Order, and discovering Yamakagashi had allied himself with the kingpin of Neo Aigosthena, the demon Pruflas. Since Okubi and his friends had came to Neo Aigosthena to kill Pruflas, Futanari knew it was only a matter of time before she encountered Yamakagashi once again.

Having arrived to Pruflas's Dimension a few hours prior thanks to Okubi, Futanari knew that when she finally found Yamakagashi within the dimension. Ensured herself that he will not escape from her, seconds away from reaching the door to the basement, Futanari had started gathering energy in her left hand. She strikes the door down upon stepping in front of it, cautiously running inside of the basement Futanari sees Yamakagashi standing in the middle of the empty basement. Dressed in a fancy silver suit with a cigar in his mouth and pulling the cigar from out of his mouth, Yamakagashi makes a disgusted sound with his mouth as he turns towards Futanari. Staring at the Shogun with a mix look of joy and disgust, Yamakagashi throws his cigar to the ground and steps on it. Futanari quickly goes into her battle stance

Futanar: At last our paths have crossed once again but unlike our last two encounters. I promise you I shall not allow you to escape. This time I will make sure you are brought to justice. Now fight me if you dare or choose to surrender

Yamakagashi: Ha ha ha ha.... Futanari you foolish little bitch! Do you think I would had waited for you if I intended to surrender? Let alone allow you to take me back to Japan. Thanks to the blood magic bestowed upon me by Lord Pruflas. I no longer fear a confrontation with you Shogun

Futanari: You say that now but when I first found you in Neo Aigosthena. Instead of you using your magic to fight me one on you. You acted like a coward and sent your assassins to fight me while you plotted your escaped

Yamakagashi: And you would had been dead if those demons didn't show up to save you. Speaking of those fucking bastards. Why didn't any one of them come to help you fight me? Do those arrogant fuckers really think a mere mortal like me isn't worth their time? I swear after I'm done tearing you limb from limb Shogun. If Pruflas and his Royal Servants didn't finish all of your friends off. I'm going to personally kill one of them myself. Just to show them I'm not to be underestimated

Futanari: You're a real funny character Yamakagashi. Even on any of my friend's worst day you wouldn't stand a chance. My friends did offer to aid me in taking you down but I demanded that I fight you alone. Therefore when I kick your sorry ass you can't blame the demons for your defeat. Now the time for talk is over! If you're as confident in your magic as you say. Let's see if you're capable of defeating me? Otherwise get ready to take your sorry ass back to Japan

Yamakagashi: Arrogant little bitch! I'm going to make your death quick and painful... CARMINE ASCENSION!

 Yamakagashi raises his right hand into the air as red energy surrounds the hand. Two seconds later the red energy disappears and blood surrounds the hand. Yamakagashi then uses his left hand to rip off the sleeve around his right arm, revealing his biceps and blood bright veins. Yamakagashi prepares an attacks Futanari

Yamakagashi: BLOOD WHIP!

 While his hand is still raised to the air, Yamakagashi uses his magic to create a whip made of blood. Ferociously swings his Blood Whip towards Futanari. Quickly using her superhuman agility to dodge Yamakagashi's attack, Futanari immediately starts running towards her opponent. Irritated by how easily his attack was dodged Yamakagashi starts firing balls of blood at her. Dodging each of the balls of blood and drawing closer to her target. Futanari raises her left hand above her face and prepares to strike Yamakagashi. Failing to strike Futanari with any of his blood balls Yamakagashi starts to panic. Now in attacking range of her target Futanari prepares to delivers a powerful punch. However just before she can strike Yamakagashi. Desperate to protect himself the mobster accidentally creates a shield of blood. Futanari strikes the shield and shatters it to pieces. The impact of the shattered shield sends Yamakagashi crashing to the ground. Shifting back to her battle stance after breaking the blood shield. Futanari stares down at the grounded mobster with a look of annoyance

Futanari: Your magic is impressive but you lack real battle experience. I have fought and defeated dark sages who have fully mastered their powers. All you are is a common thug possessing powers you barely understand. The likes of you cannot possibly hope to defeat me. Do yourself a favor and surrender. Otherwise I will break you down mobster

 Angered by the Shogun's threatening and condescending tone. Dusting himself off before rising from the ground. Yamakagashi stares at Futanari with malice in his eyes. Immediately ripping off the left sleeve on his arm the mobster's skin starts to glow a bright blood red. His once brown eyes also turns red as his anger towards her increases. The blood around his right hand starts heating up. Then in a berserker like manner Yamakagashi tears open his shirt, revealing his glowing chisel chest. Having fully transform in front of Futanari the enraged mobster is ready to resume the battle

Yamakagashi: Now look what you done you arrogant little bitch! If you think I'm incapable of using my magic properly then allow me to prove you wrong! I came too fucking far to allow a shithead like you to lock me up. Now Miss Shogun let's see how you deal with my blood magic at it's deadliest!

Futanari: Seems I slightly underestimated your magical capabilities but it matters not. I'm just going to have to kick your ass. Then I'll use the anti magic cuffs in my pocket on you. Now let's put an end to this chit chat and fight

Yamakagashi: If it's a fight you want then a fight you shall get. However it will be your very last. Now get ready to die!


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