Tuesday, July 20, 2021

Profile - Anna Del Soto


"I use to be a teacher so I know how to handle a fucking brat like you!" - Anna Del Soto 

Name: Anna Giselle Del Soto

Age: 45

Height: 5'7

Weight: 130 pounds

Hair Color: Strawberry blonde

Eye Color: Anna has heterochromia. Her right eye is red, which represents her demonic heritage and her left eye is green, which represents her human side. 

Skin Color: Sandy

Powers: As a half demon, Anna possesses super strength, durability, heightened senses, regenerative abilities, and physical demon transformation when she's angry. As a wielder of the Sol Blades, Anna can use her demonic energy to activate the sword's deadly heat-based abilities. which allows her to cut against enemies with the intensity of the sun itself.

Likes: Her mother, her stepfather, her siblings, her biological father, King Onyx, Yura Mikan, Pineapple Soda, Pineapple cheesecake, fighting crime, children

Dislikes: Hellin (her arch rival), her dad hitting on attractive women in public, chocolate, rap music


 Anna Del Soto is the daughter of a human woman by the name of Melodie Campbell. Her mother became pregnant with her after a one night stand with a handsome male demon. She was intoxicated when she slept with the male demon and vice versa. Melodie couldn't remember much about the man, but knew for certain his last name was Del Soto. When she gave birth to Anna seven months later, despite not knowing her father, Melodie gave her daughter the man's last name. A few years later, Melodie met a man named Omar and the two got married and had children. Anna grew up alongside her younger full-human siblings, Christopher and Lindsay. While Melodie and Omar knew that Anna was half-demon, they kept it a secret from Anna so that certain types of folks who hated demons wouldn't discriminate against her. By the time Anna reached her teenage years, she not only experienced normal things as a maturing woman, but she also realized that something wasn't quite normal about her. She once accidentally cut herself while preparing dinner for her siblings. The cut instantly healed in a matter of seconds. Anna explained the incident to her parents. Melodie and Omar spoke to her in private and revealed to Anna that she was indeed half-demon. Learning that she wasn't fully human like her parents and siblings made Anna upset at first. She eventually embraced her demon side after helping a fellow student at her high school who was being bullied.

Years later after finishing College, Anna decided to follow in her mother's footsteps and become an elementary school teacher. Life for Anna was relatively normal and she enjoyed every bit of it. However, she did sometimes wish she'd pursued a life of adventure. One day while on a field trip with her students at the Azalea Museum located in Amethyst, one of the 75 states within Mayland, a fight broke out between a group of rogue Sages, a male demon and a Japanese woman dressed in black. Anna immediately got her students to safety then decided to help battle against the rogue Sages. During the battle one of the Sages attempted to steal a pair of legendary blades called Sol Blades. Anna managed to get her hands on the the legendary weapons first and unwittingly activated the blades hidden powers. Upon defeating the rogue Sages, the male demon and Japanese woman introduced themselves as James Del Soto and Yura Mikan. Hearing the man's last name made Anna wonder if this man could be related to her, but she put aside the thought. After they locked up the rogue Sages and returned the children back home safely, Yura request that Anna come with James and her to the Royal Lands to meet their boss, King Onyx.

Seconds after arriving at King Onyx's castle with James and Yura, Anna met the remaining guards before being introduced to Onyx. Although taken aback by the King's revealing choice of clothes, she felt honored to be in the presence of Mayland's current ruler who, like herself, was half-demon. The King looked at her in a rather puzzled manner. Fearing she may have accidentally offended him, Anna attempted to speak. Before she could open her mouth, Onyx gently took her hands and sniffed them. Onyx then turned his attention to James and said out loud, "This is your daughter," before letting go of Anna's hands. Not entirely shocked by the King's revelation, Anna somehow sensed that she and James were connected. Finally, she was faced-to-face with her biological father. James quickly embraced his daughter with tears of joy in his eyes. The two of them took the time to catch up with each other. James explained that he'd slept with a woman named Melodie, but was so drunk at the time that he couldn't remember anything else, let alone to put on a condom so he didn't accidentally impregnate her. Nonetheless, the two of them were happy to finally meet each other. King Onyx then offered Anna to remain at his castle if she so desired. Anna immediately jumped at the opportunity to live at the castle and be close to her biological father. Anna soon quit her job as a teacher and became one of King Onyx's loyal agents.


1. Anna is the daughter of James Del Soto

2. Originally Anna served the role of Hellin's best friend but as I worked on making FORBIDDEN what it is today. I changed Anna's role in my story when I created Orsela Geno

3. Anna wields two magical blades called The Sol Blades

4. Anna possesses natural heterochromia with her right eye being red and her left eye green

5. Anna has a frenemy relationship with Hellin. The two women can get along but often bump heads due to Anna's dislike for Hellin's bitchy and conceited personality 

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