Monday, July 12, 2021

Profile - James Del Soto


"I'm not the King's Right Hand Man because we're such good friends. I mean we are best friends but I'll fucking fry your ass if you even think about fucking with Onyx" - James Del Soto 

Name: James Del Soto

Age: 529

Birth Date: December 25

Race: Demon

Height: 6'3

Weight: 245 Pounds

Hair Color: Black/Red

Eye Color: Red

Skin Color: Tan

Powers: James is a master at fire and volcanic based powers. Also possesses the ability common to demons such as inhuman strength, reflexes, durability, regenerative powers

Likes: King Onyx, His Daughter Anna, Yura, and his colleagues. Attractive women, alcohol, training

Dislikes: The Order, The Devilry Combat Tournaments, random dragon attacks within Mayland, Hellin's attitude, getting on his daughter's bad side, an upset Onyx, not knowing the whereabouts of his many half brothers


James Del Soto was born in Gehenna and raised by his mother who was one of the many lovers of the Legendary Hell Pirate, Rico Del Soto. James had a relatively normal life as a demon and was thankful for it Mom for teaching him how to wield fire in a violent manner along with making sure he aware how things worked in the Underworld. At the age of One hundred and fifty years old. James decided to leave home and began a life of his own. Months later while working as a bouncer in a club. James witnessed a fight break out between two rival demon gangs. Among the group of demons was a succubus by the name of Cassidy, the leader of one of the gangs. Instantly James jumped to her aid and fought alongside Cassidy's gang members and murdered the opposing demons. After the dust had settled and realizing that his actions aiding Cassidy and her gang. James could no longer go back to the simple life of being a bouncer. Due to the fact The Anarchy would come after him. Therefore James reluctantly joined Cassidy and her gang, The Order!

Despite not being fond of the ideal of being apart of a gang at first. However he became quite smitten by Cassidy as the two began having a romantic affair. Shortly after a few weeks had passed James had embraced being apart of The Order as him and his fellow gangbangers enforced their will on whoever they deemed deserving of their wrath. Many years have gone by and despite occasional adversities. James enjoyed his life with Cassidy and the rest of The Order. Unaware that Dino, fellow member of The Order and Cassidy's former lover, began to despise the relationship James had with her and began plotting to kill him. One day while chilling with Cassidy in their bedroom. Dino had knocked on their door and asked James to accompany him on an errand. James who trusted Dino like a brother wasn't aware that Dino was plotting to kill him but Cassidy sensed Dino's true intentions but knew that she couldn't call him out at the moment. Fearing that it would cause unnecessary confusion and possibly shatter the trust among The Order. Thus she allowed James to go with Dino but warned her lover to be careful while she planned to follow after them

 While surveying the block alongside Dino. James felt something was off about Dino but since he wasn't a telepath or an empath but had streets smarts. James knew that Dino was up to something but before he could react. He found himself suddenly unable to control his body. Realizing he had fallen victim to Dino's "Puppeteer" technique which allows him to take control of a single individual like a puppet. James questioned his fellow gang member why did he turn on him? Dino angrily replied that he grew tired of seeing James being with the woman he loved and wanted him dead so he can have another chance with Cassidy. Along with planning to use his ability to force James to kill himself. Fortunately Cassidy had arrived just in time to attack Dino thus freeing James from his control. Surprise to see his girlfriend and boss appear out of nowhere to save him from Dino. 

James then asked her how did she know what Dino was planning? Annoyed Cassidy replied to James that due to her empathic abilities. She knew that Dino's emotions towards James was that of someone planning to kill. Thus she followed them while hiding her aura as she waited for Dino to make his move. While thankful that Cassidy had saved him. James was beyond furious with Dino as his face had changed from normal to demonic as he covered his right arm in fire. James then turned his attention over to Dino as he prepared to kill him. Realizing what James was about to do to him, Dino quickly used his Puppeteer technique on Cassidy just as James was about to strike him. Consumed by rage James couldn't stop himself in time before striking his blazing hand right through Cassidy's chest and burning her insides to a crisp. Horrified by what he had done while holding his dead lover in his arms. James broke down and cried. Despite things not going according to what he had planned. Dino knew that he could place the blame of Cassidy's death on James and him along with the rest of The Order would hunt him down

 Now on the run from his former comrades as The Order went to hunt down James throughout the Underworld in order to avenge Cassidy. Dino being the only one knowing that Cassidy's death was actually his fault and not James. After encountering several different teleporters within The Underworld. He finally found one that was able to open a portal into the Mortal Realm/Earth. James gave the Teleporter the remaining money he had left to open him a portal into the Mortal Realm. Upon stepping out of the other side of the portal created by the Teleporter. James found himself inside of a forest when he encountered a young man who he accidentally knocked down on the ground. The young man didn't take too kindly to being knocked down to the ground, even if it was an accident. Confronted James and the two of them had gotten into a quick scuffle where James ended up on the losing end. Now pinned to the ground by the young man with his ass position perfectly on his crotch. The young demon had set his hand ablaze in a duo red/blue colored flames prepared to strike James but stopped upon seeing a portal open before them. Stepping out of the portal were all the members of The Order. 

Realizing that they must had found the same teleporter that brought him here to the Mortal Realm. James was terrified that he would no longer be able to run from Dino and the rest of The Order. He feared that his end was truly nigh. Fortunately the boy that had defeated him moments ago would prove to be his savior. Revealing himself as Onyx Carnival as he confronted Dino and the rest of The Order. Onyx mercilessly slain Dino and his fellow gang right in front of James's eyes. Thankful to be saved by such a young and strong demon. No desire to return to the Underworld and having nowhere to go within the Mortal Realm. James had asked Onyx if he could accompany him on his journey. While reluctant at first. Onyx felt pity for James and decided to allow him to tag along with him to The Royal Lands. The two of them would quickly create a bond like no other as Onyx journeyed to avenge his father by fighting and killing Mayland's current ruler, Queen Ida

After Onyx had avenged his father and in result became Mayland's newest ruler. Onyx had appointed James as his right hand man and his protector to his throne. Many years later after having a one night stand with a human woman named Melodie Campbell. He would eventually meet his estrange daughter Anna during a mission who upon discovering from Onyx was his biological daughter. Anna would be allowed to live within Onyx's castle in order to both help protect Mayland and make up with lost time with her father


James Del Soto is the second child of the notorious Demon Pirate Rico Del Soto and resembles his father the most out of all his children

James enjoys flirting with women even sometimes to a fault

It takes at least 20 full bottles of tequila before James gets heavily drunk

James has a cambion (half demon) daughter name Anna 

James is the best friend of King Onyx and the two are very close. Some even believe they are lovers but that is not the case. James is a heterosexual and King Onyx is homosexual. James just isn't afraid to show affection to his best friend and vice versa 

James played a huge part in aiding Onyx in becoming the 135th King Of Mayland 

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