Sunday, January 30, 2022

I’m Back! - Break Update + Future Plans For The Channel! (Links In The D...

Question To Anyone Who See This Post (Please Comment Below)

 As you ladies and gents may already know that I'm constantly creating characters for my FORBIDDEN series. Which I then pay a professional artist to draw my character(s) in a presentable fashion "My art is ass lmao". However since I have drawn a few characters since Nara, Monique, Noella, Zeke & Lugor. I have drawn the following characters Velislava, Capella, Johanna, and a character who shocked me with the amount of views they received, Shao Ziya

Since it's going to be a minute before I get more of my character(s) professionally drawn. I wanted to ask you guys if you decide to participate. Which of the four characters you would want for me to have professionally drawn next?

Shao Ziya





The Demon Warlord Of Pride

Leader of the current seven Demon Warlord consisting of Apollyn, Ivan, Lisa-Alice, Othello, Koga, Leviathan, and herself. Johanna is an extremely powerful demon who is the direct descendant of Satan himself. Johanna has ruled for centuries and will do absolutely anything to maintain her power in the Underworld/Demon Realm 


Capella - Lord Of Dreams


Capella - A divine being from another planet along with his little companion Francis. Upon waking up from his world of dreams. Capella & Francis found themselves in a unique world filled of sages, dragons, giants, beasterians, and demons



Saturday, January 29, 2022

Monique Sulfur


Name: Monique Sulfur (Maiden name Bradley)

Age: 151

Race: Human (Magically Enhanced)

Powers: Monique possesses divine like strength that rivals many demons, giants, and Gods. Monique also possesses inhuman dexterity and self regenerative powers

Family: Christopher (Husband), Christina (Eldest daughter), Marcelino (Son), Carsyn (youngest daughter)

Height: 5'10

Weight: 147 Pounds (Her weight doesn't dictate her strength)

Mini Bio: Monique along with her two brother Darrius and Marvin joined an organization and took apart of PROJECT D-SLAY where the siblings received magical experimentation in order to gained the powers needed to avenged their parents during a devastating dragon attack on their city. Which lead to Monique obtaining magical strength based abilities. After her ordeal with the organization, Monique would then meet her future husband Christopher Sulfur and they would have three beautiful kids together

Apollyn's Attacks


Race: Demon

Powers: Demonic Abilities + Mastery over dessert based magic

Allies: Xiaoyu, Nara, King Onyx, Lisa-Alice

Apollyn's Skill Set

KOFXIV Mod - Unofficial Match System Changes

Monday, January 24, 2022

Elisabeth Blanctorche Write Up By Tomohiro Nakata


KOF15 イスラ どこからでもコンボ フィニッシャークローネン

Zeke Allard & Lugor Van Ness

 The Scarlet Riding Hood & The Ferocious Werewolf

Zeke Allard (Left) & Lugor Van Ness (Right)

Zeke - A Frenchman who wields the magical ability known as The Negative! Zeke is able to summon magical weapons but primarily uses his gun Karma that he uses to slay witches (Evil Sages)

Lugor - A werewolf type Beasterian that wields animalistic combat abilities and healing factor

Friday, January 21, 2022

Noella - The Half God & Half Mortal

 The Embodiment Of Cool

Name: Noella Renee Ubertini 

Age: 70

Fighting Style - Self Taught Defense Style + Magical abilities inherited by her mother and father

Powers: Noella wields a magic known as STAR CORE and possesses inhuman dexterity. Noella can also use the power of nature to heal herself of injuries 

What is STAR CORE - STAR CORE is a power created by the Ubertini Clan many centuries ago. Allowing the wielders to use colorful light energy infused with meteoroids like substance

Family: Nerthus (Mother)
             Giovanni (Father)
             Daniello (Half brother)

Likes: Social Media, music, apples, attractive men, energy drink

Dislikes: Boredom, corny behavior, dragons (Only the traditional dragons no issues with Dragon type Beasterians such as Arkan), almonds

Mini Bio - Noella is the daughter of the Goddess Nerthus from the divine realm of Gods and Goddesses known as Mystilia and of a skillful sage named Giovanni Ubertini. Due to her half God blood running through her veins. Unlike her father who spent years practicing his unique magic which he calls STAR CORE! Noella automatically inherited her father's gifts and began displaying such magical abilities at the early age of four. Once Noella was old enough to strike out on her own. Noella would venture briefly around Mayland in order to find a state worth living. She ultimately ended up living in the state of New York. Currently working at a porn shop in midtown Manhattan. Noella is sometimes called upon by no other than King Onyx to investigate certain incidents that take place around New York when he isn't able to send in his usual hired group of heroes


Tuesday, January 18, 2022



It's About That Time! - Update + Taking A Break

Darnell better known as ZTLeader is taking a 3 week break. It's disappointing since I enjoyed his content very much but I understand he has to do what's best for himself. I look forward to his return 

Saturday, January 8, 2022

Onlyfans Creator ARRESTED in Singapore | My Story

Finding Del Soto

Finding Del Soto

The Gore Stadium is a famous arena located within the Underworld aka the Demon Realm. A gruesome match has just concluded between the Vampire Darin versus the Lilin Paige. Darin had annihilated in front of an audience of their fellow demons including the Demon Lords: Othello, Ivan, and Koga who greatly enjoyed the battles to the death that took place within the famous arena. Darin proudly displayed his victory over his foolish opponent. Darin raised his right hand while holding his decapitated opponent's head in his left. Darin then exited the arena as the clean up crew came out to remove the remains of the defeated demon before the final match began. 

A 17-foot tall, muscular Oni entered the ring wielding two swords almost as big as him. This Oni, named Gota, let out a loud roar inside the ring much to the annoyance of Othello and the few other demons spectators. Walking towards his gigantic opponent on the other side of the ring is a man whose upper body is covered in a bluish black cloak. Once inside of the ring, across from Gota, the man removed his cloak and tossed it to the side of the arena. Revealing his unique and very risque blue outfit where the back part of his penis is exposed, he stood before the giant Oni as the ice-wielding demon Seanix Del Soto

Othello stared intently at the match that was about to begin, at Seanix in particular. Several months ago, Othello hired Seanix to assassinate a male demon who dared to disrespect her. After the success of his mission, Othello intended to give her usual reward to male demons, but upon discovering Seanix's sexuality, Othello had a change of heart. She was then going to give him a more traditional payment, but Seanix decline that as well. Instead. Seanix had requested a rather odd reward. Asking the Queen of Babylon if she ever encountered any of his half-siblings to let him know about them the next time they meet. Seanix was one of the several children of the Great Demon Pirate Rico Del Soto. Rico Del Soto had bedded multiple women and each one gave birth to a boy. Seanix knew he had brothers out there, but he was unable to find them. Othello, while surprised by his request, almost decided to tell him right then and there about James Del Soto, the right hand man of Mayland's current ruler, King Onyx. She decided against it since she didn't want Seanix to think she just pulled that information out her ass nor did she wish to use her telepathy to manipulate him. Thus Othello gave the man her word the next time they meet, she will have information on his siblings. Seeing Seanix compete in the main event of the battles at the Gore Stadium, Othello saw this as the perfect opportunity to repay her debt.

Right before the demon referee got ready to prepare the battle to the death between Gota and Seanix, Othello sent a telepathic message to Seanix, letting him know to hurry up with his fight so she can speak to him in private. Seanix answered Othello in his head while keeping his eyes trained on his gigantic opponent as he activated an icy aura around his body. The referee called out the names of the two fighters before beginning the final match at the Gore Stadium then he swiftly exited the arena. Gota gripped his dual swords as a sinister aura emitted from his body. Seanix nodded his head as he got ready to fight the Oni. Immediately, Gota rushed at Seanix and despite his size moved as quickly as a demon half his size. Despite Gota's impressive maneuver, Seanix proved to be even more agile as he easily avoided four deadly swings of Gota's blades. Seanix now went on the offense and unleashed a blizzard at Gota. The opposing demon used the technique "HOT STEEL" which immediately heated up his swords at a high temperature, defending against the onslaught of Seanix's blizzard. Gota then held his swords across one another in an X formation and charged towards Seanix while piercing through the blizzard. Seanix quickly created a wall of ice to hide behind and planned his next attack against Gota.

Charging into the wall of ice with his blades, the Oni easily shattered it with a single strike. The impact of his ice wall being shattered caused Seanix to tumble inside the arena, but he quickly caught himself and got back on his feet. Gota arrogantly pointed one of his blades towards Seanix and threatened to splatter the arena with the demon's blood and intestines. Seanix ignored his opponent's threats and instead struck the ground beneath him with both of his palms. The broken ice around Gota's feet began to reform instantly around his lower body and immobilized him in ice from his knees down to his feet. Gota quickly attempted to break the ice with his blades, but Seanix didn't afford him the chance as he released a blast of below freezing ice at both of Gota's arms. The Oni's arms and legs completely froze as Seanix prepared to finish him off. Running at the defenseless Gota at inhuman speed, Seanix leaped into the air before landing on top of Gota's chest. Seanix then moved up to Gota's mouth before he began blowing freezing air from out of his mouth and into Gota's mouth and lungs. Unable to get his icy opponent off of him, Gota had no choice but to accept his imminent death as Seanix continued to blow freezing cold air inside the gigantic demon's body; freezing his organs in a matter of seconds and shutting down his natural regenerative powers. Several seconds later, Gota's entire body was frozen solid from the inside as Seanix leapt off his now deceased foe. Realizing the match had ended, Othello jumped from outside the spectator area and inside the ring with Seanix and the frozen Gota. The Queen of Babylon declared Seanix the winner before she performed a deadly kick to Gota's right ankle, causing half of the dead demon's organs to shatter in frozen chunks that quickly formed various pools of blood on the arena grounds. 

The clean up crew hurried into the arena to remove the dead body of Gota and the mess caused by Queen Othello. Othello waved goodbye to Koga and Ivan who were still seated in the spectator area. Othello sent a telepathic message to Seanix that she was taking him to meet one of his brothers, before opening a portal behind them to The Royal Lands. Less than three seconds later, Othello and Seanix found themselves standing in front of King Onyx's castle. Othello knocked on the castle door as two of Onyx's guards greeted her and Seanix. The guards immediately recognized Othello and knew her relationship with the King. They let them both inside and took them to see Onyx who was in the backyard hanging out with James, Anna, and Brody. Seeing Othello and the unknown man standing at the backyard entrance, Onyx left his seat beside James who continued to watch the sparring match between Anna and Brody. Upon greeting Othello,  her unknown companion reminded Onyx of James. Onyx asked Othello about  Hellin and Orsela and what brought her to see him.

Othello: All is well with my girls, Onyx, and believe it or not, Your Majesty... well of course you can believe me, though. I didn't come here to see you per se but rather James. I promised this man next to me, Seanix Del Soto, that I would bring him to meet his brother.

Hearing the conversation from where he was seated, James immediately walked towards Onyx, Othello, and this Seanix character who was supposedly his brother. Also hearing the conversation, Anna ceased her sparring session with Brody and the two of them also headed over to see what was going on. Onyx surprised by Othello's revelation, found himself speechless as James stood beside him with his arms folded.

Onyx: Oh James, Othello says this man right here is your brother, which of course would make him Anna's uncle.

James: Dressed like that? Dude does bare some similarities with me, but I never met him a day in my life. What's your game this time, Othello?

Othello: No game, James... at least not today and besides you're one to talk about how Seanix is dressed. I can literally see your pubic hair on those jeans of yours that you're hellbent on wearing unbuttoned and your best friend's wardrobe leaves little to the imagination.

Onyx: Not the pot calling the kettle black, Othello.

Othello: Oh, I'm aware of how I dress, darlings, but this isn't about me. Now, Seanix, why don't you stop acting like a timid child and walk towards your big brother. Onyx, please step aside and let the Del Soto brothers confirm their kinship. 

Onyx heeded Othello's advice as he moved away from James. Seanix walked towards James and immediately both of their eyes glowed an intense red as the two men sniffed each other. Less than two minutes later their eyes ceased glowing and the two men just stared at each other. A smile then appeared across James's face and he immediately embraced Seanix despite the fact that his younger brother's penis was partially exposed in his blue outfit.

Seanix: So, we are indeed brothers... both sons of the legendary Demon Pirate Rico Del Soto.

James: I guess the stories about dad are true. Dude was a total fucking slut; slept with multiple women and had children with most of his conquests. I always knew I had siblings out there, but I never thought I would ever meet one of them. HEY ANNA! Come over here and greet your uncle.

Anna: WHAT?! How are you even sure that's your brother, Dad?

Othello: Ugh typical half demons! Doesn't even know that two demons can sniff one another to discover if they are kin.

Anna: Well, excuse me, tramp, that I don't know these things.

Onyx: Anna! Please refrain from being rude to the Queen of Babylon.

Othello: Or I'll send my daughter after you.

James: Well, she is a tramp, but, Anna, this is my brother and that makes him your uncle.

Onyx: And in case that wasn't enough, I used my telepathy to confirm this is indeed true, Anna dear. So, there's no need to be skeptical anymore now go say hello to your uncle... just avoid looking below his waist.

Brody: And who would have known that the day I decided to visit you guys that a family reunion would take place.

Onyx: Better that than a random dragon attack or a titan rampaging throughout the world.

Othello: Well, now that I kept my end of our deal, Seanix, I shall take my leave back to my home realm. It was lovely seeing you as always, Onyx. I'll let my daughters know that you said hello.

Othello opened a portal as she stepped inside and returned to the Underworld. Anna introduced herself to her uncle and gave him a hug. Anna made sure to not make full body contact with her uncle because of his risque outfit. Seanix is happy to finally meet family outside of his mother, one of many lovers of Rico Del Soto. Meeting his big brother and niece truly made his day and he was ever thankful to Othello for making this happen. Onyx tapped Brody on the shoulder and told him to come with him back inside the castle to allow Seanix, James, and Anna some quality time to get to know one another better.

Wednesday, January 5, 2022

Nara Asamura - The Tri Eyed Powered Darken



Name: Nara Asamura

Age: 24

Race: Human (Darken)

Height: 5'10

Weight: 213 Pounds

Favorite Food: Sweet & Sour Pork

Likes: His father, his stepfather, his allies Xiaoyu and Apollyn

Dislikes: Dealing with his Darken powers, long journeys, weak adversaries, almonds

Powers: Nara is a user of the magical ability known as "Aya's Gift"

Mind Reader - Nara's eyes turn from brown to lavender. Nara gains the ability to read minds and sometimes able to foresee his target(s) next move

Cold Zap - Nara's eyes turn from brown to Cerulean as he gains the ability to manipulate electricity with a chilly after effect

Negative Zone - Nara's eyes turn from brown to Eminence (a shade of purple) and gains the ability to manipulate gravity 

Darken State - When Nara gets into a enraged mindset he gives in to the Darken powers within him which gives him demonic like strength, speed, and stamina. Along with access to all three of his gifts at once

The King Of Fighters XV - Kula Diamond Trailer

The Salty Marie Rose, Hell-Bent Honoka, & Scary Hayabusa (Dead or Alive 6)


Sunday, January 2, 2022

Lennon Stella - Fear Of Being Alone (Official Audio)

Noella (FORBIDDEN) Concept Art

FORBIDDEN Character Concepts & Thoughts


1) Aaeon Airhart - An orphan by who was discovered by a beautiful female air pilot. The would would raise Aeron as her own 

2) Rainbow Infused Hellin Strongs & King Onyx - Hellin and Onyx are infused by the spirit of the Chaos Rainbow 

3) The Paranoia Witch - A sinister witch who Zeke and Lugor encounter during their journey to visit Zeke's grandmother 

Saturday, January 1, 2022

Lugor The Werewolf Concept Art

Lugor is a beasterian wolf man who is the partner of Zeke. I cannot wait to have him officially drawn in 2022 along with Zeke



Happy New Year from FORBIDDEN and may it be your best year yet!!!


VAIN - The Witch Of Torment

 VAIN Artwork by Anne_Luc