Friday, January 21, 2022

Noella - The Half God & Half Mortal

 The Embodiment Of Cool

Name: Noella Renee Ubertini 

Age: 70

Fighting Style - Self Taught Defense Style + Magical abilities inherited by her mother and father

Powers: Noella wields a magic known as STAR CORE and possesses inhuman dexterity. Noella can also use the power of nature to heal herself of injuries 

What is STAR CORE - STAR CORE is a power created by the Ubertini Clan many centuries ago. Allowing the wielders to use colorful light energy infused with meteoroids like substance

Family: Nerthus (Mother)
             Giovanni (Father)
             Daniello (Half brother)

Likes: Social Media, music, apples, attractive men, energy drink

Dislikes: Boredom, corny behavior, dragons (Only the traditional dragons no issues with Dragon type Beasterians such as Arkan), almonds

Mini Bio - Noella is the daughter of the Goddess Nerthus from the divine realm of Gods and Goddesses known as Mystilia and of a skillful sage named Giovanni Ubertini. Due to her half God blood running through her veins. Unlike her father who spent years practicing his unique magic which he calls STAR CORE! Noella automatically inherited her father's gifts and began displaying such magical abilities at the early age of four. Once Noella was old enough to strike out on her own. Noella would venture briefly around Mayland in order to find a state worth living. She ultimately ended up living in the state of New York. Currently working at a porn shop in midtown Manhattan. Noella is sometimes called upon by no other than King Onyx to investigate certain incidents that take place around New York when he isn't able to send in his usual hired group of heroes


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